AC Multiclass Audi TT/Mazda MX5@Zandvoort, Wednesday 1st September 2021

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
That was a weird one!

Qualifying just behind Han and with Colin directly in front of me, I am pretty sure I did not touch the gear paddle, but immediately after Colin teleported to the pits I also found myself there. Checking the replay, I cannot see that I engaged a gear before lights out but then something occurred to me...........could it have been Allan’s spinning Mazda that was doing its very best impersonation of the Large Hadron Collider that created such a magnetic force field, that then mysteriously dragged me into the pit lane??:confused::confused::D:D

Well whatever it was I certainly had a race on my hands starting at the back, with only Colin and the now going in a straight line, Mazda of Allan behind me. As we all found out, Zandvoort is not an easy place to overtake but I managed to get past a few of the Mazda’s ( had to take to the grass on a couple of occasions) but I was easy prey for Colin and Ricardo as the car felt sluggish.

Then after 15 minutes of wondering why the car felt like a tank I realised that the TC was on........another side effect of the start line mystery maybe?? As soon as I corrected the TC issue I started to make progress and had a couple of good battles getting past Casper and Daniel.

All in all a fun event, bad luck for Frank to have a fuel supply issue ;) just before the last corner and a big well done to all the Mazda guys for the passing etiquette.:thumbsup:

Also well done to the podium and thanks to Han for organising and resetting everything in such a short time, all’s well that ends well!
Despite my stupid mistake......what a great and fun race. Had a good start from P2 and could get into P1 thx to Push to pass at the start I guess. Was in the lead couple laps but Marko did a lot of pressure on me and I touched the outside at the last corner after couple of laps so he could pass. After that I could follow him in about two seconds gap but not far behind was Han giving me lots of pressure so that was intense racing getting slowly sweaty under my armpits. Han and me were about the same pace but unfortunately I made a mistake while lapping. Got confused whilst trying not to touch the Mazda and totally mixed up the next corner and went off. Cost me 15 seconds. After that fighting back in P4 and had some entertaining last couple laps with Richard. Tried to overtake couple of times but it's so hard on this track. He had good pace making no major mistake so I finished right behind him in P4.
Thx Han for organizing and thx for the fun and close racing once again. Cu next time.
Think I will return to the Audi for a “REST“ next week at Monza,
will mainly be in cruise control.

Congratulations to the winners! :thumbsup:

It was indeed a great race, fun and with lots of action, loved it! Great we could sort out Allan's problem as well. You had quite an evening @Allan Ramsbottom, including that Vanellope von Schweetz glitch at the start man... what the heck! :roflmao:

I botched my start but managed to hold my spot through the first sector, followed up by a great stint with Dave, Taj, Richard and I fighting for position. Someone gave me a punterino at the Audi-S early on which got me on the back foot, but I managed to recover places and hold to 6th. (on the Mazda scale). :D Towards the end Richard and I had a great chase, trading places and giving each other a hard time. I missed an apex once while letting two Audis fighting for position go by, but managed to recover without much of a loss. Thank you for the sportmanship Richard, I had a great time on those final laps!

Zandvoort was the rollercoaster I expected and delivered in all areas. I'm curious how it will be for real with Formula 1 this weekend. Looking forward to our next race chaps. Thanks again for the organisation Han! :thumbsup:
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A pretty fun race that one. I was surprised to start 3rd on the Mazda grid as practise times suggested it wouldn't be enough with a 1:57 but maybe the moving of servers threw people of their rhythm a bit

The start I was behind Allan, I got good traction but he didn't move then suddenly shot forwards by 50m then appeared for me at least to bounce left and right zigzagging, this was pretty confusing into T1 so I didn't stop Carsten slipping through.

Thank you Ernie for relieving the pressure, you did have me on tilt a bit so a mistake was probably going to come. When you backed off I managed to catch Carsten, he had a bit of Audi trouble and I got on his gearbox for quite some time, I just couldn't get the run on you Carsten you were too quick. We tussled a little but it was mostly me just sat waiting for an error that didn't happen then you pulled away slightly, so no 'off' for you to profit from Ernie but I have to say every time an Audi came past me I was perhaps rather unsportingly thinking "disrupt Carsten a bit, make him lift, go wide, something to gain a few tenths back!"..

Congratulations to the winners, Han thanks as always for organising.
I had a very fun race last night. I originally signed up with the Audi and was about 4 seconds off the pace, so it was music to my ears when we switched servers. Without doubt I switched to the mazda and used qualifying as practice for myself. I knew I would qualify last as it is the first time around zandvoort for me. I was banking on following the other mazda's and picking up speed as the race progressed, as long as I didn't fall too far back. Had a good start and was briefly in front of David until I saw a car flashing around the track :) . I lifted and allowed David through again hoping I would not get hit. I was losing time to everyone in the beginning and after about 10 - 15 mins David went off. I think someone punted him, or he punted someone, not sure.

The next 25 minutes I was behind @Dzul. I would gain a few tenths, then he would put a second on me and it was a back and forth when the Audi's came around. I could stick to within 2 seconds of him and started edging closer in the last 10 minutes or so.

@Dzul not a problem at all letting you retake your position after the off when the Audi's lapped you. I wanted to pass properly by being faster, not because you were being nice and tried to allow them to race :). That did allow Taj to gain about 4 seconds on us and he nearly took my position on the last corner as I had a bit of a drift because I was pushing to catch Raul on the last corner as well.

Thanks for the good racing Raul. I never felt like we would take each other out which is always great. Thanks for organising @HF2000. Always great fun racing in your events with this bunch of people.
What a night that was! Big thanx to Han who organised it at the really last moment to let the lagging :roflmao: Alan compete @ zandvoort.

I had a good start hoping not to spin when Allan was all over the place, came in 1st and it didnt change luckily for me through the whole race. Carsten Meyer was following me @ 2-4 secs with Tim? on his tail. They had a good fight in my mirror.

Also a big compliment to the Audi drivers, it was very hard to overtake the mazda's at this track, the track is a mid speed track with high speed corners making it very hard to overtake. So I was shouting the directions to help them and myself ofcourse :D

Looking forward to the F3, Porsche Supercup, W series & F1 where they for sure will have the same problem overtaking!

Thanx guys!!
What a night that was! Big thanx to Han who organised it at the really last moment to let the lagging :roflmao: Alan compete @ zandvoort.

I had a good start hoping not to spin when Allan was all over the place, came in 1st and it didnt change luckily for me through the whole race. Carsten Meyer was following me @ 2-4 secs with Tim? on his tail. They had a good fight in my mirror.

Also a big compliment to the Audi drivers, it was very hard to overtake the mazda's at this track, the track is a mid speed track with high speed corners making it very hard to overtake. So I was shouting the directions to help them and myself ofcourse :D

Looking forward to the F3, Porsche Supercup, W series & F1 where they for sure will have the same problem overtaking!

Thanx guys!!
Regarding overtaking: in the new layout the last corner before the start/finish straight is broadened and has got an 'oval like' banking. The idea was that DRS can be used in this corner to help overtaking on the straight. Unfortunately the FIA wants the DRS zone to start after the corner. The Dutch organization now hopes that the data from the FP1 and 2 on Friday will convince the FIA that it's save to use DRS there. Fingers crossed!
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After a couple of weeks off it was great to be back and racing with you guys. I hadn't practiced much and was quite someway off the pace. It turns out I was quite rusty at race craft too.

Normally the first lap chaos is at T1 so it made an interesting change for it to be on the start straight. Starting at the back allowed me to avoid the worst of the chaos and a good battle started with @Dzul, @Taj Johal and @RFE3rd. We had a nice close race for a few laps and I started to see where I could pass Raul.

I thought I was quicker than Raul through the Audi-S chicane by using 3rd but I badly misjudged it and took both of us out (possibly Richard as well). Sorry, that was completely my fault and halted what could have been a great battle for 'not last place'. I kept going but it was a lonely race in last as I was 20+ seconds behind Taj and not making any ground up. Lesson learned.

Thanks for organising @HF2000!
A pretty fun race that one. I was surprised to start 3rd on the Mazda grid as practise times suggested it wouldn't be enough with a 1:57 but maybe the moving of servers threw people of their rhythm a bit

Well, I p...d away a P2 in the last corner, Drifting is fun but slow. Your welcome ;)

Thank you Ernie for relieving the pressure, you did have me on tilt a bit so a mistake was probably going to come. When you backed off I managed to catch Carsten, he had a bit of Audi trouble and I got on his gearbox for quite some time, I just couldn't get the run on you Carsten you were too quick. We tussled a little but it was mostly me just sat waiting for an error that didn't happen then you pulled away slightly, so no 'off' for you to profit from Ernie but I have to say every time an Audi came past me I was perhaps rather unsportingly thinking "disrupt Carsten a bit, make him lift, go wide, something to gain a few tenths back!"..

Sorry to not oblige ( not really :))

And I did make mistakes, especially when triing to get the pesky Audis out of my way:redface:
Thankfully you were engaged otherwise at the moment.

it was an intense race for me, "laggy zaggy Allan" did make aup a great chance for me :cool:

All in all it´s great racing among friends, thank you all and especially Han who is to put up with our whims

MFG Carsten
Next week event:
First and foremost a big BIG Thanks to @HF2000 and you guys who raced last night for agreeing to re-set and re-start the server:inlove::inlove:..I was made up been able to race at last...:);):thumbsup:..

Now for the race..................
Had a great quali coming in first with @a_murel behind again.:roflmao::D..This was the race that the glove had been thrown down and the challenge was ON...
Well.........All was going ok till lights out,then suddenly im in an Audi:thumbsdown:,im in the barrier,im in the grass,then im pirouetting like Rudolph Nureyev on Whizz..Sorry if i took any1 out,totally out of my control,as someone mentioned my Ping went to 4000:thumbsdown::(..So now im last...Great..What a night so far...............Come back Kid was on..Caught a few,then was closing in on @Kek700...Ernie was slightly slower ,but the slippery, wide, fat arsed sod drove his car to such that,his lines made it impossible to overtake..It was my bad that we did collide at turn 1,sorry about that,luckily not too much into it,he quickly corrected, i waited the race was back on,and i mean on.Some of the best racing i,ve been in for a long time,Cheers Ernie,that was some mighty fine defending,still think you should have let me pass to have a go for Tim and Carsten:whistling::whistling::D:D:D,no only kidding,would,nt have missed that battle for the world..Once again guys many thanks,what started out bad, turned into something epic for me...
Till the next race..Stay safe...:inlove::inlove:...
First and foremost a big BIG Thanks to @HF2000 and you guys who raced last night for agreeing to re-set and re-start the server:inlove::inlove:..I was made up been able to race at last...:);):thumbsup:..

Now for the race..................
Had a great quali coming in first with @a_murel behind again.:roflmao::D..This was the race that the glove had been thrown down and the challenge was ON...
Well.........All was going ok till lights out,then suddenly im in an Audi:thumbsdown:,im in the barrier,im in the grass,then im pirouetting like Rudolph Nureyev on Whizz..Sorry if i took any1 out,totally out of my control,as someone mentioned my Ping went to 4000:thumbsdown::(..So now im last...Great..What a night so far...............Come back Kid was on..Caught a few,then was closing in on @Kek700...Ernie was slightly slower ,but the slippery, wide, fat arsed sod drove his car to such that,his lines made it impossible to overtake..It was my bad that we did collide at turn 1,sorry about that,luckily not too much into it,he quickly corrected, i waited the race was back on,and i mean on.Some of the best racing i,ve been in for a long time,Cheers Ernie,that was some mighty fine defending,still think you should have let me pass to have a go for Tim and Carsten:whistling::whistling::D:D:D,no only kidding,would,nt have missed that battle for the world..Once again guys many thanks,what started out bad, turned into something epic for me...
Till the next race..Stay safe...:inlove::inlove:...
Documents/Assetto corsa/out/race_out.somthing ?
do not go into Assetto corsa , if you do it will be over written.
then go to the rest is self explanatory.
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Documents/Assetto corsa/out/race_out.somthing ?
do not go into Assetto corsa , if you do it will be over written.
then go to the rest is self explanatory.
OK thanks. I just wonder why this hasn't been done. hmm doesn't work for me. If anybody has this info, please post.
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