February 2024 Update:
Please don't read this thread. I know Google will show it, but it's old and filled with partly wrong information from me.
Just use my LUT package instead:

-------------- Don't read this! --------------

Older edit: After almost everyone prefers the LUT-Configuration, I created a Lut-only Thread with all my LUTs attached in a zip-file in the Download-Area here at Racedepartment.
Have a look:

Original post:
Hello everyone,
I know there are a lot of settings and guides online for "the perfect settings" but after I spent about 30 hours searching and trying, I really found MY best settings.
They are a combination of different guides (but with the "GAMMA-option" in use) that I will name right now and first:

Really nice and complete Guide on Assetto Corsa Forum
Reddit Thread where my adventure began (and where I got the Link above)
FFB Deadzone Fix Logitech G27
Guide for LUT Generator (can't recommend it but helped me understanding)

EDIT: I thought the LUT was what gave me my perfect feeling BUT IT WAS THE TYPE=GAMMA, not a LUT so I rewrote that whole Guide:

EDIT2: I found out how to write a LUT yourself so I did it and the result is something similar to the gamma-setting BUT less compressed, smoother middle-transition and therefore BETTER! Here is the link to the post if you don't want to scroll down: LINK

TL: DR Lines:
1. Adjust InGame-settings and Profiler G27_AC_InGame_andProfiler.JPG

2. Open the controls.ini:
you find this ini in: "C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Assetto Corsa\cfg\controls.ini"

open the assetto_corsa.ini:
you find this ini in: "%...%\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\system\cfg\assetto_corsa.ini"

open the ff_post_process.ini
you find this ini in: "C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Assetto Corsa\cfg\ff_post_process.ini"
set VERSION=1, TYPE=GAMMA, ENABLED=1, VALUE=0.5, CURVE=%doesn't matter%G27_AC_ff_post_processINI_GAMMA.JPG


6. additional:

- Logitech Profiler:
- overall: 100
- spring: 0
- damper: 0
- untick center spring, NO combined pedals, 900° rotation, TICK "allow game to adjust settings"

- AC InGame:
- Gain: 50% [depends on your wheel but for my G27 it is 50%. 75-125% InCAR]
- Filter: 0
- Min Force: 4%
- kerb, road, slip: 0
- understeer: untick
- Steering Settings: gamma 1, filter 0, sensivity 0!!

For those who want a detailed guide:

After I read very very much about all seen and all hidden settings in Assetto Corsa, I tried everything out, but one of these things was always bothering me:

1. you have a huge dead zone
2. your wheel oszillates
3. deadzone ok but no smooth transition at center
4. just too much force

The solution for me was the GAMMA-setting in the ff_post_process.ini!
Combined with the dampening-setting, the Gyro-setting, the min_force and the Center_Boost!
Short version of what this settings do:
To get rid of the Deadzone you need to combine the very little center-boost with the min-force. But then you will have a little bump in the middle because they have a "hard cut" at zero-force.
If you enable the GAMMA-setting this hard-cut will be transformed into a curve, just like the FFB-Output from Assetto Corsa will get compressed to a curve where little forces are boosted and the high forces are lowered.
Here are a few pictures of that:

1. Wheelcheck Result:G27_Wheelcheck_Result.JPG
2. How the AC-FFB has to be alternated:G27_AC_Wheelcheck_andHanddrawed.JPG G27_AC_HowFFBWouldAlternated.JPG

3. All these settings combined:G27_AC_FinalCurvePP.JPG

So you get rid of the deadzone but don't get an oscillating wheel! [Plus you feel more details.]

The Settings in detail:
1. controls.ini:G27_AC_controlsINI_FF.JPGG27_AC_WhatDoesCenterBoostPP.JPG
you find this ini in: "C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Assetto Corsa\cfg\controls.ini"

- Filter=0: This should eliminate FFB-spikes but for me it seems like it just kills little details but does not really smoothes out! So let it on 0!

- MIN_FF=0: That means, that the "zero force" is still zero force, theoretically it's THE setting to get rid of the deadzone BUT I experienced, that you need to get up to 17% for the G27 and then don't have a deadzone anymore but case 2.: your wheel oscillates.
If you go down to about 12% you have case 3.: the deadzone is still there, but little. Problem: it doesn't feel nice... 0 Force in the Deadzone and then BAM, FORCE.
My thought about that:
The "MIN FORCE" doesn't have a "Curve" for the lowest force. It just does a hard cut which ends up in my experienced results. (See Picture above: 3. combined)

- CENTER_BOOST_GAIN: In the Guide "FFB Deadzone Fix for Logitech G27 1.2" this setting is used.
Explanation: If you imagine the Wheel, the FFB begins at a little bit right and left from the center-> "deadzone". That is because the force that IS THERE, IN THE CENTER, is too low for your wheel.
This setting BOOSTS the FFB in the RANGE of "CENTER_BOOST_RANGE"

- CENTER_BOOST_RANGE: as mentioned, this is the range of the boost that applies on the FFB FROM THE CENTER. Theoretically you just need to "Boost the deadzone away". But this does not work, I tried EVERYTHING!! (combined with GAMMA this transforms to a "curve"!)

I combined this 3 settings in every possibility but you have always ONE problem: the "center transition" as in "you steer from left to right" gets a BUMP in the middle, because of the boost.
I tried to lower the boost, widen the range, give a little more MIN_FORCE. But nope, you always gets this unrealistic "center-bump". (so you need the GAMMA!)

I have to give the author much credit, it is a really nice setting but it's just not enough for me.

2. assetto_corsa.iniG27_AC_assetto_corsaINI_FF.JPG
you find this ini in: "%...%\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\system\cfg\assetto_corsa.ini"

- FF_SKIP_STEPS=0: If set to 1, you get half of the FFB-Refresh-Rate. So if you have a decent hardware, go with 0! Some people get an error on servers because their CPU is too weak. Then go with 1. It doesn't make a HUGE difference, but the more FF-Inputs, the better, right? :p

- ENABLE_GYRO=1: Honestly, I don't understand this settings but it smoothens the wheel without taking away important informations!
If you read about that setting: It is for Direct Drive Wheels as the Logitech G27 (not belt drive like Thrustmaster for example) and interprets "the wheel as a Gyro on certain speeds".
If your wheel is a little bit "shaky" overall or oscillates: go with 1!

- DAMPER_MIN_LEVEL=0.0: This means, that the InGame dampening (a few versions ago there was a slider?!) is OFF, when the Engine says the damper to be zero. If you increase this settings, your dampening will ALWAYS BE ON, even if the engine does NOT give the input for it.

- DAMPER_GAIN=1.0: That is simple. If the engine gives the input to dampen the FFB-Signal, it is indeed dampened. For my G27 I like it on 0.7 but if your wheel feels a little "numb" you can lower or even deactivate it. I find my wheel too shaky when on 0.0!

3. ff_post_process.iniG27_AC_ff_post_processINI_GAMMA.JPG
you find this ini in: "C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Assetto Corsa\cfg\ff_post_process.ini"

- Version=1: No idea, just leave it!

- TYPE=GAMMA: I don't know how it works exactly but it is THE setting that got me stunning! I drawed a Curve about how it feels for me and it makes sense but honestly: no idea...
Here is the picture:G27_AC_WhatDoesGammaPP.JPG

- VALUE=0.5: Well in one guide the author tells you "it is on 1 at mine, no idea, just leave it" BUT IT IS IMPORTANT!
It determines how strong the FFB gets "compressed". So on 1.0 it does NOTHING, on 0.1 you feel absolutely no details, it's like ultra-power-steering.
For me about 0.5 is the optimum for having details but no deadzone.
What is important here: you have to lower the global FFB in order to have "normal forces". The lower the value, the lower your global FFB! If you put VALUE=0.1 and global FFB on 100% you get broken arms for sure... :p

- CURVE=%doesn't matter, not active%": Well this is just the settings to take the correct LUT. BUT: I don't use a LUT and I can't recommend it with the G27. Tried it and it was just awful!
IF you want to activate a LUT you have to change TYPE=LUT (thanks to Ross Garland for giving me that info!)

I know that was a lot and I know it's not perfect but maybe it will help you with your settings and increase the fun you have with Assetto Corsa.
I switched over from Project Cars but was so mad with my wheel that I thought about buying another one. The Deadzone was so annoying but the graphics, sound and gameplay were better and I really wanted that game to get working!

This is just a wrap up from other people's posts and guides but I didn't find a guide here, where you don't need to login to the Assetto Corsa Forum or even there, where all these settings are packed up so you can just read it down and get your settings.
And most importantly: I nowhere found any mention of this GAMMA-setting in the ff_post_process.ini so alone for that setting I wrote that all down.

I made this post to give all searching souls another thing to try and hope this makes even a few people happy :)

Let me know if it helped you!

Kind Regards,
Last edited:
guys i have problem now.. i have LDFGT and i changed to this LUT and now i have problem that my steering wheel is shaking (vibrating) in idle, so when i stop with my car, its shaking.... how to turn that off?
guys i have problem now.. i have LDFGT and i changed to this LUT and now i have problem that my steering wheel is shaking (vibrating) in idle, so when i stop with my car, its shaking.... how to turn that off?
Which LUT did you use?
For the dfgt you need to use the dfgt LUT, not the other ones!
And 100% gain in the Logitech control panel, never more (and I wouldn't recommend less than 100).

In the game I use 100% gain in the menu and also 100% in-car-gain (numpad +/- buttons).

This shouldn't shake! Maybe a bit of vibrations but no shaking!
dfgt lut i used... its 100%

yes. vibraton, i didnt mean shaking, its just vibraton on idle, i didnt had that before on default lut... that is what i dont like :D but ok, maybe i get used to it

btw isnt it too much 100% gain ?
dfgt lut i used... its 100%

yes. vibraton, i didnt mean shaking, its just vibraton on idle, i didnt had that before on default lut... that is what i dont like :D but ok, maybe i get used to it

btw isnt it too much 100% gain ?
Ah okay.
The vibration is just random noise from the very first line in the LUT.
If you want to get rid of it, open the LUT file with a text editor and replace the right value in the first line with 0.
So 0 | 0 then is the first line and the vibration should be gone.

I found out that you can fill the little notch/hole in the center with ffb-noise to make the wheel smoother.
But you get some vibrations (that don't hurt the wheel!) when standing still.

I like it but if you don't like it, simply change the first value :)

100% gain isn't a problem at all. The Logitech wheels are built for it, it's the default setting.
It simply means "use all the force that this wheel is designed for".

If you lower the gain in the Logitech control panel, you won't get less clipping or anything. Everything will simply be scaled down with the same amount of clipping.
Using more than 100% boosts everything below 100% ffb but then clips/limits the force above 100%.

So in the Logitech control panel :
Always use 100%

In the game you could use less than 100% to get less clipping but clipping isn't bad. It's not the rattling you hear and feel! That's just the mechanics of the wheel working.
Clipping means that the direction of the ffb will still be the same, but you won't feel a difference in strength!
So a bump mid corner will still shake the wheel left and right but it will have the same "force" like the cornering force. So a bit less pronounced.

The problem with the Logitech wheels is that they are too weak. If you lower the gain in the game you will feel the bumps more clearly but the overall force feedback will be too soft to actually feel the grip limits.

Kunos did a good job with the 100% gain. It's a good mix!
ok, steering wheel feels much better, i agree,, its more stiff and like its had no dead zone...

btw how does that ffbclip work? do i need to adjust anything there?
Great to hear that you like it!

Ffbclip: honestly I would uninstall it... It's a really awesome tool, coding wise. But when using the LUT I wouldn't use it at all.
It sets all cars to a similar amount of clipping, which is nice if you have a wheel without a dead zone and with enough power to have enough force to feel the grip limit even at only 40% of ffb power.

But with the Logitech wheels you want the center to feel nice, tight but without a bump in the middle to be precise when turning in.
The turn in while still holding the brake a little bit is a very important part to be fast.

So I did this with my g27 and dfgt:
Uninstall ffb clip, start with 100% gain in the menu and per car (numpad +/- while driving).
If you have a notch/bump in the center: lower the per car ffb.
If it doesn't feel tight enough, raise the per car ffb.

A bit more or less clipping doesn't matter with these wheels. Important is a nice center position!
So just dial that in to your liking and be fine :)
Last edited:
Why are people still using LUT for G27? Wasn’t it proved 2 months ago that using Gamma 0.85 and not using ffbclip was the best option for G27?

I tested it and I agree.

Creating a LUT using wheelcheck or FCM it feels worse than using gamma 0.85.
Using Gyro=1 is also bad because it adds a filter to the FFB, like powersteering: you lose detail.

Ffbclip is simply awful, I cannot believe people use it. Especially on dynamic mode,.. Every corner feels different, like a computer preprogrammed active suspension car, changing dynamics at every corner!

A G27 will never provide 30nm of torque. Why compress all forces that exist on 1 lap into <5nm for the G27? So you can feel the difference between 250kmh corner and 300kph corner (on a G27?!). Forget it, forget FFBclip.

Just set mechanical grip, biting tire feeling and SAT (self aligning torque) to a good strong feeling using numpad+ and let the higher forces just clip. This is the way AC feels closest to rF and iRacing for me.

But going back to LUT, I thought gamma 0.85 was what everyone had decided on?
Why are people still using LUT for G27? Wasn’t it proved 2 months ago that using Gamma 0.85 and not using ffbclip was the best option for G27?

I tested it and I agree.

Creating a LUT using wheelcheck or FCM it feels worse than using gamma 0.85.
Using Gyro=1 is also bad because it adds a filter to the FFB, like powersteering: you lose detail.

Ffbclip is simply awful, I cannot believe people use it. Especially on dynamic mode,.. Every corner feels different, like a computer preprogrammed active suspension car, changing dynamics at every corner!

A G27 will never provide 30nm of torque. Why compress all forces that exist on 1 lap into <5nm for the G27? So you can feel the difference between 250kmh corner and 300kph corner (on a G27?!). Forget it, forget FFBclip.

Just set mechanical grip, biting tire feeling and SAT (self aligning torque) to a good strong feeling using numpad+ and let the higher forces just clip. This is the way AC feels closest to rF and iRacing for me.

But going back to LUT, I thought gamma 0.85 was what everyone had decided on?

So in your opinion, what are the best settings for G27?
hello Rasmus, i have to thank you because after struggling with my new to me G29 feeling the ffb right and catching slides i discovered your lut, the tight center one, and it changed my sim life completely in assetto. i am much much faster and consistent, now being able to catch slides and snaps and be more brave in corners on the limit. now i am selling the g29 and go to thrustmaster tx (same as t300rs afaik) so i wonder if you recommend any setting or lut because i want to get all the juice out of this wheel as i am in some local championship with e30 dtm and i enjoy it alot, but i am feeling nervous about changing the hardware between races.
hello Rasmus, i have to thank you because after struggling with my new to me G29 feeling the ffb right and catching slides i discovered your lut, the tight center one, and it changed my sim life completely in assetto. i am much much faster and consistent, now being able to catch slides and snaps and be more brave in corners on the limit. now i am selling the g29 and go to thrustmaster tx (same as t300rs afaik) so i wonder if you recommend any setting or lut because i want to get all the juice out of this wheel as i am in some local championship with e30 dtm and i enjoy it alot, but i am feeling nervous about changing the hardware between races.
Hi :)

Thanks for these positive words!
I only had the TS-PC for 2 weeks so I can't give you 100% precise input on this.
From all I know, the TX and t300 basically have no dead zone.
So just leave everything at defaults, no LUT, no editing of files.
Maybe use the button combination for the forced 100% fan to keep it cool and ffb level up and then dial in the gain in Assetto to your liking.
Just don't go above 100% gain though to not get too much clipping.
I'd say about 75-80%% gain should be as strong as the g29 but give you enough headroom for the grip limit and details :)

The lower you go from 100% the more you might feel the need for some minimum force. I'd say up to 3% are okay to use. Beware about it becoming notchy around the center.
With the TS-PC I used 1% min force.

Rest should just be identical to your current settings. Delete the LUT file from your documents to make sure it doesn't become active due to bugs etc.
EDIT: After almost everyone prefers the LUT-Configuration, I created a Lut-only Thread with all my LUTs attached in a zip-file in the Download-Area here at Racedepartment.
Have a look:

Hello everyone,
I know there are a lot of settings and guides online for "the perfect settings" but after I spent about 30 hours searching and trying, I really found MY best settings.
They are a combination of different guides (but with the "GAMMA-option" in use) that I will name right now and first:

Really nice and complete Guide on Assetto Corsa Forum
Reddit Thread where my adventure began (and where I got the Link above)
FFB Deadzone Fix Logitech G27
Guide for LUT Generator (can't recommend it but helped me understanding)

EDIT: I thought the LUT was what gave me my perfect feeling BUT IT WAS THE TYPE=GAMMA, not a LUT so I rewrote that whole Guide:

EDIT2: I found out how to write a LUT yourself so I did it and the result is something similar to the gamma-setting BUT less compressed, smoother middle-transition and therefore BETTER! Here is the link to the post if you don't want to scroll down: LINK

TL: DR Lines:
1. Adjust InGame-settings and ProfilerView attachment 185550

2. Open the controls.ini:
you find this ini in: "C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Assetto Corsa\cfg\controls.ini"
set MIN_FF=0.04, CENTER_BOOST_GAIN=1.3, CENTER_BOOST_RANGE=0.001View attachment 185548

open the assetto_corsa.ini:
you find this ini in: "%...%\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\system\cfg\assetto_corsa.ini"
set ENABLE_GYRO=1, DAMPER_MIN_LEVEL=0.0, DAMPER_GAIN=0.7View attachment 185547

open the ff_post_process.ini
you find this ini in: "C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Assetto Corsa\cfg\ff_post_process.ini"
set VERSION=1, TYPE=GAMMA, ENABLED=1, VALUE=0.5, CURVE=%doesn't matter%View attachment 185546


6. additional:

- Logitech Profiler:
- overall: 100
- spring: 0
- damper: 0
- untick center spring, NO combined pedals, 900° rotation, TICK "allow game to adjust settings"

- AC InGame:
- Gain: 50% [depends on your wheel but for my G27 it is 50%. 75-125% InCAR]
- Filter: 0
- Min Force: 4%
- kerb, road, slip: 0
- understeer: untick
- Steering Settings: gamma 1, filter 0, sensivity 0!!

For those who want a detailed guide:

After I read very very much about all seen and all hidden settings in Assetto Corsa, I tried everything out, but one of these things was always bothering me:

1. you have a huge dead zone
2. your wheel oszillates
3. deadzone ok but no smooth transition at center
4. just too much force

The solution for me was the GAMMA-setting in the ff_post_process.ini!
Combined with the dampening-setting, the Gyro-setting, the min_force and the Center_Boost!
Short version of what this settings do:
To get rid of the Deadzone you need to combine the very little center-boost with the min-force. But then you will have a little bump in the middle because they have a "hard cut" at zero-force.
If you enable the GAMMA-setting this hard-cut will be transformed into a curve, just like the FFB-Output from Assetto Corsa will get compressed to a curve where little forces are boosted and the high forces are lowered.
Here are a few pictures of that:

1. Wheelcheck Result:View attachment 185555
2. How the AC-FFB has to be alternated:View attachment 185549 View attachment 185553

3. All these settings combined:View attachment 185554

So you get rid of the deadzone but don't get an oscillating wheel! [Plus you feel more details.]

The Settings in detail:
1. controls.ini:View attachment 185548View attachment 185551
you find this ini in: "C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Assetto Corsa\cfg\controls.ini"

- Filter=0: This should eliminate FFB-spikes but for me it seems like it just kills little details but does not really smoothes out! So let it on 0!

- MIN_FF=0: That means, that the "zero force" is still zero force, theoretically it's THE setting to get rid of the deadzone BUT I experienced, that you need to get up to 17% for the G27 and then don't have a deadzone anymore but case 2.: your wheel oscillates.
If you go down to about 12% you have case 3.: the deadzone is still there, but little. Problem: it doesn't feel nice... 0 Force in the Deadzone and then BAM, FORCE.
My thought about that:
The "MIN FORCE" doesn't have a "Curve" for the lowest force. It just does a hard cut which ends up in my experienced results. (See Picture above: 3. combined)

- CENTER_BOOST_GAIN: In the Guide "FFB Deadzone Fix for Logitech G27 1.2" this setting is used.
Explanation: If you imagine the Wheel, the FFB begins at a little bit right and left from the center-> "deadzone". That is because the force that IS THERE, IN THE CENTER, is too low for your wheel.
This setting BOOSTS the FFB in the RANGE of "CENTER_BOOST_RANGE"

- CENTER_BOOST_RANGE: as mentioned, this is the range of the boost that applies on the FFB FROM THE CENTER. Theoretically you just need to "Boost the deadzone away". But this does not work, I tried EVERYTHING!! (combined with GAMMA this transforms to a "curve"!)

I combined this 3 settings in every possibility but you have always ONE problem: the "center transition" as in "you steer from left to right" gets a BUMP in the middle, because of the boost.
I tried to lower the boost, widen the range, give a little more MIN_FORCE. But nope, you always gets this unrealistic "center-bump". (so you need the GAMMA!)

I have to give the author much credit, it is a really nice setting but it's just not enough for me.

2. assetto_corsa.iniView attachment 185547
you find this ini in: "%...%\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\system\cfg\assetto_corsa.ini"

- FF_SKIP_STEPS=0: If set to 1, you get half of the FFB-Refresh-Rate. So if you have a decent hardware, go with 0! Some people get an error on servers because their CPU is too weak. Then go with 1. It doesn't make a HUGE difference, but the more FF-Inputs, the better, right? :p

- ENABLE_GYRO=1: Honestly, I don't understand this settings but it smoothens the wheel without taking away important informations!
If you read about that setting: It is for Direct Drive Wheels as the Logitech G27 (not belt drive like Thrustmaster for example) and interprets "the wheel as a Gyro on certain speeds".
If your wheel is a little bit "shaky" overall or oscillates: go with 1!

- DAMPER_MIN_LEVEL=0.0: This means, that the InGame dampening (a few versions ago there was a slider?!) is OFF, when the Engine says the damper to be zero. If you increase this settings, your dampening will ALWAYS BE ON, even if the engine does NOT give the input for it.

- DAMPER_GAIN=1.0: That is simple. If the engine gives the input to dampen the FFB-Signal, it is indeed dampened. For my G27 I like it on 0.7 but if your wheel feels a little "numb" you can lower or even deactivate it. I find my wheel too shaky when on 0.0!

3. ff_post_process.iniView attachment 185546
you find this ini in: "C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Assetto Corsa\cfg\ff_post_process.ini"

- Version=1: No idea, just leave it!

- TYPE=GAMMA: I don't know how it works exactly but it is THE setting that got me stunning! I drawed a Curve about how it feels for me and it makes sense but honestly: no idea...
Here is the picture:View attachment 185552

- VALUE=0.5: Well in one guide the author tells you "it is on 1 at mine, no idea, just leave it" BUT IT IS IMPORTANT!
It determines how strong the FFB gets "compressed". So on 1.0 it does NOTHING, on 0.1 you feel absolutely no details, it's like ultra-power-steering.
For me about 0.5 is the optimum for having details but no deadzone.
What is important here: you have to lower the global FFB in order to have "normal forces". The lower the value, the lower your global FFB! If you put VALUE=0.1 and global FFB on 100% you get broken arms for sure... :p

- CURVE=%doesn't matter, not active%": Well this is just the settings to take the correct LUT. BUT: I don't use a LUT and I can't recommend it with the G27. Tried it and it was just awful!
IF you want to activate a LUT you have to change TYPE=LUT (thanks to Ross Garland for giving me that info!)

I know that was a lot and I know it's not perfect but maybe it will help you with your settings and increase the fun you have with Assetto Corsa.
I switched over from Project Cars but was so mad with my wheel that I thought about buying another one. The Deadzone was so annoying but the graphics, sound and gameplay were better and I really wanted that game to get working!

This is just a wrap up from other people's posts and guides but I didn't find a guide here, where you don't need to login to the Assetto Corsa Forum or even there, where all these settings are packed up so you can just read it down and get your settings.
And most importantly: I nowhere found any mention of this GAMMA-setting in the ff_post_process.ini so alone for that setting I wrote that all down.

I made this post to give all searching souls another thing to try and hope this makes even a few people happy :)

Let me know if it helped you!

Kind Regards,
Can you do this for ACC as well? I do not have the file under config: ff_post_process.ini (There is no file like this on my ACC folder)
Why are people still using LUT for G27? Wasn’t it proved 2 months ago that using Gamma 0.85 and not using ffbclip was the best option for G27?

I tested it and I agree.

Creating a LUT using wheelcheck or FCM it feels worse than using gamma 0.85.
Using Gyro=1 is also bad because it adds a filter to the FFB, like powersteering: you lose detail.

Ffbclip is simply awful, I cannot believe people use it. Especially on dynamic mode,.. Every corner feels different, like a computer preprogrammed active suspension car, changing dynamics at every corner!

A G27 will never provide 30nm of torque. Why compress all forces that exist on 1 lap into <5nm for the G27? So you can feel the difference between 250kmh corner and 300kph corner (on a G27?!). Forget it, forget FFBclip.

Just set mechanical grip, biting tire feeling and SAT (self aligning torque) to a good strong feeling using numpad+ and let the higher forces just clip. This is the way AC feels closest to rF and iRacing for me.

But going back to LUT, I thought gamma 0.85 was what everyone had decided on?
So in your opinion, what are the best settings for G27?
Sorry guys, missed the notification somehow...

gold333 can you send a source to the "proven 0.85 gamma = the best"? Maybe it is indeed nice, when I played around with gamma I couldn't really get it smooth in the center.
Only with my own LUT, which btw don't change the standard, linear ffb at all but instead only shape the min force into a smooth curve, I could get it completely smooth.

Sadly you can't combine LUT with gamma, that would probably be "the best"...

I totally agree with you though:
ffb clip on dynamic is.. just weird. Everyone talking about how nice Loadcell brakes are due to building muscle memory and then they use constantly changing ffb for each corner...?!

I also totally agree that the wheelcheck created LUTs are just awful. Tested this back then and after half a lap I deleted it.
But I'm thankful for this because I got to know how to create my own LUT due to this.

So, can you send me some links about the magic 0.85 gamma stuff? Would like to have a read!
Can you do this for ACC as well? I do not have the file under config: ff_post_process.ini (There is no file like this on my ACC folder)
There's a steam guide for this with my permission of linking my download from a nice chap!:

To make it simple:
Go to my LUT download, pick one (I'm not sure the recommended LUT really works nicely with ACC so maybe better use the "normal center" one!),
take the lut and ff_post_processing.ini from the folder in the download and throw them into:
"C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Assetto Corsa Competizione\Config"

And that's it. LUT will be automatically loaded :)

Don't forget to put your minimum force to 0%!
Play around with the ffb gain in ACC until the center feels the smoothest, then it's correctly working.
Sorry guys, missed the notification somehow...

gold333 can you send a source to the "proven 0.85 gamma = the best"? Maybe it is indeed nice, when I played around with gamma I couldn't really get it smooth in the center.
Only with my own LUT, which btw don't change the standard, linear ffb at all but instead only shape the min force into a smooth curve, I could get it completely smooth.

Sadly you can't combine LUT with gamma, that would probably be "the best"...

I totally agree with you though:
ffb clip on dynamic is.. just weird. Everyone talking about how nice Loadcell brakes are due to building muscle memory and then they use constantly changing ffb for each corner...?!

I also totally agree that the wheelcheck created LUTs are just awful. Tested this back then and after half a lap I deleted it.
But I'm thankful for this because I got to know how to create my own LUT due to this.

So, can you send me some links about the magic 0.85 gamma stuff? Would like to have a read!
Thanks M8
after getting caught up in a thread about the LUT I found out, that it is quiet simple to write a customized LUT yourself. So I tried it and after about 10 hours of work I got a LUT that feels even better than Gamma+Min_Force+Center_Boost.
I got way more details and the "bump" in the middle is completely gone!
Here is what I think my old settings look like in comparison to my LUT which I created with Excel+Diagram to see exactly what I am doing.
Old setting:View attachment 190293

My LUT: View attachment 190294

So you see: less compression of the forces and also a smoother transition to "zero force". No more bump in the middle and a very smooth and detailed FFB when turning in.

What you have to configure for using the LUT:

ENABLE_GYRO=0 I like it off with the LUT
DAMPER_MIN_LEVEL=0.0 no dampening!
DAMPER_GAIN=0.0 no dampening!

\users\dokumente\Assetto Corsa\cfg:


MIN_FF=0.00 the first line in the LUT 0|0.08 is the 8% min force!
CENTER_BOOST_GAIN=0.0 not needed!
CENTER_BOOST_RANGE=0.001 not needed!

TYPE=LUT activates the LUT instead of GAMMA!
ENABLED=1 activates the use of the LUT/GAMMA
VALUE=1.0 with GAMMA this is how much you compress the FFB. With a LUT you want 1:1 processing because your LUT is already the compressed curve!
CURVE=YourLutName That must be the same name as your LUT-file!

And finally: here is what my LUT looks like: (yes, very long...)
[I updated my LUT so it gets a bit more "heavy" but I don't know if others like it. It's in the spoiler:]

I'm insanely confused right now xD

I have the G29
So following the LUT Thread and set all the .inis given within.
Take that new LUT and ignore everything about gamma
Set values like in the Lut Thread (100%ffb max - although to me it looks like this new lut is based on the strong version)

edit: btw my wheel is not centered somehow
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Not centered wheel is very strange!
Unplug the USB and plug it in again to get the wheel to self calibrate. If that's not helping, I don't know anything about this, sadly..
You'll have to Google for a solution or get it repaired I guess.

Anyway, let's hope it's centered again:

Sadly you found this thread before you found my download with the zipped lut files...
Yes, forget about everything, set gain to 50% and put the "recommended lut" files into your documents/assetto corsa/cfg folder and that's it :)

But you didn't quote my post with the link so please just click on this link:

Bro! this was almost the solution for my problems!

i followed your steps and my G923 is working so beautifully and smooth.... but...

i would like my wheel:

to give its max torque + beautiful settings of this post

do you think it is possible? you know more about this :(

i tried lowering the gamma to almost zero but starts to feel terrible
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Bro! this was almost the solution for my problems!

i followed your steps and my G923 is working so beautifully and smooth.... but...

i would like my wheel:

to give its max torque + beautiful settings of this post

do you think it is possible? you know more about this :(

i tried lowering the gamma to almost zero but starts to feel terrible
I would suggest to try the "gamma like LUT" from my download thread:

It's as strong as it can get without losing too much detail and should also be smoother at the center than using the normal gamma setting :)

About the gamma setting: Gamma doesn't change the maximum torque. It just raises lower ffb levels to more torque. So low ffb level feels stronger but there's less dynamic at higher ffb levels. It's a compromise/trade-off. Details vs feeling.
So using 100% gain will always give you the full torque possible. Using more than 100% in the game will give too much clipping.

Hope that helps!

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