Fuel off AI starting fuel

Hi everyone.

I'm doing some sprint races with fuel usage off as the AI can sometimes pick some awful 1 stop strategy and take them from first to last.

In the interest of fair play I would like to match my starting fuel level with the AI, is there any way of finding out what this is?

Well this I can answer.From what I currently know, it's an hidden file that carry the "physics" of a car. You can see the HDV file a car is referring to in its .veh file
You cannot edit it but you can add lines in the "upgrades.ini" files of a serie to modify some settings in the .hdv file.
For example, you can add a Engine Power Multiplier line in the upgrades to make the cars slower, or faster. And of course, you can assign each .veh file a different "upgrades.ini" to get differences between the cars
Aren't the AI starting with the full tank nomatter how much laps is the race ? I think i read somewhere that the AI uses like 3 laps of fuel for the qualifications then they use full tank for the races. I may be wrong though