Kunos Marco Massarutto Responds to Assetto Corsa Console Criticism

Paul Jeffrey

Assetto Corsa Console Response.jpg

Kunos Simulazioni's Marco Massarutto has offered a lengthy response to criticism from some sections of the sim racing community, regarding the perceived asumptions that Kunos plan to "water down" Assetto Corsa to appeal to a more broader console audience.

Although a move to consoles for Assetto Corsa is widely considered a good thing for the sim racing genre, allowing the hobby we all enjoy to spread to a wider audience and perhaps inspire players who wouldn’t normally consider serious driving sims, Massarutto has felt the need quash several common assumptions and worries of a section of the Assetto Corsa fanbase.

Massarutto took to Facebook with a lengthy retort explaining how Assetto Corsa for PC will not be diluted in any way by the move to console, and perhaps more interestingly he stated that the console version of the game will be every bit as simulation as its PC relative. Kunos are looking at the console market to see how popular a thoroughbred racing simulation can be, and personally I think that can only be a good thing for the sim racing genre as a whole.

One other interesting item came from the post by Massarutto, a sneak preview cockpit shot of the Porsche 911 RSR 3.0, due to join as part of one of three Porsche DLC packages in the coming weeks.

AC Porsche Preview.jpg

See the full Marco Massarutto quote below:

"Some thoughs and answers to assumptions and theories I read on forums about the launch of Assetto Corsa on console, the future of AC, the neverending question “will Kunos turn it in an simcadish on PS4/X1 to sell more?”, or -even better- “will Kunos turn the PC version in a simcadish to please a wider audience?"

Usually I don’t get bored to read hundreds (thousands?) of times the same questions people ask me, since I understand that everyday lot of people hear about Assetto Corsa for the first time. But when the same people ask the same questions or they underline the same points, sometime can be boring. Even because, no one needs to believe us. Just see and evaluate by yourself what there is out there.

Assetto Corsa console -> will be a simplified/simcade version of AC?
Since last January, on the internet there are a lot of “hands on” and previews of the console version, always played using a steering wheel. We showed it during the European tour, during the Vallelunga event last May, and the conclusions of the players/journalists have been always “it feels like the pc version”.

Another clue: what is the most known and appreciated characteristic of Assetto Corsa? Its car handling, and driving feeling. Which is the best reason why console gamers may decide to play Assetto Corsa, rather than Forza, or Gran Turismo? The number of cars? The graphics? I would say the fidelity of the simulation, the unique handling, the laserscanned tracks, the depth that a PC simulation can perform. If we subtract these factors, Assetto Corsa can’t compete with these titles, because it couldn’t offer nothing more these titles (created by talented people) feature at their best since years.

The most annoying question: now that AC console is ready for release, is going Kunos to make the PC version of AC more arcadish?

The console version of Assetto Corsa has been announced in mid 2015, the team started to work on it in late 2014. Since then, the PC version has been constantly improved, updated, expanded, with 7 major builds, several new tyre models (now we are at version 10 – TEN) adding features asked from SIMracers, and now we are going to release the 1.8 version on August 26th. The popularity of AC on PC is at the maximum level, it’s often in the Top chartz on Steam, people love it and enjoy it everyday, and they support us each time we release new features and content. Please give me a logical reason why we should change this, after 18 months of HUGE development brought ahead on PC after the 1.0 release. Simply, there is no reason why we should do this. So, ask yourself: in the last 18 months, on PC, did we converted AC 1.0 in a simcade, or we gave it even more depth?
We decided to bring AC on console to give ourselves THE answer to the question: “there is any potential on console market for a simulation like AC?”. As company that runs in this business, we have to know it. And we’ll know it soon. And the only way to answer this question is to bring on console the same experience people appreciate so much on PC, at the best we can. Period.

So, keep calm, don’t worry. The only way we can change the soul of our most successful creation is to make it even stronger."

Assetto Corsa will be available for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on 26th August (EU) and August 30th (NA). Check out the recent console trailer here.
Check out the Assetto Corsa forum here at RaceDepartment for the latest news and discussion items regarding the simulation. Have a look at our new Modding Discussion forum, a place for modding teams and those interested in the world of content creation for AC to come together and discuss the process. Looking to download? Check out the Assetto Corsa mods section, a vast archive of top quality Assetto Corsa cars, tracks, apps and skins!

If all that isn’t enough, come visit us at the Assetto Corsa Racing Club. We have loads of informal racing events and serious top quality leagues for you to enjoy.

Does the latest statement from Kunos give you confidence in the ability of the team to still deliver a top quality PC product despite the move to console? Let us know in the comments section below!
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But, the attraction to AC (or rF2) on the PC is the MODS. I enjoy Longford 1967 and the F40 and the Cobra, as well a s few other community mod cars that are quite well made.

What makes up for the lack of tuning options is the great handling model and Oculus support.

On the console I will get neither - no Longford 1967 and no Oculus support - so that leaves the "handling model" - but I already have that on the PC.

This is why I probably WON'T buy the console version (that and how badly the devs treat their paying customers) but more importantly is WHY should someone else without a gaming PC buy AC on the console?

Content? No.
Tuning? No.
Livery editing? No.

Handling? Yes.

But are we to assume that people will buy AC on the console JUST for handling model? Even though the content is limited and the tuning minimal?

That assumes the console buyer is a dedicated SIM enthusiast that has been struggling with console arcade-sims just waiting for AC to come along. Would this dedicated console closet SIM racer have his wheel, H-shifter, and driving chair all ready working on Forza/pCars lamenting the lack of a true SIM?

If this was the case surely they would have already bought a basic gaming PC and wheel and H-shifter to play the PC sims.

The bottom line is I just don't see the real reason to go after console sales other than revenue from a new target audience - a controller using casual audience. What then? Are they expecting the new console user to now buy the PC version and a PC to experience the ADDED features of AC on the PC versus the console?

This entire console adventure seems really odd.
Your post is full of opinions and self assumption.
So I'll just say I disagree.
The anti-AC trolls are a bit uninspired today.
Usually their lies are more sophisticated.

Do you include current owners and users of the software in question in your broad brush painting of ANYONE with a contrary opinion to yours as anti-AC?

I thought the Forza and GT fan-bouyies where rabid in their blind defense of all things Kaz and Turn10, but I was not prepared for the vindictive nasty angry retaliation from the AC-fan-bouyies - then again with the vitriolic way kunos attacks opinions I guess I shouldn't be surprised. :)
But, the attraction to AC (or rF2) on the PC is the MODS. I enjoy Longford 1967 and the F40 and the Cobra, as well a s few other community mod cars that are quite well made.

What makes up for the lack of tuning options is the great handling model and Oculus support.

On the console I will get neither - no Longford 1967 and no Oculus support - so that leaves the "handling model" - but I already have that on the PC.

This is why I probably WON'T buy the console version (that and how badly the devs treat their paying customers) but more importantly is WHY should someone else without a gaming PC buy AC on the console?

Content? No.
Tuning? No.
Livery editing? No.

Handling? Yes.

But are we to assume that people will buy AC on the console JUST for handling model? Even though the content is limited and the tuning minimal?

That assumes the console buyer is a dedicated SIM enthusiast that has been struggling with console arcade-sims just waiting for AC to come along. Would this dedicated console closet SIM racer have his wheel, H-shifter, and driving chair all ready working on Forza/pCars lamenting the lack of a true SIM?

If this was the case surely they would have already bought a basic gaming PC and wheel and H-shifter to play the PC sims.

The bottom line is I just don't see the real reason to go after console sales other than revenue from a new target audience - a controller using casual audience. What then? Are they expecting the new console user to now buy the PC version and a PC to experience the ADDED features of AC on the PC versus the console?

This entire console adventure seems really odd.
Just leave out the assumption when asking questions. Just let it happen, let it be and spread the love for the game, I need love people. Kunos does too, ...
in the word "community" one can find this wonderful concept "unity". Pls enough bashing, LET IT BE, a great man once sang to us. IMAGINE teams like Kunos would not exist. Any other John Lennon song titles needed to help one clear his head of any sheit? :O_o:
Your post is full of opinions and self assumption.
So I'll just say I disagree.

I was indicating why someone might NOT buy AC on the console and trying to determine WHY someone WOULD buy AC on the console.

Please indicate where I provided false information.

AC does not have the content or tuning or editing of the other console titles. So why should some buy it? Just for the handling model?
Are they going to enjoy that handling model with a controller or wheel?
These are valid questions.

@Sunny Sky Speed <-- assumptions left out of questions. still doesn't change them though :)
Do you include current owners and users of the software in question in your broad brush painting of ANYONE with a contrary opinion to yours as anti-AC?

I thought the Forza and GT fan-bouyies where rabid in their blind defense of all things Kaz and Turn10, but I was not prepared for the vindictive nasty angry retaliation from the AC-fan-bouyies - then again with the vitriolic way kunos attacks opinions I guess I shouldn't be surprised. :)
Don't respond to Lily Starfox. It's the best troll here today. Two or three posts but nothing related to AC just contradiction with others.

I fully agree with you today.
Well my opinion is that AC has a lot of content, because most of the cars have spirit, which you don't find on the other mainstream games.
For the rest I don't really give a damn, I play AC on PC and couldn't care less about console, although I do hope Kunos work gets rewarded because I appreciate their work.
Anyway, I already paid for what I wanted on PC, but I don't play prophet on what's coming on console, or pretend to know what people on console expect from a 'console' simulation.
To think that console users just expect 1000 cars is careless, I guess you didn't buy a PS4 because of your kids )
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As long as your happy that's the main thing.:whistling:
I don't know what that means. My computer is quite old and I can play AC with lots of the pretty turned up. It seems like AC's optimizations make it a poor candidate for contrasting the cost of needed PC hardware versus relatively cheap console hardware. I figure you could buy a PC brand new for the price of a new console and it would run AC very very nicely, and better than the equivalent console.

Just seems like people still think if you want a powerful PC you need to drop over a grand, which isn't true, at least not when you don't do triples or VR.
This is why I probably WON'T buy the console version

Umm... if you already own the PC version and are happy with it, why in the world would you buy the console version?

You arent the target demographic here mate... People who do not already own the game are...

(that and how badly the devs treat their paying customers)

Quite laughable really. :rolleyes::poop:

more importantly is WHY should someone else without a gaming PC buy AC on the console?

Same reason why many people bought the game on PC years ago... Because it is a sim, and people want to drive something more realistic than GT/Forza.

You dont need a ton of fancy stuff to enjoy a game if you specifically like trying to improve on your own times, or racing AI, or trying out exotic cars and see how different they all handle, etc.

Dont over think it. :p
@RC45...btw, the F40 ain't no MOD "dude " :confused::O_o::thumbsdown:

I am well aware of that. which is why, and I quote myself here said the following:
I enjoy Longford 1967 and the F40 and the Cobra, as well a s few other community mod cars that are quite well made.

Meaning I enjoy the F40 (which has an F40 GTE mod BTW) and the Cobra AND a few mods cars.

BTW I see you also attended the 'Kunos school of public relations' as indicated by the "dude" comment :)

Let's at least try keep the discussion classy yeah?
Ad hominem comment- asking for classy discussion?
Care to respond to my questions then?

I was indicating why someone might NOT buy AC on the console and trying to determine WHY someone WOULD buy AC on the console.

Please indicate where I provided false information.

AC does not have the content or tuning or editing of the other console titles. So why should some buy it? Just for the handling model?
Are they going to enjoy that handling model with a controller or wheel?
Can you truly enjoy the handling model with a controller rather than a wheel?
And if you only use a controller would you even know or feel the advanced handling model compared to say Forza?
These are valid questions.
I won't answer your ad homimen content obviously.
I ony have the PC game as reference so I'll keep to that.
Weight transfer and cars unique handling is a big plus for me.
You say AC doesn't have content and you're entitled to your opinion.
Setup is editable so I'm not sure what you're looking for? NFS? nitro?
It seems to me controllers have been largely catered for.

AC is probably the only proper sim to come to console, wanna kill it it in its egg? let people make their own opinion.
But, the attraction to AC (or rF2) on the PC is the MODS. I enjoy Longford 1967 and the F40 and the Cobra, as well a s few other community mod cars that are quite well made.

What makes up for the lack of tuning options is the great handling model and Oculus support.

On the console I will get neither - no Longford 1967 and no Oculus support - so that leaves the "handling model" - but I already have that on the PC.

This is why I probably WON'T buy the console version (that and how badly the devs treat their paying customers) but more importantly is WHY should someone else without a gaming PC buy AC on the console?

Content? No.
Tuning? No.
Livery editing? No.

Handling? Yes.

But are we to assume that people will buy AC on the console JUST for handling model? Even though the content is limited and the tuning minimal?

That assumes the console buyer is a dedicated SIM enthusiast that has been struggling with console arcade-sims just waiting for AC to come along. Would this dedicated console closet SIM racer have his wheel, H-shifter, and driving chair all ready working on Forza/pCars lamenting the lack of a true SIM?

If this was the case surely they would have already bought a basic gaming PC and wheel and H-shifter to play the PC sims.

The bottom line is I just don't see the real reason to go after console sales other than revenue from a new target audience - a controller using casual audience. What then? Are they expecting the new console user to now buy the PC version and a PC to experience the ADDED features of AC on the PC versus the console?

This entire console adventure seems really odd.
And so, let me come back at you with this. You have two games, one is Call of Duty, the other, is Brothers in Arms. With Call of Duty you get a huge selection of weapons, attachments, class customization, skins, a fully fledged singleplayer and multiplayer component, blah blah blah. Then you have Brothers in Arms, a more authentic and tactical game, mostly singleplayer only, with well crafted weapons, uniforms and vehicles that represent the era with a more authentic representation of combat. It doesn't offer anywhere near the amount of content that Call of Duty does, and yet, there is a large enough market for it.

The bottom line is, the game is what it is, and Kunos has determined that there is a market for what they are offering. I guarantee you, there is a huge amount of people who play on consoles that are interested in this type of simulation. You can find them here on RD, on r/simracing, on GTPlanet, InsideSimRacing, anywhere you go, the interest is there.

And no, we are not to assume that a console gamer will buy the game solely for the handling model. They will buy the game because if they have an interest in all the content on offer, regardless of how much there is. If a console gamer suddenly goes out of their way to purchase sim gear and a PC to play the PC version, that is their choice. When you buy a console, you know what you're getting, benefits, limitations and all.

My final point, look at Dirt Rally. Look at the success it has been across all platforms. Does it have an "insane" amount of content? No, it doesn't. But once again, what the game doesn't have in quantity, it's makes up for in quality, and the customers, on PC and consoles, have recognized this and enjoy the game regardless.

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