Hoernle's Belt Tensioner - Detailed Build Instructions

@Falconsurfer let me know if the new one will have 3 Jaws like expected. If not we can work together on an adapted 3d file for the 2 jaw version.

@daz_bike Thanks for your feedback. I cannot comment on the difference between 2 and 4 belt tensioner since I directly build one with 4 and never ran it with only 2 belts. I can say that the tension of the waist belts is very noticeable and feels good.

Maybe someone that tested both can comment here?

Edit: thanks insertcoin. My post was too slow ;)
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How do I find out information on how to tune mover application to the belt tensioner? So far I understand that belt loosens on acceleration.but tightens on breaking.. reading values of lateral acceleration without gravity..

There's many tutorials on how to build the belt tensioner..but not much on how to setup with a game..
@hannibal611 you are right. It is probably harder to get detailed information of how to tune the belt tensioner. This can be explained by the fact that there are a few softwares that can be used to run the belt tensioner and the tuning is different for all of them. However, the principle of making use of game telemetry data to convert it into movement is the same for all of them. You can watch tutorials on how to set up effects with the respective software or ask existing users for their profiles.

@gamma123152 for me personally, a motion platform is more immersive since it simulates the movement of the car suspension very well. The belt tensioning on the other hand is a reverse effect. In the real car you are pushed into the belts because of the g forces but since we cannot simulate g forces with a stationary rig the belt tensioner pulls the belts instead. It's still a nice effect. On a highly subjective immersion scale from 1 to 10, I would rate VR as a 10, the motion platform as a 7 and the belt tensioner as a 4. Other users may say something very different.
+1 on bass shakers, will eventually add full motion. But bass shakers adds more than I acctually thought. Will add that I also use strong springs to my rig. Shakers not installed yet in this picture.
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Finally my belt tensioner is up and running. Also downloaded the stream deck app. Really immersive I must say. Very fun project that ain't cost that much. Now for the tweaks.

Set up the motor as described from Hoernle, not that much movement or torque. Then I remember from Hoernle's excellent guide that I had the initial P8/9 settings at 40/-40. Raised it to 55/-55:) Ok much better. Think it's enough right now.

What settings do you have in simfeedback? Do you copy the surge settings for every game and name it to belt tensioner? Or do you tweak them?
Finally my belt tensioner is up and running. Also downloaded the stream deck app. Really immersive I must say. Very fun project that ain't cost that much. Now for the tweaks.

Set up the motor as described from Hoernle, not that much movement or torque. Then I remember from Hoernle's excellent guide that I had the initial P8/9 settings at 40/-40. Raised it to 55/-55:) Ok much better. Think it's enough right now.

What settings do you have in simfeedback? Do you copy the surge settings for every game and name it to belt tensioner? Or do you tweak
For the belt tensioner settings I run P8/P9 at 75/-75. I tested the maximum pull force with these settings to see if it is dangerous but it's not.

In Simfeedback I set the belt tensioner up only for AMS2. There I am using Henk Hoiman's profile. Had to attach it as a txt since xml is not allowed. Probably you can open it and then save it again as xml and subsequently drop it in the profile folder of Simfeedback. Of note, the profile contains also other effects of my motion platform.


  • pcars_Automobilista_2_Henk_Hoernle.txt
    30.6 KB · Views: 102
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Hey mate, I have been chatting to you on YouTube and am currently purchasing the parts to make your belt tensionor.
Just wondering if I can use 80ST motors with this and all I will need to change is the mount?

Also can you please help me out with the 3d printed parts to run the belts through?

On behalf of the community, thanks for sharing!
Hey mate, I have been chatting to you on YouTube and am currently purchasing the parts to make your belt tensionor.
Just wondering if I can use 80ST motors with this and all I will need to change is the mount?

Also can you please help me out with the 3d printed parts to run the belts through?

On behalf of the community, thanks for sharing!
I am on vacation at the moment. I will upload the files afterwards.

The 80st should also work but you need a different motor coupling. I can look it up later.
@TheFuture2020 see attachment for the belt guide for the waist belts.

If you would like to use a 80ST servo motor instead of the recommended 90ST, this should work but you need a different motor mount (Link) and a different motor coupling (Link). For the coupling you have to choose 10x19 since the drive shaft of the 80ST motor is 19mm thick.
The whole build will be a bit less compact due to the larger coupling.

Disclaimer: I just quickly googled the parts and checked if they would fit in theory. I didn't test/build it myself.


  • Belt_Guide v4.stl
    175.1 KB · Views: 94
Thank you so much for your time and giving back to the community mate!
I am purchasing the parts and building this now. Will let everyone on here know if I run into any trouble running the 80's.

I have also purchased the 5 point belt that you mentioned.

Where can I find the seat inserts?
First I have to thank Hoernle for great ingenious belt system. But then little tip that helped me lot. I had problem motor unwinding at acceleration as much as winding at braking. That caused lag at next braking, belts needed to be adjusted just right to work properly and they seem to tangle when not aligning properly and becoming very loose.

I adjusted driver P8 and P9 settings so that winding rotation (in my case) is still 75 an unwinding P9 is silly low 5. Friction makes belts just loose like in real life, not unwinding. At least to me it made huge difference.

Edited correct P8 setting
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