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Adjust units on dash 5"
Change tires on dash 7"
Adjust some minor details ...
temperature correction dash 7
Improved visual
Adding informations
- Visual changes
- Added 2 screens on the dash5: Dash5Multi
- Addition of oil pressure
- Changes on the different screens, and addition of functions
- The goal is to have no more display on my screen simu, while being informed
Test Damages, problem V1.4 flags solved
I made one dash but with your components , ABS rf2 still not working hope it wuill one day. Can you tell me how to adjust the RPM bar (or its other issue) The Gear widget is turning the gear indicator RED to early, try to make one
Dash5" Multi:
Graphic, visual enhancements,
Added rotation of the BIAS button, ...
Modification of the red zones temperature oil, water, pressure, ... so that it is approximately correct with "all" the vehicles ... good it is not really possible for the moment ...
Dash7" :
New version of temperature, pressure, wear, tire color variation, ...
Brake temperatures, color variation, ...
Improved visual ergonomics, to quickly see the necessary information ...
Bias and rotation of the button ......