kristiannn's AI Mod V2.0

Well I'm not into modding this game anymore cuz there's a month and 5 days till next game and I don't have a GPU so I can't even test. So it's useless. When the next game releases, we'll see how it is. Hopefully it's gonna be on a better level than F1 2011. :D
I too hope so
and i wish we don't have the OOS(Out Of Sight) bug any more so that we can make the Much more powerful (If CM made the AI like 2011 Patch #2)
I doubt CM will make AI become so powerful like most of us expecting because dont forget not all the player are using wheel, many still using gamepad or even keyboard & it hurt their feeling if CM make those AI become so powerful and announce something like "Legend difficulty is not for gamepad or keyboard player" So for sure an AI enhance mod is always need for F1 player who race with wheel :cool:
Probably but I was expecting the AI to be stronger than 2011 Cos they said that Players with the Pad and Keyboard also play with Consistency
And In the Previous editions i was Consistent with the Keyboard and lot of Keyboard and Pad Players also Consistent then why to say that Players can be Consistent Could be some PR strategy
@LazyBug Well, they SHOULD make the Legend difficulty not for Keyboard/Gamepad players. That's how it should be. Otherwise, we'll just have an option to play with AI that we won't use.

@Kartik Sri Harsha Yeah, hopefully they remove the OOS bug. And they make the random offsets better cuz they suck in this game. When AI goes out of sight it spins, goes out of the track and such stuff. This is stupid.
@Kristian Nenov
I guess the Mechanism of Being In sight and being out of sight worked in the other way than Cm thought when we Modded the game and i believe that was misfired because of
"AI didn't have a change of Fuel Mode in Race which allows the Player to go Fast and Conserve Fuel When Needed but they go on a Standard(I think)"
If this was changed then the OOS bug will not exist As generally any player would save fuel when the Player behind saves was out of sight and Lies around 5 -6 seconds
@LazyBug Well, they SHOULD make the Legend difficulty not for Keyboard/Gamepad players. That's how it should be. Otherwise, we'll just have an option to play with AI that we won't use.

Of cause wheel racer believe CM SHOULD make the Legend difficulty not for non-wheel players but i do understand if CM refuse to do that even though i am wheel racer too.

Let me put it this way. We cant expect all the game have very high detail graphic just because we using very high end CPU system, i have many friends who still using some at least 4-5 years old GPU + CPU + 2GB ram with some outdate Mobo system, game developer need to take this into account or else those machine will have no chance to run these type of high graphic demanding game & lower the game resolution itself not always help.
I dont know which game is the most graphic demanding game right now (Witcher 2 may be) but i believe many other game developer can make any of their game just like that too if they want but most of them always prefer to find a balance between quality vs performance because not all the player have $$$ to keep on update their system.

Ok now back to F1 AI issue. I believe its just a piece of cake if CM wanna to make their AI become so fast & so smart & claim that Legend difficulty is not for non-wheel racer but guess what, i bet most non-wheel player will not happy because legend AI is impossible to beat, they feel being isolated, start to complain & thinking that CM actually forcing them to buy a wheel :whistling: even some wheel racer will complain about Legend AI being too hard also because wheel racer not always mean speed racer.
By the way imo CM wont make massive AI improvement no matter what because if F1 2012 AI is so perfect then what their selling point for F1 2013 ?? Better AI again ?? You know developer always left something to improve for the next one or else their job will become so much harder if the previous one actually so hacking perfect.

So we can reasonably expect some slightly AI improvement in 2012 but thats it. If anyone want more than that then mod is the only way or just wait for the 2013 / 2014 / 2015 .. :D
Of cause wheel racer believe CM SHOULD make the Legend difficulty not for non-wheel players but i do understand if CM refuse to do that even though i am wheel racer too.

Let me put it this way. We cant expect all the game have very high detail graphic just because we using very high end CPU system, i have many friends who still using some at least 4-5 years old GPU + CPU + 2GB ram with some outdate Mobo system, game developer need to take this into account or else those machine will have no chance to run these type of high graphic demanding game & lower the game resolution itself not always help.
I dont know which game is the most graphic demanding game right now (Witcher 2 may be) but i believe many other game developer can make any of their game just like that too if they want but most of them always prefer to find a balance between quality vs performance because not all the player have $$$ to keep on update their system.

Ok now back to F1 AI issue. I believe its just a piece of cake if CM wanna to make their AI become so fast & so smart & claim that Legend difficulty is not for non-wheel racer but guess what, i bet most non-wheel player will not happy because legend AI is impossible to beat, they feel being isolated, start to complain & thinking that CM actually forcing them to buy a wheel :whistling: even some wheel racer will complain about Legend AI being too hard also because wheel racer not always mean speed racer.
By the way imo CM wont make massive AI improvement no matter what because if F1 2012 AI is so perfect then what their selling point for F1 2013 ?? Better AI again ?? You know developer always left something to improve for the next one or else their job will become so much harder if the previous one actually so hacking perfect.

So we can reasonably expect some slightly AI improvement in 2012 but thats it. If anyone want more than that then mod is the only way or just wait for the 2013 / 2014 / 2015 .. :D

You are right.

And yeah, they can't make it look awesome because of the people with low end PCs. But c'mon. It won't run on a Pentium + nvidia 7 series anyways. There is ALWAYS a way. You know what's the thing that the GPU hates the most? Shadows. After shadows is high res textures. You know how simple it is? Making the game with a few textures. low-res/mid-res/high-res. It's not a big deal, the game will be maybe around 1GB bigger or even less. We'll have superb graphics when we have a good PC and low end PCs will be able to run it too. But they don't do that. They balance. Actually when the game is in development, they use very high res textures. They use HD textures now. But thanks to the a lot less powerful consoles, they put the resolution down on everything. I don't even want to start talking about the effects that we don't get thanks to the consoles. That's why PC exclusive games look fantastic and F1 2011 didn't look good at all. Even on MAX settings it was maaaaybe average. Same goes for AI. And this is not CM's fault, this is OUR fault. Because every single moron that can beat the AI starts yelling, screaming, spamming sh1ts in forums and bla bla bla just because he can't drive. Well, learn to drive, don't spam sh1t u f**king piece of sh*t. :mad: These people make me very, very, VERY angry. I'd prefer the AI to pass me easily than to be useless. When I started F1 2010, I was horrible. I sucked. Did I play on Legend? No. I started playing on Amateur. When getting up to speed I was cranking the difficulty by a little and tadaa. The moment for Legend came. You know what happened? I was 1-2 seconds slower than the AI. Did I quit? No. I was fighting the mid pack with a McLaren and this motivated me more. Where am I now? 3-4 seconds above the AI. Losing is what motivates you. When you lose and you say, f**k it, this game s**ks it means that you s**k. But nooo people are too lazy to improve so they just go moan on the forums. That's why developers are scared to make a good game. Because when the game is too easy for you, you mod it, you do other things. But when it's hard... I've written it above.

In these times, losing makes you quit. This is why we are 4-5 people in this site that can fight for a victory and when only 1 more comes you do 1 on 1 fight for the victory. That's why we're not having so much fun. If everyone was getting motivated by losing, it'd be a 16 people grid with around same pace. Actually, when I started beating the AI way too easy, I stopped F1 2011. I came back here because of @Zoltan Hadadi . I saw some of his videos and they motivated me. Thanks to him I improved over 1 second a lap for just a few days! Not even a full week! Thanks to him I bought the original game. I was with a pirate copy before that. Thanks to him now I think that I'm not that bad at driving actually. So for that, I can just say, Thank You.

Anyways, I said it in a very strange way, but I hope you understand why I'm getting mad. Because CM CAN make the game awesome, but they won't. Not only because of licenses, but because of us too.
Well Said Kristian it was Perfect
I too Started the races in 2010 With Amateur but reached Legend at the Point of F1 2011 Release
By the Release i dropped all the Assists except TC (I was a Key board Warrior at that time) and Easily beating the AI in Legend
That's why I decided to Buy a Wheel to drop the Final Assist and when i did that i went to online Met a lot of Players but lot of Online Players i met can't even beat the AI Professional times
They only Cry on other players who can go Much faster than them
I still remember one player who was Irritated me Most when i met him 2 weeks ago
We Both played in Malaysia and No one else with Q and R sessions
I posted a Lap time but he posted a lap time and Crying on me saying that i was cutting track and Going Much faster than him and I was not Obeying Rules
I Asked him what was the Difficulty he Plays in SP mode he simply said Intermediate cos he didn't like to go AI more than the Real lap times
He didn't Improved and He didn't want others to beat him online Just because he Can't go More than Intermediate
I met lot of Players like this and i guess if they have the AI much harder they can simply stop playing and Stop Buying the Next versions cos they can't improve their Skills
Myself always a happy & satisfied gamer on all type of game and after many years of gaming i learn one thing about the game difficulty - "Never expect a real insane difficulty even the game had this difficulty setting". Take Mass Effect 3 as example, i can beat the whole game just using one assault rifle without bringing other weapon in "Insane Difficulty" .. so what kind of INSANE is that ?? I think we have to bear in mind not all the gamer have lot of time to play, many of them may be just play on weekend for 1 to 2 hours and i believe game developer set game difficulty according to people like this since the fact is that there are just about 10% or less of gamer who are really good in shooting or racing or fighting so i dont think game developer will make those game become so crazy hard just to please the 10% gamer like you & me.
By the way it not that bad cause we have mod, as long as the game is modable then i think everything is fine, take "The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim" as example, there are tons of mod that you can use to increase the game difficulty if the game is too easy for you, i especially like the mod that make the dragon become really so insane hard to kill and their attack also become very deadly after moded, or else actually its like killing a cat before mod.
So i guess most game are hard enough to play for 90% of the gamer but for some gamer like you & me the mod is the answer. Lets just sit calm and play F1 2012 when its out and by the time we finally agree the game is still too easy .. mod it :D
After reading this kind of things again I was Feeling are we going to Get Bluffed again
Because Last year we have a Lot of positive Reviews about AI and Handling and at the end we saw the Real Handling effect going at a rate of 4 to 10 seconds quicker than the Real lap times
What do you think about the New Braking system @Kristian Nenov where we need to Wait for the Revs to change

I read only the first post so I didn't see anything about a new braking system, but if we need to wait, that's AWESOME. No more people braking with gears. That was annoying. It looks like it's going to be a nice 1 year waiting for F1 2013.

Myself always a happy & satisfied gamer on all type of game and after many years of gaming i learn one thing about the game difficulty - "Never expect a real insane difficulty even the game had this difficulty setting". Take Mass Effect 3 as example, i can beat the whole game just using one assault rifle without bringing other weapon in "Insane Difficulty" .. so what kind of INSANE is that ?? I think we have to bear in mind not all the gamer have lot of time to play, many of them may be just play on weekend for 1 to 2 hours and i believe game developer set game difficulty according to people like this since the fact is that there are just about 10% or less of gamer who are really good in shooting or racing or fighting so i dont think game developer will make those game become so crazy hard just to please the 10% gamer like you & me.
By the way it not that bad cause we have mod, as long as the game is modable then i think everything is fine, take "The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim" as example, there are tons of mod that you can use to increase the game difficulty if the game is too easy for you, i especially like the mod that make the dragon become really so insane hard to kill and their attack also become very deadly after moded, or else actually its like killing a cat before mod.
So i guess most game are hard enough to play for 90% of the gamer but for some gamer like you & me the mod is the answer. Lets just sit calm and play F1 2012 when its out and by the time we finally agree the game is still too easy .. mod it :D

I read somewhere that this game is "the end of modding". So, we probably won't have mods. And you don't need to play non stop to be good. Except around a month or two, I haven't played this game much. But before my GPU died, I was only playing in 1-2 league races which is 2-3 hours a day. I practice at the same day just before the race. So 2-3 hours non stop play and then no play for a whole week.

Anyways, if F1 2012 is the end of modding, and the game will be easy, we have only online mode left.

And I don't like that we have a better rear end now. I'm used to the no grip at the end and I'll prolly be able to use 11/8 wings now or something like this. I hope they'll prevent that.
In the Third Post i read that we need to use Break then decrease the gear if not the Engine will be Blown as per the Post
Edit: Here is the Post

No longer will you be stomping on the brakes and machine gunning the gears while trailing a lot of brake into the corners. I tried this on my first lap at Spa and went straight off at Rivage. Instead you need to apply the brakes, wait for the revs to fall a bit and then change down the gears each time waiting for the revs to fall a bit. You also need to get much more braking done before turn in than last year. You can still lightly trail the brakes but that will be to scrub the very very last bits of speed, a fraction too much and you'll be wide. Braking itself felt like there was a lot more fidelity, I felt i was able to back out of a lock with accuracy and also determine a lock up more easily than this year.

Gear Changes - I've mentioned this a few times but it has it's own bullet on my list so it'll get its own bit here . This point was on the list mainly because of videos i'd seen of people flying down the gears in to corners, going from 7th to 2nd or 1st as fast as they could tap the buttons with no punishment, i've been guilty of similar ([media][/media])
No more though. Try this in '12 and your engine will be strewn over a few hundred meters of circuit . Now you need to descend the gears rhythmically, with brief pauses between each to let the revs settle. I didn't get the rear to lock or step out under braking and gearing down though i expect attempts to have done this would have just resulted in engine failures.
F1 2012 should at least bring some minor improvement on AI and if thats not satisfy enough we can always wait for the rFactor 2 .. which i heard is modable and a better sim game :cool:
The main problem with the AI in '11 was that the player could just drive too fast.
If that is fixed and as I read that has been done, then with a little behaviour tweak AI cars will be pretty challenging.
The main problem with the AI in '11 was that the player could just drive too fast.
If that is fixed and as I read that has been done, then with a little behaviour tweak AI cars will be pretty challenging.

I don't think so. With such car handling as we see in the videos, it's gonna be even worse in my opinion. As far as I can see, the lap times are gonna be even more unrealistic. Which doesn't matter altho from AI standing point. But the driving is gonna be more realistic which is gonna bring some problems to the AI. So I bet the AI won't be competitive at all. But at least we can have fun driving for Virgin or something. :D I think I'll be starting with a Virgin on F1 2012. But I'm not sure how this "Abu Dhabi tests" are gonna work. What if I get contract with McLaren the first year? Maybe I'll choose them. And then restart with a low team. It does seem like the handling is getting better but like I said, this is a minus for the AI. I think the AI won't take the corners smoothly at all. At least if they use F1 2011's AI + F1 2012 handling = a lot of corrections in 1 corner by the AI.

In the Third Post i read that we need to use Break then decrease the gear if not the Engine will be Blown as per the Post
Edit: Here is the Post

No longer will you be stomping on the brakes and machine gunning the gears while trailing a lot of brake into the corners. I tried this on my first lap at Spa and went straight off at Rivage. Instead you need to apply the brakes, wait for the revs to fall a bit and then change down the gears each time waiting for the revs to fall a bit. You also need to get much more braking done before turn in than last year. You can still lightly trail the brakes but that will be to scrub the very very last bits of speed, a fraction too much and you'll be wide. Braking itself felt like there was a lot more fidelity, I felt i was able to back out of a lock with accuracy and also determine a lock up more easily than this year.

Gear Changes - I've mentioned this a few times but it has it's own bullet on my list so it'll get its own bit here . This point was on the list mainly because of videos i'd seen of people flying down the gears in to corners, going from 7th to 2nd or 1st as fast as they could tap the buttons with no punishment, i've been guilty of similar ([media][/media])
No more though. Try this in '12 and your engine will be strewn over a few hundred meters of circuit . Now you need to descend the gears rhythmically, with brief pauses between each to let the revs settle. I didn't get the rear to lock or step out under braking and gearing down though i expect attempts to have done this would have just resulted in engine failures.

That's awesome news. No more rapid gear changes. It's gonna be incredibly easy to adjust to this and it's gonna improve the gameplay a lot. It really sucks that in F1 2011 it's impossible to blow the engine in Race Mode. :D

F1 2012 should at least bring some minor improvement on AI and if thats not satisfy enough we can always wait for the rFactor 2 .. which i heard is modable and a better sim game :cool:

Well I really hope rFactor 2 is a better simulator than rFactor 1. Because, well I haven't played rFactor 1 a lot but when I tried 1 2009 mod it was full of c**p. The game was lagging on a pretty decent machine and the car handling was nowhere near real life. It was.. Strange.. It reminds me of NFS 3 (Hot Pursuit 1). Anyways, it may have just been the mod because that was the only thing I tried on rFactor and I was sad because it's known as a good simulator. But anyways, let's hope F1 2012 delivers a good game. I wouldn't care of the AI. It's gonna be interesting to battle against original AI in a Virgin/HRT and maybe Caterham but that may be way too fast. :p
I don't think so. With such car handling as we see in the videos, it's gonna be even worse in my opinion. As far as I can see, the lap times are gonna be even more unrealistic. Which doesn't matter altho from AI standing point. But the driving is gonna be more realistic which is gonna bring some problems to the AI. So I bet the AI won't be competitive at all. But at least we can have fun driving for Virgin or something.

I don't think that the car handling for the AI will be different much different from the way it was in 2011. More precisely I think it will be exactly the same. Only thing they have to do is adjust the braking points and cornering speeds to what the player can do.
Only thing they may have, or better should have changed is tyre wear and fuel effects for the AI cars.
I don't think that the car handling for the AI will be different much different from the way it was in 2011. More precisely I think it will be exactly the same. Only thing they have to do is adjust the braking points and cornering speeds to what the player can do.
Only thing they may have, or better should have changed is tyre wear and fuel effects for the AI cars.

Now, you know that the AI isn't just a car that is moving on a track. The AI is actually driving the car. With the speed effect, it's gonna be changed. It's steering is gonna be a lot different. Now when I think about it, it may not be a big deal actually, but it's definitely a different AI. We may not see these stats when we mod the game but they are in there and they're going to be changed. Anyways, tyre wear was nice in F1 2011 for the AI. I can't say the same thing about the fuel tho. We'll see what are the improvements. There's 1 month and to be honest, I'm not "oh God I can't wait". I wouldn't mind if they release it in October or November. This year's game isn't that much of an improvement over the last ones at the looks of it, so don't get all too excited. :)
Yes But what was important for me is that Getting rid of the Super Quick Downshifting that allows Players to use the gears in a rhythm and that decreases the lap times
I don't care even AI was slow or Fast cos all we need is to Adjust for New handling if you Like the game then Go for Online Leagues if not then Keep the game away
I am not that overexcited either, but I am eager to see what they actually changed.
I know that the AI are "driving" around the track, but that was in '10 and '11 almost exactly the same. And AI in '11 would have been pretty challenging, if the player would have been slower.
Player and AI speed aren't "linked" together. You can change the one without affecting the other.

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