Ford Escort RS2000 @ Riverside - Thu 12th Jan 2012

Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™

Class: Ford Escort RS2000 (default)
Track: Riverside (download)
Race1 Nascar layout​
Race2 Can Am layout​
Practice start time: GMT 20.00
Qualification start time: GMT 20.20 (single lap)
Race start time: GMT 20.30 (15 laps)
Practice start time: GMT 20.50
Qualification start time: GMT 21.00 (single lap)
Race start time: GMT 21.30 (15 laps)

Note1: Drivers must download and install this skinpack (extract into GTL\GameData\Teams\GTC-TC-76\Ford Escort RS2000). Please choose model & skin at sign up.
Note2: RS2000 & Mexico models are the same performance - both are available to use
Note3: We will be driving at 17:00 in game-time, so hopefully the floodlights will come on during the races

Server password: click here
Racing rules: click here
Entry List
  1. Stuart Thomson - Mexico #55
  2. Senad Subasic - Mexcio #49
  3. Ross Garland - Mexico #61
  4. Warren Dawes - Mexico #39
  5. Hans Sneep - Mexico #21
  6. Jack Smith - Mexico #42
  7. Eck Simpson - RS2000 #174
  8. Driver
  9. Driver
  10. Driver
  11. Driver
  12. Driver
  13. Driver
  14. Driver
  15. Driver
  16. Driver
  17. Driver
  18. Driver
  19. Driver
  20. Driver
Will not sign up yet, as I'll have a very busy (and long) day tomorrow, so not sure I'll be up for this when I get home.
But I will do my very best to be there, as I do have some unfinished business with those Tires-of-Doom..

I'll take any available car skin..
I'll take Mexico # 42 please.

PS: A couple times now in the last week or so my Post Replies have not shown up. Has anyone else experienced the same? I had signed up earlier for this event and had made doubly sure to post reply because of the pre-mentioned situation and it failed to show again, so the above is my second attempt. Maybe just a little hiccup in the dark force.

I'm asking around in the staff forum for people to have a shufty for me.

I'll keep you posted if I get a quick answer as I know you're off to beddy byes around my lunchtime, but it will deffo be up tonight approx 1830 Ldn time / your morning approx ridiculous o'clock
Stu, you really need to go wallop these bums for dinking with the server at the last moment. :p
(On a side note it is 04:04 here, it is very unlikely I can get up in time to join and even if I did it would be messy.)

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