LOCH ARD New Stage for RBR-WORLd.com

Track made by: Eno72
Video by: Ventu
Pacenotes by: Longo and Axel.
Betatest: RBR-World crew.
La prova di Loch Ard del Rally di Scozia per Richard Burns Rally è stata fatta da Eno72, lo stesso autore della Sweet Lamb del Wales Rally GB per RBR.
Il progetto è stato avviato all'inizio del 2010 e vide la luce dopo due anni di lavoro costante.
La prova speciale fa parte dei primi 8 km di quella vera, che corre lungo Loch Chon, Loch Dhu House e la Dubh fiume.
I conteggi delle scene 3D oltre 1300000 poligoni, con qualcosa come 100000 oggetti di alberi piantati lungo la strada .
Le texture sono state realizzati principalmente dall'autore, da foto reali di alberi e terreno. Altre texture sono state prese da CG-texture e dalle prove di RBR.

La release comprende sia la fase normale e la versione invertita.
L'autore ringrazia Ventu per questo bellissimo video, Axel e Longo per le pacenotes e tutto il resto della crew di RBR-World per i test.
Il brano sarà pubblicato in anteprima per
La distribuzione della pista sarà a discrezione dell'autore ma verrà messo un COUNTDOWN presto in Homepage
Nulla di questa traccia possono essere utilizzati in progetti di qualcun altro.
The Loch Ard stage of the Rally of Scotland for Richard Burns Rally has been made by Eno72, the same author of the Sweet Lamb stage of Rally Wales GB for RBR.
The project was begun at the beginning of 2010 and saw the light after two years of constant work.
The stage follows the first 8 Km of the real track, running along Loch Chon, the Loch Dhu House and the river Dubh.
The 3D scene counts over 1300000 poligons, with something like 100000 tree objects planted along.
Textures were mainly made by the author, from real photos of trees and terrain. Other textures were taken from CG-textures and from RBR.
The release comprise both the normal stage and the reversed version.

The author would like to thank Ventu for making this beautiful video, Axel and Longo for writing down the pacenotes and all the rest of the RBR-World crew for thorough testing of the track.
The track will be published as premiere for www.rbr-world.com.

The distribution of the track will be at the author's discretion.

Nothing of this track can be used in someone else's projects.
register you in RBR-WORLd.com web site, download the utility and the game is do it!!!!

Or get RBR-WORLD, rallyesim, and RBR Czech to put away their little fight so everyone can enjoy all the great stages that have been made instead of holding people to ransome like this.

Have a look at Eno's Sweet Lamb stage, RBR-WORLD's version is fixed but they won't give RSRBR the corrected version? Thats just childish!! I've spoken to Eno72 in the past and I think he is a very good guy and does great work by the way, I hope he continues to make these AMAZING stages.

Each utility is different (physics, interface, etc) and they suit different people. This habit of limiting new stages to someone's own site goes against the concept of an "online community". No one is making money from this so all this does is hurt the many drivers playing RBR world wide.
Or get RBR-WORLD, rallyesim, and RBR Czech to put away their little fight so everyone can enjoy all the great stages that have been made instead of holding people to ransome like this ...................................................................
so all this does is hurt the many drivers playing RBR world wide.

This is well said by Rick, couldn't agree more. :thumbsup:

We have worked very hard at RD to promote RBR and expand the enjoyment of this amazing Rally Sim to many new drivers. Our members have tried to support each of the different Comunities and stay independent of any adversity between them. Surely the developers have similar aims.
What will it take to get each community to be prepared to share their great work? What can possibly be gained by the secrecy. By sharing, we might extend the life of RBR by many more years, by secrecy / division we risk fragmenting and each group slowly dying.

Just my views of course, I have never understood the competitive secrecy. :(
Or get RBR-WORLD, rallyesim, and RBR Czech to put away their little fight so everyone can enjoy all the great stages that have been made instead of holding people to ransome like this.

Have a look at Eno's Sweet Lamb stage, RBR-WORLD's version is fixed but they won't give RSRBR the corrected version? Thats just childish!! I've spoken to Eno72 in the past and I think he is a very good guy and does great work by the way, I hope he continues to make these AMAZING stages.

Each utility is different (physics, interface, etc) and they suit different people. This habit of limiting new stages to someone's own site goes against the concept of an "online community". No one is making money from this so all this does is hurt the many drivers playing RBR world wide.

I'm quite bored by these comments, really. I shouldn't read forums.

RSRBR had the fix for Sweet Lamb one year ago, I gave it to RSRBR admins. So, first of all, don't blame RBR-World for that, you don't know what happens between modders and admins and what are their (non public) agreements. I've always been in good relations with RSRBR and, for instance, the Akagi tracks will be available to them in the very next future.
The Loch Ard stage will be released later on, don't tempt me out of doing it, please.

My stages are limited, that's true, but only for a period of time. Why? Because I'm also a founder of RBR-World and we work hard to satisfy our community.
I think I have the absolute freedom to release the stage at my own discretion, since it is my own work.
Furthermore, inside RBR-World there are also people working with me on many aspects of development, and I thank them for their experience on rally which sometimes is a big aid for me.

By the way: there's no fight whatsoever between RBR-World and RSRBR or Czech plugin.
You may have your point of view, I only ask you to respect mine.
RSRBR had the fix for Sweet Lamb one year ago, I gave it to RSRBR admins. So, first of all, don't blame RBR-World for that, you don't know what happens between modders and admins and what are their (non public) agreements. I've always been in good relations with RSRBR and, for instance, the Akagi tracks will be available to them in the very next future.
The Loch Ard stage will be released later on,

I apologise for my misunderstanding Eno, if you have a good relationship with RallyeSim.

Sadly however, something is still causing a problem with Sweet Lamb in RSRBR2012. Many of our drivers suffer CTD's with the latest version of the track. For some it works, for others it won't. As a result, we are very reluctant to use this great Stage for our Events. :(
This is well said by Rick, couldn't agree more. :thumbsup:

We have worked very hard at RD to promote RBR and expand the enjoyment of this amazing Rally Sim to many new drivers. Our members have tried to support each of the different Comunities and stay independent of any adversity between them. Surely the developers have similar aims.
What will it take to get each community to be prepared to share their great work? What can possibly be gained by the secrecy. By sharing, we might extend the life of RBR by many more years, by secrecy / division we risk fragmenting and each group slowly dying.

Just my views of course, I have never understood the competitive secrecy. :(
Hi guys.
I'm Ventu, I worked with Eno for both akagi and loch ard, making the promo videos.

I just wanted to answer Warren: You asked what will it take to share the work of each community...
Well, sharing all the stuffs immediatly will lead to having all the community on the same level, equal.. just some little difference in utilities and forum style.. This would lead, for new users but also old ones, to decide where to race just on how much is promoted the community.
RBR-World is probably the most visible community: we go to event with cockpits and big screens, we went to an ERC and CIR REAL rally (1000miglia) and Richard Burns Foundation sent us an actual subby01wrc replica.. Despite this, if somebody gets into RBR for the first time (and he is not ita) he will go for sure on RSRBR.
WHY? We still don't know.
I mean, we don't want to have all the new users, we don't hope RSRBR will fail.. We have different features and this is enough, users can decide what they prefer.
What I hate is that not-italian users don't even give a try to rbr-w.. they just install rsrbr and race there.. or maybe try rbr-w but just a free rally, not the entire career mode etc.
An example? when inside-sim-racing tested rsrbr I sent them a PM and posted it on theyr forum telling that also rbrw exist, all the feature we have etc.. answers? 0.
Maybe is also because we are italian and people don't trust us.. with the politicians we have, I agree with them. :confused:
For example, why you have chosen RsRBR? :) (just to know)

My dream is, one day, to joint all the communities and create the REAL WORLD RBR CHAMPIONSHIP, with all the fastest drivers.. nowadays we have the RBRW champion, the RSRBR champion etc.. creating a unique utility, with thousand of active users and a great world rally champhion.. awesome.. But this imho is impossible.. for a couple of reason.

-this is not our job.. we (expecially rbr-w creator "Andrea") have our life to get on, we don't get money from RBR
-Every utility creator would like to have his as the base.. the top thing could be creating a new one from 0, but as I sad before, is not possible I believe.

Said This, I wanted to shake your hands RDguys.. You are creating a good parallel community to rsrbr and you are doing good things with all those video recap on youtube.. it takes a lot of time doing them and I respect you!!;):)
For example, why you have chosen RsRBR? :) (just to know)

Hi Ventu, and thanks for your reply and some explanation about RBR-W.

Maybe I can answer your question above:
When RD decided to adopt RBR for their Rally Community / Events, they researched the two available options at the time (RSRBR & Czech Mod). I wasn't involved at the time. RSRBR was chosen because it was the best fit for the On-Line style of racing that RD was used to. It allowed many drivers to be racing the same event at the same time and also hopefully chatting on Teamspeak as well. This was preferred to the other option of having drivers run stages alone when they wished and simply collating the results later. Our most important goal was to promote a friendly community style of racing, a Club atmosphere, rather than promoting a Championship style where drivers were basically hot lapping. Grouping drivers together into a real world style event matched more closely the other On-Line style of Events that other Sims create here at RD. RSRBR was the only Mod that allowed that style.
Since then, the original members who started the Rally Club at RD have moved on, but myself and others have tried to build it up further, even adding a RDRC Championship.
We have been very happy with RSRBR and have not seen any need to change from it.

More recently, RBR-W has evolved and no doubt offers a new option. I'll admit that we know less about RBR-W, but we have always been happy to allow other Communities / Modders to promote their programs here in our Forum. We do not see ourselves tied to any modding Group, we are all just SimRacers who love Rallying with RBR. We are most happy to support other Communities like RBR-W by encouraging our Members to join your Events, but hopefully they continue to support RD as well. The more options our drivers have, the better in my book.

Whilst I understand that Modders like to support specific Communities with their great Mods, it still disappoints us that Communities wish to differentiate themselves by exclusive rights to Car, Track, etc Mods. I accept that Modders have every right to do this, you work extremely hard to develop your great mods, so they are your property to control. So, I guess this is just the way things are.
However, exclusive rights to some stages wont become the basis on which we decide which main Mod to use for our Events. Our decisions are based on which Mod best fits our style of building a SimRacing Community.
So, in the end, if RD continues to use the RSRBR Mod for our Events, then we just miss out on using any Stage that has been restricted from that Mod. It's disappointing to us, and some of the great stages may simply not be enjoyed here. All we can hope for is that eventually some shared arrangement can happen.

Racedepartment is a truely International Community, we are independent of any politics or nationalities, we are not based on any particular country. We prefer to support co-operation and harmony, and discourage national divisions.

Hopefully that explains our position. I'll happily promote your RBR-W mods here and to our members. Maybe we need to look more closely at what you have to offer, so any additional info will be helpful. :)
\. Grouping drivers together into a real world style event matched more closely the other On-Line style of Events that other Sims create here at RD. RSRBR was the only Mod that allowed that style.
I have to disagree.. RBR-Online (the previous versione of RBR-W, let say..) was already an online LIVE race.. in fact we didn't even have the open time rally, we used to race everybody at 9pm and at some point we even started like real rallys with a delay of 10seconds each other (in real rally is 1minute but it was too long eheheh)..

More recently, RBR-W has evolved and no doubt offers a new option. I'll admit that we know less about RBR-W, but we have always been happy to allow other Communities / Modders to promote their programs here in our Forum. We do not see ourselves tied to any modding Group, we are all just SimRacers who love Rallying with RBR. We are most happy to support other Communities like RBR-W by encouraging our Members to join your Events, but hopefully they continue to support RD as well. The more options our drivers have, the better in my book.
I don't blame you for using rsrbr, I was just curios to know how you made your choice :)
the problem about "encouraging our members to join your events" is that rbr is not like rfactor: as you know is non just about switching the Mod inside the game.. having rsrbr and rbrw full working means having 2 rbr installation (with many files that are the same.) witch means about 18GB of game.. 95% of users don't bother creating another install to test other mods.. they just stay with the one they have..

However, exclusive rights to some stages wont become the basis on which we decide which main Mod to use for our Events. Our decisions are based on which Mod best fits our style of building a SimRacing Community.
So, in the end, if RD continues to use the RSRBR Mod for our Events, then we just miss out on using any Stage that has been restricted from that Mod. It's disappointing to us, and some of the great stages may simply not be enjoyed here. All we can hope for is that eventually some shared arrangement can happen.
what makes us mad is that when czech plugin released theyr stages (liptakov and others, can't remember the name and can't spell them LOL) no body in the richard burns rally world got mad.. they all installed rbrcz and drove them.
Now we released loch ard only on RBR-W.
Nobody (or at least not as many as we expected) installed the utility (wich is far much more easier than cz to setup.. just a manual download and then it does everything by itself) for testing it, but everyone (on rbr+ for example) complained that we haven't released it immediatly.
That is sad.. we just wanted to keep it for us in the first period because maybe somebody would like to test it, he intall rbrw and say "hey man, great utility... I think I'll race with them!".. it's our right to do that.. I mean, we are the only online racing community that is recognised by the Italian law, we are a legal association! Not just a group of friend, but a group of friend who created something more, just for having the legal possility(for example) to raise some donations as we did for the earthquake in northern italy.

BTW don't worry, it will be released if eno wants to :) it's a great stage and it deserves to be part of your series! :)

I'll be very happy if you will take a closer look to our utility.. we have many features but the most amazing thing is that is in continuous evolution.. if you have suggestions/request we can talk about them... :)
I have to disagree.. RBR-Online (the previous versione of RBR-W, let say..) was already an online LIVE race

As far as I know, RBR-Online wasn't available at the time RD made their decision to use RSRBR.

Regarding the exclusive Czech Mod stages, we don't have access to those either due to their exclusive restrictions, so any comments on this issue are not solely directed to your group. In the end, we just work with what we have available and still have great fun with this wonderful Rally Sim.

We don't get mad with anyone, we have to respect the modders rights to control their programs. We just get frustrated / disappointed to see the RBR Rally Communities fragmented and would like to see everyone working together to keep RBR alive.

Yep, the need to have separate installs of RBR + Mods for each of the three main mods available is certainly another deterrent for people to work with all three mods and their communities.

Again, my post above was mainly to explain why we are using RSRBR here.
I apologise for my misunderstanding Eno, if you have a good relationship with RallyeSim.

Sadly however, something is still causing a problem with Sweet Lamb in RSRBR2012. Many of our drivers suffer CTD's with the latest version of the track. For some it works, for others it won't. As a result, we are very reluctant to use this great Stage for our Events. :(

This is really strange. The fix is the same one we're using on RBR-World and I distributed on the Czech forum. With the fix all the troubles disappeared on both mods.
I'll ask Rallyesim admins, but I'm sure that last year RSRBR2011 had an update containing it.
They should maybe make sure that the new RSRBR2012 installer does actually contain the fix!
This is really strange. The fix is the same one we're using on RBR-World and I distributed on the Czech forum. With the fix all the troubles disappeared on both mods.
I'll ask Rallyesim admins, but I'm sure that last year RSRBR2011 had an update containing it.
They should maybe make sure that the new RSRBR2012 installer does actually contain the fix!

Thanks Eno, I was also pretty sure that RallyeSim included a "fix" last year, they reported in the Update that it was included.
Unfortunately though, some of our members still have the CTD problem. I've even had it myself when I upgraded to my Win 7 64 system. I could get around it by changing some of my graphics settings in RBR.ini and/or the FixUp.ini settings.
I provided all of my findings to RallyeSim in the hope it might help others, but it works for some but not others.
I've discussed this topic with WorkerBee as well.
However, everytime we use the stage in our events and championship, we get a few drivers who can't load the stage and it causes lots of angst. The problem is extremely variable, what works for one user won't work for another.
Sadly, we now limit this stage to our Rally Club events only, where the CTD's don't cause too much animosity.

It's such a shame, it is a brilliant track. :(

EDIT: Here is a link to our thread that discusses Sweet Lamb after the "Update". It also includes my findings and the work around solutions I found for my issues:


Here is a link to my latest post at RallyeSim on this topic:

Maybe this can help, since you understand the technical background of the Stage much better than others.
I had a reply from Rallyesim: the version they are presently using is the old one. Maybe they messed up at certain point and used again the old files.
The fix will be included (again) in the next update.

Huge thanks Eno.
That is amazing (frustrating?) considering how many people have reported problems with the stage in RSRBR2012 to them in their Forum.

Looking forward to being able to use it again more frequently. :)

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