
Tracks Interlagos 0.5

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Good work, I have made my usual first ride with the Abarth 500 and was realy please. First impression : light seems a bit too bright but on the second session I change the time of day for 17:30h and it was so much better.

Once again good job and keep on tracking

The first thing i had to say: ilove this track
My respect for your work
But now there are two things
1) the colours are awefull, can you make it darker?
2) we start in 2 weeks a little championship and need 24+ pits,
can you add more pits, so we can drive it in our championship?
First off, thank you for this great track.
For me the colors are way to washed out, at some points I can't even see the track.

Washout workaround: Edit both values in lightning.ini located in the data folder of this track to 55, it may not be realistic but being able to see the track is more important IMO.

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