little heads up about the company called Sim-Rigs in the UK

Hi all,

Just a little heads up about the company called Sim-Rigs in the UK

Wasn't sure whether to do this or not as "mud slinging" is not my scene. But after what i have went through and times being what they are financially wise, i thought it best just to alert the good people on here about this company.

I ordered a rig in May and was told after an email inquiring about delivery times that it would be 7 - 10 days.

Well after countless lies from the company including 3 bogus tracking numbers and trying to shift the blame onto everything and everyone else for not getting my order, i cancelled and requested a refund. Which was met with an email saying your rig is getting shipped tomorrow which was about the 8th time i had heard that. So i emailed back asking for a tracking number to prove that it was ready to be shipped and got one. Only problem was, after a live chat to TNT, the tracking number turned out -again - to be completely made up.

I mean, what company or person would do that??

I am now in the process of legal action to get my money back as the company just keeps fobbing me off with -

you have been refunded do you not have it?

Its not our fault its Stripes (an online payment company like paypal)

I have bank transferred the money you should have it now.

I will look into it and get back to you etc etc.....

Its been an absolute nightmare which, at a time like this, i'm sure anyone can do without.

I am sure there will be happy customers out there that ordered from Sim Rigs but i would imagine there will be a few in the same boat as me and for that reason i have decided to put this post up so as people can make up their own minds whether its worth the risk placing an order.

Hope this does not come across as sour grapes. I wish this post had been up the day before i decided to whack £600 down the drain!!!

Choose wisely folks!!
I've been out of sim racing for a while and haven't been on the forums at all.
Wasn't that a mistake.
I'm also in the same boat after seeing the Facebook page and positive feedback there i placed an order six weeks ago.
After the estimated 2-3 weeks for a black srv3 I sent a message, "sorry for the delay it will ship tomorrow"
Then another a week later and no reply just a Facebook status about how tough a time they're having and about abuse.
Thought I'd be patient as there was so much support from happy customers.
A few more messages asking for shipping details or a estimated date and similar response of, not in at the min or a picture of a motorway or my Mrs was in for an operation.
A couple more weeks later and I get contacted by a guy wanting to know how I got on with
He directed me here to this horror story.
So yeah, no rig, no actual customer service or reassurance of when.
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Ok, so it looks like this is the latest scam of a guy called Barry Hayward, also known as Jamie De Souza, James De Souza, James Hayward and James Ward. He sets up a legit looking business, gets involved on forums, takes orders for products, even sometimes delivers a few, but then the excuses start, always including problems with the bank, and promising refunds, which never arrive. And yes, he often uses the "Mrs having and operation" excuse, even goes down the cancer route to win himself time.
He's pulled this scam on many occasions in different trending business sectors, like providing carbon fibre kits for cars (google techcarbon car parts scam) he's also been involved in car dipping services, which never happened. Here's a thread which stretches over 9 years , read on
Barry has been in jail for some of his frauds, and when he gets out, he always sets up a similar scam again, so here he is Sim Rigs Ltd. And his MO is exactly the same!
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intersting what the google finds on him (if its really the same guy):

It is the same guy. This is how he makes his living, he's been at it all his life, in between spells behind bars. He scams his girlfriends too, taking out loans in their names, or against their assets like log book loans. He's a professional con man, which is why he's believable. It looks like there two people involved in this business, and I wonder whether "Dave" is in on the scam, or about to find that he's just another victim. This Sim Rigs UK business will disappear in a few months, when so many people are after him.
If he's conned you out of money, and no refund, best thing to do is turn up at his business and confront him and his partner, and make sure his partner knows all about Barry Hayward and his scams.
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So here is James / Barry’s latest FB post. Please excuse me if I don’t show any pity for this s***bag. So he claims to be ceasing trading because his past has caught up with him. I personally believe it has everything to do with the 23k CCJ that has just been filed against his amazing company.

Well its now come to this

Over the past few weeks a few people have taken it upon themselves to drag my past up.

Since then I have had threats made against myself and people close to me. This is NOT acceptable. I will not be bullied or threatened.

When i started sim rigs i wanted it to be amazing and it was. Yes some items went out late but from the hundreds of orders we get a few wrong but always try and make up for it.

We have had many customers try and us this again myself and the company saying they will slate us on pages. And they did.

We even had one customer say all the parts were cut to the wrong size. Utter bullshit as the supplier is top notch.

And for the guy who said you ordered in Feb and still waiting ???? we didnt start till May so good luck with that

We have had customers have rigs then put chargebacks on and refuse to return items. THIS IS NOT ACCETPABLE. I will be arranging collection.

We have a couple of customers who didn't read descriptions and then give us grief.

We came here with great items and great products and I have met some amazing customers who i class as friends. Then those who like to spread bullshit and never let anyone move on in life. I know who you are and you know who you are don't forget that.

So from midnight tonight Sim Rigs Ltd Will cease trading.

Any outstanding orders or parts will still be honoured.

I would like to thank all those that actual stuck with us and didn't listen to the bullshit and gave us a chance. But there is only so much we can take.

Tonight's last rig was delivered direct to Sam in Hull :) happy racing pal

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That's brilliant news, and it will make sure a lot of other people aren't ripped off by this cereal fraudster. Hopefully wherever he goes, his past will keep being dragged up, to protect honest punters. Barry has no intention of ever being straight, he uses this 'bait and switch' con time and time again. I like the way he says he's had threats against 'people close to me' he has no-one close to him that he hasn't also conned.
Meanwhile, he's still trying to con people with his cryptocurrency company, here is a scam review report on , it reads like every other Barry Hayward business
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Interesting that i didn't get a notification on fb of that post and i can't comment on it.
He phoned me last night as he was offended by my post here.
My order hasn't been honoured yet, he claims to have sent it.
Absolutely no proof of shipping but the usual excuses.
Told I was also issued a refund for the wait with a screenshot of the transaction.
When I said I'd only believe it when I had actual proof of shipping or the money in my bank account things turned nasty.
He then told me if I didn't believe him, "he'd cancel the delivery... and cancel the refund....
Obviously I pointed out if he'd actually already shipped the rig he couldn't cancel it
And you can't actually cancel a transaction either and he was obviously lying when said he'd done both.
He then gave me an ultimatum, that I had to choose what I did next....
Pick the rig or the refund ....
Seriously, this just proves my point that you've not shipped it or refunded me.
I know of someone else who's order hasn't been honoured yet and he told them he was for closing the business a few days ago.
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Holly crap, he runs quite the racket, whatever con he can run. Such a scumbag. And he has the front to claim nobody will let his past go, while running another con job at the same time.

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So thats where it all ends then. Dont know whether to be happy or sad.

On the one hand its good to know no one else will be screwed by him.

On the other, i'll bet (after reading the last few posts and whats been posted before on his previous endevours) there's a good number of people who's money has just bitten the dust.

Add to that the British justice system being a total farce, if he is collared by the authority's, after his slap on the wrist he will become Bruce Muhammad Ali Hayward and be flogging Christmas crackers by December.................. minus the bang!

I second Chris's comment, if theres anything i can do to help out anyone who's been affected by this, i am more than willing to do my bit.
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I've been through all the stages of grief since finding this thread and the events since.

Last night after his phone call I was unbelievably angry and I'm now at the depressed/acceptance stage.
I spent yesterday and Sunday adjusting my wooden frankin rig because I knew deep down the rig I'd ordered and paid for was never coming.
There was a tiny bit of hope but its now gone.
I've no idea if the bank will be able to recover the money but its been the kind of year that I doubt it now.
I didn't want to write this as I know he's been on here, but for the benefit of others to know what a complete low life he is.
I'd always wanted an 8020 rig and this time round I promised myself one.
Being a full time parent its not a financial hit I'll been able to recover from. I saved most of this past year for it.
I now wish I'd saved a little bit longer and went with an established company.
Like others have said I thought I would support a UK start up company that looked like fellow enthusiasts. Maybe expecting a few bumps but certainly not being ripped off.
I'm really angry with myself because looking at it closely and cautiously rather than with excited eyes you can see from his fb page its suspicious.

By the way his site is still open for business.
Orders can still be placed.

Talking to him on the phone was exactly like receiving a phone call from someone claiming to be "BT" and that in order to stop people from hacking into your Internet and stealing your bank details, you'd need to let them "fix" it remotely lol
He was typically irate, angry and aggressive when challenged and questioned.
Back tracking and tied himself in knots of his own lies.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

I really do hope no one else will fall for this.
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I got the uprights to connect my wheel deck to the body of the rig but they appear to be shorter than they should be. I'm now on his case on where the pedal deck, adjustable feet and monitor mount are (which was promised my him that delivery would be made on Tuesday) and I'm getting the classic lies.

"They were sent Monday", "I'm on the road, I'll get tracking info over to you when I pull over". "Back in 45 minutes, I'll call you".

Of course no tracking information was given.

He then suddenly offered a £100 refund as well as the missing items and asked for my paypal - which I gave. Been chasing all day and nothing has appeared in my paypal and no proof of postage given.

I don't understand why this guy promises these things unprovoked and then doesn't deliver on any of it. It's maddening.

Crikey this really has grown in only a few days since I last checked. I just got a message from him saying he was closing down and I've just seen the post on FB. I thought now would be a good time to update you guys on where I am.

So after hounding and hounding for the partial refund (that he optionally offered) he sent me screengrabs of refund being processed. This refund could apparently only be done from the unit and his hour long journey back to the office somehow took 7 hours!! What's hilarious is that the screengrabs he gave me were off his phone and the tool he was using was WooCommerce - a wordpress plugin accessible from anywhere, on any device. Not requiring a dedicated computer system based in the unit, like he kept claiming.

After that, I said, 'now that you're there, you can send me my tracking info for my missing rig pieces'. But oh no, that's not possible because that's on the home machine. Of course it is matey!

Unsurprisingly I didn't hear anything in the 10 minutes he said it would take to get home. However he then suddenly got in contact after he discovered I had been telling my story on this forum.


- "Hi James/Barry, I'm sure you're reading this" -

After a bit of back & forth he offered the below screengrab


I think he figured he covered his tracks but the Parcel2go logo is clearly visible, and once I searched the reference number it was for a parcel sent out in July. He clearly needed the home computer for a bit of photoshop trickery.

Image-1 (1).jpg

Obviously once I confronted him on this it was of course Parcel2Go's fault and he'll give me an update in the morning. I actually heard from him the next day and despite apparently posting out the gear a week ago, he's somehow managed to get the stuff back and is now sending via TNT because it was overweight and it'll be with me Monday (Oct 11th). He's now blamed FedEx, Parcelforce, DPD, DHL - I wonder when Hermes & Yodel will get their time in the spot light.

Of course nothing arrived on Monday and I'm now getting the same lies as always. "I'll check when I'm back home, I'm on the motorway" etc, etc. Tonight I got "I've been closing down, I'm back at 9 but will check". Nobody believes for a second I'll hear anything back.

I have been one of the more fortunate ones however. I got 75% of what I ordered (although I can't attach my pedals, the uprights are too short and I wasn't given enough bolts & connectors) but to my absolute shock I actually received a refund of £150 from him on Monday.

So I really don't understand what crazy game he's playing. Totally screwing some, and partially honouring others. Maybe it's a well known tactic in the con-man/a**ehole handbook.

I hope James/Barry the absolute worse and that the police once again catch up to him.


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I've been out of sim racing for a while and haven't been on the forums at all.
Wasn't that a mistake.
I'm also in the same boat after seeing the Facebook page and positive feedback there i placed an order six weeks ago.
After the estimated 2-3 weeks for a black srv3 I sent a message, "sorry for the delay it will ship tomorrow"
Then another a week later and no reply just a Facebook status about how tough a time they're having and about abuse.
Thought I'd be patient as there was so much support from happy customers.
A few more messages asking for shipping details or a estimated date and similar response of, not in at the min or a picture of a motorway or my Mrs was in for an operation.
A couple more weeks later and I get contacted by a guy wanting to know how I got on with
He directed me here to this horror story.
So yeah, no rig, no actual customer service or reassurance of when.

I've not posted on the forums in 8 weeks and while I have stepped back my own involvement here on the forums. (Apologies to those with PMs sent and not answered) Well, I logged in after reading this thread and it has been nice to see some members helping others.

In the spirit of that......
I owe you Marc for you helping me in the past during a difficult time. Sad and sorry to read you got caught up in this. So, allow me please, for sending you some audio/tactile gear I have for free to either use or sell to help you get an 8020 rig you want. Send me a PM to arrange postage, also check your Pay Pal for a gift that you should have already received.
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I've not posted on the forums in 8 weeks and while I have stepped back my own involvement here on the forums. (Apologies to those with PMs sent and not answered) Well, I logged in after reading this thread and it has been nice to see some members helping others.

In the spirit of that......
I owe you Marc for you helping me in the past during a difficult time. Sad and sorry to read you got caught up in this. So, allow me please, for sending you some audio/tactile gear I have for free to either use or sell to help you get an 8020 rig you want. Send me a PM to arrange postage, also check your Pay Pal for a gift that you should have already received.

Awh mate I don't know how to express how overwhelmed I am.
I'm very emotional, embarrassed and grateful.
That was unbelievably kind and brought a tear to Karen's and my eyes!
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Not at all and thanks for the nice comments, chin up....

I hope that everyone that was affected in this thread gets some help from others.
Some members here on the forums have been generous to me in the past, they know who they are. It's nice to pass that kindness onto someone else.

Other items I have for you can either be sold on the forums here and you get the money or if you want them they will be sent to you. Just let me know what you'd prefer. I was going to ebay these so the timing is excellent.

Items are like brand new.
1x Behringer Ha6000
1x t-racks DSP 4x4 Mini unit
1x Douk Audio SUC M4 amp

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I've not posted on the forums in 8 weeks and while I have stepped back my own involvement here on the forums. (Apologies to those with PMs sent and not answered) Well, I logged in after reading this thread and it has been nice to see some members helping others.

In the spirit of that......
I owe you Marc for you helping me in the past during a difficult time. Sad and sorry to read you got caught up in this. So, allow me please, for sending you some audio/tactile gear I have for free to either use or sell to help you get an 8020 rig you want. Send me a PM to arrange postage, also check your Pay Pal for a gift that you should have already received.

We would love to help also
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