PC2 Have Your Say: Project CARS 2 Three Months On

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Paul Jeffrey

Project CARS 2 Have  Your Say.jpg

Project CARS 2 released across PC and console platforms back on the 22nd September to mixed reviews, now three months and a couple of patches we want you to 'Have Your Say'...

The latest racing title from Slightly Mad Studios continues to divide opinion throughout the sim racing community, often mixing the sublime with the ridiculous in equal measure as it constantly strives to achieve the lofty ideals set forth by an aggressive pre release marketing campaign.

Shipping in a sub optimal state and having since been in receipt of a sizable updates, the question for today is:

How do you feel Project CARS 2 has progressed since release day, and what are your impressions of the game now?

Have fun, stay respectful and enjoy the weekend!
You mean "You" right ? :p .. because there are a lot of us where it does deliver .. & this is how it starts ,this is another blanket statement that appears to claim that for everyone it does not deliver .. not true .. ppl using there own experience and carpet bombing it like it happens to everyone .. :cry: Its ok to not like something :) I I see your genuinely not a hater or a fan boy so don't take it the wrong way but its statements like this that poor's fuel on the fire ..

Well you have to know all the details ..and they are not public .... :speechless: & never will be ...

first, don't edit other peoples quotes to fit your likings, put those in full, please.
second, my claim is proved: if you plug a pad, all cars only give you 90º left or right rotation lock, the game offers no other solution, and that was a problem solved by the competition decades ago. that was not advertised in Steam, so i bought without knowing about it, got my refund and my right to be vocal about this epic mistake by SMS.

...and you are the one sounding like a flamer or hater in your response buddy.
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still bug ridden,

poor ffb

poor AI

no custom championships

poor career (scripted weather, ai results random every race)

community event = beat celebs time, trouble is sms are too dumb to actually let you know what their time is

worst server browser ever created

utterly stupid rules system,

multiplayer is crap (grid lights not showing for some, end of race results are wrong on occasion, rolling starts completly broken, different weather for different ppl, prob a lot more but thinking about it too much hurts my head)

all in all, pretty poor

good vision and ambition but poor execution
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...I guess Ian is so used to yes men that he is paying, that as soon as a person comes along who he hasn't paid to shill his game he can't quite work it out what is a normal way to interact with people.
Funny you should say that. :D
Sad little person.....
You on crack?
...SMS attack dogs.....
...I also think Ian Bell is so full of BS its untrue...
They also just happen to have 2 top guys, Stephano and Ian who don't seem able to deal with any customers who aren't blowing smoke up their butts.
See...customer...not a 'hater'.....customer.....seems SMS care not for customers and only WMD <SNIP>
Mod: don't feed the trolls... please.
(MOD have to intervene. Veeery gently, as you may have noticed:D)

Yeah... without a shred of doubt, you really DO know with people. :rolleyes:
Unlike always restless and all around jumpy Ian eh...

There's much more of it, I just got tired finding them all, run out of oxygen:), and barely emerged a few of your biggest pearls.

...You adore the game, fine, well stop trying to make everyone else adore it and actually just go and spend some time playing it rather than going around the internet stopping others having opinions...jesus man...
Hey genius... you doing the exactly the same. Just the opposite. Yes, you do.

...So having any rational debate with them is pretty impossible.
Funny you should say that too. :D

I was reporting one of your personal insults (was just calling for respecting forum rules and mods. oh silly me huh :D) to mods but seems like they don't give a flying puck about it so guess gloves off - I too don't have to be nice and auto-censored any possible strong word from my side.
Giving thee lack of their reaction towards your constant flaming, sole purpose of bashing the game and everyone who doesn't take the game as a piece of shiet, as you obviously do, attacking mr Bell (guess that's just one of the most popular sports 'round here) I conclude that they deserve you, and the ones like you.

No infraction, nothing whatsoever, just that one tiny, innocent, PEGI 3 warning.

And you're not so much to blame... you simply didn't raised well.
You yelling all the time. As a member @Damage Inc has noticed... you need to take a chill pill. Better whole box I say. And, also as Damage have noticed.. Kunos guys are more vocal in expressing their mind when your opinion that is not same as theirs. (we don't know how tires work, huh Stef?:D) At least Ian doesn't come here and attacking people on non-official forum - Stefano can proudly say - been there done that.

So I'll leave you and your tolerant mod buddies in peace then. Have a nice day.
Get some life. There's much more of life beyond Ian Bell, SMS & PC2.
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Really so you disagree that im happy with the game caz your not ? When you say “us” that means all of us ? Or do you have a mouse in your pocket .. if you said YOU were up set because the game did not deliver again fir YOU thats fine you have every right to your opinion but when you say “us” then it blankets the whole community.. and this is not about you at all I could have picked one of the toxic threads , there is one on every frikin page i just used yours sry .. ... this is exactly what im talking about the blind will always be blind i guess .. anyway cheers and enjoy the holidays!
Basically summed up what I've taken about 20 posts to make....
As soon as you don't say all is utter perfection within PCars 2 you get rounded on..and they even try it out side of the official forum.....
They see it all as a big competition. So to them, if you say "i like PCars 2 but there is an issue with....." they read that as "Forza is better" or "RF2 is better"....
So they respond with abuse....
They can't fathom that someone could and ca play all of the sims and like them all.... because they sadly for them have for some unknown reason pledged this alligence that means they can only play one sim and can't possibly ever be seen to play anything else..
So having any rational debate with them is pretty impossible.

good previous post spoilt by the utter crap I highlight in bold above, pure and compete NONSENSE, stop spouting it. PC2 (and 1) is (was) criticised on the official forums all the time. It's the narky comments that get stepped on, also don't forget that people can read a thread different as well so there can be misunderstandings (had it myself on occasions on the official forums) so what sound like a reasonable complaint may come across another way and with the history of PCars, which started with narky entitlement there is a defensive attitiude on the official forums...but that is NO different to other games official forums...I used to spend a lot of time on the Official Elite Dangerous forums and many love it and defend it to the hilt, yet the game has some serious issues (still an awesome game) but problems non the less.

Oh and show me this "abuse" you claim. It's a family friendly forum so I'd imagine it's a LOT less than some of the abusive insults I've read on THIS forum many aimed at me.
Yes quite how a racing driver making his own opinion of a game makes him 'unprofessional' is beyond me.
I guess Ian is so used to yes men that he is paying, that as soon as a person comes along who he hasn't paid to shill his game he can't quite work it out what is a normal way to interact with people.

Given your unmoderated open abuse towards me here you don't really deserve an answer but for others I'll explain. We are a paying licensee of AMG Mercedes. Jan is an official Mercedes test driver.


Contractually, officials and representatives of a licensor don't publicly disparage their licensees.

THAT is what makes it 'unprofessional' and I absolutely stand by it.
I think I'll post my thoughts on the game:

I like it a lot, more an evolution of the original (as to be expected), live track 3 and rain very well done. Best content overall than any PC sim (only beaten by Forza).

Disappointed that no custom offline championship made it in, Ai could be better (not the worst I've seen, VR46 takes that cake!). Not happy that scripted weather (albeit randomised on what lap) returned.

It's a solid game that I do feel was rushed out prematurely as others have said, with 3-4 years of support it could be stunning (but that won't happen I fear like for the original). SMS push the envelope a lot more than the other devs and have suffered from encountering issues that no-one foresaw (that comes from pushing the envelope). When everything comes together it is the best racing experience I have ever had, the potential is clearly there (as others have stated). It's let down by niggly issues for some and really bad ones for others.

personally as it is I'd give it 7.5 maybe an 8. Not perfect, but what it does well it does brilliantly and it does quite a bit more than most of it's rivals, which is a duel edged sword.
Given your unmoderated open abuse towards me here you don't really deserve an answer but for others I'll explain. We are a paying licensee of AMG Mercedes. Jan is an official Mercedes test driver.


Contractually, officials and representatives of a licensor don't publicly disparage their licensees.

THAT is what makes it 'unprofessional' and I absolutely stand by it.

I have no beef in that story and only have seen yesterday the original video (casual drive around Nordschleife VLN with comments of personal opinions of the driver) and have only seen above posted snippet of Ian Bell's forum comment regarding the story.

I am a native German and could fully understand what anyone who is NOT a native German or fluent in German language could take away from the original video, maybe also influenced by one of the heated (and typically exaggerated) forum discussions that go along.

Here is a quick summary what the German driver REALLY commented about in the original video for non German speakers:
- PC2 penalty system kicked in when he went off track (and loosing time, NOT gaining any advantage from the offtrack moment) - this penalty invalidated the lap time irregardless of the actual disadvantage.
- this frustrated Jan obviously (he went on during the video about this incident) and was his major issue he saw with PC2 (penalty system, that 1st was switched off and 2nd still penalized (despite being switched off) an incident that in real life would not have caused any penalty

- on several occasions Jan commented that the track width and space between track and tire walls are not as he remembers them

That is it.

SMS / Ian Bell had actually an absolute marvel, a jewel of an incredible marketing victory just laid out in front of them (and completely free of cost) to enhance the image of Project Cars 2 right in that moment.

The proper response of a SMS representative should have been:

"Hey Jan, we have seen that you had an issue with our product and would love to talk to you about how we can improve it."

But as I gather it the response instead was more in the realm of criticizing the video and Jan instead and then proceed to look into legal action options to shut the video down and/or cause Jan trouble due to his connection with Mercedes Benz.

Right there is an absolute gleaming example of THE WRONG WAY to go about conducting a business with customer relations and promoting your products.

THAT is the reason why Project Cars and SMS discussions usually end up messy.
Guys, relax, listen to customers and critics alike, you probably learn a thing or two for your next product or even improving the current one.

Jan Seyffahrt clearly was not "attacking" or "harming" SMS or Project Cars with that video. As a German I must say that his video was absolute down to earth and non-hostile. Simply a good bloke turning a few laps in a racing game and commenting what he thinks while doing so.
Some people really have to stop seeing any form of criticism as a potential threat.

Criticism isn't a threat - it is input for product improvement cycles and usually very often at the same time pure gold for marketing a product, if, IF the response is chosen properly.

In any way I must thank this incident, as it has brought another interesting youtube channel to my attention - I am sure to watch him in the future.
Funny you should say that. :D

(MOD have to intervene. Veeery gently, as you may have noticed:D)

Yeah... without a shred of doubt, you really DO know with people. :rolleyes:
Unlike always restless and all around jumpy Ian eh...

There's much more of it, I just got tired finding them all, run out of oxygen:), and barely emerged a few of your biggest pearls.

Hey genius... you doing the exactly the same. Just the opposite. Yes, you do.

Funny you should say that too. :D

I was reporting one of your personal insults (was just calling for respecting forum rules and mods. oh silly me huh :D) to mods but seems like they don't give a flying puck about it so guess gloves off - I too don't have to be nice and auto-censored any possible strong word from my side.
Giving thee lack of their reaction towards your constant flaming, sole purpose of bashing the game and everyone who doesn't take the game as a piece of shiet, as you obviously do, attacking mr Bell (guess that's just one of the most popular sports 'round here) I conclude that they deserve you, and the ones like you.

No infraction, nothing whatsoever, just that one tiny, innocent, PEGI 3 warning.

And you're not so much to blame... you simply didn't raised well.
You yelling all the time. As a member @Damage Inc has noticed... you need to take a chill pill. Better whole box I say. And, also as Damage have noticed.. Kunos guys are more vocal in expressing their mind when your opinion that is not same as theirs. (we don't know how tires work, huh Stef?:D) At least Ian doesn't come here and attacking people on non-official forum - Stefano can proudly say - bee
n there done that.

So I'll leave you and your tolerant mod buddies in peace then. Have a nice day.
Get some life. There's much more of life beyond Ian Bell, SMS & PC2.

Wow...and you say i need the life? I was living it whilst you constructed this post!
Its a game forum, its all in gaming context, why are you so serious?
So so desperate to be in Ian's gang.......
If you weren't already i'm pretty sure he has a place for you now.............
Absolutely pathetic behavior, childish, entitled and oh so dull.
If you are a grown man I then I genuinely feel for you.

You slag off the mods on here because unlike PCars forum they don't just ban people who express an opinion on PCars that isn't simply saying tis the "bestest eva game in it man, its da best at everyfin...."

Its not the best ever game, its good but still riddled with bugs as was PCars 1 which was left in a state. I think that is pretty much fact for a lot of folks.
But yeah I play it and it can in right conditions look breath taking....
I tested PC2 and i have been these 3 last months with the real deals: Automobilista and rfactor 2.

PC2 It is an improvement of PC and has incredible graphics but real simracers go for good car feelings and that is not offered by SMS in their "simulator", and i understand cuz they have other business goals, but not for me....

May be in ProjectCars 13 ffb and physics tyre model, etc...will convince me :p. Lets see if i can be slightly alive then! :D . Go SMS go!!!! :D.
Pcars1 was just....mind blowing. Maybe because of the endless bugs, the crashes or the frustration or just all previous.
Is pcars2 better? Maybe but I won’t accept to be the judge of this one unless i get it for free :rolleyes:

So...Is the donation up yet for pc3?
Given your unmoderated open abuse towards me here you don't really deserve an answer but for others I'll explain. We are a paying licensee of AMG Mercedes. Jan is an official Mercedes test driver.


Contractually, officials and representatives of a licensor don't publicly disparage their licensees.

THAT is what makes it 'unprofessional' and I absolutely stand by it.

But yet Pretend Race Cars blog during the time Austin was a paid SMS representative was slagging of your competion? RF2, AC, AMS, Forza, GT....he ripped into them not as an impartial blogger but being paid by SMS.
Yes you closed him down but some damage has been done and i for one pray that one if not all of those developers file a law suit.....
The CEO of Coca Cola could not openly be seen to pay a blogger and stick Coke stickers on a race car funded by Schwepps and then allow him to start slagging off Pepsi and Red Bull.....
Why can you not see that?
Given your unmoderated open abuse towards me here you don't really deserve an answer but for others I'll explain. We are a paying licensee of AMG Mercedes. Jan is an official Mercedes test driver.


Contractually, officials and representatives of a licensor don't publicly disparage their licensees.

THAT is what makes it 'unprofessional' and I absolutely stand by it.
Does it also make him wrong?
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