Modular Mods 2022 - F1 Team For MyTeam Package

Misc Modular Mods 2022 - F1 Team For MyTeam Package 1.01

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Maian submitted a new resource:

Modular Mods 2022 - F1 Team For MyTeam Package - Use a real team car instead of the default MyTeam car.


This only works in MyTeam mode, and will not show the car you choose in the main menus. You must enter MyTeam mode to see the mod working.

If you notice any problems, or need help understanding how to get this set to work, ask me in the discussion tab to receive help. I cannot help you if you ask as a review instead.

This template set gives the ability to use a real team car in place...

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But this is for skin and esterior car or also for chassis intended as performance, and suit of team as original ?
But this is for skin and esterior car or also for chassis intended as performance, and suit of team as original ?
This is for the MyTeam car. This changes the MyTeam car only, to be one of the real team cars. Nothing else changes with this particular mod.
Hi I have installed the mod but there is a problem with the Alpine team
the original blue becomes gold
and the BTW sponsor's pink turns green
Yes, these are templates meant to import a livery of your choice. If you want to just use the normal car color schemes, then you can import the normal paint textures.

If you are unsure how to do it, there are numerous videos on YouTube on how to import textures using the Ego ERP Archiver. You will need v9.0 at least for this year's game.
Ok for my its much complicated...woudl you import the original skin only for
Aalpine team ? If yes send me in privat message :):):):):)
How do i add a custom livery to the Modular mods car?
You use version 9.0 of the Ego ERP Archiver to open the ERP file and change the (team name) textures.

To be clear, this mod specifically doesn't give the right files to modify the normal MyTeam car. This mod replaces the normal MyTeam car with any of the real team cars, and therefore will not work with any normal MyTeam mod. You will need to use livery textures made for the specific car model you decide to use.
Maian , AWESOME like always, thanks a lot !!

im not a pro and i dunno how to get the decal files right.
could anyone tell mw how i ve to export from photoshop (2020)

paint files edited , works fine, but when i import the modified decal file(s) it looks like this: =(

this is how i save it

i merged all layers to a single one ( no smart object ) and added a alpha channel.
nvidia dds plugin, modular mods and ego are up to date .
=) so , yea, as i said , im not a pro painter and im kinda sure that i do something wrong there.

save my day =), pls;)

thanks a lot again for all the modular mods , coz its simply AWESOME.
lg sip
In addition to the alpha channel, you need a black background. Everything else looks right.
Aah ok i dont have a black background. So i put an extra black layer below? Or do i need to change the background of the decal layer from transparent to black?

Thx for the quck answer.!!
Aah ok i dont have a black background. So i put an extra black layer below? Or do i need to change the background of the decal layer from transparent to black?

Thx for the quck answer.!!


=)lg sip
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Is it possible to do the reverse of this and give the real teams the FOM car? I know the model isnt as good, but at least the liveries can be far more detailed and unique