I can't find a picture of the port set up page for one of those but that doesn't matter as they are all very similar. You are looking for a screen like this
Don't worry if there is not a place to put the application name, this is only there to remind you which application the settings are for. In start port and end \port put one of the numbers and the protocal
eg start port 9456 end port 9456 protocol UDP'
The ipadress should be your machine's ipaddress it should start with 192.168
To get this open a commandline window and type ipconfig , you'll see it listed at the bottom.
Once you have found that, enter it.
That's one line done, you need to do the same for the other 2 port numbers.
(Bear in mind the ipaddress of your machine may change over time , don't worry about that now but at some pint you should prevent the change by making your machine's ipaddress static.)
Once you have completed the changes save and exit
Get your routers ipaddress here
Make sure the server can get though your firewall.
You can check if a port is open here,
https://portchecker.co/ enter you routers ipaddress and the port you want to test.
Try that and see how you get on.