Grand Prix 4

Don't know about GP3, some people got it running on Win7, I never managed to.

GP4 does, have it running on both Win7 and 10. You can install it from disc, did so myself yesterday (had reinstalled my OS). How to get it running:
- Install the game. Not in programs/program files folders, as that might cause issues with write-protection. C:\Games\GP4 for example would be fine.
- Install the official patch, get it here if it's not included in your disc box,670621
- backup the gp4.exe, and put the no_CD.exe instead,670623
- Right-click the .exe, properties, compability, tick XP SP3 and run as admin
- Run the game once, to calibrate graphics and sound.
- Install gpxpatch
- set compability xp sp3 and run as admin for the gpxpatch.exe
- start gpxpatch, settings like this
- install ZazTools (best is to also put it in C:\Games),913188
- tick run as admin for the CSM.exe
- Start CSM, File, Options, untick Auto update (servers are down for a while now)

Mods usually come as .cuh file, double clicking them will open csm and install it. For mods, tracks etc see this document

Don't know about the Fanatec, you might want to ask that on grandprixgames.
- Install the game. Not in programs/program files folders, as that might cause issues with write-protection. C:\Games\GP4 for example would be fine.
- Install the official patch, get it here if it's not included in your disc box,670621
- backup the gp4.exe, and put the no_CD.exe instead,670623
- Right-click the .exe, properties, compability, tick XP SP3 and run as admin
- Run the game once, to calibrate graphics and sound.
- Install gpxpatch
- set compability xp sp3 and run as admin for the gpxpatch.exe
- start gpxpatch, settings like this
easier way
but you do need to repeat the other steps below that
- install ZazTools (best is to also put it in C:\Games),913188
- tick run as admin for the CSM.exe
- Start CSM, File, Options, untick Auto update (servers are down for a while now)

Mods usually come as .cuh file, double clicking them will open csm and install it. For mods, tracks etc see this document
Ok... Progress made yesterday. Managed to install GP3 and GP4 on a win7 machine (will try 10 later).

Then i managed to patch both vanilla installs, and amazingly, setting compatibility options makes both of them run fine with original discs without any fiddling.

What remains now is getting rid of CD check (as i would prefer not to damage my originals) and setting up the wheel and pedals.

But still, the mere sight of the GP3 main menu and later, a starting grid at Monza made me SO happy. So many memories of late night sessions... :)

Regarding mods... Are they destructive? Like take over the install? If so i am going multiple installs i guess, as i want to experience them vanilla and as-was with my brother for nostalgia reasons (original content is still good as well). But i will also like to try some of the newer stuff from the community.

By the way... On the graphics side, GP3 and especially GP4 still looks good. I especially noted the race cameras and external views... Still best in class.

Actually i do remember running races without entering a driver in GP3 just to watch :)
Regarding mods... Are they destructive? Like take over the install? If so i am going multiple installs i guess, as i want to experience them vanilla and as-was with my brother for nostalgia reasons (original content is still good as well). But i will also like to try some of the newer stuff from the community.
afaik no. (but I am not 100% sure, you could maybe wait for Tobi's answer)

so afaik
Mods are stored in a separate folder GPSAVES/Carsets

But if you want to play it safe, backup the cars.wad file.
If you mod the game with ZazTools, the mods are all stored in GPSAVES\Carsets. Upon starting a mod via CSM, the files get swapped, when exiting the game the original files are restored. Similar for tracks with TSM or gpxtrack. Means you still can play the vanilla game via gpxpatch.

Make sure to set the ingame graphics to high, else you might experience white cars using mods.

In the f1graphics.cfg in the main GP4 folder you can adjust many things, makes the game look even better. I've attached mine if you want to give it a try (backup your own, and eventually change the 2nd and 3rd lines if you use a resolution other than 1920x1080).
1            ; f1graphics.cfg controls all settings (default 0)
1920            ; [RELEASE] Game 3D Horizontal Resolution
1080            ; [RELEASE] Game 3D Vertical Resolution
1            ; [RELEASE] Enable 32bit mode if available NB. If Windowed then is forced to desktop format
1            ; [RELEASE] Enable hardware T&L if available
0            ; [RELEASE] Run in a window
0            ; [RELEASE] Number of multisamples if available (0-16 :: 0 => off, 1 unused)
0            ; [RELEASE] Force use of reference rasterizer
0            ; [RELEASE] Vsync (0=>off, or every nth frame) v2
73            ; [RELEASE] AutoPerformance (Automatic Performance Setting)
0            ; [RELEASE] TestedPerformanceLow (Tested Performance Setting)
0            ; [RELEASE] TestedPerformanceHigh (Tested Performance Setting)
800            ; [DEBUG] Game 3D Horizontal Resolution
600            ; [DEBUG] Game 3D Vertical Resolution
1            ; [DEBUG] Enable 32bit mode if available NB. If Windowed then is forced to desktop format
1            ; [DEBUG] Enable hardware T&L if available
0            ; [DEBUG] Run in a window
0            ; [DEBUG] Number of multisamples if available (0-16 :: 0 => off, 1 unused)
0            ; [DEBUG] Force use of reference rasterizer
0            ; [DEBUG] Vsync (0=>off, or every nth frame) v2
153            ; [DEBUG] AutoPerformance (Automatic Performance Setting)
0            ; [DEBUG] TestedPerformanceLow (Tested Performance Setting)
0            ; [DEBUG] TestedPerformanceHigh (Tested Performance Setting)
0            ; Texture quality : 0 => max 2 => half 4 => qtr 8 => eigth
1            ; Increase car texture quality (1 on, 0 off)
0            ; Low track geometry (1 on, 0 off)
0            ; Crude quadtree cull only (0=> off, 1=>always, 2=>only for TNL); recommended for fast gfx, low cpu
6            ; Number of mipmaps (0 => off) v2
1            ; Use compressed textures if supported
1            ; Full 32bit textures
7            ; Set 0 => no 8bit alpha (all stencil - yuck) 8 => all 8bit alpha (no stencil - nice) else 1-7 as cut off
1            ; If using compressed then ramp 1bit DXT1 to nbit DXT5 to avoid edge bleed v2
1            ; Render targets must match the main formats v2
1            ; Enable Fogging
1            ; Enable AdvancedCarShader v2
1            ; Pre-light track (Update track lighting using CPU)
0            ; Low res geometry track (1 low res, 0 normal)
1            ; Rotate wheels via textures v2
0            ; Bump map track (requires DP3; 0 => off)
4            ; Load balance : Frames over which to sample occupancy
110            ; Load balance : Start load decrease if occupancy over this
90            ; Load balance : Start load increase if occupancy under this v2
75            ; Load balance : Speed of load decrease ( < slower > faster)
33            ; Load balance : Speed of load increase ( < slower > faster)
1            ; Enable mirrors
2            ; Angle left mirror 0(in)-16(parallel)-32(out) v2
2            ; Angle right mirror 0(in)-16(parallel)-32(out) v2
16            ; Magnify mirror (16 => normal <16 wide >16 zoom)
133            ; Show own car (0 never, bit 1 trans, bit 2 solid, bit 3 context only bit7-fullpolycar in tcam) v3
1            ; Overide show own car if mirrors set low
100            ; Cockpit zoom (0 to 100) v2
2            ; Enable external view mirrors (0 0ff, 1 onboard, 2 all external views) v2
0            ; Enable track map (0 off, 1 arcade views only, 2 all non trackside)
9            ; Num overdraws for blur effects (eg reflections) Should be one of {2,4,6,9,12,16}
2            ; Reflect effect (0 => none-very sharp reflections), 1 => mipmapfilter, 2 => overdraw(best), 3 => hardwareboxfilter, 4 => swmungefilter(2nd best-best for 16bit), 5 => jitter(GP3 stylee) v3
512            ; If Jitter, how many ?
60            ; For normal reflections scale LOD (0 to 100%) v3
20            ; For blured effect reflections scale LOD (0 to 100%) v3
0            ; Maximum allowed heat hazes in a single view v2
0            ; Haze size in pixels : 0 => auto as proportion of main resolution (recommended)
1            ; Enable rain droplets on lens/visor
0            ; Enable visor when in cockpit view
1            ; Enable sky messages
1            ; Enable true type fonts
0            ; Environment map strength (0=>use game default)
1            ; Full dynamic video walls v2
30            ; Velocity m/s at which dynamic video walls are disabled (0 => no cutoff)
0            ; Size of video wall textures (dynamic) 0=>auto scale to game resolution
200000            ; Number of particle time slices per second.
0            ; TV style overlays on track cameras.
24            ; Multiplayer overlays 1:on 2:+cockpit 3:+allviews 4:+text 5:+gfx 6:+allcars
4            ; Multiplayer overlays - show for N closest
0            ; Enable user-defined gamma ramp v2
100            ; Gamma ramp for Reds (min value) range signed : 0-200  => -1 to 1 v4
200            ; Gamma ramp for Reds (max value) range signed : 0-200  => -1 to 1 v4
200            ; Gamma ramp for Reds (pow value) range signed : 0-200  => -1 to 1 v4
100            ; Gamma ramp for Greens (min value) range signed : 0-200  => -1 to 1 v4
200            ; Gamma ramp for Greens (max value) range signed : 0-200  => -1 to 1 v4
200            ; Gamma ramp for Greens (pow value) range signed : 0-200  => -1 to 1 v4
100            ; Gamma ramp for Blues (min value) range signed : 0-200  => -1 to 1 v4
200            ; Gamma ramp for Blues (max value) range signed : 0-200  => -1 to 1 v4
200            ; Gamma ramp for Blues (pow value) range signed : 0-200  => -1 to 1 v4
131            ; Enable cockpit gamma 0 off,1 player for all, 2 player for player only, 3 driver specific. Bit 7 (only when visor on) v2
100            ; Cockpit Gamma ramp for Reds (min value) range signed : 0-200  => -1 to 1 v3
190            ; Cockpit Gamma ramp for Reds (max value) range signed : 0-200  => -1 to 1 v3
190            ; Cockpit Gamma ramp for Reds (pow value) range signed : 0-200  => -1 to 1 v3
100            ; Cockpit Gamma ramp for Greens (min value) range signed : 0-200  => -1 to 1 v3
190            ; Cockpit Gamma ramp for Greens (max value) range signed : 0-200  => -1 to 1 v3
190            ; Cockpit Gamma ramp for Greens (pow value) range signed : 0-200  => -1 to 1 v3
100            ; Cockpit Gamma ramp for Blues (min value) range signed : 0-200  => -1 to 1 v3
190            ; Cockpit Gamma ramp for Blues (max value) range signed : 0-200  => -1 to 1 v3
190            ; Cockpit Gamma ramp for Blues (pow value) range signed : 0-200  => -1 to 1 v3
64            ; Size in texels for shadows over each car v2
256            ; Size in texels for projected shadows under each car
256            ; Size in texels for blurred projected shadows under each car
0            ; Attempt to page the over shadows
0            ; Attempt to page the under shadows
1            ; Animation rendering mode. (0 - cheap lighting, 1 - proper lighting, 2 - VS) v2
5            ; [MAIN VIEW] Texture filter quality (0 => none, 1 => point, 2 => bilinear, 3 => anisotropic, 4 => flatcubic, 5 => gaussiancubic) v3
5            ; [MAIN VIEW] Texture filter quality for mipmaps - if any -  (0 => none, 1 => point, 2 => bilinear, 3 => anisotropic, 4 => flatcubic/quincunx, 5 => gaussiancubic) v3
7            ; [MAIN VIEW] Max anisotropic filtering (1 => off, to max 7) v2
92            ; [MAIN VIEW] Mipmap bias (0 => -8 to 200 => +8) -ve=> sharper v2
2500            ; [MAIN VIEW] Distance cull ALL track objects past this distance (overides LOD, 0 => off) v2
5            ; [MAIN VIEW] Fade out (cull) track objects band depth as % of cull distance (0 => immediate at cull point)
100            ; [MAIN VIEW] Scale track LOD distance - make larger to force lower LOD earlier
0            ; [MAIN VIEW] Constant min distance in metres for track LOD calcs - make larger to force lower max LOD - else 0 for full LOD range
3500            ; [MAIN VIEW] Threshold distance in metres to switch in low LOD track
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Display track shadows
2            ; [MAIN VIEW] Shadow type (under cars) (0=> off, 1=> static, 2=> composite, 3=> projected)
9            ; [MAIN VIEW] Blur shadows (projected shadows only)(should be 0 (no blur),2,4,6,9,12, or 16)
4            ; [MAIN VIEW] Max number of shadow maps that are allowed in view UNDER CAR
4            ; [MAIN VIEW] Max number of shadow maps that are allowed in view OVER CAR
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Enable wet weather reflections (if main view is disabled, then all views are disabled)
400            ; [MAIN VIEW] Reflect static objects within this distance (0 => off) v3
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Reflect cars in wet track
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Reflect car particles (broken subassemly) in wet track v3
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Enable static environment reflections (0=>off 1=>on) v3
200            ; [MAIN VIEW] Enable dynamic environment reflections to X metres (for advanced carshader only) v3
0            ; [MAIN VIEW] Max number of dynamic envmaps to use (1 to 22(!), 0=>off  - for advanced carshader only) v3
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw Particles
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw rain (0 => off, 1 => on)
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] DrawBrakeGlows  (0 => off, 1 => on)
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] DrawExternalSteering  (0 => off, 1 => on)
2            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw crowds (0 => off, 1 => on, 2 => on and animating)
11            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw X objects in pit lane (0 => off, else max number of 'teams' to draw)
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw crowd camera flashes
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw sky
0            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw heat haze v3
3            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw lens flare (0 => off, 1 => 'real' camera views only, 2 => all views but cockpit, 3 => always)
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw Bushes
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw trackside cameras
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw trackside cranes
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw distant buildings
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw near buildings
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw horizon strips
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw trackside photographers
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw track (0 => off, 1 => basic, 2 => with detail maps)
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw trackside platforms
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw videowalls
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw Misc. trackside objects
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw trackside fences
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw trackside walls
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw track kerbing
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw bridges
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw Near stands
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw Far stands
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw Near land
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw Far land
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw track marshalls
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw large trackside signs
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw small trackside signs
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw Near trees
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw Far trees
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw video-wall screens
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw shadows on track v2
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] Draw Required trackside buildings
85            ; [MAIN VIEW] Car lod : load balance as % of notional max possible number of car polys (at highest LOD) v9
100            ; [MAIN VIEW] Car lod : maximum LOD (scalar 100=>1) v2
1000            ; [MAIN VIEW] Car lod : distance at which to cull cars in view (metres) v3
100            ; [MAIN VIEW] Car lod : scalar
1            ; [MAIN VIEW] If using advanced car shader, then we can also (optionally) use improved wheel lighting
2            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Texture filter quality (0 => none, 1 => point, 2 => bilinear, 3 => anisotropic, 4 => flatcubic, 5 => gaussiancubic) v3
2            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Texture filter quality for mipmaps - if any -  (0 => none, 1 => point, 2 => bilinear, 3 => anisotropic, 4 => flatcubic/quincunx, 5 => gaussiancubic) v3
2            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Max anisotropic filtering (1 => off, to max 7) v2
200            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Mipmap bias (0 => -8 to 200 => +8) -ve=> sharper v2
812            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Distance cull ALL track objects past this distance (overides LOD, 0 => off)
5            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Fade out (cull) track objects band depth as % of cull distance (0 => immediate at cull point)
183            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Scale track LOD distance - make larger to force lower LOD earlier
93            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Constant min distance in metres for track LOD calcs - make larger to force lower max LOD - else 0 for full LOD range
50            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Threshold distance in metres to switch in low LOD track
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Display track shadows
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Shadow type (under cars) (0=> off, 1=> static, 2=> composite, 3=> projected)
2            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Blur shadows (projected shadows only)(should be 0 (no blur),2,4,6,9,12, or 16)
2            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Max number of shadow maps that are allowed in view UNDER CAR
2            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Max number of shadow maps that are allowed in view OVER CAR
0            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Enable wet weather reflections
50            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Reflect static objects within this distance (0 => off)
0            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Reflect cars in wet track
0            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Reflect car particles (broken subassemly) in wet track v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Enable static environment reflections (0=>off 1=>on) v3
0            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Enable dynamic environment reflections to X metres (for advanced carshader only) v3
0            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Max number of dynamic envmaps to use (1 to 22(!), 0=>off  - for advanced carshader only) v3
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw Particles
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw rain (0 => off, 1 => on)
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] DrawBrakeGlows  (0 => off, 1 => on)
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] DrawExternalSteering  (0 => off, 1 => on)
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw crowds (0 => off, 1 => on, 2 => on and animating) v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw X objects in pit lane (0 => off, else max number of 'teams' to draw) v2
0            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw crowd camera flashes v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw sky v2
0            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw heat haze v2
0            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw lens flare (0 => off, 1 => 'real' camera views only, 2 => all views but cockpit, 3 => always) v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw Bushes v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw trackside cameras v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw trackside cranes v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw distant buildings v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw near buildings v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw horizon strips v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw trackside photographers v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw track (0 => off, 1 => basic, 2 => with detail maps) v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw trackside platforms v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw videowalls v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw Misc. trackside objects v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw trackside fences v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw trackside walls v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw track kerbing v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw bridges v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw Near stands v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw Far stands v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw Near land v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw Far land v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw track marshalls v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw large trackside signs v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw small trackside signs v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw Near trees v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw Far trees v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw video-wall screens v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw shadows on track v2
1            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Draw Required trackside buildings
25            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Car lod : load balance as % of notional max possible number of car polys (at highest LOD) v9
62            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Car lod : maximum LOD (scalar 100=>1) v2
400            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Car lod : distance at which to cull cars in view (metres) v2
62            ; [MIRROR VIEW] Car lod : scalar
0            ; [MIRROR VIEW] If using advanced car shader, then we can also (optionally) use improved wheel lighting
3            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Texture filter quality (0 => none, 1 => point, 2 => bilinear, 3 => anisotropic, 4 => flatcubic, 5 => gaussiancubic) v3
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Texture filter quality for mipmaps - if any -  (0 => none, 1 => point, 2 => bilinear, 3 => anisotropic, 4 => flatcubic/quincunx, 5 => gaussiancubic) v3
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Max anisotropic filtering (1 => off, to max 7) v2
115            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Mipmap bias (0 => -8 to 200 => +8) -ve=> sharper v2
1037            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Distance cull ALL track objects past this distance (overides LOD, 0 => off)
5            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Fade out (cull) track objects band depth as % of cull distance (0 => immediate at cull point)
171            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Scale track LOD distance - make larger to force lower LOD earlier
81            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Constant min distance in metres for track LOD calcs - make larger to force lower max LOD - else 0 for full LOD range
100            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Threshold distance in metres to switch in low LOD track
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Display track shadows
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Shadow type (under cars) (0=> off, 1=> static, 2=> composite, 3=> projected)
0            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Blur shadows (projected shadows only)(should be 0 (no blur),2,4,6,9,12, or 16)
2            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Max number of shadow maps that are allowed in view UNDER CAR
2            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Max number of shadow maps that are allowed in view OVER CAR
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Enable wet weather reflections
50            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Reflect static objects within this distance (0 => off)
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Reflect cars in wet track
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Reflect car particles (broken subassemly) in wet track v2
0            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Enable static environment reflections (0=>off 1=>on) v3
0            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Enable dynamic environment reflections to X metres (for advanced carshader only) v3
0            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Max number of dynamic envmaps to use (1 to 22(!), 0=>off  - for advanced carshader only) v3
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw Particles
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw rain (0 => off, 1 => on)
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] DrawBrakeGlows  (0 => off, 1 => on)
0            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] DrawExternalSteering  (0 => off, 1 => on)
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw crowds (0 => off, 1 => on, 2 => on and animating) v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw X objects in pit lane (0 => off, else max number of 'teams' to draw) v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw crowd camera flashes v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw sky v2
0            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw heat haze v2
0            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw lens flare (0 => off, 1 => 'real' camera views only, 2 => all views but cockpit, 3 => always) v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw Bushes v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw trackside cameras v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw trackside cranes v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw distant buildings v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw near buildings v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw horizon strips v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw trackside photographers v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw track (0 => off, 1 => basic, 2 => with detail maps) v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw trackside platforms v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw videowalls v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw Misc. trackside objects v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw trackside fences v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw trackside walls v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw track kerbing v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw bridges v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw Near stands v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw Far stands v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw Near land v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw Far land v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw track marshalls v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw large trackside signs v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw small trackside signs v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw Near trees v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw Far trees v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw video-wall screens v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw shadows on track v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Draw Required trackside buildings
31            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Car lod : load balance as % of notional max possible number of car polys (at highest LOD) v10
67            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Car lod : maximum LOD (scalar 100=>1) v3
479            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Car lod : distance at which to cull cars in view (metres) v5
67            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] Car lod : scalar v2
1            ; [VIDEOWALL VIEW] If using advanced car shader, then we can also (optionally) use improved wheel lighting
@kedy89 , thanks. I will try the cfg on the vanilla install tonight when fiddling with the wheel setup.

It appears as if there is also VSync in there... Great for me as when i was trying it yesterday i set target at 60frames in game but i still had crazy amounts of tearing...

Maybe it can be forces to sync within that cfg... Will experiment on that.

I just hope that the wheel will work at this stage. GP2 is fine to enjoy with a gamepad as analog joystick, but the higher fidelity of GP3 and GP4 simulation makes that a true pain in the a++ for any serious use.
Had to put the wheel as one unit (no separate USB pedals) to make it work. But now it does work and it's just SO fun.

I thought yesterday, late, that i was just going to test it out a bit again. Ended up playing GP3 and GP4 until 3 at night... Now suffering at work ;)

Three main issues left until it works fully...

First is @kedy89 , the NoCD exe you linked works in that it lets me run the game fine patches, but only using CD in tray... If i remove the disc the game warns and stops even with the patched exe.

Second is i have the game set at 60fps. This is fine. Smooth as butter. But sometimes it slows down, starts to stutter badly and then goes back. I remember that GP games used to do this when CPU was overloaded, due to engine tech. But surely on a 4GHz I7 that would not be the case... So i am guessing core switching. Gonna try setting it to only one core to see. This happens in both GP3 and GP4.

Third is my wheel settings is wiped ön every restart, even IF i choose to save settings when closing the game. Any help? Tiresome to recalibrate every time...

Oh... And i now run GP3/GP4 on the main Windows10 machine, and it works fine. Apart from above issues obviously...
First is @kedy89 , the NoCD exe you linked works in that it lets me run the game fine patches, but only using CD in tray... If i remove the disc the game warns and stops even with the patched exe.
have you installed GP3/GP4 on your C drive? Try a different drive, if you have one
Third is my wheel settings is wiped ön every restart, even IF i choose to save settings when closing the game. Any help? Tiresome to recalibrate every time...
If you saved it to a file (I think that's how it works?), you'd need to load the file.
or when exiting the same make sure that the "save changes" circle is full, it saves my wheel settings with no problems.
First is @kedy89 , the NoCD exe you linked works in that it lets me run the game fine patches, but only using CD in tray... If i remove the disc the game warns and stops even with the patched exe.
hm, that shouldn't be that way. After replacing the orignal exe with the no_cd exe there shouldn't be any need for the disc to be in. Only thing that comes to my mind is that you're starting the game via desktop icon, which still links to the original one.

Second is i have the game set at 60fps. This is fine. Smooth as butter. But sometimes it slows down, starts to stutter badly and then goes back. I remember that GP games used to do this when CPU was overloaded, due to engine tech. But surely on a 4GHz I7 that would not be the case... So i am guessing core switching. Gonna try setting it to only one core to see. This happens in both GP3 and GP4.
I'm not sure, but I think GP4 can't use more than one core. I have a i7 3.4 GHz, but with high quality mods I occasionally have lags too, especially at race starts. If you were using my f1graphics, try going back to yours for the moment to see if that helps.

Third is my wheel settings is wiped ön every restart, even IF i choose to save settings when closing the game. Any help? Tiresome to recalibrate every time...
That shouldn't happen. Did you use one of the preset profiles on the left, or create a own one on the right? To do the latter, click the extended settings (not sure if it's called that in English, the left one above the cancel button), then "select steering method", then one of the empty profiles on the right (see the 2 attached screenshots). Enter your settings and save it. Should work that way, at least it did for me.

gp4 2015-09-25 13-14-41-94.jpg gp4 2015-09-25 13-14-48-55.jpg
Maybe moving the installs to Win10 is a culprit regarding file permissions etc...

The slowdowns is what i HAVE to fix however. Resetting controller i can live with.

It uses only one core for sure, but Windows seems to then divide that work over all 8 threads. Will try to force it to a single thread.

After i fix that i will invite my brother over and just have a blast again playing a full day! ;)

Thanks by the way @kedy89 and @Milos for helping. Actually getting back into GP3/GP4 is a real highlight for me. So thanks for sorting out the compatibility stuff.
Sadly i am now at my wits end with the intermittent slowdown in GP4.

I have tried all possible graphics settings and Win7 as well as Win10 in all compatibility modes.

Tried 1 core as well as all as well as only 2 using GPXPatch.

Running solo or in the pack makes no difference.

When the slowdown occurs (sometimes in the same spots every lap, sometimes not), i see my processor occupancy is never above 30% and GPU load is never above 15%.

Tried using a frame limiter as well at the same value as the in game target rate (60fps) but no luck.

I really tried all i could think of now, and i am starting to despair a bit.

Sad, because when its not stuttering and slowing down its still the best F1 sim in terms of AI for solo play.

Thinking of trying GP3 as well (i still have all the GP original discs) to see if that is smooth...

Or revert to trying to fix GP2 with DOSBox but there i cant get the wheel to function...

Why cant Crammond just decide it's time for a comeback on recent hardware. GP5 is long overdue. :)
The Grand Prix series, is, in Mr.Crammond's own words an "unfinished chapter". However, with the licensing being the way it is today, there is no chance anyway.

True. But the experience of Crammond, seeing what he did regarding AI, handling, physics etc.. in 2002, he could have released a game with fictional F1 for GP5. I would have bought it eyes closed. I have been a fan of his F1 simulations since Formula one Grand Prix, on Amiga. And on my opinion, GP4 has still got one of the best IA among all racing simulation games from the last 13 years.... And you know how a game keeps alive... The reputation first..But also, with devs tools, tracks, cars and others misc modders, and passion... Something that Codemasters doesn't understand...They prefer to sell less copies from their games but to make profits from their official f1 license quickly, than to build a strong community into the time ... another state of mind without bearing in mind feedbacks from the gamers (buyers I would say) and a short-term commercial approach...So yes, GP5 would have been different and without official F1 licence but I would have been very interested to see how Geoff Crammond could have improved physics, realism, handling, AI etc.. nowadays.

If anyone is interested, here is an interview of Sir Crammond, realised in 2014 by one of our active member from the GP4 Community, Jim Connors, aka Jimbob1. It is worth to read it for all GP4 and Geoff Crammond work's fans ;),1055383,page=1

Who wants to make a petition for GP5 and to submit crowdfunding help developpment to him? :laugh:
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