Just watched Qualifying at Zandervort. A goot track and i love the banked turns. Problem is there where the FLARES (No not those groovy bellbotom pants people wore in the 60's) But the couloured smoke ones. There was one thrown on track causing Allbon to slow down. Poor guy cant get a break.
Zandervort said flares where baned. A visual nusance for fans and a fire hazard not to mention a health hazard. So i ask how do they get past security. I have gone to Montreal with a flag on a wooden pole. Told by staff it's baned as it can hurt somone, Well no more than a Unbrella and people take that stuff in case of rain or just a need for shade. And Toronto Indy where security took Cans of Soda off us. So they could sell it at a jacked up price (Gota make a profit, supply and demand) So how the F##K dose somone get in with a Firework. i Guess i am Mr nice guy who follows the rules so i can moan about morons who won't.
Zandervort said flares where baned. A visual nusance for fans and a fire hazard not to mention a health hazard. So i ask how do they get past security. I have gone to Montreal with a flag on a wooden pole. Told by staff it's baned as it can hurt somone, Well no more than a Unbrella and people take that stuff in case of rain or just a need for shade. And Toronto Indy where security took Cans of Soda off us. So they could sell it at a jacked up price (Gota make a profit, supply and demand) So how the F##K dose somone get in with a Firework. i Guess i am Mr nice guy who follows the rules so i can moan about morons who won't.