PC2 First Impressions......

So it's out!
What's your "first impression" on the game...

Me, I've tried it for 99mins, under the 2 hour Steam refund. Will I be refunding? Nope :thumbsup:

Very positive so far :thumbsup:

FFB - Big improvement, still needs quite a bit of tinkering, but out the box feels much better :thumbsup:

Physics - Big big improvement over PC1, you now actually feel connected to the road, you can feel what the front wheels are doing(my biggest gripe with PC1), although still early days, much improved :thumbsup:

UI - Much much better, like the way you can change game settings in the pits now, car/track/skin choices much better :thumbsup:

Sounds - Much improved too, gear change sounds are much more mechanical sounding, engines sound better than PC1 but that wasn't hard :p

and lastly Graphics - Looks stunning!, crisper, light snow on the windscreen looks bloody real! :geek:

So, although early days, I'm feeling very positive........so far :whistling:
My Steam review after a 12-hour session.

Project CARS 2 is the Witcher 3 of racing games, but instead of role-playing as Geralt de Riv, you roleplay as Tommy Milner.

AMD Ryzen R5 1600 @ 3.75 GHz
16 GB DDR4 2933 MHz RAM
Kingston HyperX SSD
Windows 10 64-bit
Thrustmaster TMX
2560 x 1080 resolution, 75 Hz
Offline single-player

> Very nice-looking visuals, with natural colours, dynamic lighting, good textures and a realistic impression, even at night. Still bright enough at gamma 0.80, but with increased depth.
> Good performance (60-75 fps) with maximum MSAA, high shadows and low reflections. This keeps everything sharp and clean, with minimum flickering. You can still see some twitching stuff on circuits like Watkins Glen and Oulton Park, but it’s gone for the most part.
> Intuitive force feedback, with three main presets and a few sliders for adjustments. I selected the Raw preset and increased the Volume and other sliders by a bit. It’s solid, communicative and allows you to drive intuitively. It resembles rFactor 2 and Raceroom depending on the settings, but it is its own thing.
> Superb list of accurate circuits so you can have fun with enduro, touring cars, single-seaters, stock cars, etc., including Algarve, COTA, Daytona, Knockhill, Fuji, Long Beach and the usual stuff.
> Most cars tested drive very well with the same FFB settings, like GT3, GT4, LMP2, touring cars, IndyCar.
> Proper multiclass support for up to 4 classes with separate rankings. Very immersive and groundbreaking for authentic enduro fun.
> Ridiculously good weather and dynamic surface implementation, with moving cloud cover, great rain effects, puddles and aquaplaning, lighting transitions with customizable weather states per session. It truly affects gameplay in a significant manner.
> Complete list of options with menus that are easy to navigate, including Motorsports presets per type of racing series.
> Clearly made by people who love motorsports, with the great amount of liveries, the subtle flexibility in the drivetrain which allows you to hold your speed and angle and play with engine resistance depending on the gear selected (try the Corvette GTE at Watkins Glen), great mix and match of content, sharp menus, informative radio chatter, just attention to detail all around.
> You can tell the professional drivers were used for feedback and not just marketing reasons.
> **** EA.

> Struggling AI in a lot of scenarios, even after restarting the session a few times. You often have to wait for them to get sorted out and actually start the race in the middle of the first lap. Happens in a lot of racing games, but it is a serious issue here. Some unnecessary slowing down here and there as well.
> Some cars have very subtle FFB which force you to change your regular settings. For example, I love the Clio Cup in rF2 and was hoping to use it here, but it doesn’t have much feel to it. But that made me discover the world-class Renault Mégane, so…
> Seems like the FWD FFB is not as well-done as other drivetrain configurations, far from the level of the WTCC cars in Raceroom, still the Mégane is great.
> Too many cars. I prefer focus and polish, and the amount of content makes it difficult to achieve that. I get it, netKar Pro 2 would not sell and Forza 7 will sell millions.
> Still favours NVIDIA in the benchmarks by a lot. Excessive tesselation? GimpWorksTM? Who knows. At least they don’t plaster the logo on all the circuits like before.
> Bugs when going from session to session, like rain or wiper sounds never going away, or cars being all piled up as they spawn in front of you, or spawning as ghosts, various stuff like that. Restart Session always fixed it for me, but the replay was bugged, with the other cars being ghosts that never left the grid.


Project CARS 2 feels more like a big budget rFactor 3 made by a team in love with motorsports rather than simply simulating car values. It’s got a ton of great-quality content, little touches that no other racing game attempts and an intuitive road feel with easy-to-adjust FFB. I’d give up all other racing games for this one. The last time I played a new game for 12 hours, it was Final Fantasy XII. I only stopped because my neck was hurting too much.

Great fun in my first 12 hours:
Radical SR3 track day at Algarve
Formula Renault sprint at Fuji
“ALMS” LMP2 at Long Beach
Renault Mégane Touring races at Monaco, Brands Hatch Indy and Knockhill, including a sideways slide and save BTCC-style at Paddock Hill and a little moment on 2 wheels at Knockhill.
1-hour “ALMS” endurance race in Corvette GTE at Watkins Glen GP. Finished 3rd in category, was scared many times by AI LMPs, with minor contact only once or twice. Three classes competed for the bus stop and I spun out with two laps to go. Looked like a typical race incident, was not even mad.

The last time you saw your little brother (Slightly Mad Studios), he was in a shitty semi-pro band (Project CARS) and played the same Nickelback songs poorly like he was still in his high school band (Shift 2 Unleashed). A year later, he’s playing in some new band (Project CARS 2) in a town where you’re visiting on business. Might as well go see him, right? He still has his Flying V, but he changed the stock pickups, replaced his Line 6 with a MESA Mark V, doesn’t wear ripped T-shirs any more and his ex-girlfriend is not the singer and bass player any more. They play November Rain and you don’t even cringe when he starts the solo, because he’s learned to tune his guitar and has started to practice like his teacher told him to. He used to play like Kurt Cobain, now his new idol is Gary Moore.

If you like pretend race cars, buy this game.
Not 100% sure but pretty positive all the cars in-game have automatic wheel rotation so if you have it set to anything other than 900 in Thrustmaster profile each car will feel off. In your case, if you're using 450 in Thrustmaster and the car uses say 450 your using less than 200 degrees in theory.
If your wheel is set to 900 and the car uses 450 you'll actually feel 450 degrees.
I believe Ian mentioned in one of there tech demo streams there are wind forces in the game.....not sure how they impact the car but could also be a possibility?
Thanks for your reply but Im not sure if you understand what I actually mean. Control panel is set to 1080°. There are some cars that take the full range, like the GT3 RS or the GT86. But imagine this situation :
I'm driving a Formula car which maybe has 300°. My wheel is set up to 1080°. Ingame wheel rotation and my real wheel rotation matches perfectly, when I steer 90° to the left, the ingame wheel does exactly the same. Everything fine. Now I lose control and car begins to oversteer and wheel rotates, lets say to the left side. Instead of stopping at the max lock (would be 150° in this case) it keeps steering into the deadzone without any steering input. Problem: To catch up the oversteer I have to rotate my wheel 390° towards the center BEFORE the ingame wheel gets input again. Its like a deadzone. This makes driving so uncomfortable with every car that doesnt have 1080°.
Now if I set up my Thrustmaster control panel to match the car's wheel rotation ( lets say 300° again) its completely off sync. When I steer 90° to one side, the ingame rotation is already close to max rotation.
Thanks for your reply but Im not sure if you understand what I actually mean. Control panel is set to 1080°. There are some cars that take the full range, like the GT3 RS or the GT86. But imagine this situation :
I'm driving a Formula car which maybe has 300°. My wheel is set up to 1080°. Ingame wheel rotation and my real wheel rotation matches perfectly, when I steer 90° to the left, the ingame wheel does exactly the same. Everything fine. Now I lose control and car begins to oversteer and wheel rotates, lets say to the left side. Instead of stopping at the max lock (would be 150° in this case) it keeps steering into the deadzone without any steering input. Problem: To catch up the oversteer I have to rotate my wheel 390° towards the center BEFORE the ingame wheel gets input again. Its like a deadzone. This makes driving so uncomfortable with every car that doesnt have 1080°.
Now if I set up my Thrustmaster control panel to match the car's wheel rotation ( lets say 300° again) its completely off sync. When I steer 90° to one side, the ingame rotation is already close to max rotation.
Looks like there is no soft lock. I'll try with my TMX next time.
I'm not blaming the user, i'm blaming his hardware...and yours too for that matter

you know it might not be the hardware but windows 10 as there is a known issue with windows 10 than can cause stuttering or lag in some game titles but this issue does not effect everyone. Microsoft are aware of the issue and have a planed fix that could help some users that have the issue.
Project CARS 2 is the Witcher 3 of racing games, but instead of role-playing as Geralt de Riv, you roleplay as Tommy Milner.
I strongly disagree with above comparison, as pC2 lacks all the polish and depth that W3 (or any of the Witcher series for that matter) has.

I've been now fiddling with pC2 for couple of hours with and without VR (oculus). In the end, pC2 feels the very same underwhelming product that pC1 was. Yes, pC2 has improved over the first iteration, but that isn't necessarily saying much and definitely doesn't make pC2 a good sim or a game. If you just think pC2 without all the nice visual assets you see, there is a very mediocre (at best) game underneath.

Pros, neutral and cons:

+ Beautiful visual assets and generally capable graphics engine
+ Seasons, Day-night cycle and weather

+- Decent FFB and huge step above the original (at least with my T500RS)
+- Huge amount of content (Although content is usually a good thing, it's still a mish-mash of different things without any focus and track quality varies a lot)
+- VR implementation is again a mixed bag: it basically works OK, but still leaves the feeling that some optimisations are needed

- AI is just awful and haven't yet found a car-track combo where race doesn't turn into a ridicilous crash fest. AI performance lacks any proper calibration and varies a lot.
- Driving feel is still strange and somewhere between a sim and full arcade. Very similar to the first game. Some cars feel more decent than others, some are just terrible (like DW12)
- Bad UI

All in all, I'd rate pC2 a 5/10 at this point. Considering the patching SMS did with the first game, I'd say there is a possibility that the rating could improve the by a notch in the future, but I don't expect miracles. All in all, this is very similar product compared to the first game, although there are improvements on many areas of the game. Still, many things that were wrong with pC1 are still here.

If I could, I'd refund my Deluxe Edition and wait sales and improvements. Not worth the 65€ I spent.
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Are you talking about the Witcher games at launch, or right now?
I'm talking generally. Besides, I don't remember suffering from anything serious with W3 at any point, certainly nothing as seriously broken as the AI is in pC2, for example. Also, considering all the patching SMS did with the first game and how it is still a mess, there is really no reason to expect major improvements over the core issues. If so, then good and I'll gladly change my review, but I surely don't expect it.
6 hours played ...
Mixed weather is outstanding handling is predictable/believable! Both Ford and Ferrari GTE are amazing to drive even sound is good, GT3 mixed feelings atleast what i tried so far...
+ FFB is good

AI is extremly inconsistent, for example road america 1 sector fast .. next corner you have to drive around it. In the rain its much slower 2+ sec. Nürburgring first corner ai crashes everytime and more issues. Really a **** show vs ams/rf2/ac at the moment.

Multiplayer has no matchmaking, no races you can sign up for in advance (iracing style). Server still have no ping limits, have fun driving vs 300+ ping^^
Track rules are implemented, still on most of these tracks excessive cutting is possible. :/

Objects pop in noticeable in the distance, cars sound garbage when you use the tv cam man even formula e sounds better.
Not able to lock camera to horizon, tried everything. No setup sharing ingame.

Edit: Algarve track is well done and track rules work (someone keeps deleting my laptimes), GT3 Huracan is another car that is awesome to drive + sounds good onboard

I keep digging!
Agree. They need to fix the AI. It's spoiling what looks to be a great sim.
My brief opinions so far:

First of all I was part of the WMD for PC1 and I was very disappointed with how the game developed and finished, so I've come to trying PC2 with some concerns.

My main Sims are iRacing (most racing done here) Assetto Corsa, rF2 and R3E. iRacing is my main love and generally I base all my feelings with other sims against this, BUT this my personal opinion!! ;-)

So to PC2. I've only tried GT4 and GT3's at Brands Hatch GP, so I'm in no place to give a thorough review or anything! First of all, the game runs nicely on my system in VR, so that was a positive straight away. I have quite high settings, so far, but will reduce some to test how it runs/improves, but very impressed atm.

Driving feel just doesn't seem quite right to me yet. The FFB is decent, but I'm not feeling like the car is fully doing what I want or expect. I have all driving assists etc off, but I'm going to try some custom FFB settings soon to see if it improves. The one thing I find and don't like is how the back of the car slides, but it doesn't really feel like it's real, more like the old "canned" spins of Geoff Crammonds GP days. The turn in, and forces all seem pretty good except when it's stepping out.

Sound is good, but as said by many the tyre sounds are annoying.

Ai at Brands in these 2 series were fairly good.

So far I don't feel this would threaten my favourite sims, but it's also not deserving of being thrown in the trash. In fact it has a lot of potential to be very enjoyable once we have found our way around settings and tweeked things a bit.

I'm off to have another play now, so it can't be that bad, can it? ;-)
Thanks for your reply but Im not sure if you understand what I actually mean. Control panel is set to 1080°. There are some cars that take the full range, like the GT3 RS or the GT86. But imagine this situation :
I'm driving a Formula car which maybe has 300°. My wheel is set up to 1080°. Ingame wheel rotation and my real wheel rotation matches perfectly, when I steer 90° to the left, the ingame wheel does exactly the same. Everything fine. Now I lose control and car begins to oversteer and wheel rotates, lets say to the left side. Instead of stopping at the max lock (would be 150° in this case) it keeps steering into the deadzone without any steering input. Problem: To catch up the oversteer I have to rotate my wheel 390° towards the center BEFORE the ingame wheel gets input again. Its like a deadzone. This makes driving so uncomfortable with every car that doesnt have 1080°.
Now if I set up my Thrustmaster control panel to match the car's wheel rotation ( lets say 300° again) its completely off sync. When I steer 90° to one side, the ingame rotation is already close to max rotation.

Soft lock has indeed been in the game since quite a while. I know for a fact it was working a while ago. The important part is that soft lock is generated with the SPRING or PERIODIC forces so if you have a thrustmaster you need to have those forces enabled (I have them turned off in most sims, except AC which requires them all). So make sure both spring and periodic is at 100% in the thrustmaster control panel. If that doesn't sort it, then it's probably bugged.

Also, you can indeed set the wheel rotation to 300 in the control panel but if you do that, you MUST recalibrate the wheel within the game. The control panel doesn't magically tell the game that you've changed the wheel rotation, hence the requirement for a recalibration. Once you've done that the in-game wheel should match your physical wheel with 300 degrees of rotation.
I wish i can comment on how pcars 2 is but I cant seem to map the pedals to the game:/ (DFGT+csl elite) Everytime i try to assign throttles,brakes or clutch it doesnt detect it, and sometimes the settings bugs out.
Played it on my brothers pc today and have to say it looks amazing on pc. Not an amazing amount of difference between the Xbox one and pc and his settings were set to ultra on everything. Plays really nicely too.
Soft lock has indeed been in the game since quite a while. I know for a fact it was working a while ago. The important part is that soft lock is generated with the SPRING or PERIODIC forces so if you have a thrustmaster you need to have those forces enabled (I have them turned off in most sims, except AC which requires them all). So make sure both spring and periodic is at 100% in the thrustmaster control panel. If that doesn't sort it, then it's probably bugged.

Also, you can indeed set the wheel rotation to 300 in the control panel but if you do that, you MUST recalibrate the wheel within the game. The control panel doesn't magically tell the game that you've changed the wheel rotation, hence the requirement for a recalibration. Once you've done that the in-game wheel should match your physical wheel with 300 degrees of rotation.
Seems to be bugged, I put everything to 100% and there's no softlock. Thank you anyway! That makes sense, I totally forgot about that, thanks again :D

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