
We need guys like Anonymous. Without them we would all walk around like sheep even though we have an opinion on SOPA.

we should be glad that we have guys on our team that is as powerful (if not more powerful) then the US government.
Alot of people laugh at the whole cyber war thing but it´s very serious actually.

In theory you could blow up a nuclear plant in another country from your own home..
Or for example just copy every single file at Pentagon/White House and release to the public.

And like Bradley mentioned above, the law has gotten so much opposition that several people that supported it has now backed down.

Like i said, you can´t stop the internet. It´s impossible.
im seriously annoyed at all this
SOPA stuff, so yes, they took down megaupload due to use of illegal coptrighted files,

ok, SOPA or whoever took the site down, your saying that it is somewhat physically possible for 7 or so people to monitor 1.5 million or 1.5 billion registered users, let alone how many files uploaded, its physically impossible, and along with that, you have now shut down a site which a lot of people used for storage or backup of files, i just dont see how it is possible for all of these files to be monitored, i would honestly like to see all the dreators SOPA do it, because i bet they couldnt do it.
Just found this now. I just love the direction this world is taking!

Viewed this and translated it from Spanish but I think you can get the just of it.

Closed. Bringing Down the House!

Closing does not sell Premium. Closed in Brazil. Deleting multiple files. Affiliate Program Closed.

Deleting files. Locked in the U.S.. Closed in Brazil. (It belongs to Fileserve) Deleting multiple files. Testing the blocking of some U.S. IP addresses.

Locked in the U.S.. Hoping to be closed in Brazil. (It belongs to Fileserve) Deleting multiple files. Testing the blocking of some U.S. IP addresses.

The news is arbitrary (under FBI investigation). (It belongs to Fileserve) No concrete information.

Closed! would disappear soon. Affiliate Program Closed.

Banned U.S. and the FBI went after the owners who are gone. Still works in Brazil. Americans banned IPs.

Deleting all material (executables will only stop, pdfs, txts) began to suspend accounts with material that would violate rules. (Doing the same as Hotfile)

Closed and locked in the countries affiliated with the USA. Affiliate Program Closed.

Excluding files with copyright and waits in line at the FBI. Deleting multiple files.

Called to testify in the next 90 days and will open doors pro FBI. You can fall at any moment, is the best share of the last two years.

Org torrent
You can go away with everything within 30 days "they are under criminal investigation"

MIRC Network Share
Awaiting the decision of the case to continue or terminate Torrent everything.

Operating 100% Japan will not join the SOUP / PIPA

Shienko Box
Operating 100% china / korea will not join the SOUP / PIPA

ShareX BR
UOL Group / BOL / iG say they will join the SOUP / PIPA

Only with premium and end with its tax liability to upload files greater than 100MB (or whoever is "****" with the FBI is ouploader)

Mirror Creator and Multiupload

Are almost the same thing and are on the Blacklist FBI "His name already are summoned to testify at the FBI since Wednesday, but disappeared off the map".
Oh and I have no problem with this PIPA

I actually think the entire internet and Anonymous are jumping to conclusions. The feds smashing MU has nothing to do with SOPA and all the alleged evidence against MU would have made them illegitimate in normal copyright law anyways.

That article details literally everything the US government has against MU and if all that turns out to be true, then MU deserved its own downfall. I like Anonymous, but because Anonymous is... well... headless sometimes they don't think and just react based on emotions. Sure the US government labeling MU as an "international criminal enterprise" is goddamm stupid of them as it'll automatically provoke a negative reaction from everyone.

But those who would stop and THINK and RESERCH what's going on will find that MU isn't exactly such an innocent party.

Anonymous doesn't think, Anonymous doesn't reserch, and Anonymous doesn't plan. And that is a massive detriment in a lot of ways. Anonymous doesn't care about the consequences of their actions. Of course, the US government is no better but shouldn't Anonymous act smarter than the US government if they "are the good guys"? If not then there's literally no difference between Anonymous and the governments around the world.

Quite frankly, I'm appalled by the behavior of everyone on the internet. Come on people we are not goddamm sheeps. Stop reacting based on emotions and stop following the crowd. THINK and grow some balls to actually question Anonymous and the hype to "save MU". Maybe when humanity stop being sheeps then we'll have a chance...

im seriously annoyed at all this
SOPA stuff, so yes, they took down megaupload due to use of illegal coptrighted files,

ok, SOPA or whoever took the site down, your saying that it is somewhat physically possible for 7 or so people to monitor 1.5 million or 1.5 billion registered users, let alone how many files uploaded, its physically impossible, and along with that, you have now shut down a site which a lot of people used for storage or backup of files, i just dont see how it is possible for all of these files to be monitored, i would honestly like to see all the dreators SOPA do it, because i bet they couldnt do it.

I'm seriously annoyed at responses like this all over the net. I'll post this again:

READ!! Doesn't seem like MU is so innocent now does it... Yeah I thought so. What was it that I said about humanity on the internet being sheeps and blindly following Anonymous?

Blindly following Anonymous is the exact same thing as blindly following a government.
By supporting SOPA, PIPA, NDAA, Patriot Act or any other law that puts the power into the Police states hands you are indeed a sheep.

Umm... who said I supported SOPA, PIPA, NDAA, or the Patriot Act?

As a musician (classical) I'd gladly support any copyright law because you'd be dammed if I would be happy about my music being torrented and pirated.

But even I believe that SOPA/PIPA or ACTA is way too much as I've always been an avid attacker of copyright laws that go way to far and start infringing on the public.

First off, as someone who actually READ the entire bill of SOPA/PIPA. Let me just say that I'm not against the idea of SOPA. It's meant to protect the creator from piracy. Simple as that. If you think that is a bad thing well, first off, since when does a creator of content not have the right to protect it's own product? There's nothing inherently evil about copyright laws because any creator has the right to protect his or her own product or service.

Piracy is stealing. Do not forget that. Asking the government to support piracy is like asking the government to support shoplifting. It's literally the same thing.

Now, I'm against SOPA/PIPA because of the execution of these bills. They are so horrid and stupid, that it would effect the regular internet users more than people who pirate. The way the bill targets content management on the web is going to far and wouldn't actually really hurt the pirate side of the internet community. SOPA/PIPA represents a lack of understanding of the internet and would do more collateral damage than destroy internet piracy. In fact, if anything SOPA/PIPA might encourage more internet piracy as online services become targeted and content becomes harder to obtain legally.

There is nothing inherently evil about copyright. If you think copyright laws are inherently bad then you are a thief and you are no better than the self-righteous hooligans on the street who rob people because they have a false sense of entitlement where they should get everything for free. What is bad about modern copyright laws are the implementation of them, not the concept of copyright in itself.

I don't think I could make myself more clear. There is no "moral outrage" of SOPA/PIPA. It's just a copyright law gone too far. Big deal, just defeat it (and we did). SOPA/PIPA is technically not censorship and it does not infringe on freedom of speech at all. I hate it when people start associating the two. It makes me wonder if any of you actually knows what censorship is.

Still haven't seen any of this actually proved. That's my main issue about this. It's claimed that MU was mostly about illegal files. But still, not a single thing has actually been proved. And sorry, I don't accept some documents from the US as proof. It's more than one time documents has been wrongly used as proof over there.

Umm... that's why they are going to trial. You do realize that the US government wouldn't actually go to trial if there isn't some kind of proof right? Because you can't just make up evidence. That's now really how the US justice system works because if the US did make up evidence, Megaupload's own lawyers would tear the prosecution to shreds

You don't accept the documents from the US government as proof, but that's why there's a lawsuit and a court system where the jurors decide the verdict. Keep in mind tht the US counts have decided against the US government before...

Also I'm sorry Ole but have you lived under a rock? Megaupload has been a hub of pirated content for years. Why do you suppose pirated sites like videostic and projectfreetv hosts pirated tv shows on Megavideo? Lets not forget about the massive, yes massive, pirate community of megaupload forum. I'm not making that up, here's their site (which is closed because of MU but here's proof anyway):

Megaupload forums specifically uses megaupload to share pirated games, movies, and programs. Honestly, just about any program you can find on megaupload if you do the right search and if you belong to the right community. Megaupload has hosted pirated content for years and they didn't do much about it to be very honest. You all need to stop assuming things.
By supporting SOPA, PIPA, NDAA, Patriot Act or any other law that puts the power into the Police states hands you are indeed a sheep.

BTW Hampus I find your attitude offensive. As someone who's actually been in police states, I'm going to say that nothing the US has ever done will ever come close to an actual real police state. Have you ever been in Singapore? Have you ever been to China? What about North Korea? I've lived a short time in both Singapore and China and I was once fined for spitting on the sidewalk in Singapore. Fined just for that. But you know what? I actually enjoyed my stay in Singapore. It was nice, peaceful, and had low crime. Are Singapore's laws strict to the point of police states? Of course. But it's a different country and I have to follow a different country's laws no matter how unreasonable it may seem to me.

You Europeans complain so much here and there about "omg police states", "omg this law is dictator". Have you whining babies ever been to Singapore or China? Have you ever been beaten by the police in Asia? Just pointing out that nothing the US or the entirety of Europe for that matter will never come close to a real police state so everyone just calm the hell down. You guys have no idea how good you have actually got it when it comes to government control
Umm... that's why they are going to trial. You do realize that the US government wouldn't actually go to trial if there isn't some kind of proof right? Because you can't just make up evidence. That's now really how the US justice system works because if the US did make up evidence, Megaupload's own lawyers would tear the prosecution to shreds

You don't accept the documents from the US government as proof, but that's why there's a lawsuit and a court system where the jurors decide the verdict. Keep in mind tht the US counts have decided against the US government before...

Also I'm sorry Ole but have you lived under a rock? Megaupload has been a hub of pirated content for years. Why do you suppose pirated sites like videostic and projectfreetv hosts pirated tv shows on Megavideo? Lets not forget about the massive, yes massive, pirate community of megaupload forum. I'm not making that up, here's their site (which is closed because of MU but here's proof anyway):

Megaupload forums specifically uses megaupload to share pirated games, movies, and programs. Honestly, just about any program you can find on megaupload if you do the right search and if you belong to the right community. Megaupload has hosted pirated content for years and they didn't do much about it to be very honest. You all need to stop assuming things.

I do realize that the US government will easily go to trial with made up evidence. Actually, the US has often used made up evidence in lots of situations.
And if you belong to the right communities there are tons of pirated and other illegal material on every filesharing site in the world, so better ban them all.
I have no doubt that megaupload in theory was closed righfully, but I am againt one country trying to police the world, and therefor against the closure of megaupload.

I'm not a pro-pirate guy, but then again, the people who are trying to earn money should actually make it easy for us consumers. Take games, devs should make a proper demo of games, like the "old days". I'm just not buying a game without having a proper test. If a demo isn't released, I either download it, or don't buy it. If I DL it, and like it, I buy it. I once read about a game developer who was going to release games in Russia. Every other company was against it, because there are so much piracy there. What this game dev. did was looking at the pirated games, and tried to understand what the pirates did with the games, and then, they did the same in the future games. Now, Russia is the 2nd biggest market for them.
There will always be people who steal, but many pirated games are easier to play for many reasons. Like UbiSoft that used a DRM that needed internet connection. You couldn't even play single player without being connected. The pirated version works without problems. In these cases it's simple. I DL it. I shouldn't be punished for being legal. The Call of Duty series is the same, I DL it to play single player, to get finished with the story. MW2 wasn't worth it because of the lack of dedicated servers, MW3... well, that was MW1.3.
On the other hand, I would never have bought games like 18 wheels of steele, Mirrors Edge or even iRacing if I hadn't tried a pirate version first.
On the other hand, the Call of Duty series really got to many people with giving out, not one, but two really good demos. I know many that bought the game because of the demo, then went on to buy the exp. pack, then CoD 2 and lastly MW.
Another problem is with music, when you get better quality by illegal download, than on legal streaming. It's better to download. But then again, in the nordic countries I know Spotify is a big thing. I pay 17USD each month, and can listen to as much music as I want. Can even buy music there. I don't have to download anything illegal anymore. But... More and more labels are pulling out, because they don't earn enough. And that is the big problem today. In the music industry, the labels earn shitloads of money of a CD, if that medium is gone, they just don't earn as much money. It's not the artists who loose much money, they earn most on concerts anyway. I really do think this is the way to go in the future. And it looks like there are good movie-stream-programs coming up in the future, which will make pirating of music and videos much less needed.
Games is a different matter though, I think the industry has to go away from the idea of puking out as much games as possible, and instead focus on real quality games. But I guess this is a long shot, money rules.

Long, kinda OT there, just to get to my point. Mostly it's the big firms who has a lot of money, earns a lot of money, and want more money and power, that's trying to force this down on us. Laws should be made by people, for people, not by companies for the benefit of the same companies.
Laws should apply in the country it is in. Not in the world.

Sorry to hear that you have lived in one or more police states. However, that doesn't mean that I think it's OK that they are trying to pass laws that means I'm getting monitored. I'm not giving away my freedom. I really think it's too much monitoring of what we are doing already. If it's going to be more, and that is to benefit a tiny part of the companies and countries in the world. Just because they want more money and power. Well, be my guest. I'm not wanting to live in that world.
I do realize that the US government will easily go to trial with made up evidence. Actually, the US has often used made up evidence in lots of situations.

I understand that. But what I'm saying is that made up evidence can't really hold up in court if Megaupload hires a good lawyer and you can probably bet that Megaupload will hire the best defense they can get.

In the US court system, if a trial is fixed, then it's incredibly obvious. Everything is available to the public. US taking Megaupload to court isn't some kind of secret trial hidden to the public.

The truth will come out and if the US has actual hard evidence against MU then it's MU's own fault. You shouldn't automatically assume that the US made up evidence just like you shouldn't automatically assume that the US is always right.
And if you belong to the right communities there are tons of pirated and other illegal material on every filesharing site in the world, so better ban them all.
I have no doubt that megaupload in theory was closed righfully, but I am againt one country trying to police the world, and therefor against the closure of megaupload.

True, but as someone who's been around on the internet for a long time. I have to say Megaupload is the most lax when it comes to pirated content. I know a video game that was available to download on MU, Rapidshare, and Mediafire when it came out. Within 2 months, Rapidshare and Mediafire took it down. That said game was still on MU the last time I checked. MU is lax and if they were knowing storing pirated content and also sharing it in a business setting, then the MU employees serious messed up and all this was their fault

*snip about piracy*

Look, I've downloaded stuff illegally as well. I've done it for many reasons. Convenience. Bought a copy but the DRM was being a pain and the pirated version ran better. etc. I'm not trying to say I'm better than all of you cause I have downloaded stuff illegally too. But unlike most people on the internet, I don't pretend like I'm not doing something wrong. I may have my own reasons and justifications for doing it. But it is flatout stealing if you use it just to get around paying for something.

Long, kinda OT there, just to get to my point. Mostly it's the big firms who has a lot of money, earns a lot of money, and want more money and power, that's trying to force this down on us. Laws should be made by people, for people, not by companies for the benefit of the same companies.
Laws should apply in the country it is in. Not in the world.

I'd just like point out that companies are ran by people and it's their right to make money however they see fit. Just like you and I are allowed to start up our own company right now and if it gets big one day then it's our right to facilitate profit. Since when is companies seeking profit a bad thing? We all seek profit from the dawn of mankind.

Also, let me point out that Megaupload is a corporation in itself. Let me quote the CEO to mediafire: "According to MediaFire CEO Derek Labian, he and his file hosting company are not concerned by the Megaupload incident because "Megaupload was making a ridiculous amount of money with a ridiculously bad service... We don’t have a business built on copyright infringement."

Basically the US is attacking a corporation. So... I don't see the problem if you think that the laws should work against the corporation? Because I dont see anyone getting mad that the US took down Enron... they are doing the exact same thing with Megaupload. Taking down a corporation that does, seemingly, illegitimate business. No more, no less.

Sorry to hear that you have lived in one or more police states. However, that doesn't mean that I think it's OK that they are trying to pass laws that means I'm getting monitored. I'm not giving away my freedom. I really think it's too much monitoring of what we are doing already. If it's going to be more, and that is to benefit a tiny part of the companies and countries in the world. Just because they want more money and power. Well, be my guest. I'm not wanting to live in that world.

Don't be, besides a few run-ins with the police, I actually enjoyed my stay in Singapore, just have to change my living habits and everything's fine to be very honest. I might go back to China for summer vacation.

Back on subject: the US is taking down Megaupload. Not file sharing services in general as an industry. As I said right above this quote: the US is taking down another corporation that was making money from (allegedly) illegitimate business. They are not attacking the industry (yet atleast). I fail to see how this is an attack on the citizens of the world.

Why all the fuss around Megaupload? Why weren't you all mad when the US government took down Enron or the Tobacco Companies? Again, it's the same deal. Oh wait... you guys were using it for piracy weren't you... ahhhhh now the real truth comes out. I think I rest my case
Why all the fuss around Megaupload? Why weren't you all mad when the US government took down Enron or the Tobacco Companies? Again, it's the same deal. Oh wait... you guys were using it for piracy weren't you... ahhhhh now the real truth comes out. I think I rest my case

In basic we sort of agree, but with a completely different view on USA, our viewpoints still clash. Interesting! :)

Uhm, I had to search for the Enron-thingy, when that happended I was 10-11 years. Thought the world was a place where good things happended to good people, and bad things happended to bad people. And more important, I had just discovered porn! That was more important to me a that time, than the news! ;)
Interesting to see people react when nobody has spoken a word to them.
But it seems it´s ok for some people to express their opinions on US bills but it´s not ok for other people to do it..

Did i talk to to you Juen Wang? Or did you imagine things?

Umm... who said I supported SOPA, PIPA, NDAA, or the Patriot Act?

Yea who said that really.... come back from lala-land now Juen.

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