PC2 Project CARS 2 Updated

Paul Jeffrey

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Project CARS 2 has received another new update and features fixes aimed at addressing some of the more obvious issues that have arisen since game launch earlier this month.

Build 1.1.3 isn't dramatic in size, however what it does do is address some important issues that have arisen with the new title since launching on PC this September 22nd. The new build update is only currently available to PC versions of the game, as the often reported authorisation process for console platforms has caused the usual expected delays. Never fear however, both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of the game will be receiving the update treatment in the coming weeks.

One of the more prominent changes to the game includes what the developers describe as a "first pass" at addressing the current AI laptime bug when simulating qualification sessions, an issue that causes in game AI to achieve impossible laptimes if a player chooses to skip track running to the end of the session. With this part of the update only being a first pass, the issue may not be completely eradicated and could require additional development time if the bug continues to manifest itself again in future weeks.

Other highlights include some tweaks to the game AI and various miscellaneous fixes.

You can check out the update changelog below:

  • Various AI cornering and race line improvements across problematic tracks
  • Improvements to AI balancing in snow and rain conditions
  • First pass at improving simulated laptimes when skipping a non-race session
  • Fix for the long delay when entering setup screen
Car Tyres:
  • Fix to ensure that the tyre treads are shown correctly after multiple tyre swaps
  • Fixed crash when using large Super Sampling values
  • Fix for an intermittent crash caused by missing animated meshes
  • Fix for lobby browsing and filtering that was preventing some users from joining MP games

Project CARS 2 is available for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 now.

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To take your Project CARS 2 experience to the next level, head over to our RaceDepartment Project CARS 2 sub forum and check out the community discussion. We have a place to download the latest Project CARS 2 mods, a brand new Racing Club. Head over, get involved and become part of the community today!

How are you finding Project CARS 2 so far? Has the new patch addressed the problems on your build of the game? Are you happy with the post release support for the game? Let us know in the comments section below!
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Fires up Silverstone with 31 AI in GT3 class. Usual pile up from AI after 2 corners. Waits for next patch...
What they should do, is put a limit on the amount of AI you can have in a race before they start piling into each other at the start. I suggest setting that limit at 1.
That doesn't always work either. Sometimes they're inconsistent between quali and race pace. They can be challenging on quali and drive like retards during the race. And don't even get me started if it's a dry quali and a rainy race. We'll see how this patch goes
True but you can adjust their speed in between quali and the race too if you want if you exit. Not ideal I know but it's a workaround.
I did a couple of quick races after the patch yesterday on Nurburgring GP which had a lot of first corner chaos at launch. I think there has been a decent improvement but rather than take my word for it here is the video evidence for you to judge yourself. Forgive me for sharing these again I did put them in the pcars2 launch thread before this thread appeared, my videos are not monetised and I am just a gamer with no link to any company so this is just my take on the update.

Clear and dry weather, minor queueing at turn 1 but other than that a good race at 70% AI and aggression.

Winter, 16:00, fixed storm at dusk
A few more issues at the first corner with far more queuing but they do all get round and after that, once again the racing is good. This time I had to use 100% AI and Aggression to get the AI to give me a decent race. I'm an average racer and was still lapping about 1 second faster than the fastest AI car - results screen at the end has the times. After the first corner they generally race well and will race door to door with minor rubbing that isn't race ending (no more pcars magnetic cars I'm glad to say).

Although this thread is mainly about the patch and AI the Supersampling 2.0 in VR is now working perfectly even in these conditions with no stress on my pc. The VR image is great, straining to see in the low light and glare from the lights of the other cars with the rain lashing the windscreen feels just right. What the video can't show is how important it is to avoid the standing water because it will throw the player car off track. The wheel feedback is superb in these conditions and that Ginetta GT4 really dances around, just like the real cars I've experienced on track.

The pcars2 AI still has a long way to go until it feels as uncanny as the latest Assetto Corsa AI, which is the gold standard in AI for me. It feels like racing other fallible humans.

Before this sounds like I'm bigging up AC over pcars2 I'm not I think they both offer excellent VR racing experiences. AC has better AI, pcar2 has all that lovely weather and day/night cycle. In any case I have a love hate relationship with AC, I love the PC game in VR and I reserve my highest disdain for Xbox One version which still doesn't work after a year, pcars2 Xbox One version is fully playable on Xbox at launch so both games have upsides and downsides.

I hope they keep improving the AI, pcars2 with AC style AI would be a truly magnificne t experience.
I just came here to mention that the title screen shot looks absolutely delicious in every possible way!

I have bought PC2 as a Steam preorder a day before deadline with the intention of using the 2h time to claim a refund), had a few hours of trouble shooting and trying so far but won't comment on PC2 any further (enough of that in every single PC2 related thread already).

I treat PC2 as a WIP software, appreciate the many improvements SMS has implemented over PC1 (with a truly great implementation of multi view triple screen support - finally) and still have some hope for improvements to the current bugs / shortcomings to be taken seriously and be worked out over the next few months.

Please SMS, do move the fix of modern Porsche sounds and vehicle dynamics a little further up the todo list.
Especially the Porsche 911 GT3 R does sound nothing at all like a Porsche 911 GT3 R.
You seem not to understand how Project CARS 1 crowdfunding works. It was an investment and those invested in it turned a profit. There was also the risk it could be a loss, but it turned out more successful than expected.
Project CARS 2 DID NOT DO IT LIKE THIS. This time there was no investment. You could pay into development, so to say early access and got in return the game and other benefits (what depended on how much you paid) but no profits whatsoever (also not in form of goodies!). They never asked for 7 millions, it was just what they set as a total budget target. It was clear from the beginning that it won't be mainly crowdfunded.
Stop spreading misinformation please.

You didn't try it - so stfu then. Your opinion is worthless.
Additionally: Never believe what you have not seen or seriously tried for yourself!
It's unbelievable how many humans believe they have to spread some form of opinion even if they are totally not qualified to ... just unbelievable ...
Just unbelievable.. ? My point was not intended to upset anyone .(are you an SJW?)
hope you manage to contain your rage regarding an opinion on a "game"?Large corporations can look after themselves,an believe me... that's exactly what they will do. Besides if it's acceptable for yourself an you enjoy it... what does it matter.
unless the world changed whilst I slept...? We are all entitled to an opinion,it helps to base that opinion on facts.. I grant you that point,as I stated I used project cars as my reference,prior to the official release of project cars 2 unless you were a privileged you tuber or press member..(or perhaps a crowd funder) then no one could give an unbiased review.. most reviews just do the job of the marketing department of a large corporation,it continues to perplex how people misunderstand criticism towards large studios .
(not just restricted to racing genre)
They continue failing to deliver what's promised,because people are stupid enough to purchase an defend below par releases,(particularly it seems for consoles?) Do you think this will improve future releases or encourage studios to say "good enough " in house.. whilst marketing express how this particular release is a game changer? .
Yet smaller studios with marginal budgets compared to the like of Slightly mad .. manage to produce excellent content as well as an understanding that their customers satisfaction is necessary for their survival.
Seriously Reiza studios for example.. compare that to Slightky mad... do you believe Reiza would still exist if they had the same issues with Stock Car Extreme,as slightly mad had with Project cars.. an then asked for Crowd funding for Automobilista? the point I'm trying to make is quite simple.
I'm shocked that they couldn't fix the issue that in some cars having manual transmission you can easily switch gear without using the clutch at all.
Given it worked well in PCars1 i'm wondering why fixing this has been left of this patch.
My 2-3 cents:
First of all - i really like Race-sims - but: Im not a "Sim-enthusiast" at all ^^
This means
- i race all kind of sims with standard setting... (RF1/2, AC, RRRE, PC1/2 etc, etc)
- i dont care about tyres, springs, dampers and all this stuff...
- and i dont care at all about "realism all the way" ("oh my god, canned effects is pure evil, dude!!1!")
Thats the reason i can enjoy Games like PCars or Forza .. .and have a lot of fun with them... same goes with "hardcore" sims like rfactor1/2 or iracing...

SMS does a great job in my opinion, its just fun playing the career so far (although it could have been a bit more "FUN" ... remember the the old Racedriver Campaign? with someting like a story mode n stuff? i like this and miss it a lot in this newer games...)
Thanks guys, some really "honest" opinions on here, which is great to read. @mister dog The post below yours and also posts on Steam under the Patch is the reason I am holding out as it just doesn't fill me with overwhelming confidence. There just seems to many bugs to justify why I should purchase it now. NOW if all these bugs get fixed, and like somebody else mentioned "there is a sim in there somewhere" then I might.
  • Deleted member 113561

I'm shocked that they couldn't fix the issue that in some cars having manual transmission you can easily switch gear without using the clutch at all.
Given it worked well in PCars1 i'm wondering why fixing this has been left of this patch.
Shocked? ... 1st world problems

Just unbelievable.. ? My point was not intended to upset anyone .(are you an SJW?)
hope you manage to contain your rage regarding an opinion on a "game"?Large corporations can look after themselves,an believe me... that's exactly what they will do. Besides if it's acceptable for yourself an you enjoy it... what does it matter.
Did I quote your post? No I didn't, why you respond to it then? There is no rage in my post, I think you don't know what rage means or take yourself as an example what usually happens. The only thing in my post is frustration cause some humans are dumb as frak ...

Btw. last time I saw, SMS is no large corporation. EA would be large or Activision. But not SMS. Fact. Again, you voice your opinion, but you seem not to be qualified to, so I won't believe you, if you even got your definition wrong about what a large corporation is ...

unless the world changed whilst I slept...? We are all entitled to an opinion,it helps to base that opinion on facts.
And no, not everyone is entitled to an opinion, at least it shouldn't be like that.
Example: Let's talk about realism in sim racing, let's talk about which differential is used by car x and how it exactly works: 90% of the people have no idea and should in my opinion not be allowed to voice any opinion - the only thing they could say is "I don't have an opinion because I have no idea about it". Otherwise it very probably is just trashtalk and spreading misinformation.
But today many seem just in need to say anything, if it is relevant or not, if they have an idea about it or not ... like you.

I grant you that point,as I stated I used project cars as my reference,prior to the official release of project cars 2 unless you were a privileged you tuber or press member..(or perhaps a crowd funder) then no one could give an unbiased review.. most reviews just do the job of the marketing department of a large corporation,it continues to perplex how people misunderstand criticism towards large studios .
(not just restricted to racing genre)
Just bad this argument you bring here is NOT based on facts. That means its worthless.
How can you know that somebody that had access to WMD 1/2 can't be objective? How can you know Youtubers / press members are always objective? Your claim is a fracking joke. Again:
Never believe what you have not seen or seriously tried for yourself!

Critic? Did you read some of the comments? Some people are just griefing here, because they are fanboys or haters. Fact.

Yet smaller studios with marginal budgets compared to the like of Slightly mad .. manage to produce excellent content as well as an understanding that their customers satisfaction is necessary for their survival.
Seriously Reiza studios for example.. compare that to Slightky mad... do you believe Reiza would still exist if they had the same issues with Stock Car Extreme,as slightly mad had with Project cars.. an then asked for Crowd funding for Automobilista? the point I'm trying to make is quite simple.
You realize that Automobilista is nothing more than a big mod for rFactor 1? It was not built from ground up! Very big difference to a game that programs its own engine. See it more as rFactor 1.5 with a lot more cars & tracks. Fact.

They continue failing to deliver what's promised,because people are stupid enough to purchase an defend below par releases
And what did they promise that they failed to deliver? Ever thought that people just might like it?
You just assume for other people. Again you voice your opinion even you are totally not qualified to.

P.s. Your grammar, spelling and formatting is really bad, please work on that, it was difficult to read some of your stuff. I bet 1 simple read over would have fixed 90%+ of the mistakes.
What annoys me in this community is that instead of enjoying the game -and letting people enjoy their game of choice- there is always this 'my penis is bigger than yours' attitude.
Why not just enjoy the things we like together.
If person A like a game much more than you do, so what? Does it make your day any worse? Should one be on a crusade to tell people what game to play?

We are all here because we like racing and racing games. And there are lots of tastes and preferences going around, which is fine. I like lemon icecream, my son like Smurfs icecream; do I slap him at the back of the head every time he doesn't want the godly lemon one?

Come on guys. Lets be more of a community here at times.
And no, not everyone is entitled to an opinion, at least it shouldn't be like that.

I think you should be in that selection.:thumbsup:

But today many seem just in need to say anything, if it is relevant or not, if they have an idea about it or not ... like you.
But it's fine coming from you? :rolleyes: Read some of your past posts.

Just bad this argument you bring here is NOT based on facts. That means its worthless.

So is your constant fanboy argument.:rolleyes:

Critic? Did you read some of the comments? Some people are just griefing here, because they are fanboys or haters. Fact.
Hello, pot calling kettle. :rolleyes:

You realize that Automobilista is nothing more than a big mod for rFactor 1? It was not built from ground up! Very big difference to a game that programs its own engine. See it more as rFactor 1.5 with a lot more cars & tracks. Fact.
Again you voice your opinion even you are totally not qualified to.

I see, it's fine for you to critique a game but not others? Pcars 2 is not built from the ground up. There are many aspects and ingredients from the Shift games including some code etc. :rolleyes:

P.s. Your grammar, spelling and formatting is really bad, please work on that, it was difficult to read some of your stuff. I bet 1 simple read over would have fixed 90%+ of the mistakes.

You are a fine and glowing example of a prime literate and it seems you have mastered the English language better than anyone else here. Not.:rolleyes:

You are are atypical of some of the genuine fanboys that populate many games forums around the world. I despair. :cool:
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Weird isn't it... appears the same sort of issues as the previous game.. I haven't tried project cars 2,nor do I have a desire to,but I know what issues I suffered with the first game.an why I uninstalled it from my steam account. Just surprised people expected different from project cars 2? Biased reviews an glossy screen shots are not a genuine representation of the game. Now people have their hands on it... I think we are getting our first honest reviews,if only with the list of hot fix patches an promises of more to come. Apparently project cars 3 is now open for crowd funding....

LOL "biased reviews" in one sentence and then "honest reviews" in another LOL. PMSL.

Use whatever words to justify yourself mate, most people see through the crap.
When I have read all your posts guys I know than I must wait for better days of PC2. It is like a great car without seats or lights or rear view mirrors and so on... It is allright. But why it is so expensive?! Why it is released on the market in this state!? Why devs and publishers hassles me with his incomplete work!?

I actually own Pcars2, and have played it quite extensively since the launch. I wouldn't characterize it as "a great car without seats or lights or rear view mirrors and so on." I would say its more like a great car with a few scratches in the paint, and maybe a small dent or two in the body work. I would also say that it has launched in a lot better shape than rFactor2, or Raceroom did, and in as good of shape, if not better than Assetto Corsa. They are already patching it, so for now at least, there is every reason to believe that the biggest problems will get fixed.
Nope, why would I waste my £££ where very good friends of mine have purchased it, hoping like me, it was going to be, as Ian Bell said in a thread on here, "EPIC" but they have ALL told me, don't bother.

I would of purchased it, but I know it takes longer than 2hrs to get it feeling anything like real, which is the Refund cut of point.

Again, these friends of mine, we all have the same mind set, we are all grown up, no fan boys and we all hoped....
no fan boys?...doesn't show at all, d- must do better.

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