So, I was watching some YouTube videos on my Chromecast yesterday evening and when I went to disconnect and go to bed I got a recommended Play Newsstand article from CNN on my screen as shown below.

Whilst Hülkenberg did say that and the headline is correct, I find it a little misleading and frankly disrespectful to use the image from the Bianchi crash in Japan 2014.

In my country, the Netherlands, F1 has taken a huge interest over the last couple of years and as Christian Horner said in Austria our national football team is doing absolutely horrible and all football fans are now Max Verstappen fans. And although there is no problem with that, it becomes quite annoying that every time something happens in F1 the national news will lead off with whatever Verstappen did and as an afterthought mention what else happened. Even if that is a horrible crash or Hamilton winning the WDC last year. The same thing is the case for the commentary, they are hugely biased towards Verstappen which makes watching it as a fan of the sport absolutely impossible.

That all is annoying but seeing that message from CNN yesterday, with that image made me think why some agencies even bother to pretend to be interested in F1. Why not just keep the current fanbase instead of making into a something that is popular to be interested in and risking more annoyances like these for the real F1 or racing fans?

And has anyone else come across things like this?