Hey guys,
I'm looking to upgrade my Thrustmaster TMX wheel. I'd like to get something with a F1 style rim because I mostly play F1 2017 and AC with F1 mods. So I've been looking around and found the Ferrari F1 addon rim and the TX wheel base on an online store here in Romania. For the pedals, I already have the T3PA Pros and I like them so I won't be chaning them anytime soon. So I was basically wondering how big of an upgrade the TX will be over the TMX (if it is at all). Oh and any other suggestions? Thanks.
I'm looking to upgrade my Thrustmaster TMX wheel. I'd like to get something with a F1 style rim because I mostly play F1 2017 and AC with F1 mods. So I've been looking around and found the Ferrari F1 addon rim and the TX wheel base on an online store here in Romania. For the pedals, I already have the T3PA Pros and I like them so I won't be chaning them anytime soon. So I was basically wondering how big of an upgrade the TX will be over the TMX (if it is at all). Oh and any other suggestions? Thanks.