Is Assetto Corsa dying?

Missing transparency is one of the biggest problems in video game development as i see it.

Yes, everybody is super open for communication on twitter and alike, but that's pointless if there's no central source for information telling the consumers what's being worked on, schedules and alike. For example - i couldn't tell if/when we'll get AI improvements.

I just hoped all devs would stop using Twitter and FB and just have weekly updates of their development process in form of a blog on their website.
I think the next update could really make or break the game. There's been a lot of users (like myself) waiting for a lot more functionality and polish to the game, and have given Kunos a chance to perfect those for well over a year. I think if the game still feels like a beta after the next update, I will seriously consider moving on somewhere else like PCars, iRacing, GSC - as im really not prepared to play a semi-complete game for another 6months again.
Yeah, probably the same for me ... I like Kunos, but i can't keep waiting forever too :) Right now, they are not improving on the racing aspect that much (a lot of features are still missing), and are not giving modders enough tools to do so.
The licensing departement is doing an awesome job though with all those cars and tracks being brought to the game.
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Marco Massarutto said in a interview that they will work on AC surely for the entire 2015.
The posts I read in this thread like "last call for Kunos" are out of line.
Who is so far dissatisfied of AC, I doubt he'll be not in the near future after the incoming upgrades and DLCs.
Thus far I do not believe that there are much more complete games, if not going back to GTL or GTR2.
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Uhm... You might want to rethink this list of games :roflmao:

As an offline racer, I'm getting so much more out of Dirt Rally and pCars than AC. As good as it is, if you're not in a league and you're not a hotlapper, there's little getting you to click on the AC icon on a very crowded desktop. (Just picked up GSCE and RRRE DTM on Steam Sale, too.)

I expect a pleasant surprise from AC with the next update though. Faith is high (but realistic).
Uhm... You might want to rethink this list of games :roflmao:

For me personally, the PCars career mode and AI and multiplayer feel a lot more complete than ACs does so far, but albeit there are still some things that need fixed from it yes.
Assetto of course is far more enjoyable to drive though - which is why I still have only tried PCars at a friends house - and havent bought it myself... but I can't hold out forever
Except maybe in leagues where some admins make the best use of third party apps like Pitlane Penalty, ACLogParser and of course Ptracker and Stracker ( and not sure at all the interest isn't falling also there ... as I'm admin myself ... even if maybe it might be due to the holidays coming soon ) ... I fear the interest has dropped a lot for other drivers ( even also ... car modders, surely fed up with the Xth Fmod update !! ).

AC, until now, is more a pure Hotlap game .... and all that's around it has to improve a lot !.
It lacks first of all of race ambiance, race settings and rules, good AI, multiplayer settings ... and all what goes with it.

It's been now a long time most of us ask for that .... and very little reactions from Kunos's side.
Twitter and Facebook are not the best way to communicate ( even though it's in the mood now ) while the AC Forum seems more living with modders and skinners.
News from Kunos himself ??? .... nearly empty ! strange in an official forum !

Sorry to say that new system used now by most devs ... (except 3DStudio ... with a big move further with RRE ) is maybe not the best one .... years taken with promises and beta games with frequent updates followed by uncomplete base games or even bugged base games waiting for corrections are all what we have with it.

RRE should change their free-to-play system ... and it would take the best place on market as Simbin already did in the past.

I love AC ... but hope not to be waiting too much for quick improvement.
A new DLC while the rest should not be updated first ... might even accelerate the loss of interest for many more AC fans and users, I fear.
I love AC,physics are great,to me it looks better than pcars textures in particular, everyting is just cleaner,crisper looking in AC.
Physics also better than pcars but as an offline racer more than anything else the ai just isnt good enough.
Im getting more from GSCE than any other sim out there at the moment.
It's a hotlapper for me and mostly a one track hotlapper at that (The Green Hell). Many of the same problems that plague Project Cars plague Assetto Corsa IMO. Bad AI, dull Single Player experience, and a dull Career mode. I bought the URD EGT and DTM mods for Assetto Corsa and had a blast with them, but bought them for rF2 as well and just enjoy the AI more in rF2 so not even playing those in AC any longer.