High Shadow Setting Causing Problems


I am having an issue with 'High Shadow' setting. I know shadows are very intensive and I have no issue turning them down but.......

Turning the Shadows down to 'medium' took them away from under the bridges on the track, but leaves them on trackside objects that I cannot see. However my performance is now fantastic. I aim to run at 150fps as any other settings it stutters.

With an R9 290x I also didnt expect them to be a problem.

Is there a way to render the shadows I want/do not want?

i7 3770
R9 290x
8gb 1600mhz DDR3
Asus H61 Motherboard
No it's not your pc, but you're right, it's a shame the shaodws across the track can't be kept instead of some of the others. I will post the suggestion in the beta forum, Alex is always helpful or else he will know if there are reasons it can't be done.
Cheers Keith, that's great.

Would be good to know either way. Or if they could fix the known 'issue'. However, I would think this is more to do with the ISI engine, rathar than Reiza,