DiRT Rally 2.0 More DiRT Rally 2.0 Details Revealed

Paul Jeffrey

Following the surprise announcement of DiRT Rally 2.0, Codemasters have been quick out of the blocks with a brand new screenshot reveal and DR 2.0 Roadbook post!

Although not able to reveal much thanks to an embargo in place until Monday October 1st, Codemasters have still confirmed that many of the 2018 World Rallycross tracks will be available within the title right from the off, with no less than eight locations coming as default content and more set to follow as DLC post launch.

Of the World Rallycross content we know of, Catalunya, Montalegre, Mettet, Silverstone, Hell, Holjes, Trois-Rivieres and Loheac will be included from launch on September 26th. Representing the first eight rounds of the 2018 WRX season, Codemasters have promised more events will be coming to the game at a later stage. Presumably the four remaining events at Riga, COTA, Estering and Cape Town will be up for grabs as DLC, however more details should be announced on the build up to public release next February.

Also confirmed in the roadbook today are some of the more traditional point to point rally locations, with New Zealand, Argentina, Poland, Spain, USA, and Australia all set to make an appearance.

DiRT Rally 2.0 2.jpg
DiRT Rally 2.0 1.jpg

DiRT Rally 2.0 will release February 26th 2019.

If you want to discussion the game with our passionate community, and read about the latest news, check out the RaceDepartment DiRT Rally 2.0 Sub Forum for a great place to pick up mods, catch the latest news and chat about the game with our community. Give it a go, just keep it DiRTy!

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I’m done with Codies.

They make f1 games without triple screen or even basic mouse support.

No they’re doing a sequel to a VR game that isn’t going to support VR. Done. They clearly don’t get it.
That's such an old excuse I'm not even sure why I'm answering that...
That's not an excuse. You claim they are "forcing you" to buy it. I simply point out nobody is actually forcing you to do anything. You are not obligated to buy their game if you don't like its content. But if you don't know why you're answering, then by all means, don't. It's actually the exact same situation - nobody is forcing you to respond to me. You just really want to (just like I want to respond to you).

The problem is, people like you that cover up for devs' every little whim only reinforce them in thinking they could get away with virtually anything.
Bloody hell, I honestly had no idea of the damage I (and "people like me", whoever they are - they have my sympathies, that's for sure) cause by simply pointing out you are not forced to buy a game you don't like. I feel like a Bond villain right now, thinking about all the evil and misfortune I seem to have on my conscience.

Bad enough as it is with you not enjoying RX, yet letting them cram it into the product you buy, you are actually telling other people to just shut up and let the developers do as they please.
I am "letting them cram it into the product I buy" because, unlike you, I realize I have a choice (several, in fact - to get the game or not get the game, to play the content I don't like or not play it...), and I also realize there are more people in the world than just me, with different tastes, and the game has to cater to a pretty large group of them to be successful. I don't care much about rallycross in DR or D4, correct, but plenty of other people did, and so the content is there and will be part of the sequel. Similarly, while I enjoyed the Pikes Peak hillclimb a lot in DR, a fair amount of people did not (and so they're happy CM lost the license to include it, while I think it sucks). We can't all have the games custom made for us, so we have to "let them cram" content I might not be interested in into the game. That's how it works. (And let's not dwell too much on the fact that saying I "let them" is such a bizarre choice of words in itself - I don't "let them" do anything because they certainly don't need my permission to put that content in.)

What kind of help are you in this situation? If you don't like something, you absolutely have to make them know that their practices are bad for the product.
I'm that kind of help that points out to you that your claims about someone "forcing you" to buy a game don't make any real sense, because, again, nobody is actually forcing you to do anything. That question can easily go both ways, though. What kind of help are *you*? The game is being made and it contains rallycross. The decision has already been made way before the game was even announced, and I'm pretty sure it was a fairly informed decision to do it this way and not do a separate game instead. So they won't take a significant portion of content out of the game just because some people don't like it being there (while many others do). So you're not that big of a "help" either. You're not actually fighting for a better world here despite what you seem to think, you're just another person complaining on the internet about stuff that won't change (because, see above, it was already decided to be the way it will be and it's completely unreasonable to expect it to change, we're way past that point) using overdramatic arguments that don't really make much sense, sorry.

RX should be kept separate from rallying. It's not even close to being the same thing. I don't want to pay for all those rally-cross "licensed tracks", I don't care about them in the slightest.
And this right here really is what your comment should've been in the first place. This is all there is to it - a no nonsense, relevant *personal* opinion. Nothing else needed to be said or argued.

Quit with the "don't like it, don't buy it" attitude.
No. What else can I say - I just don't think buying things you don't like is wise. You're of course free to think otherwise.

We're not getting nearly enough rally sims to be easily able to switch to a different product because of devs trying to sell us what we don't want.
And when you say "we don't want", what you're really saying is "I don't want", you're just using a plural to create an illusion you're somehow a speaker for a large group of people to give your personal opinion more weight than it actually does have.

Sure, I might just opt out of purchasing DR2, but who wins from that?
Given your fairly strong opinions on being "forced" to buy a game you don't want...well, you. You get to keep your money *and* you won't have to own/play a game that includes content you despise. By my count, that's actually a double win for you.

Also, what exactly do you gain from opposing me here? Do you even realize you are doing worse for yourself?
A somewhat positive feeling that I didn't leave an absurd argument go unnoticed and a slim hope you might perhaps even realize why your arguments are absurd and/or overdramatic. I'm not holding my breath here, but I wouldn't be responding to you if I didn't think there still might be a chance, however slim. And yes, I absolutely do realize that by responding to you, I'm making things worse for myself. I'm painfully aware of that. (And I'm also aware of the fact that's not really what you meant.)

(My apologies to the staff.)
It's also worth remembering, that a total of 0.74% of Steam users have VR (and that includes Windows Mixed Reality, some obscure Huawei thingy etc.). Of those 0.74% not everyone has it for use in racing games. That's a very little part of users.
While VR is awesome, it's far from mainstream.

The problem that Devs who don't include VR support have is that they don't ignore those Steam Stats, that's not showing the full picture of Sim Racers using VR & Other Devices, see here for a pure example:

VR may well not be mainstream, but it's certainly grown in the Sim Racing community and THAT is where these Devs who do their so called "research" need to be looking, not at the generic Steam Stats figures.
Not sure if anyone's paid attention to it or not, but regarding the stage generator, V-Rally 4.0 has an interesting take on it. I was quite suprised (and intrigued) by it when I saw it. I've acquired a copy of it to see if its wheel support makes my hardware functional (this is a WIP and I have a Gimx adapter on the way to fully utiilise the OSW) and came across it. There is basically a massive map over a given location (there are 6 traditional rallies in total) and within that 20 odd kilometers, there are a multitude of routes to be taken on a given stage. So, if you choose 'random', the stage will give you a certain part of the map, whether it's through forest, across a beach, tarmac, dirt, etc. and split up the route differently via opening up closed off or 'coned off' roads that are differnt each time you select random. In this scenario as well, you have different starting and ending points, too, so the variation of the roads travelled can be quite diverse. Obviously different lengths, time of day and weather also play into the individuality of each stage generated, but I thought this was a different and pretty functional way of implementing random stages, something different to how Dirt 4 approached it. The locations that I've seen seem to be fairly well constructed and detailed, and don't suffer from the 'same-y' feel as a Dirt 4 location might.

Of course, you will still end up learning the entire routes, but depending on how the intersections are divided up and also how numerous they are, this is a nice way to keep things moderately fresh instead of the Dirt Rally way of just cutting up the one large stage into the same 4 pieces each time.

WRC 7 has some nice stages too, but there is no random element to them. I look forward to going back to experience that title, too, when my Gimx arrives.
To choose not to use your rally content Thomas, in your own rally game - is YOUR choice. Are you with me so far? I don't want/enjoy Rallycross, and racing that AI gives me no "fun" at all. What part of that could you not understand? We may like it if we try it?

Please tell me, I'm prepared to help you.

But, unlike you, who has a choice whether you can enjoy the Audi or not - you are saying that someone like me cannot have that choice? Hell, that's really big of ya lol.

Unlike your comparison, of the odd car you choose not to drive, it's ok for someone else to buy a game and DLC which will amount to getting hours worth of content they'll never use and be forced to buy it. It's easy to say something, when it doesn't affect you right? So if your games increased by 50%, and you could only buy half the titles, you wouldn't care lol.
If i dont like the price for the game, i wont buy or i will buy it later in a sale. I have done so many times. Sure i wont be part of the release hype a game gets in the first months...
Unlike me who has a choice to like the quattro? You have a choice to like the RX or not. I like it, you do not.YOU choose not to use the RX content. I dont like the quattro, maybe you like it. I have never really driven well in the snow, others might like it. I love rwd rally cars, others like the newest wrc cars.

Please explain to me, as I am a person who doesn't want RX, why does RX Esports even matter to me in my rally game? Go ahead. Codemasters can easily make RX a stand alone product. At least that way, they'd supply a finished game on release. With all the tracks. Surely, if you love RX you would buy a RX full game? You seem to be ok, because you say people are screaming about paying for content, they don't want or need - but it's clear to see this doesn't affect you.

How is you making a choice to not use a provided rally car, the same as someone else's game install having 25-35% of content which they didn't want in their rally title? It's not the same, or close.

Can you also explain to me, how Codemasters on a fixed DiRT Rally dev-cycle, make rallying the best experience it can be, when resources are split between RX and rally? This is not just about the price tag. Why do you feel it is wrong when adults come to expect more from game developers, and dislike the things that devs do that will harm development of specific game elements, like rallying, in a rally game?

It appears on the surface to me, that you clearly don't care. Plus, what you want me to do is not care either. Why just not tell me to walk around and talk just like you. Plus everyone else here at RD do the same as you as well huh. You say you understand we may not be into RX. No you don't. You don't understand at all. You don't have a clue.

If the car you own at present, got lots of new features you didn't want, and increased 30% at the dealership, would you still buy that car? I think not.
Yes i would not buy that car. I dont want 3 cil turbo engines or egr valves or iphone connectivity or dual zone aircon or sound deadening or fwd or heck i dont even care about airbags at my knees or seatbelt that tighten during accidents, or esp. I sure as hell dont have a choice for most of these things when buying new dont i? I just have to pay for the car and i can add features if i want to pay for them. But i sure as hell can't remove those i dont want that come standard. I will just have to pay. Hence i daily a volvo 240 2.3 from '89. Its got rwd, injection, a full spare wheel and central locking, only thing i miss is electric front windows. Cars could have gotten so much cheaper if people didnt need to pay for **** they dont need or want. Ex. A dacia vs a renault.

Unlike you, I actually don't wish that anyone here at RD - has to pay a single penny more for software than they need to.

There's not enough info about DR2 improvements released yet, that can help everyone determine if £65 is great value. Esp. when compared to the £23 DR1 launched at on Early Access. I understand that's not a fully accurate comparison. On the surface, many can be forgiven for thinking this is looking expensive. One thing I can say, is that if Codemasters think that almost tripling the price, doesn't equate to triple the amount of driving real estate in my mind, then the purchase of DR2 on all 3 platforms for me is unlikely to happen. As a Brit I'd like to continue to support a UK based dev. Previously I have.

On the back of a poor performing D4 launch, I wouldn't expect Codemasters to let so many rally fans down for this release. Maybe I'm worrying over nothing, and the future state of rallying is probably being covered by the Codemasters studio.

Regardless, I look forward to some quality RD content/Codemaster PR. Should DR2 become a non-starter for me, I'll just divert attention elsewhere until hopefully someone like SMS picks up the scent and runs with it.

Exciting times ahead.
Well yes we will just have to wait and see. If we, the community, dont like the product or think it is not worth the price. They will see it in their profits and in the end it is the only thing the bosses and the board at codies are interested in. They supply their product, we buy it or not.
Any example of what is "exaggerated and condensed" or "cut in favor of lots and lots of technical sections"? As far as I know, apart from some things like removed ditches in Finland and slightly widened roads there as well, they are pretty much 1:1 representations of real life stages.

I'm gonna be honest, I don't remember where I heard this or where my examples were. Finland definitely seemed tightened up and Germany a bit condensed, but I don't have any maps or anything offhand for it. It's mostly just what I figured from watching and looking at the routes WRC took that season, it seems. Sorry about that.
@Martin Fiala
So you chose to ridicule me instead of answering seriously? I guess that's because you understand that my point is completely legit, but you have to weasel your way out of this.
Sorry for being "overdramatic" when it comes to my money and very little choice. You do realize that rally sims are scarce and far between? Of course you do, but you'd rather ignore the fact since it doesn't suit your agenda.

What's your definition of "being forced to buy" something? People coming to your home putting a gun to your head? Then maybe it's you who is being overdramatic here? I personally hate it when a provider of a certain service or good decides to sell me something I don't want, exploiting the fact that there is basically no alternative (apart from not buying it at all). Not being vocal about this will result in them coming up with more ways to scam you off your money. Ok, being just vocal will probably result in little change to things unless you find a way for a legal action to be taken. Still, not trying anything won't change anything at all. But of course, you understand all this. It's just that for some reason your objective here is to try and make me look like an idiot. Therefore, there is no point in discussing this with you. You'll reuse the same excuses and won't take this conversation seriously on purpose.

Again, there is ZERO logical reason for rally-cross to be a part of a rally simulator and not of an RX simulator. Apart from hoping the customer will let it slide (pun not intended) just because that tactic worked previously. Except this time around they'll try to sell you two complete different games as an inseparable bundle, whereas previously RX was more of a gimmick DLC you can't opt out from. What's next? Bundling it up with some third person shooter under yet another strained excuse? I bet that will also be ok with you, won't it?
They're smarter than that.
They been saying the same thing as they did when DiRT 4 has released -
"if there's demand" [for it]. Well... there's IS a demand, a quite big one.
One of the post on this matter on their official forum:
How stupid is the community manager, really? -"“We're focusing on making the core game experience before launch - and after that, if there is demand from our community, then we'll explore the possibility,” McGrath said." IF THERE IS DEMAND?? Isn't it a part of a community managers job to follow social media and forums? There is DEMAND everywhere from the community, now, not after !!

Just wish to them be honest to us... :unsure: I don't have VR at all. :D

For one thing, there is zero demand from their Xbox customers and probably not that much demand from PS4 customers. Combined, that must be 60-70% of their target audience. But we, PC players, are special and think the game is made just for us.
But we, PC players, are special and think the game is made just for us.

Nothing would have made it to the console market had it not come to the PC market first, with enthusiasts willing to fork out initial cost. We as PC players are also customers and as such, do not like being told we do not matter regarding products that we buy.

Why do people put the vested interest of a company before their own personal experience? You give them money, they give you a quality product. That's the deal.
For one thing, there is zero demand from their Xbox customers and probably not that much demand from PS4 customers. Combined, that must be 60-70% of their target audience. But we, PC players, are special and think the game is made just for us.
For the record, I never seen any XBox/PS4 players in my country, who actually bought or played DR or even D4 on their consoles. More the Forza stuff if they were into casual racing, especially Horizon.
On the other hand, I've seen a lot of PC users with wheels playing these titles.
But I guess it's only my perception, numbers will say the opposite.
I just read an early review by a German game tester (Gamestar).
You can forget about DR2 being a simulation like title..
1. While using a wheel, racing seat etc. most of the time during testing, he recorded his fastest time with a gamepad
2. Absolutely unrealistic degradation of Rally tracks. Regardless of stint/weather, the stages get worse in 2 steps..basically the first 5 cars have best conditions (but all the same), cars 5-10 have medium conditions (all same again), 10-15 have the worst conditions (all the same again). This is just plain wrong from so many directions... as someone who takes Rally serious, being a WRC subscriber and a simulation fan, this is just a blow in the face.
All this alongside no VR, makes this a title I wouldn't even look at for 5 bucks
I just read an early review by a German game tester (Gamestar).
You can forget about DR2 being a simulation like title..
1. While using a wheel, racing seat etc. most of the time during testing, he recorded his fastest time with a gamepad
2. Absolutely unrealistic degradation of Rally tracks. Regardless of stint/weather, the stages get worse in 2 steps..basically the first 5 cars have best conditions (but all the same), cars 5-10 have medium conditions (all same again), 10-15 have the worst conditions (all the same again). This is just plain wrong from so many directions... as someone who takes Rally serious, being a WRC subscriber and a simulation fan, this is just a blow in the face.
All this alongside no VR, makes this a title I wouldn't even look at for 5 bucks

According to this interview with the lead game designer the first cars will have a looser surface and actually sweep that away for the coming cars, so I'm not sure the German game tester had it all right?
According to this interview with the lead game designer the first cars will have a looser surface and actually sweep that away for the coming cars, so I'm not sure the German game tester had it all right?
It really seems like the tester didn't get his information right. I hope it will really work like this and it's not only empty talk. But the talk about VR reminds me of Dirt 4. Well, I guess it's just hope and see now

That said, I guess petitions like this could really help to get them to implement VR
It really seems like the tester didn't get his information right. I hope it will really work like this and it's not only empty talk. But the talk about VR reminds me of Dirt 4. Well, I guess it's just hope and see now

That said, I guess petitions like this could really help to get them to implement VR

On the bright side they have a plan to support this game after release, and if it's as well received as DR was I still see the chance of VR to be implemented as pretty big. I think D4 was abandoned pretty quickly seeing the poor reviews from the players, so any potential VR plans there was just flushed.

I've sold my Rift myself, but I still hope VR finds it's way there along the way.
For one thing, there is zero demand from their Xbox customers and probably not that much demand from PS4 customers. Combined, that must be 60-70% of their target audience. But we, PC players, are special and think the game is made just for us.

OK so here's the thing. I am mainly an Xbox player. I have a laptop (the one I'm using to type this) which I use for GTR2 and things similar but I cannot afford a system that can run new games on top settings. Yet if Xbox supported VR, I'd save up for that. I really, REALLY want VR and I'd probably live off of bread and cheese for months if it meant I could afford it. So there is demand. But I feel this is Xbox's problem because there is no VR for Xbox. The one other guy I know who plays Dirt Rally has VR. There is definitely some demand across all systems, whether the supply is there or not. While I agree that the game needs to cater to all three platforms that doesn't mean they should ignore VR. If that is their perspective then it's so skewed and to repeat previous statements, the community manager is bloody stupid to not see this.

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