I just launched RF2 and was setting up a race weekend when I noticed I can't change the "Real Road" preset, it's frozen as what appears to be the last setting chosen the last time the track was used. I initially tried with Reiza's Imola 2018, but then I tried about 6 other tracks and it's the same problem with all of them. I exited and restarted, and checked again on more tracks, and none of them can change the Real Road preset. This was working a few days ago the last time I ran the sim.
Anyone else having the same problem? I got a bunch of GT3 updates when I launched today but didn't notice anything else - though I could have missed it as some of them flashed by pretty fast.
Anyone else having the same problem? I got a bunch of GT3 updates when I launched today but didn't notice anything else - though I could have missed it as some of them flashed by pretty fast.