LA Canyons

Tracks LA Canyons 1.2

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Hey Phoenix, I donated some money, but did not get the vip package. Can you help me out?

As the saying goes "good things come to those who wait" and believe me, if you like to pick out a car of your choice and just lose yourself driving around for hours for the simple joy of driving, then you're in for a treat.

This is an amazing mod, by far the biggest you'll find and not only that, this is also the highest quality you'll find. There's some great mods out there (Deutschlandring, Mountain Forest, Alto Tajo, etc), all of them great quality and very fun but this one is something truly unique. You got lots of roads, crossroads, places to visit, great views.... I don't know, as I said before, just lose yourself driving around and finding new places.

I've driven these roads lots of times and I still find some new areas from time to time. Right now as I am writing this I just left my Porsche 911 parked on top of a hill near some kind of restaurant and I feel as if I was just taking a break before I get in the car again and start looking for other places I might have left unvisited. Yesterday I reached another hill from which you can see L.A in the distance and it was amazing, not many mods will let you feel something like that.

I'm also looking for all the easter eggs but so far I have only found good old Burt which was a very cool moment (are there really more?? does anyone know?)

I wonder if the author of this would ever consider adding in even more kms of roads and new places to visit; everytime I find a "Road closed" sign I'm like "nooooo, I want moreeee, I need more!!". It would be incredible to have more roads, maybe some kind of small town, something like that (real or fictional but connected to the already existing highways). Perhaps he could make some V.I.P Pack 2 type of thing. I'd happily pay for that.

Anyway, dreaming is free, time to get in the car again.
Oh Waldo.
the #1 isn't actually written, so here it is

among others indeed ;)

Going back and forth in google map and street view when looking for references, made me want to make more roads as well.
On a dreamy level, it made me wish there was a "google drive mod", that would, someday, allow us to take any road on earth, with elevations and biomes, and BOOM, we could drive said road in one click.

Sadly now, the physic engine of AC is a bit limited, and as shown with circle and radius from the origin, and noticeable with the shaking, we made the best of what we could in the given space!
More roads and details to that track would just risk to eventually reach a more brutal limit!

I've stepped away from 3dsmax & AC for few weeks now and it feels nice.
Some say Phoenix has left to an isolated island to feel the sun again :p

But rest assured we will be back some day with other projects now that our "california road template" is kinda ready ;)
Nice! This means...
x4fab - 18/03/2019
• Dynamic objects fixed;

hot air balloons will also be flying away now!

And now that i'm reading it...

• Audio for tracks;

@Fat-Alfie , crickets are waiting!!
@Phoenix77 , get to the choppa!
Oh Waldo.
the #1 isn't actually written, so here it is
View attachment 298480
among others indeed ;)

Going back and forth in google map and street view when looking for references, made me want to make more roads as well.
On a dreamy level, it made me wish there was a "google drive mod", that would, someday, allow us to take any road on earth, with elevations and biomes, and BOOM, we could drive said road in one click.

Sadly now, the physic engine of AC is a bit limited, and as shown with circle and radius from the origin, and noticeable with the shaking, we made the best of what we could in the given space!
More roads and details to that track would just risk to eventually reach a more brutal limit!

I've stepped away from 3dsmax & AC for few weeks now and it feels nice.
Some say Phoenix has left to an isolated island to feel the sun again :p

But rest assured we will be back some day with other projects now that our "california road template" is kinda ready ;)

Looking forward to anything you guys do: new tracks, add-ons to this, whatever; L.A Canyons is amazing, by far my favorite mod and seeing as I have only found one easter egg I still got a lot of hours ahead of me until I find them all. I love those little details, it makes driving those roads even better.

Shame about AC's engine and shame that other games like PC2 can't be modded easily.

Thanks a lot for all your work.
Well, I did mention a city track like the Seattle or New York track from Gran Turismo to the author of Wijchen and he said he was working on something, so, it could be good! What about going from LA Canyons to the Grand Canyon!? GT used to have a fun track that went through it. El Capitan was another fave.

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