Paul Jeffrey

RaceRoom Porsche Released.jpg

The first three new Porsche models coming to RaceRoom Racing Experience are now available to purchase!

Introducing the GT4 specification Porsche Cayman Clubsport, the GT3 spec 911 GT3 R and the single make supercar the 911 GT3 Cup, the three new models from Porsche Cars are available to purchase as separate items within the RaceRoom store now. Retailing at £3.49 each and coming with a selection of liveries (32 GT3 Cup, 20 GT3 R and a single scheme for the GT4 Cayman) at an additional cost, the new cars are available to purchase with immediate effect.

This new pack, titled Porsche DLC #1, is the first of a proposed nine new models coming to RaceRoom Racing Experience in the coming months. The remaining six models have yet to be announced by the Swedish studio.

Want to hear from the man behind the physics of these cars in RaceRoom Racing Experience whilst blasting around a Grand Prix circuit? Well this must be your lucky day! Check this out:

RaceRoom Racing Experience is available exclusively to PC on a free to play platform with additional content available at a further cost.

RaceRoom Porsche Released 2.jpg
RaceRoom Porsche Released 3.jpg

Love RaceRoom? Want to share the excitement with your fellow community members? No worries, we have all this and more at the RaceRoom Racing Experience sub forum right here at RaceDepartment:
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So what are your impressions of the car(s)? Do you think Sector3 have done a good job with the German marque in R3E? Which is your favourite car? Let us know in the comments section below!
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£100 is a lot of money, I'm not going to debate that. The question is, how much entertainment are you getting for that £100 and is it worth it? In my view, the answer is absolutely yes. It's a one-off payment you make and then you can enjoy the product you've bought forever.

I mean, sim racing is our hobby. The vast majority of hobbies cost money, and many involve on-going costs. Painting is another of my hobbies. I've probably spent well over £1000 in three years on models and materials. Once those materials are gone they're gone, and once the model is finished it's finished. Another hobby is hiking. Even if you ignore the hundreds I've spent on equipment, it probably costs me anywhere between £20-£40 in costs to get to wherever I'm hiking... for one hike. Or 5-10 times that if I go abroad.

Also, check out an experience day with a real race car on a real race track. (I did recently.) For a morning which involves mostly instruction and just 20-30 minutes of actual track time, you're looking at £200+. Sod that... I'll stick to the virtual world.

Back in terms of gaming, more and more games are going down the micro-transaction route these days. Most of what they offer for your money are just temporary in-game bonuses, or nothing more than pixel crack that serves no real purpose. For the same price as an hour long XP bonus in an RPG you get a unique, full-featured car to enjoy forever in R3E. Bargain.

So it's all relative. If you're passionate about your hobby then you're not going to worry about spending a few quid every few months to add to it. If you're not, then by all means spend that money buying yourself a couple of expensive coffees instead. :)
£100 is a lot of money, I'm not going to debate that. The question is, how much entertainment are you getting for that £100 and is it worth it? In my view, the answer is absolutely yes. It's a one-off payment you make and then you can enjoy the product you've bought forever.

I mean, sim racing is our hobby. The vast majority of hobbies cost money, and many involve on-going costs. Painting is another of my hobbies. I've probably spent well over £1000 in three years on models and materials. Once those materials are gone they're gone, and once the model is finished it's finished. Another hobby is hiking. Even if you ignore the hundreds I've spent on equipment, it probably costs me anywhere between £20-£40 in costs to get to wherever I'm hiking... for one hike. Or 5-10 times that if I go abroad.

Also, check out an experience day with a real race car on a real race track. (I did recently.) For a morning which involves mostly instruction and just 20-30 minutes of actual track time, you're looking at £200+. Sod that... I'll stick to the virtual world.

Back in terms of gaming, more and more games are going down the micro-transaction route these days. Most of what they offer for your money are just temporary in-game bonuses, or nothing more than pixel crack that serves no real purpose. For the same price as an hour long XP bonus in an RPG you get a unique, full-featured car to enjoy forever in R3E. Bargain.

So it's all relative. If you're passionate about your hobby then you're not going to worry about spending a few quid every few months to add to it. If you're not, then by all means spend that money buying yourself a couple of expensive coffees instead. :)
I have no real issue with the money, it's not iRacing levels of stupidity but my issue is for me to get the remaining content I'm missing would cost almost as much as a new owner getting all the content which is what I find ridiculous because you can only get the premium pack discount once.

It used to work as being able to rebuy the packs when new content was released which IMO was fair as it gave everyone the same global discount. I'm betting that only got removed because they didn't want long term owners who are the ones buying the most getting a discount anymore, it's just a bit shady as they obviously looked at the data.

Anyway enough moaning Merry Christmas all.
It's very simple. On all content is a fixed sales price per item.
You get discounts during promotions on single items, packs, …
You also get a one off choice of a steep discount by buying certain packs including a "buy all content at once" at that moment in time.

You get that chance once, so don't blow it … think what you want and if you really need it.
Any future content from there should be treated as new content that took money to develop and needs generated turnover to have income, paying those costs for the business and earn a profit.

That's it.

In the past you would buy a racing game with a fixed set of content - if you really liked it at full price upon release. If you didn't you could pick it up a few years down the road for almost nothing in the rest bin of your local super market.

The gaming industry doesn't work like that anymore.
If you want continuous updates, new content and improvements and even online server support of a game years after it has been released, you have to pay for the content you want.

Ask your local bakery for free slices of bread a few months after you have bought that full loaf of bread or maybe even selling you those extra slices at less than the cost it takes to produce them.
They may have a few choice words to say ;-)
Ask your local bakery for free slices of bread a few months after you have bought that full loaf of bread or maybe even selling you those extra slices at less than the cost it takes to produce them.
They may have a few choice words to say ;-)
^^This pretty much sums it up actually.

We don't live in an age where gaming is a cottage industry anymore, we live in an age where some games are costing as much to produce as a blockbuster movie and involve the employment of hundreds or even thousands of people. No longer do we buy a game which pays for it's production and that's it, instead games get development long after release and money is needed to pay for that. If we want quality, we have to pay for it. Fact of life, regardless of the context. That's not shady, it's business. If we don't pay there is no business and we end up with nothing at all because no respectable company is going to constantly work for free, nor could they even if they wanted to.
I think you've both missed the point of what I'm saying, I never said we should get new content for free, I'm just saying loyal customers should be getting equal discounts on new content to new owners. I bought the GTR3 pack and 8 tracks I was missing but it worked out cheaper to also add the starter pack by like 300vRP because they lowered the discount on the GTR3 pack on the new content despite me owning all but 3 cars, yet getting the 650s in the starter pack significantly reduced it.

Now maybe it's just a case of the starter packs having a larger base discount but it's just not very transparent is all and I still don't understand why they changed the system from being able to rebuy packs to get all the new content again for the same discount as a new buyer.

The current payment system also has nothing to do with Sector 3 but entirely down to their owner. Now you can keep saying it's fine and people need to get paid but you are ignoring the fact it turns off so many people and this is a numbers game for both the developers making more money and us the players having people to race online!

Personally I'm not overly fussed, I've spent £150ish but that doesn't even approach the amount I've spent on hardware by a long shot but doesn't mean I can't be critical of overly convoluted rubbish. I just bough RFactor2 + DLC for example, why on earth do I need to subscribe to workshop stuff to get the content, why is DLC in my inventory and why isn't there an add all content from creators option?!
I'm not missing your point, I just don't agree with it that's all. As much as I'd like everything to be cheap and fair at all times, it's just not realistic. Gaming is a hobby to us, but it's a money-making business for the companies.

There are a finite number of customers for any game. If they had retained the system of being able to buy packs multiple times to get big discounts on newly released content then eventually they would be earning very little on each sale. Great for customers initially due to the low cost, not so good when the profit margins make adding new content a worthless venture for the developer/publisher/whoever.

It doesn't really matter who the money is going to. It's a business which is there to make profit, and if that profit isn't good enough then they'll stop. I'd rather pay a few quid every few months for new cars/tracks than see development of R3E abandoned. Yes the sales model probably turns some people off, but clearly not enough for it to be a problem profit-wise or they wouldn't bother doing it. It doesn't pose much a of problem for online racing either really, because we routinely get very good grids three times per week here on RD. I don't care about public servers because I'm not interested in demolition derbies outside of Wreckfest. ;)
This isn't like EA or another big company though so the notion they have huge development costs like Hollywood films is a complete fallacy. My issue isn't so much the cost but the fact new buyers can get the discount on newer content, although I guess you could argue they are just getting a larger discount on older content like buying a game much later after release. It's still annoying given how much I've spent relative to the other sims and none of them are perfect or doing anything above and beyond to justify being 2x more expensive.

I doubt it's making much profit if they feel they needed to change the system and whilst the premium pack is a good way to entice more people in the fact it's £88 on the store looks bad compared to others and is all the more stupid when you can buy vRP for £52 and get the exact same thing which is actually a damn good price. For what it offers it should be much more profitable/popular but it's been mismanaged and marketed so poorly and we are having to pay for that stupidity.
So you are stating that you didnt buy premium pack or any other pack. If you did, than in that point in time you got content cheaper then long term users before you.
I did get the premium pack yes but quite a bit after content released because I was waiting for a sale. At the time getting all the content I wanted (pre-premium pack) would have cost 12,000vRP which is completely insane when you consider the premium pack with all content is cheaper and I was missing ~25% of total content.

If it's cheaper to make an entirely new account and buy the premium pack than add content to your existing one where you already own most of it then IMO the system is broken.

Anyway it's a moot point because it's not going to change anytime soon and I keep buying DLC anyway in all the sims despite not having used most of the base content, I literally don't even know what the new content is when I play them just pages of things I'm yet to drive :roflmao:.

Plus I fired up the VR headset yesterday, haven't played on it for a while as I've been trying to get through my last few bits of 2D gaming backlog to focus on sim racing and VR, forgot how good it is!

Spent £60 on R3E and rF2 + DLC to go with my new Accuforce wheel and honestly sim games and equipment have come so far in the last 10 years.
Its undeniable that it would of been annoying to purchase something at full price, then see it on a 50% deal few days/weeks later.... no one can deny someone of the right to be disappointed in that...
But it is not going to change...its us, the consumer that needs to change....I got PCars 2 for £26 only weeks after many purchased it for £44.
RFactor 2 cost me £11.99
AMS £6.95...then i got the season pass for £11.99!! plus beta
AC cost me £30 all in game plus season pass plus all Porsche packs.

We need as consumers to take ownership and be a bit more savvy.
I used to work for a huge energy company and the percentage of people sat on really high energy prices but they do NOTHING about it, even when you offer it cheaper...
The deals are there, it may take waiting a few weeks, steam has pretty much exact sale every few months.
The industry won't change the business model, the consumer needs to change.

I have spent about £100 on raceroom over the last year and i just accept it. But yes if i had just spent £100 right before they do a 50% sale i'd be annoyed....we can allow people to be annoyed...but they just need to then learn from it.....

If SMS / bandai can sell a game for £44 then discount to £26 so soon, is that game really worth £44? are they losing money at £26? I doubt it so games really should not be £44... IMO.
SMS still make money at £26...I think break even would be £10, i'm guessing here, it may incite Ian Bell in here to tell us...

I do agree that as a hobby its one of the cheapest, particularly as i can use it pretty much whenever i want..

DiRT rally on steaam is another good example, out of steam sales its £39.99....every steam sale its £7.99...NO ONE SHOULD BE PAYING 39.99 FOR DiRT!!!!!! DON'T DO IT!!!!
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Do people usually buy the whoke livery pack for all cars? Is it about collecting, or do you actually use them?

I buy a couple that I like, but don't see the point of buying then all since the ai uses them, not just the ones I'm purchase.
I rarely own more than one livery per car. If I own more, it's usually just for the option to choose a different one for the races that require it. I don't see the point in spending money for something I don't need.
I buy them all, though I'm probably wasting money. I have my favourite colours and will usually go with the same liveries, though sometimes it's nice to pick something else for a change. Not that it matters... in cockpit view you can't see your own livery anyway! :p
I fully understand some games can be a bit more expensive than others for those on a budget luckily there are multiple affordable titles available with free mods. I prefer and have no issues paying for quality dlc if its content I will enjoy and know I will use.

Personally I dont agree with charging individual liveries ontop of the cost of the dlc or new car. All the other games have given us car plus multiple liveries (official + fictional) included for one fee or have custom paints available.

I wouldnt mind paying for individual liveries if I knew that money was going towards upgrading/investing in new track technology....which I guess in ways it is once they switch to the Unreal Engine.
Which cant come fast enough :whistling:

The part thats always left me scratching my head is when someone complains about the cost of a game, dlc or software after they have invested thousands of dollars in there setups ?
Accuforce wheel $2000
VR $600
GPU gtx 1070- 1080 ti $600-$1000
Computer powerfull to run VR at a good rate $1500+
Monitor $150
Headphones/speakers $100+
Rig $250-$2000

Its equivalent to buying a high end car and complaining about the cost of premium petrol and service up keep ;)

The choice to buy it or not is up to you.
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Google is telling me that ruf is a tuned version of the Porsche, so can someone explain why I need to buy the Porsche DLC? I own 95% of the content for raceroom but I'm a bit twitchy about buying this. Cheers.

How do you figure that you wouldnt need to buy the Porsche? :cautious:

They are entirely different cars that have nothing to do with each other :p

It's not at all like buying the Z4 from the ADAC 13 class and getting a discount in the GTR3 class, since those are effectively the same cars.

I buy them all, though I'm probably wasting money. I have my favourite colours and will usually go with the same liveries, though sometimes it's nice to pick something else for a change. Not that it matters... in cockpit view you can't see your own livery anyway! :p

I pretty much feel the same way and have done the same thing.

Although, in some cars with a good view of the hood, I do choose certain liveries that have some nice colors/designs up there.

As is the case with anything, some of the liveries/colors are just a bit ugly imo. :p

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