PC2 Has Anyone Gotten Logi G Pro (DD) Wheel Working with PC2?

PC2 is the last of my modern(-ish) sims (less than 8 years old) that I'm trying to configure to work with my Logi Pro G (DD) Wheel + Fanatec Clubsport peds. After trying all sorts of combos in the in-game "settings", I've had no luck at all.

Has anyone gotten this wheel to work with PC2? If so, would you mind sharing your complete in-game controller settings? Also, which compatibility mode on the wheel itself?

In the upcoming AMS2 update (available as a release candidate now), the new Logitech wheel is supported. I don't know if it's merely a config file or if it has a code update, but it would certainly be worthwhile to get ahold of the config file to see if that works.
The Logi wheel with separate peds is already supported in the AMS2 Beta (which is different from the RC candidate). Which specific .cfg file are you referring to? It's certainly worth a try.
