AC GT3 @ Brands Hatch - Sunday 11th April 2021

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Not sure why you think you lost any position on the last lap. This chart shows otherwise
View attachment 464219
Morning Dmitry,

Thanks a lot for pulling this up - where did you get it ? Towards the end that is not what happened - I had overtaken Logan's BMW into the hairpin for 15th and then I got a lot of blue flags. But I think behind them hid competing cars - I could see stuff on Helicorsa and suspected there could be shadow cars, but then while trying to work out what to do I messed up my braking or something and the blueflag guy went past along with a couple of the shadows. After that there were more blue flags and like one guy was nose to tail - but there were other cars in front of me and I tried to get out of his way but he had I think simultaneously moved to the left with me and I clipped his nose and was out of the race. It was the last 30 seconds and I got on track and drove to the finish line.
Thanks a lot for pulling this up - where did you get it ?
Go into CM -> "RESULTS" at the top right bar -> results (top left then) -> first entry should be the last race.

Normally the "race_out.json" gets stored in your documents\assetto corsa\out but it gets overwritten as soon as you start any next session, including waiting for the black screen fade and the server going back to practice.

Luckily CM stores the results too.
In CM, click on "View in Explorer" to open this path:
C:\Users\%YourName%\AppData\Local\AcTools Content Manager\Progress\Sessions

Drag&Drop the json file here:

After a few messages to the creator, he now cuts the surname to one letter so there's no real issue with privacy anymore but we still know who's who :)

Here's the link to my result file:

Navigate to the "Race" session and there to "Positions"
Gutted I had hardware issues, sounds like it was a great race in the end.
Morning mate !

I am so sorry your race ended that way? This the first week in living memory I didn't have any of those problems but the rest of the races before that I was in the same boat so I really know how it feels for the days before and the days after the destroyed race. I saw lots of people being disconnected and kept waiting for my moment to come. It never happened this time thankfully but I would check every now and again the straights to see if there were other racers around or if I had been disconnected again - so like I really am sorry.
I can definitely see it from your perspective Jack, I am pretty new too and sometimes there is a just so much
Again it helps me no end that there are people with common experiences and the nice thing is that with everyone here we all manage to have a laugh, discussion, lesson for us kids, and exchange of views and sympathies without any rancor.

There is a ton going on and if everything else were a given just the nerves take the performance. During the week I was 2.5 seconds faster in clear air on this track than qualifying - but bad decisions, nerves and traffic pressure leave you no time to do anything else but survive.

Thanks a lot for your understanding :)
thinking two corners ahead
Yeah - even in clear air I can only think of one corner at a time here - it happens so fast.
just trying to keep the car on the track consistently
Yes again I was so lucky that I had a good setup because at times when I couldn't see anything ahead the car "just knew" what to do lol ... I was managing decent laps, brilliant brilliant car. But like the traffic was half the race result today. Probably always will be - but I'll use the app Chris recommended above from now which hopefully will improve things.

I mean I had performance for quite a few races now - Bahrain was great, the one after - just no consistency from traffic or server issues.

Again completely with you on this one too and it was a good race :) I'll take my 17th with pride. It was a win for me.
so I assume the fast guys who race here embrace the challenge of having to weave around rookies and slow drivers
Yeah I would have thought so too - Razza came up at one point I saw him and I was just laughing thinking what he must be thinking - I let him past and then we were both doing similar speeds through corners and it was nice to watch him drive. I had control of the car.

The problem is the speed of the McLaren - it is 1-2 secs faster in race trim against a Nissan. The Nissan can hit the 1:25 mark in the race for me (I know Ras and Ernie were in the 1:24 for example but even they were 1 sec slower than McLarens).

The pace of the leaders is so fast it might as well be another Le Mans category.

I was behind Logan for a couple of laps and I realised maybe there might be an oppo here so I began to close - but I never tried to harry - I think there was a point I'll go for an outbrake after watching him a lap or too and I managed.

I mean having a second or two over an opponent is a ton of speed. But then again I was not that slow this time either. The car was good. Looking at it from the point of view of a McLaren guy in the middle of a fight - he may feel stressed finding me in the way blocking his reference points. I totaly respect that and understand it. I mean I think I blocked poor Han like this.

So learning to know what it takes to do stuff like this - I would say yes, when a blue flag turns up its a bit like dad has appeared at the school gates to pick you up. But speaking for for myself, I think it is fair to say that it is also time one tried to help dad out and grow up a bit sooner as well.
I like the mix of speed and talent, it gives us slower drivers something to aspire to and aim for and the faster drivers something to keep them on their toes,
Yeah absolutely - these are fantastic drivers. Super fast, super skilled, generous and welcoming. In a lot of cases real role models for people like us. I mean I hit back at Random4K and he came back with so much wisdom. Dmitry, Ernie, Rasmus, of course Chris, Pats, all of them in the top 10 - wicked fast, good people.

See you on track man :)
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When you are new to it, getting affected with blue flags, trying to get the umpteen things to work in co ordination must be a real struggle.
Morning Ernie :)

Yeah - it is really tough in such a competitive field
not to stress them too much, let them know I am there, thank them by flashing my lights, appreciating that they do me big favours, sometimes, and sometimes not, that’s racing, you just cannot have it your own way for a 100% of the time.
What more can I say but infallible wisdom ?
I always look in the mirrors and see if I have not caused any grief to these racers, who have just as an Important task on hand with their race. Feel really sorry if they disappear, knowing I have inadvertently caused the problem
kindness too - only from the old master :)
Here on Sunday races, everyone is quick, if Chris goes past it does not in anyway devalue
all your undoubted ability’s.
Yeah there is a lot of competition now - it's getting serious ... :D
Just one thing, I have blue flagged a lots of drivers here on Sunday Gt3 in the past 2 years, most of the Rotters if not all of them are faster than me now
:roflmao: not true, you sly fox ! congratulations on your podium (I think) ! :)
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Really ? again ? I had no idea that it was a resched again this time ...

One of the admins and Chris created a new event and moved us all across to it manually. I guess if you were already registered you wouldn't have noticed. The old event once full would not allow subsequent cancellations to be made available on the sign up page. Appears to be a problem with the system but I am sure it will get fixed. :thumbsup:
so I didn't have a setup and had to spend quite a bit of time working on it.
Hi Dmitry,

congratulations on your win mate. I also worked really hard on my setup this week - Chris often says working on your own setups is rewarding and I am beginning to find that it really is true ! (not that I doubted it)
I expected softs to be a no-go as there's a lot of fast corners and not enough straights to cool the tires down, but my major issue was figuring out the gearing due to somewhat limited powerband of the Audi
I could run the mediums - but for me they were beautifully balanced but 0.8 sec slower than the softs. In fact I almost always try the mediums just for experience.
knowing that I should be at least 25 seconds ahead of him to come out of pits still in front
Amazing how you can think of all this stuff mid race ...
After my small mistake in Surtees where I had a bad exit,
Ah just the one ? Its the opposite for me: the one exit that was good ! lol
That was weird, never seen anything like that before, usually if something like this happens it's game over.
:( I didn't get this but I am concerned that some of the stuff I remember didn't happen apparently ...
This track is unique as you barely have any time to relax during a lap and most of the corners are high-speed ones with a single racing line through them, and there's grass everywhere, so mistakes on entry are very costly and you have to maintain full concentation for the entire race.
Yes it is my first time driving it, having grown up hearing about it, and I really liked it, like Road America and Bahrain. Flowing but that last set of corners was murder to get right. The fast right hander reminds me of the Suzuka 130 R - almost flat once the car is turned ...
which was beautifully demonstrated by @Kek700
He is a cunning so and so mate - and deadly fast :)
First of all thank you Chris one more time for all your efforts :thumbsup: When I was new here, I didn't like the GT3 races but over time, they became one of my favourite events especially because of the community around them.

The race itself was in terms of consistency, maybe the worst ever. Found myself in a good P4 after the first turns and could go the pace of @hape in front of me but when going into Sheene I touched the gras (there it is again) with my rear left and spun. After rejoining I played part in an unlucky overtake attempt from @Interslice . The big fat GT-R ass blocked his sights of me while I still was gaining speed . The speed delta was still a lot, contact was made and all 3 of us went off. After the whole field passed I tried to make the best out of it and had some nice overtaking while going through the field. Some minor inconsistencies here and there but enough to loose too much time for a decent finish. Fun thing was, I could lap myself back against Dmitry, something I've never done before. Oh and sorry again Mark, that was completly my fault. I should have anticipated your breaking point much better :/

Feel bad about that now :(. Should have waited and went from the back with you. It happened so quickly I thought you were nearly stopped dead on the track, either waiting for a GR in a silly place or a rig failure/disconnected and so mostly at fault. Having no skins really makes it tricky to see who's who in a mash up! Didn't realise it was you at all even when i hit the you the second time... as i thought you were nearly stopped it did not compute that i would meet you at the corner! Strange one! The high speeds and narrow track make it such a game of chance on the opening lap. Just when I thought we were in clean air and i was ok to enter the blind spot of the gtr rear end **** hit the fan!
Feel bad about that now :(. Should have waited and went from the back with you. It happened so quickly I thought you were nearly stopped dead on the track, either waiting for a GR in a silly place or a rig failure/disconnected and so mostly at fault. Having no skins really makes it tricky to see who's who in a mash up! Didn't realise it was you at all even when i hit the you the second time... as i thought you were nearly stopped it did not compute that i would meet you at the corner! Strange one! The high speeds and narrow track make it such a game of chance on the opening lap. Just when I thought we were in clean air and i was ok to enter the blind spot of the gtr rear end **** hit the fan!
Don’t worry, not much you could have done to avoid that. Waiting wasn’t really possible, at least I had no idea who was how involved.. I watched your onboard and my car was just completely in a blind spot until the GT-R moved to the left. And I too was surprised that it was your car for a second time that hit me in the next left :D

how was the Mercedes? Haven’t driven it in VR so far and maybe I’ll give it a try next time
Does everyone see the results of this race on in your profile? I don't and I'm wondering if I'm the only one.
Don’t worry, not much you could have done to avoid that. Waiting wasn’t really possible, at least I had no idea who was how involved.. I watched your onboard and my car was just completely in a blind spot until the GT-R moved to the left. And I too was surprised that it was your car for a second time that hit me in the next left :D

how was the Mercedes? Haven’t driven it in VR so far and maybe I’ll give it a try next time

Hard to say after one disastrous race. It's good in the corners albeit with a lot of aero... A bit like the corvette, it's a nice lazy drive. I knew i would be wrecked tired going into this, so the comfort suited me! Not sure if I'll go back to it. Maybe next time at brands :p
Blue Flags:

In a few weeks time I will completing my third year with RD club racing. During my time @ RD I've seen a lot of people come & go, but the blue flag rules have always been adhered to throughout that period -including myself. For instance, for the majority of 2018 I was @ the back of the field and blue flags were a common occurrence (i.e.,
). I understand the difficulties involved, but there is no excuse for ignoring them - as happened last night on more than one occasion.

Is it possible to differentiate between defending & blocking and is the latter acceptable?
I tried to avoid rear ending the one in front by steering to the left. Unfortunately others behind me were even faster then me and so I got a hit to the side.
The steering to the left is correct, but I wasn't behind you, I was next to you and you slammed the car into my side :roflmao: :roflmao:
BUT: that was probably a lot better for everyone involved, since you didn't hit the cars in front and I could just drive around the outside without spinning and slot in behind Ernie. :)

Looking at the replay, you didn't brake more than maybe 1 meter later than me, so I wouldn't say that it was a big mistake. It was a very very small one with sadly a big consequence for you :(
Then @hape somehow managed to post a lap a tenth faster in the last minutes of the session
Yeah Hape did a phenomenal qualy lap :confused::confused::confused:

but surprisingly Hans-Peter in P3 was not getting any closer and was even falling behind a little. Not sure what could've caused that, maybe he had a safer (and slower) setup for the race.
I'm sometimes practicing with Hape for the races and normally he's about as fast as me or a tiny bit slower.
His P2 in qualy was awesomely stunning! But I didn't expect it to be his consistent race pace so I was looking forward to get Godzilla some lunch in form of his McLaren :D:D
Someone running consistent laps at a decent pace has very good chances to end up on the podium after capitalizing on others' mistakes, which was beautifully demonstrated by @Kek700. Kudos to you for the solid performance, driving your school bus on this narrow and twisty track!
Yep, like Ernie and me!
I couldn't really keep up with Ernie over the full distance and also screwed up my TC setting when the tyres starting to degrade, causing me to have a little off 2x in the backfield.
Ernie is a robot, lol.
Just one thing, I have blue flagged a lots of drivers here on Sunday Gt3 in the past 2 years, most of the Rotters if not all of them are faster than me now :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
I'm not :redface:
BUT: My fastest race lap was a tiny bit faster than yours, so I'm okay with P4 :roflmao:
This app sounds like a great tool to do that.
Yep, when I started I used Substanding to keep the overview but it's taking quite a few fps away and doesn't show the same essential information Realtime does.
Realtime became one of the most essential apps for me!
Razza came up at one point I saw him and I was just laughing thinking what he must be thinking
Oh I can tell you my thoughts exactly:
*being in focused hotlapping mode*
*seeing Jack in front*: "Oh hi Jack, nice to see you on track mate!"
*getting within 1s of you* -> "Well, no time left for friendships in this race" *shut visor fiercely*
I know Ras and Ernie were in the 1:24 for example but even they were 1 sec slower than McLarens
My best race lap was only 0.3s off Andreas' mclaren lap. Patrick doesn't count for these statistics, as does Chris :laugh:
But Ernie was 0.038s slower than me on his best lap, so I was the fastest Nissan, whoop whoop :roflmao::cool:
I could run the mediums - but for me they were beautifully balanced but 0.8 sec slower than the softs. In fact I almost always try the mediums just for experience.
Yeah but the Audi would just melt the softs. The Nissan is very nice to its tyres, the Audi isn't :p
Just some general information haha
I didn't get this but I am concerned that some of the stuff I remember didn't happen apparently ...
If you didn't have Realtime open and a car in front of you, there was no way to see the little disconnect happening.
Here is the timestamp from my stream though:
1:26:12 into the stream.

Had a little heart attack, as I let everyone know on discord :roflmao::ninja:

The steering to the left is correct, but I wasn't behind you, I was next to you and you slammed the car into my side :roflmao: :roflmao:
BUT: that was probably a lot better for everyone involved, since you didn't hit the cars in front and I could just drive around the outside without spinning and slot in behind Ernie. :)

Looking at the replay, you didn't brake more than maybe 1 meter later than me, so I wouldn't say that it was a big mistake. It was a very very small one with sadly a big consequence for you :(

Yeah Hape did a phenomenal qualy lap :confused::confused::confused:

I'm sometimes practicing with Hape for the races and normally he's about as fast as me or a tiny bit slower.
His P2 in qualy was awesomely stunning! But I didn't expect it to be his consistent race pace so I was looking forward to get Godzilla some lunch in form of his McLaren :D:D

Yep, like Ernie and me!
I couldn't really keep up with Ernie over the full distance and also screwed up my TC setting when the tyres starting to degrade, causing me to have a little off 2x in the backfield.
Ernie is a robot, lol.

I'm not :redface:
BUT: My fastest race lap was a tiny bit faster than yours, so I'm okay with P4 :roflmao:

Yep, when I started I used Substanding to keep the overview but it's taking quite a few fps away and doesn't show the same essential information Realtime does.
Realtime became one of the most essential apps for me!

Oh I can tell you my thoughts exactly:
*being in focused hotlapping mode*
*seeing Jack in front*: "Oh hi Jack, nice to see you on track mate!"
*getting within 1s of you* -> "Well, no time left for friendships in this race" *shut visor fiercely*

My best race lap was only 0.3s off Andreas' mclaren lap. Patrick doesn't count for these statistics, as does Chris :laugh:
But Ernie was 0.038s slower than me on his best lap, so I was the fastest Nissan, whoop whoop :roflmao::cool:

Yeah but the Audi would just melt the softs. The Nissan is very nice to its tyres, the Audi isn't :p
Just some general information haha

If you didn't have Realtime open and a car in front of you, there was no way to see the little disconnect happening.
Here is the timestamp from my stream though:
1:26:12 into the stream.

Had a little heart attack, as I let everyone know on discord :roflmao::ninja:

Did you disconnect and come back in? I watched ernie dissappear through the tyre wall also but he never came back :(

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