• Deleted member 113561

so your quoting as truth two articles from sites that are known to be paid for in someway by sms/ian bell ....... that like quoting wiki in a thesis without any back up material

And you seemed to be payed by Sector 3!
Maybe youre even a dev and have also a gold car, maybe its just a toy car in gold cause Sector 3 couldn't afford more than that xD

Im happy with my golden Ferrari La Ferrari :D

I mean it will be difficult to show any real documents - pretty sure that was behind closed doors but googleing will give you an impression what probably had happend behind doors (ie. http://www.bit-tech.net/news/gaming/2009/02/19/gtr-dev-to-sue-need-for-speed-shift-team/1)

Guys. It does not matter. Many companies now are not the same staff as ten years ago.

GTR name is legally owned by this Simbin UK company and they're attempting to make a sequel to GTR2. Clearly there are links to Sector3 and Raceroom and that's as much as we have to go off. That's all that matters at the moment.

To to add something on topic; if the game is Raceroom with packaged content, offline capability, a few improvements and a NW graphics engine then I'm interested. Sure, the previews look a bit 'showy', but I look forward to seeing and hearing more.

The problem is that most people get only hyped because they hear "GTR 3" - they don't realize that very important background information. It probably will be an improved Race Room and not an advancement from GTR 2!

If GTR 3 gets awesome I'm gonna play it for sure. I don't say it can't be good or something like that.
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Are people realy planning on new hardware for this bassed on a few screen shots?
I have read bits and bobs in various places about GTR3 and it's right here right now on RD that the hype begins, not by simbin but by you guys, the potential end users.
Who gets the blame when it turns out to not be a full on simulation as I don't think simbin intend it to be.
I keep reading this "GTR3 is planned to strike a balance between simulation physics and accessibility"

Simbin : We are making a racing game, it's not going to be a hardcore simulation.
Potential punters : OMG Simbin are making a hardcore simulation, where is my wallet!
Another quote from Chris Speed, part of the as yet unpublished interview:

"RD: Do you think it would be fair to say then that GTR3 will have advanced physics, with assists that can be turned on or off to support a more casual gamer? So if someone wanted to turn everything off they can have, for example, an rFactor 2 type experience?

CS: Yes it has to be that. Definitely
I will reiterate it again here for those who are curious. Chris, Allan and I spoke at length about the "simulation" aspects of GTR3, some of which will be in the interview, some of which will not. Personally I am very much for the hard core side of things, I want a race sim to be as real as is humanly possible and get as close to the real deal as can be done. After talking with the guys, and airing my initial concern about appealing to both sides of the coin, I have left the conversation more than satisfied that if one was to want a super serious super simulation sim experience, then with the appropriate options enabled / disabled or whatever in the game then that experience will be there for you to enjoy.

I admit the reference to F1 2016 was a touch unfortunate, and some sections of the community have run with that and made it out to be more that it actually was (remember I was there so I know what I'm taking about and what I heard!). From what I've been told I am left in no doubt that GTR3 will have the sim stuff the sim guys all want, and the ability to select options to allow those not looking for such a brutal sim experience.

Having to go on console and cater for the different kinds of driving audience are just a fact of modern game development these days - assuming you actually want to make any money anyway :roflmao:

They guys know what GTR2 was, and know what it means to everyone in sim racing (or if they didn't after reading the comments sections here they sure do now!). I really do feel its in safe hands and personally at least I'm confident it will deliver the experience I want.

Paul, I don't think you are off the mark at all. I know you are writing from a PC perspective, but there is another perspective out there -- the console SIM racer perspective. Before pCARS, it was not possible to have any SIM experience in the console, but this has changed rapidly and some in the PC community don't seem to be grasping this. This works both ways. For instance, when Assetto came out, console players wondered why they had been delivered a pile of steaming dookie instead of a SIM. The refrain from the PC side was almost universally "it's a great game...you don't understand...give it time." While this may be true for the PC game, it's the complete opposite from a console experience. To this day, we still can't race online the way we expect, and were promised. We can't even look behind us while driving. Sad.

Then we have pCARS, which changed the whole paradigm on the console. Slightly Mad took a massive risk, betting that the console crowd has very strong SIM elements within it. And they were right. For sure, a large percentage of the console market is only hungry for arcade or simcade (even though F1 has veered towards a decidedly SIM experience due to the success of DiRT and pCARS, leagues still insist on running assists). But hundreds, both here and elsewhere, crave SIM and SIM only. No, we can't have triple screens and moving chairs, but so what? We demand SIM...and companies are delivering, largely due to pCARS, since Codemasters and Kunos were emboldened by Slightly Mad and the bling they made. BUT...if you ask the average PC player what they think of pCARS, it's usually a big "eh". You get the opposite reaction from console players, not because of the games brilliance (it's massively buggy), but because of the risk that SMS took. We appreciate that.

It's just that some large companies (Turn 10, EA) have completely given up. But others (SimBin, Wreckfest) are just starting. Not only is F1 2016 a *direct* result of pCARS success, but there are more to come on the console this year - pCARS2, DiRT4, F1 2017, GTR3, and Wreckfest. It's a cornucopia of SIMness for the console crowd. More so than at any other time. So, from our vantage point, not only are you right about F1, but you didn't go far enough in pointing out that the console crowd is driving this as much as the PC crowd. They just can't demand all the "SIMness" that you can. But we want all we can get. And if we don't get it, I, for one, will be moving to PC.
Some of the fake news in here are truly horrid.

Especially by the self elected guardians of true simulation - as soon as they see
a) fancy graphics or
b) expressions like "options to make the game more accessible"

it is no Sim no more!! Simcade stronk! Evil, mad Forza clone! Won't be a "true simulation"! (whatever that is in our world nowadays...) and similar panicking.

That's facebook level at best.
There should be a personality test before you are allowed to post in the Forum :cautious:
I would also love to see free roam spectator mode added.

Something where you could walk around the outside of a track (while a race was in progress) and meet up with people you know. You could have a sit down in a good viewing spot and have a TS conversation with your mates, all whilst watching the racing action! How awesome would that be :)
Some of the fake news in here are truly horrid.

Especially by the self elected guardians of true simulation - as soon as they see
a) fancy graphics or
b) expressions like "options to make the game more accessible"

it is no Sim no more!! Simcade stronk! Evil, mad Forza clone! Won't be a "true simulation"! (whatever that is in our world nowadays...) and similar panicking.

That's facebook level at best.
There should be a personality test before you are allowed to post in the Forum :cautious:

Typical comment from a person who likes to paint the world in black and white and fit people into those two different categories.

Nobody said, that graphics shouldn't look nice. The previews are pretty terrible and overdone for what UE4 can do and it's quite obvious that there is alot of work left to be done - that Simbin plans on releasing in 2018 and is in the initial stage of game development should give you something to think about. I personaly think that this goal is pretty delusional when you take a look at what is planned and I expect the release to get a delay.

Now to point b): when I read "better accesibility" I allways get a sour taste in my mouth and think that stuff like the UI will be streamlined and important stuff left out, or that features will be simplified. That's not something that people make up in their minds but experience with the last couple of fancy looking/ "modern" sims. So excuse me when I stay reserved. If Simbin can nail it all with a slick UI that offers full modular funtionality, high end graphics, exceptional sound and benchmark physics, I will congratulate them and enjoy GTR3 as I enjoy GTR2. But about 2 years for such a project seems a bit too optimistic. We were promised a full fleshed out sim with pCars. But as much as people call it a sim - it is actually not and it comes pretty short in a lot of areas that are not connected to graphics.
The previews are pretty terrible and overdone.
Says a ISI rFactor fan boy, how about you spend that energy encouraging your number 1 sim developer to "evolve" their dated graphics engine into something we can all accept and call modern, and not regurgitate the same none evolved garbage they've been pushing out for the past Sixteen Years.
At least Simbin has done the right thing, to seek other alternatives to the one they used over Ten Years ago, surely you must agree with that bit, or are you just getting hot under the collar because they did so.

If Simbin can nail it all with a slick UI that offers full modular functionality, high end graphics, exceptional sound and benchmark physics, I will congratulate them and enjoy GTR3
So what is "Bench Mark physics", what racing title out there has "Bench Mark Physics ? Mister ISI fan boy, please do enlighten us all, I'm up for being Educated on this.
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Says a ISI rFactor fan boy, how about you spend that energy encouraging your number 1 sim developer to "evolve" their dated graphics engine into something we can all accept and call modern, and not regurgitate the same none evolved garbage they've been pushing out for the past Sixteen Years.
At least Simbin has done the right thing, to seek other alternatives to the one they used over Ten Years ago, surely you must agree with that bit, or are you just getting hot under the collar because they did so.

So what is "Bench Mark physics", what racing title out there has "Bench Mark Physics ? Mister ISI fan boy, please do enlighten us all, I'm up for being Educated on this.

Uh, the fanboy argument again. How I love it :D

Did I mention rF2 in any word when I wrote the above comment? The screenshots look terrible to my eyes, simple as that. But while we are talking about rF2 and it's graphical flaws, you might agree with me on the fact that there are the undercar shadows missing at night, same as in rF2 wich shouldn't happen in 2017. Those shots don't represent the capabilities of UE4 and if those shots are the art direction that Simbin will choose, then I will certainly skip this one. Why do I see a freakin' fireball covering half the image and showing basicly nothing of the assets in the first shot? Why is there so much DOF application, that cars get completely out of shape? Sorry to say this, but the latest trackpreviews by Sector3 looked alot better, not to mention SMS art presentation. PCars is still the benchmark in terms of graphics and they don't apply the same overdone stuff. As said, less is more.

Whether Simbin has done the right thing needs to be seen and I am amazed that you are able to judge it right now with all your expertise on game development. UE4 is not designed and specialiced for sim racing games. It's an allround engine to support as many development approaches as possible. So unless Simbin doesn't step up the game from RRE, I will certainly not call them benchmark physcis, because they root down back to isiMotor2 engine from early 2000's.

On a last note: I like it when people say "we all" in their comments as if they think that they need to speak in the behalf of everyone else. What I call modern is certainly my own cup of tea and not yours. And eventhough we are in 2017 now, I still don't get blinded by nuclear fireballs and objects don't get stretched or out of shape in my modern world. :)
These screenshots are not in-game screenshots, they are in-engine screenshots. They are merely there to demonstrate that they successfully ported R3E assets into UE4. This is not how the game is going to look like.
I'd like to add to the list:
  • Online driver profiles, including safety/performance rating. Online events could require a certain minimum (safety) rating before you can join, so pick-up races could have league-like quality. Stats like ratings, average finish position and personal bests should be easily accessed by rightclicking on driver in an online event. The online profile should be an incentive to drive properly; finish every race you start.
  • Detailed live timing, with color coded sector times, speed trap, and a circuit diagram with driver positions to see whats going on. Data for drivers who have left the server are maintained during a session.
  • Basic in-game telemetry analysis, with a graph to compare lap deltas of selected laps.
  • Smart replay cameras, which frame not just your car like you see in current games. Instead, like on television, during an overtake both cars should be in view. And at the start of a race, show a more zoomed-out overview shot.
  • Mikko Lashay

I know the title has to do with GT cars but I'd also like a high tech open wheeler to be included. I'd also like an offline time attack mode.
dedi server with broadcast suite /race control
ability to throw full course yellow/code 60 by race admin ,
ability to throw live penalties as judged by race control
race control has multi cameras
ability to drive snatch tractor/safety car/ recovery vehicle

ability to run season financial budgets/repairs/race fees/prize money/driver fees
time scaled repairs
damage carrying over during race weekend
tyre limits , number of sets etc/ tyres keep wear ... ability to scrub in tyres

complete damage models
tyres .. flat spots /punctures/side wall damage
suspension, triangle; springs , top links ,
splitter ,wings , bonnet , undertray, rear diffuser etc ... aero effect
engine components
water pump, alternator, battery/voltage
steering/ rack/ tie rod ends/ power steering(electric/hydraulic)
Engine misfire
fuel pump
drive shafts
brakes ; leaking hydraulics
disc/pad wear
boiling hydraulics
long pedal at end of life
full brake failure

full pitcrew
pitcrew mistakes (percentage/chance algorithm)

Fines; financial (budget)
driver licence with point system

driver health % based on crashes carry over through weekends (translated as a % being removed from overall car performance)

Fantasy zone ,

driver fights based on tekken
ability to sneak to motor home with grid girls

I would also love to see free roam spectator mode added.

Something where you could walk around the outside of a track (while a race was in progress) and meet up with people you know. You could have a sit down in a good viewing spot and have a TS conversation with your mates, all whilst watching the racing action! How awesome would that be :)

Oh man, I'd totally watch RD Le Mans in drunken VR. Might be a bit of a hard sell on the better half though.

For other wishes, probably the WEC or Blancpain License with some other modern classics of GT3 racing like Bathurst, Sepang etc. as DLC. IMSA too ofcourse.

Also a really solid career, like F1 2016 and Project CARS had a baby would be awesome. A zero to hero type deal with a few familiar faces like a crew chief and an agent following along pushing you on. Winning a support series and having a radio message yelling "Fare thee ****ing well shunters, we're off to the big show". :D

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