Info that may help some

Pc specs
I7 2600
16gb ram
120gb ssd
2 tb hd
GTX 970 4gb ssc
Windows 10
Dell ultrawide 3440 x 1440p
Thrustmaster tx with gte rim

For as long as I can remember I was running this title with nvidia adaptive vsync enabled and was struggling to keep a solid 60 fps on med settings, graphical issues, flickering and an overall numb uninformative ffb which caused me to take a break from the game for a while.
Than I got thinking maybe the adaptive vsync was the causing input lag and numbing the ffb, so I disabled it an viola a whole new enjoyable experience!
Long story short graphical issues have been sorted and fps performance have increased greatly, Iam now running everything on max with 4x AA full grids and avg. Between 80-110 fps with the occasional race start dipping into the upper 60's and the game runs extremely smooth.
Than there's the ffb....night and day!
So much so that I created a new controller profile with just a lower overall ffb strength between 65-70% depending on the vehicle while everything else is at stock settings and I am completely content with it than all the tinkering I've done in the past 2yrs :)
I only run "get real mode" and can't speak for the other modes that have handicaps enabled.
I can't say this is the miracle cure but disabling vsync enhanced my overall experience and worth a shot.