F1 2014 F1 2014 - Ideas and Wish List

F1 2014 The Game (Codemasters)
Seeing as in 2013 they have proven that they can have other spec cars in the game, the most desirable thing for me would be a complete life of an f1 driver.
The road to number one:
Start off as a go-karting youngster at karting tracks (due to the way the game is licensed would be set in the past) needing to win to gain funding and sponsorships, through assorted championships, then KF2, then KF1.
Next would be formula ford and then formula renault.
Then perhaps get a developmental contract to attract more sponsorships as you enter formula 3, euro and world series. winning here would get you a seat in gp2.
and after progression through gp2 you finally get your first chance to drive in F1 (sponsorships dictating which team you have to start with)

They could set this over a time period limit of 8 to 10 seasons with a time limit of 15 seasons up to present day (The last 5 seasons CM have the licence for F1 so you could progress through those F1 spec and rule-sets to present day). Throughout it could be news clippings and footage from past F1 seasons and races that coincide with the point in the past you are currently at to make it feel like a real goal. I know licencing would be prohibitively expensive for this but the formula specs are what matters, the rest could be made to look authentic with artistic licence. It doesn't have to be 100% accurate to the time period but just needs to have the rule-sets and car types to feel like immersion. a few virtual team and sponsorship brands wouldn't hinder that as long as enough of the F1 story playing out in the news clippings and footage was attainable to make it as real as possible within the licence limitations.

For a mode like that i wouldnt mind (in fact i would fully hope and expect) if it is not part of F1 2014 but a game they could co-develop within 2-3 years time.

This may seem like too much of game time requirements to complete but i have completed 50+ seasons over the last 4 games which all have timesaving devices in them to speed through seasons so you still get to play at the pace you choose.

I'm tired of progressing from backmarker no2 to multi time champion for my dream team season without change to anything but possibly the top team I choose next.
I want to go from the bottom to the top and watch the sport evolve through the seasons to the time i get to race my 1st f1 car for some low to mid team up to achieving a dream seat in present day and being crowned as number 1.

well... thats just an idea. what do you think? (disregarding the obvious faults which have been mentioned in this thread and for this instance assume they wont be in this proposed game idea)
ALL of that ^^^^^ @sniper420 & @jsn12 posted above, and:

- REAL TV-like replay cameras, like EA did in the year 2000:
WITH the ability 2:
2: BEING ABLE 2 switch the focus from the player's car 2 all the other cars 1 by 1.

+ Also: (BETTER SETUPS) & TELEMETRY (2002 example):

+ Also: Presentation of ALL the cars on the grid, not just 3, with an Enter-key option 2 cut it off short (like they've done since their first game).

+ Also: Animated PIT BOARDS while racing on track

Did I say REAL TV-like replay cams?? EA was able to do that in 2000!!!!! Why the EGO bunch cannot do the same in 2010-2014????


- Realistic VISORS for cockpit-cam driving, but make them an option (I'd even pay for them as DLCs if need b). :cool:

- AND FIX THE GD FLICKERING SPRAYS in rainy races! Talk about a major effup!

Edited to add: MORE LIFE in and around the GARAGES: TV crews, reporters wearing earphones helmets (now) and holding mics, :p alright, PHOTOGRAPHERS then... :^P, GIRLFRIENDS (or, 2B fair, WIVES XD). Formula 1 is a lively, exciting experience, not a dull workload with barely anyone around each venue pitlane 4 fs!?! BE CREATIVE CM (in the good sense...). I know, it's asking a lot XD, but this game could be so much more than what we've seen so far. So much more!
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Again, thank you Codemasters for screwing up another Formula 1 game they've made. Of course, they'll give the licensing issues as their ultimate reason for doing that. I understand their reason at first, but for now it's now a becoming an excuse for them to limit their potential of giving a quality made F1 game.

I've got tons of wishlist that I'll be posting here:
1. Return free practice sessions 1 and 2 as what other users mentioned long time ago. Also, set dynamic objectives here in this session apart from the R&D objectives.
2. Paddock and race weekend interviews will be better, but make it a bit more of a Mass Effect-like repercussions.
3. Replicate the 2013 HUD (if FIA's going to use the same HUD for the realtime broadcast this year)
4. Car set-ups should not be in fixed sliders form. Make it more dynamic like adding more numerical values to each car-setup specifically suspension and top speed settings.
5. Community feedback is the MOST IMPORTANT thing here. Be more like Project CARS where people give the feedback to game developers to improve the game further.
6. Instead of wasting yearly releases, why not just release a single DLC pack for each season instead of having bunch of F1 cars that are quiteful to count and tracks too.
7. PENALTY SYSTEM - I (or I should say, WE) have reiterated this for the nth time and it's self-explanatory. CM keeps on doing the same mistake again and again.
8. Race engineers are completely a wretch. They tend to give me false information that there will be a chance of raining for about 10 minutes but after they did that, there's no rain at all. Sometimes, they keep on repeating their lines that aren't necessary to say at all which is distracting. And please add more RE's lines to add more feel to the player while in the car.
9. Again, FIX this screwed WEATHER system. It's self-explanatory and CM should already know this.
10. Warm-up laps, celebratory lap for the race winner, and podium celebrations will be good and must be included. It's alright for CM to have this an option in the game.
11. Car unreliability must be included like jump starts, electrical failures, oil leak, blown engines, and so on like in GP4.
12.Press conference and F1 highlights in the magazines or newspapers is another feature that must be included in this installment.
13. Team Management is also a better feature hopefully for this game wherein you get to play as a Team Boss wherein you use race winnings in order to develop new parts and focus on the building of next season's car. Also, use the money for hiring staff and drivers, too.
14. The Yound Driver's Test is a good inclusion to the franchise but the challenge seems to be quite easier provided that they are so easy to pass. And at the same time, make this thing an option for those who wanted to jumpstart in Career Mode. Don't include unlocking teams for fulfilling the number of medals needed, just let the player pick his or her team and start the career right away. Also, don't include anymore finsihing Day 1 of YDT to start the Career mode.
15. F1 Classics is...(yawns) boring. There's no thrill in that case. Make a special mode dedicated to an F1 classsic or modern champion like Mansell, Prost, Senna, Hamilton, Michael Schumacher (I would suggest this as a tribute to him) or even today's world champion Vettel. That special mode would include that driver's journey from the karting world up to F1.

Actually, there's so many things I can think of. But this is what I have today. I'll follow up more at another post.
Realistic Mechanical problem, inside helmet cam, can create your own f1 team and drivers, have intro commentator, realistic conversation between drivers and engineers, realistic damage, have interviews after the race like F1 2010, have paddock view in the game main menu like F1 2010, realistic podium likes crowds, team, champagne, celebrations, girls :) and realistic F1 marshall too and line up introduce before the race and we can change the line ups and that is my idea for the game
Pre season testing - Race simulations, set up work, pit stop practices and so on. The more testing you do, the better you car will be (Of course Marussia would not became better than Red Bull). Adjustable number of test days/no testing for those who are not interested.

1st and 2nd Free Practise sessions - For setting up the car and and testing different tyre compounds and other work important for the race and qualifying as well as getting to know the track. Option not to have them or have them shorter if you want.

Longer career - Longer, 10+ season career, and the possibility of not getting a seat for following season if not performing well enough. Also it should be harder to get to a top team. You should prove yourself in a midfield/backmarker car first.

Adjustable AI - Like you can edit the AI with an editor on pc, you could edit the difficulty in the menus (on consoles as well) to give each player just the kind of AI they want. It would be cool, if the AI could react to your driving by, for example, trying to overtake from the other side when you block instead of braking.

Press conferences and interviews - Interviews after each race, in which you can answer questions that depend on the race, for example about accidents you've had. Some kind of consequenses as well, for example If you bash a team, they will less likely hire you later (take a look at Mass Effect). Possibility to turn them off as well.

Player number - This will probably be in the game, but just want to mention it. Player has to pick a number (excluding the ones that are already taken) to race with just like the rules say.

Helmet Editor - Editor, in which you can create your own helmet in a way that you can create car designs in some games such as the Forza series. It would also be good if you could add the sponsors of your current team and your driver number to the design.

More adjustable race distance - For example one can select 40% race or 45% race if 50% is too long and 25% too short. Maybe set the number of laps for every race by yourslef before the season begins.

Less reliable car for the player - In the previous games the player never has any mechanical problems (apart from KERS or DRS occasionally not working). Gearbox failures, engine failures, and other problems that can cause the player to retire should be possible as well. Especially with the new rules, the cars should be less reliable.

Better damage to the car - For example if you have a heavy impact on your tyre, the suspension should break instead of the tyre coming off. Also the rear wing could break when rear-ended and many of the small pieces could come of as well.

Better cameras - For example Helmet cam, real-like tv cams and better cockpit camera with more realistic view. Head tracking would be good when playing with steering wheel for those who can use it. (with kinect for example)

Better physics in crashes - 2013 was a big improvement but still not as good as I'd like it to be. If you can't do it yourselves,you should ask Bugbear to do it for you. They have amazing physics in Next Car Game.

Fix the problems with all previous games - For example the weather, which still can change if you use a flashback and is bad in other ways as well, and penalty system that is either too harsh or doesn't do anything at all.

Formation and celebratory laps - For more realistic experience. It would be very nice, if the amount of warming the tyres you do would affect your starts. Celebratory laps with donuts of course.

Better safety car - The SC should come out more ofter if there has been a crash. Also when driving behind it, the player should have to manage the speed themselves, so that they could get a penalty for overtaking cars, for example.

More player control - For example, the player could launch the car on start themselves, so there could be jump starts, and drive the car to the pit box themselves, so every pit stop would not be perfect. These could be turned off, of course. These would be good for the AI occasionally too.

GP3 and GP2 - There could be some legal issues here but I'd really like to have the GP3 and the GP2 in the game as well, so that you'd have to work your way up to Formula 1. If you perform well enough in GP3, you can skip GP2 like Bottas and Kvyat did.

Sponsorship - You will have to perform well in GP3 and/or GP2 to get sponsors, which will help you get into a better team in Formula 1.

Better classics mode - For example full seasons instead of cars from different seasons with drivers that never raced them. More tracks as well.

Better race engineer - More information from the engineer. Not just the same ones repeated, but something relevant and helpful.

Less HUD - Possibility to replace HUD with pit boards, information on the steering wheel and race engineer giving you more information for example. Also when HUD is enabled, it could look similar to the tv broadcast.

Feel of speed - F1 cars are the fastest race cars there are, so the speed should feel higher than in other games, which it doesn't. Need for Speed Shift 2, I believe, has a good sense of speed and so does Forza 4 with LMP cars.

Better replay - Better, more tv-like camera angles, an option to disable the music, ability to follow other cars as well and the ability to save videos and screenshots.

Unique driver behaviour - For example Maldonado is aggressive and Räikkönen is good at taking care of his tyres.

Popularity system
- The number of your fans will increase/decrease according to your performances and answers in interviews. Doing donuts on celebratory laps will of course increase your fanbase.
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My F1 2014 Wish List (will try to keep it updated)

  • Podiums
  • In F1 2011 when you chose a helmet it would always have the team label above the visor, which was a nice touch, bring that back ;)
  • In career mode you get to choose a number for your career
  • The ability to work on older computers at 60 fps, it can be done Codemasters (I have a Intel core i5 PC yet the game can't run smoothly with decent graphics)
  • In career, you can be a test driver, or even drive in GP2 and GP3
- Realistic pitstop times
- Player must go manually into the pits (AI doesn't slow down player)
- Better setups (it's the same for ALL tracks on F1 2013)
- Podium, Parc Ferme is getting kinda boring now
- Make ALL teams available for career
- In the YDT use 2013 cars (in both 2012 and 2013, the YDT was in the prevoius year, when the new cars WEREN'T made)
- Good AI, which don't back out of every corner
- Options to do a warm up lap, and a victory lap
- Drivers changing teams in Career for Season 2 onwards?
- Make AI less OP in the rain, and increase durability for Inters and Wets
- In Abu Dhabi make realistic day/night transition (during Quali)
- Maybe money, and negotiations with teams, like in 2010?
- Also, in Cockpit cam, I would like to see the visor

AND MAKE THE CARS EASIER TO SKIN!!! Possibly make the car shapes easily moddable?
1. The Road to F1 (more interactive career) - is a truly fantastic idea. It would be more engaging than driving season after season in Formula One. It would be a lot of work on the developers' part and issues with licensing, but it would make it a really and truly epic game. That really is what this game needs. Codemasters already has licensing rights for games like GRID and DIRT. Why not use it in F1?

Indeed like zeradin said, it doesn't have to be absolutely authentic, Codemasters could create their own racing categories specifically for the game, or get only the basic license. For example Formula Ford specs, but the teams does not matter all that much.

2. Better way to predict tyre wear in a race - I always had problems with adjusting strategy, because it was hard to estimate tyre wear per lap, even after going through practice with simulations of high fuel load and so on.

3. Free Practice and more engaging Car Development - after a while it isn't really fun to go out, do one lap and have new parts on your car. Simulations in free practice, for example are a solution. Race simulations for power unit developments and Qualifying simulations for strictly performance upgrades. Also, return to a full race weekend, FP1, FP2, FP3 in full.

4. Pre-season testing - not only to get acquainted with the car, but also to determine the development stage of the car at the beginning of the season. If you skip the testing you start with a weak car, if you do a lot of laps, you have a better car from the start.

5. Some new tracks - it would be great, to have some more tracks in the game instead of always having only the GP tracks. Just because Nurburgring isn't part of the calendar, it doesn't mean that both Nurburgring and Hockenheimring can't be in the game. Same goes for Buddh International Circuit.

6. London GP track - as presented by British GP sponsors and McLaren drivers, the track around the center of London. Even though it might not happen, it would be a dream to try to drive it even in a game.

7. Driver controlled pit stops - I can't see a reason why the player cannot control the car throughout the pit-stop process.

8. Better radio communication - Sometimes the radio is just plain boring and it nearly never provides needed information. When someone is right behind me I'd like to know exactly where he is, every lap. Also, I'd like to know how my Qualifying lap is going, without looking at the scoreboard and ruining my lap.

9. Sponsors and customizable helmets - bare helmets look boring, it would be nice to have some sponsors on them, if not the ability to choose, than at least the main sponsors of the team one's driving for, and more customizable helmets. All due respect, but Codemasters are not masters in designing a nice helmet.

10. Formation lap before the race - leave it to the driver, to warm up the car and get a good start.

11. The possibility to have more input into management - contribute on deciding the development path.
My F1 2014 Wish List (will try to keep it updated)

  • Podiums
  • In F1 2011 when you chose a helmet it would always have the team label above the visor, which was a nice touch, bring that back ;)
  • In career mode you get to choose a number for your career
  • The ability to work on older computers at 60 fps, it can be done Codemasters (I have a Intel core i5 PC yet the game can't run smoothly with decent graphics)
  • In career, you can be a test driver, or even drive in GP2 and GP3
  • (NEW) Maybe a card collection in the game, where you get cards (maybe historic scenes) in your interactive binder for completing specific tasks
  • (NEW) TV Hud
  • (NEW) Gain a sponsor and the logo can be added on the car (not likely but we can still mention it ;))
  • (NEW) More realistic Car failures for AI
  • (NEW) An Arcade Mode and a Sim Mode, Arcade for the new F1 Racer and Sim Mode for the true driving experience
  • (NEW) Watch qualifying and races
Another thing I think should happen for this year's game is it shouldn't just be a 2014 game, it should be a 2014/2015 game, yes released at the normal point but I think they should make it so you can download content from the 2015 season as the season progresses. I remember MotoGP doing this once.
Improve the force feedback on wheels as it's quite pathetic right now.

Don't lock pc players on the Xbox control scheme, pc players have plenty of buttons at their disposal, it's silly to press once to bring up the menu, press twice to select engine settings and press a third time to select maximum power...
We could(should) be doing that with a single button press.

Give us a better setup screen, setup is suppoused to be about balancing things not extremes, cranking everything to either maximum or minimum is ridiculous.
It needs a much better reward/drawback balancing.

Make the AI racier.

And player controlled race starts.
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Ability to change tracks during career. There are 19+4 tracks in f1 2013, it would be good to have the possibility to replace 1 or 2 tracks each season. Bahrain out / Jerez in, Hockenheim out / Nürburgring in etc.

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