Question's about Dust and Smoke effects in 3rd party tracks

Some of the tracks i've downloaded and installed in AMS contain loose TGA-files in it's folder that should correspond with lines in the tdf-file.

Now i've got a couple of questions

- Why are they in the track folder. They're almost always present in the COMMONMAPS.MAS in the Locations folder ?
- Should these TGA-files be encrypted ?
- Sometimes there's DDS-files with the same except for the extension off course. Will these be used if a TGA-file with the same name is present ?
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TGA are graphic files. I dont think they have to be encrypted.
They can be here because of forgetting to clean them, simply.
If they are not used in the tdf, you can simply delete them, it will not cause any crash. If loading stops, pressing enter some times should help to load the track. But in that case, tdf is probably calling them