F1 2017 F1 2016-2017 issue

F1 2017 The Game (Codemasters)
Hey there,
Codemasters sent me here because the assistance was unable (or too lazy) to solve my problem with both the games.
Copying here my request: "
Good afternoon,
I have an issue with both F1 game. Since I've installed f1 2017 on both the games I'm experiencing HUGE losses of speed per lap. I've always played on hard mode (more than 250 hours), but now it has become impossible. I lose about 5-6 seconds compared to some months ago (ex. from 1:28:0 in Albert Park to 1:36:0), that means that I can never go further than Q1. What can I do?
I've already switched my controller, but nothing happened.
F1 2014,for example, still works fine."

I guess that the problem deals with bug or data conflicts, but have no idea of how to solve this.
Would be glad to hear from you, thanks in advance,