F1 2019 - Which Livery Do You Like The Most?

Was hoping for some white in RB after the helmet reveals. I like the new Mercedes touches. I don't like the black touches on Ferrari. Haas and Williams both work as something new but are both missing a little something too. Renault/Toro/Alfa nothing too new, which is plenty fine. I like em all. Except that Racing Point is just too "busy" as @paracletus just mentioned above me. Really is a mess.

Leaves the winner: McLaren. Car just plain looks clean.
Best one is the Mercedes. Followed by Alfa Romeo, McLaren and Renault. Maybe Red Bull aswell

The silver looks great on its own, but the blends of black are what really make this livery exciting and look better (for example the side of the nose).
Looks clean, quick, efficient, beautiful and dtill represents Mercedes very well.
For an Sauber Alfa Romeo the car would look thrilling. Really liked last seasons car. Still like the livery. But as they are called Alfa now, why not make the whole car in that beautiful dark red?! Missed chance.
The papaya McLaren last year was, aming the Sauber, my favourite. This season the livery went downhill. The darker blue looked better and the triangles should have been left out to create a cleaner look. Loved the simplicity last season.
Renault improved their livery by thickening the yellow lines and adding more yellow here and there. Looks good. Would look even better if theyd switch black and yellow. Yellow race cars are beautiful and in my opinion Renault should be more yellow than black. 2010 was near perfection.

Red Bull isnt exciting because its the same, but its still a very, very good livery. Glad they upgraded it a few years ago. Looks professional and quick.

Toro Rosso should look good in theory, but somehow it doesnt translate well into reality.

Force India is a mess.

Williams looks like a livery from an F1 game without licenses.

Haas is a joke. Rich energy seems highly dubious and the attempt to create a good livery by just using the iconic colors failed. Its nearly impossible to not create a nice looking car with these colors, but the Haas somehow managed to still look bland.

And Ferrari? I dont get the praise for the livery. Black on red looks bad. Even worse: Some sponsors are white in red. How strange...
Their is a red logo on black background on the rearwing endplate. Bad contrast.

The addition of matte is great and i alsways wanted Ferrari to have more black instead of white areas. But not like this.

They should have just made the wings black with white logos.
They'd look like the Ferrari, and we don't need two cars the same colour that confuse us. Sauber and Williams last year was bad, Renault and Haas will be tough a bit this year, we don't need Alfa and Ferrari too.

Good point, but can't really agree tbh. Ferrari always went for the super bright red in previous years, while the Alfa Romeo Rosso is significantly darker. Also they could've arranged themselves to agree on different highlights etc., like front wing colours and so on to tell them apart.

I get that people would confuse them, especially the 2018 Sauber and the Williams Martini livery caused issues to me aswell. However, letting them stand for themselves, which this thread is about, I do wish for Alfa to go full red. Might be based on the fact that I always preferred Alfa over Ferrari. :p

edit: b2t: speaking of all liveries, I really don't get why people actually like the Mercedes design. Silver/grey + black and a massive turquoise stripe, really. As if we haven't had that for 5 years already.
  • My favourite livery this year has to be the Mercedes. The new style looks really good and it's really good seeing a big change from Mercedes. If you told me last year that a Mercedes would be my favourite livery of 2019 I would have probably slapped you but it's actually happened now.
  • In second place I have to put the McLaren. Now I liked this when I first saw it but it's growing more and more on me. The only thing that upsets me about it is the red rear wing with Huski Chocolate, really doesn't go along well with the car.
  • I'll give third to Toro Rosso. I honestly didn't like it when it was launched in 2017 but again it really grew on me. The only thing that upsets me about it is the branding of their Toxic drink on the inner rear wing plates.
  • Alfa is ending up fourth on my list. I like it way more than I did last years livery but I still feel there is too much white on it. Just painting the nose red would improve it by a lot. Although I have to admit the onboard looks pretty wierd on it.
  • My favourite livery of 2018 drops down to fifth for this year. I am not a fan of the inner part of the wings being yellow and the filled numbers just look bulky to me. And then there still is that bloody Castrol Edge logo in it's original colors which doesn't look great either.
  • Ferrari is ending up sixth in my list since their livery could easily be fixed. Now I realize the Mission Winnow decals are black because of the tobacco sponsorship ban (Which I to this day find utter bollocks) and so it doesn't look like the Marlboro logo, but it ruins the whole thing. Just making all logos white or all of them black would make it much better. Or just painting the wheels in black would make it much better too. Not really a fan of the black halo and matte paint either. Yes they did it for performance reasons but it still looks bad.
  • Seventh place on my list takes Red Bull. Now I loved the livery when it first appeared in 2016 but it's starting to get boring now. Launching their amazing testing liveries only to end up with their normal livery doesn't help as well. They also realeased stuff over the winter hinting at them adding more white and going back to metallic but nothing materialized which is just a shame to me.
  • Haas is only ending up in 8th for me, for various reasons. Firstly, the inbalance of logos is throwing it off, the main offender of this point is the Peak/BlueDef logo which totally unbalances it. The logo placement on the airbox is really annoying to me too. And they didn't do a great job at the colors either, the gold looks really bad and is similar to the one Lotus Renault used in early 2011 but luckily later changed. I just hopes Haas does the same. And lastly to the biggest point: It's boring. They could have done so much more with this color combination and yet they managed to mess it up.
  • To what is probably going to be an unpopular choice: Racing Point in 9th. The livery still is way too busy and don't get me started about the blue on the engine cover. The BWT livery gets worse and worse every year which is just a shame to me as I loved the 2017 version of it.
  • Oh Williams, what have you done. This livery is as big of a mess as the team itself seems to be right now. That gradient is just horrific and I am not a fan of the blue. Now I have to admit that it does look better on track but I still despise it. Now to what is going to be an unpopular opinion: I would actually consider this as one of the worst liveries of the 21st century, worse than the messy Minardi's of 2003 and 2004.
Yeah, this season has some brilliant liveries but also some that are the exact opposite. Overall I'd consider it a downgrade to last year.
Redbull Racing........ a sexy Adrian Newey car.. :thumbsup:
I like the dark blue and I like Max he is a Mansell lion. I hope they can closer to Ferrari and Mercedes this year. Battle with Lewis.. Leclerq and Vettel it will be a epic season.
I like the Alfa but god I wish they went with their Valentine's livery, or that livery but with Alfa logos on the tiles instead of hearts. Same for Red Bull, their testing liveries are great, this years, the blue/silver camobull and the dazzle camo livery being the best examples. It's all a bit samey this year with the actual liveries so I haven't changed my mind. Alfa, Renault then Mclaren.
Last years alfa badge looked better, but the car is still a stunner.

My favourite is the McLaren with the Mercedes on par. Merc changed so little but looks much better.
The blue on the Racing Point is getting a lot of flak, but from watching the testing, the view of it from the front looks great with the blue wings. The side, not so much, but it looks good from the front.
Funny how Haas was hyped fro their Lotus-styled livery. But now, not many people like it (including me).
Aswell as Force Ind... Racing Point. I kind of loved their 2015 and 2016 liveries, but pink simply does not fit. Especially last year with all the white, which was reduced a little bit on the new car.
Merc would have been better without that star pattern imo, and the Ferrari is weird, too. I don't like the colour of the logos at all.

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