PC1 Latest Build testing.


I hate Race cheats ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
As you all know, Ian gave me a free pass to test the latest builds and that's what I have been doing for the last week. I will report here as and when I see fit to tell all about my findings.

But I will say that the latest build (296) is quite good. Now lets make some sense of my statement. I used a Lotus 98T in helmet cam using my antique MOMO red wheel and I can honestly report it is coming along much better than I anticipated. The actual feel and immersion is damn fine at this point. The handling is strange at first compared to say...RF2 and FVA, but it grows on you within minutes. At this point in time, this actual car feels good. I like it and I love the Milan circuit. The damage model has come on leaps and bounds.

I am doing some more testing all of next week using a G27 and I will also test some of the other cars that don't interest me as much (I am a F1 nut) and see how the feel in comparison to Shift 2, because that is what I was initially comparing PCars to.

I would like the replay function to have a directors mode though. Something that jumps from action to action and from car to car.

Aside from that, the replay's do crash my PC quite often but I understand that is being looked at.

Watch this space.
Anyone can take their own car out in the wet and overdrive it and see what happens, IOW, when deliberately losing control of the car, you've gone beyond the limit of grip and can feel whether or not the steering wheel gives up at any point in the steering range.

There's nothing biased about me wanting a simulation to be a tight driving experience.

As usual, we also see your ongoing implicit goal of trying to silence/censor/guilt/intimidate people from voicing their opinions wrt pcars, but I just tell the truth to the best of my ability and that's why I've given props to many racing games over the yrs and will give Reiza huge props if their new 1995 V12 F1 car hits the spot.

Everytime I waste my time dl and dicking around with pcars, it's the same simcade experience I had months ago, and in fact years ago.

Is it disrespectful to challenge whether GT5/6 is a sim?...of course not.

I'm not trying to censor anything, just do in a mature manner. Which you clearly fail at miserably.

It's that basic premise, that is just so incredibly hard for you to comprehend. Utterly bizarre....it's like you see something about pCARS and the "be a douche" switch is activated in your head or something.

Again, you say it's the same experience to a year ago, when the tyre model has completely changed, which means in every sense of the word your opinion means squat.
Your mis-interpretations won't change the fact that pcars has weak/undeveloped FFB and feels like a digital object vs the real when driving the proper established sims.

And once again (I feel as if I'm repeating myself to someone with learning difficulties), THE FFB IS UNDERDEVELOPED. Until it is developed further just stop testing the game for crying out loud. Unless the only reason you do this is to actively undermine the game which is just so incredibly petty and moronic.

Seriously David, you qualify for the biggest facepalm in the history of humanity for the way you wilfully ignore basic information.
Once again, the FFB in Pcars will be receiving work once the tire-models have been locked down. It makes sense that it is not close to that point yet as the Focus-Testing is still underway. The FFB can vary quite a bit from one build to another right now. Without understanding all the nuances of the models, physics, etc. going on behind the scenes, it's impossible to judge the FFB fairly at this point.
Again, you say it's the same experience to a year ago, when the tyre model has completely changed, which means in every sense of the word your opinion means squat.

I've been a member of this forum for years and have 1000's of posts.....in all that time I've never unduly criticized any game/sim....in fact, I PROMOTE them here and elsewhere.

OTOH, you and other pcars boosters have made it plain and clear that criticism is unacceptable, ie, you try and discredit anyone who dares to speak freely and truthfully whilst pretending that precise criticism is welcome at WMD, when in fact, you've banned and warned so many people that whatever criticism remains is all but blowing smoke up the dev's ass......and remember, this was supposed to be a community funded sim, not a fixed up Shift2.

Criticism is not the issue here. It's the manner in which it is given. It is given, it seems, without the genuine hope that things might actually improve.

In the meantime PCARS just got Track IR support, and with modification to the Track IR setup, it is working nicely. Needs some adjustment still, which is coming.
I've been a member of this forum for years and have 1000's of posts.....in all that time I've never unduly criticized any game/sim....in fact, I PROMOTE them here and elsewhere.

OTOH, you and other pcars boosters have made it plain and clear that criticism is unacceptable, ie, you try and discredit anyone who dares to speak freely and truthfully whilst pretending that precise criticism is welcome at WMD, when in fact, you've banned and warned so many people that whatever criticism remains is all but blowing smoke up the dev's ass......and remember, this was supposed to be a community funded sim, not a fixed up Shift2.

OMFG, are you for real???? LOL....facepalm city......I constantly state that criticism is allowed, there's constant criticism on WMD. But it's done in a mature way, and those that don't do it in a mature way are those who get refunded. Please read what I write and what other people write. Because all you're doing IMO is blowing smoke up your own arse.

We understand you don't like the FFB...guess what, I DON'T EITHER!! But I'm waiting for it to be developed, that's what the whole process of WMD and pCARS is all about. CONTRIBUTING in a mature meaningfull way. Here's a heads up David: petty, snidey bitching is not mature. You've done decent posts in the past, and I've had no issues at all with them, hell even Andys done some good ones, but then you sink down into the pettiness again, Why? You've either got a massive chip on your shoulder about SMS, Ian Bell, WMD, pCARS or something, I just can't comprehend you at all.

At some point in the near future, it might dawn on you that this isn't WMD, and that you don't control the flow of information, IOW, negative commentary experiences the light of day here.

I'm more than aware this isn't WMD, I frequent lots of motorsports forums and have been doing so for quite a while. I don't control the flow of information, but I can counteract your bull when you post it and agree with the decent posts when you do them. I've agreed with quite a few of your better comments. sheesh!! I'm starting to think I understand what a remedial teacher feels like at times!
Your mis-interpretations won't change the fact that pcars has weak/undeveloped FFB and feels like a digital object vs the real when driving the proper established sims.

Hey David I see that you have been a little bit more active with pCARS lately as I do sometimes check to see who's online. I am wondering with the discussions going on here within this thread over the different opinions on the game have they been limited to this thread only or have you actually posted your feelings of the game in the locations where they will actually account for something. All that seems to have happened here is a pissing match with other RD members.
I cannot say I am immune to it myself but there are times when I feel pretty stupid about it when all is said and done and try going back to explain myself in some half ass explanations.
I really don't think there is any need for it even when I do it myself from time to time.
As for me I guess I'm outta here for quite some time again and when I say to you take care I truly mean it. Have a nice Day. :thumbsup:
I make very clear my views on pCARS too both here and -- probably even more bluntly - on the WMD forums. Only difference is there are different ways of doing it. Without doubt there is a desire "to want the product to fail" from one person here - at least that's how it comes across to the layman - in a highly cynical but very transparent manner.

In the big scheme of things what one or two people think of course doesn't make a jot of difference to how any product will do. Deliberately misrepresenting intentions of a development team (not you David) is wrong and immature IMO.
Don't play dumb, it's all here on record.

Yes it IS all on record here, the countless times I've stated the opposite to what you attribute to me.

FFB is flawed (better with user created tweaker files), but will be developed in the future once the tyre physics are locked down.

Tyre physics are flawed, many cars are not so good, many are good, some are really good, again the process of fine tuning the tyre physics is ongoing and progressing.

Criticism of the game is allowed, it's the immature bashing that is unacceptable.

Can you not acknowledge the facts of the above statements and we can all get along?
Or if you really dislike the game that much just don't bother testing it, and wait till it's released and we will then see who is right and if you are then so be it, I'll hold my hands up and admit SMS failed. But until release it's daft to criticise things that are not complete.

A further analogy I have is someone visiting the building site of their future home, putting a bed in the bedroom and moaning they got wet when it rained overnight and saying the builders are shite....because the roof isn't on yet!
Can you not acknowledge the facts of the above statements and we can all get along?!

I can
acknowledge that I've been fed the same tune from you guys for over 2yrs, and despite being rather patient, it's still a simcade driving model, that's all I'm saying, plus as the months wear down, the likelihood of it becoming a sim diminishes greatly.

There's no reason it can't be a good simcade game with awesome GFX etc, but I don't expect a sim.

It'll probably sell 1million units across all platforms....maybe more.
Some how this is not on topic again, either stick to actual feedback on how it drives and preforms with the Latest Build or keep quiet. in other words put a sock in it. ;)

don't want to hear about about simcade vs sim any more or that fact you have been repeating your self for the last 2 years. or all the other repeated bla de bla

i've tried to be nice about it.
But you guys cant take a hint.. nor willing to let each other have there own views.
So if you
don't like it tuff, go find somewhere else to complain.

I want actual feedback please, not who can sail closest to our rules to get one over on each other.
Its pathetic and
pointless and just shows how immature you actually are, and all credibility is lost in any thing good you actually have to say or have said in the past.

Stay on topic or take a vacation. All-
inclusive and curtsey of your friendly Racedepartment :)
Im just itching to give some season passes away to that well know destination..:sneaky::sneaky::sneaky:
I tested the Audi R8 and the BMW GT yesterday around Imola and Brands. It is sounding much better but and it's a big but, I can't tell any difference in the handling than I could in any earlier builds to be honest (cue insults). I find they both understeer way too much. (I am not setting up the cars, just driving them out of the box so to say). I am still of the opinion that it looks great, but does not drive anywhere near the fidelity of GSC 2013, RF2 nor AC yet. Lets hope the next build improves on things.
It's been a long while since I commented on this thread but I think I lurk enough to still comment.

I think this sums up the issue at hand with this game (it won me over) youtube

OT: From my most recent testing the builds were quite unstable. Several occasions after updating/restarting/reporfiling I can't actually get in the game. Maybe it's better now (by the looks of the milestones thread it very well may have been fixed).

Anyway, now that I've added a 2nd GTX670 I'm able to handle the game at 3x1080p and around 80fps (with MSAA and a few settings turned down). And it looks like there are some graphics optimizations coming (finally). Time to get busy and try a few cars out.
copied from my WMD feedback:

My weekend testing, all DX11, time trial (unless stated) default setup (unless stated) default ffb (unless stated)

10 laps at Bathurst in LMS ultra, J Spade ffb, excellent blast, track and car combo superb. Weird sparkly effect from the marbles at the side of the track.
1 lap Eifwald Megane RS, J Spade ffb, for some reason didn't get on with it, too much understeer, vague steering in first 100 or degrees (doesn't feel like tyre are quite biting enough)
10 Laps Mugello L72D very good, but felt like it had too much grip at the front and thus too loose at the rear.
10 laps Mugello L78 very good, but reverse of the 72d, not enough front grip and no power oversteer, just power understeer.
5 laps Mugello L78 tried to adjust setup to increase front grip, nothing seemed to work for me. Even tried some quite brute force adjustments like very little rear downforce and almost max front downforce...still left with bags of power understeer.
5 laps Eifwald GP sprint, Cat 500, AWESOME...LOVE this car!
5 laps Eifwald GP sprint, SLS, initially excellent, but then overheated the rears and they just never cooled and thus I couldn't put any power down at all
5 laps Eifwald GP sprint Capri, AWESOME...Love this car as well!
10 lap race at Anhalt GP, cat classic,5 identical opp, Ai was acceptable (I'd set it too fast but it was ok until one tried to overtake on the outside and did the Forza 3 trick), after 4-5 laps the tyres were gone and I was sliding all over the shop!
5 laps Imola Megane RS returned to the car this morning with Jack Spades ffb and had a much better time with it....god knows what happened yesterday. Nowhere near as much power understeer as yesterday, but I still have the vague feeling in the initial wheel input, bit "notchy" too.
5 laps Imola Megane RS default ffb for comparision test the notchiness went (so did most of the road and kerb feel compared to JS ffb), vague central feel still there, turned up ffb which alleviated it somewhat but then turning the wheel more than 90 degress was difficult due to FFB forces. Still it was much better than yesterday for some bizarre (probably me) reason!

*all opinions of a sim fan with no knowledge of driving the actual cars and how they should or should not handle/feel*

I know I say the L78 was very good, reason being it was enjoyable. There are some known setup issues with the game at the moment. Also AFAIK pCARS Mugello is placeholder and has had no updating work done on it.
I tested the Audi R8 and the BMW GT yesterday around Imola and Brands. It is sounding much better but and it's a big but, I can't tell any difference in the handling than I could in any earlier builds to be honest (cue insults). I find they both understeer way too much. (I am not setting up the cars, just driving them out of the box so to say). I am still of the opinion that it looks great, but does not drive anywhere near the fidelity of GSC 2013, RF2 nor AC yet. Lets hope the next build improves on things.

There are 2 R8s. Road and LMS Ultra. Be nice to know which one. And there's THREE BMW GTs.....would be nice to know which one of them too.

(notice no insults due to reasonable posting), but more info would be good. Very poor testing feedback if I'm honest. ;)
Last night I tested the BMW M1 and boy that is a handful. Beautiful car though. Again I find this and all the other cars suffer from understeer with the standard setups. I need to adjust my driving style to make amends quite a bit. Tried a race with the AI at Imola and boy they need some work. Very poor AI implementation still. But I know (read hope) that they will work on the AI soon. I like a good offline race and it's impossible with this AI at the moment.
The FFB is still hit or miss for me. One minute it's there, the next it feels loose. Not even as good as GTR2 yet in my opinion.

So at the moment not much change. Yes it's pretty, but as David say's, this is no where in the proper sim class yet compared to RF2 or even AC in my opinion as I think it will struggle to even get in the same class. But the game is coming on and I am sure it will get better with more development.

More feedback coming soon. Open wheelers to be tested at he Nord next.

It's nice not to get anyone have a go at me or anyone else for our feedback. :thumbsup:


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