Sell Mr.C selling everything

Sorry to see you having to sell your gear Mr. C, I've been there where you're forced to sell, its the worst feeling really :(
I'd be interested in the TS-PC only. The bundle price is great as it is, but shipping all that lot will be almost as expensive as the price for the bundle, hence my enquiry for the PS-PC only as the shipping will be quite a bit less.
understood, atm I have someone for the bundle if that falls through will let you know
Whoever paid 1500euro for that PC is an idiot, you can build a brand new PC with better specs for cheaper.
Post the spec (parts and price) please as I'm very interested in this sub 1500E gaming PC of better spec - looking to build a dedicated rig. Thanks in advance. You can PM me if you want ;)
Whoever paid 1500euro for that PC is an idiot, you can build a brand new PC with better specs for cheaper.
I don't think there was any need for you to jump on this thread with that silly statement. I mean in the Forum world you have to be an idiot to make statements like you did on someone else's thread.:rolleyes:
ps, you don't have a clue about premium PC's either.
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Yeah gone are the days of building a monster pc for peanuts anymore, £700 plus just for a 1080ti
I just checked the prices at here in Germany a good 1080ti, from MSI with semi-passive cooling, like my MSI GTX970, costs €919 at the moment here in Germany! :cry:
So much for my upgrade plans this year....
To anybody that really knows what they're talking about, the computer for sale here is a steal, with that vid. card, an i7, high end memory sticks, Corsair PSU etc.
With the price of DDR4 memory and high-end video cards at the moment, I'm thinking that to build a new computer with good components from new, you're looking at well over €2000....
This guy Karma#44, whoever the fcuk he is, is talking absolute rubbish.
Just had a thought: Are the schools on holiday where he lives at the moment? that's often the time that the kiddies have enough spare time to write stupid things online ;)
Edit:just seen he's 24: he should really have more sense at that age.......:D
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Regarding the PC. I did notice something. The motherboard has dual channel RAM but the RAM are installed next to each other. If you reinstall the RAM in slots 1 and 3 (the RED slots)it may work better.
Hope you don't mind me saying. Just trying to help.

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