RACE 07 Racing Club (Merged)

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Hya all

As a start lets kick some WTCC cars after the pause period. :)

Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 CET
Practise: 30 min
Qualy: 30 min
Race: 2*10 laps
Weather: Dry

Track: Istanbul
Cars: WTCC 06 and 07

Server name: RSC # RPMnet.org
Password: spa

Server 1 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #1
  1. Attila Domján - Chevy
  2. Gareth Hickling - Peugeot
  3. Pauliebhoy Harrigan - Seat Leon
  4. Gregory Degreef - BMW E90
  5. Mehmet Arikan - Seat
  6. Jerome Benard - Alfa Romeo
  7. Cristian Haba - BMW E90
  8. Christian Deparis - Seat 07
  9. Jens Hoeppner - BMW E90
  10. Patrick van Driel -Seat Leon
  11. James Yates - BMW E46
  12. Jari Vinnari - BMW E90
  13. Marcel Hulsbergen - Alfa 156
  14. Peter Böszörményi - Seat Leon
  15. Kent Karlén - Chevy 07
  16. darron miller - Peugeot
  17. Michael Herrmann - Alfa 156
  18. Nico Major - BMW E90
  19. Rami Kaukola - BMW E90
  20. Christopher Aponte - Seat LEon
  21. Simon Trendell - Peugeot
  22. big daddy Morpheus Lightning McQueen - car tbd
  23. Baron-Rouge[NO-B] - Seat Leon
  24. ingemar petersson Seat Leon
  25. Nevermind - Seat Leon
Server 2 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #2
  1. Driver
  2. Driver
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  15. Driver
  16. Driver
  17. Driver
  18. Driver
  19. Driver
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  25. Driver
Talk about having one moment when you surprise yourself, just to totally fail later.

R1 was incredible. After a few laps, I caught @Nelson Ullinskey, and tried to figure out where I could pass him. But I were never close to make something stick on him, so the general idea I had was to try to pass him on the long straight. However, that turned out not to be the case. A few laps later. At T6 I had much more speed than him and passed him, and then I slowly crawled away from him. But he came back, and a little later he passed me again. But, I was not finished, and I started to have more confidence in the car, and were able to pass him a 2nd time. Manage to hold him at bay, and finished 3rd with him right at my rear. Truly epic racing from both of us.

R2 turned out to be an disaster. Got a good start, but the Peugeot in front of me refused to let me pass and almost forced me into the pit wall. Forcing me to take another line into T1. But since there were cars on the outside, I had to get back to previous line, and that somehow made me come out of T1 in weird way. I felt a bump on my left side, and when I checked the mirrors, I saw a car went off. I guess it were due to the bump.
After the long straight, we were 4-5 cars, all had different lines and At T5 I bumped into Nelson and he went off. Totally my fault, so I stopped to give the place back. When I finally managed to catch up to the others, a Honda in front of me, went very slow due to he had been just off before T8. Apparently I could take the corner much faster than him. From my point of view he almost were completely still. It lead to me bumping his rear, and that also made me slide into the left wall before T9 and since I still recovering from the flu, I just didn't had the energy to start all over again.

I had fun thou, but I'm a little disappointed in my performance. I normally don't bump into people and are in most cases able to keep it cool. I coughed and sneezed like hell during this event. Still have tons of snot in my brain, clouding my judgment it seems :D

Anyway, I had fun, and see you next time. :)


Added correct name. It was not Arunas, but Nelson :whistling:
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Phew, not that lucky at the moment, I guess..

While I knew the track's layout, I never raced it - took me a few laps on Sunday and yesterday to get what I assumed a good pace. Judging by the practice session's results, that wasn't quite the case, but I was still doing fairly okay :)

Going into quals, I opted for race fuel, but still made it to P4 with Micael not putting in a lap and Peter leaving unfortunately - since I put in quite a good lap, as well, I knew I'd lose positions, so I wasn't too worried about the sub-par start.
Soon I found myself at around P7 in quite a nice, small pack - unfortunately, an early braking by the guys right in front caught me off guard after the straight and while I managed to steer clear of them, my car didn't take the contact with the barrier too well ;) Fell back quite a bit and something was off as I was missing quite some top speed now - finished in P10 helping Dennis push Gundars, who had run out of fuel, across the line in order to not get pole :D

My start into race #2 was a bit better, though I almost collected Dennis when he began sliding because of a downshift (IIRC) - fortunately, nothing too bad happened and everyone continued on - had some nice, short battles with everyone until Dan unfortunately locked up the brakes after the straight and crashed into me - off into the barriers, it was, and I returned with both aero and suspension damage as well as the need for a new right front tyre.
The leaders weren't that far in front so I could make it to the pits without becoming a danger - waited for the top-4 on pit-out and had quite a view on the battle for 2nd for the remaining 7-ish minutes :)

Thanks for organising, Dennis, thanks for racing, everyone - see you around next time!
Nah, my only noteworthy incident was the one with Dan mentioned above (and he waited a few turns later and even accompanied me to pits :)) - and I don't think I was fast enough to get close enough for you to bump into me ;)
Very intense and fair racing, I just loved it!

R1. Managed to do quite good lap time in Q, so 2nd start position looked very promising. But very bad start dropped me to P4.

After several laps I was chasing @Reggie Blain for P1, but never managed to overtake him even he was making small mistakes.

R2. 7th starting position looked very hot in the middle of the pack, so I was ready for the fight.
Everybody goes - Nascar style! And this episode ended like nascar -with big crash :D

Drag racing fight with Dennis. Honda was better in acceleration than my Pug :(

Short moment of joy after overtaking Reggie for P3 :)

Reggie, me and @Michael van Scheppingen . Tripple fight for P2 ended very bad for me. Dropped to P4 in last corners of the race :( Nice overtake Reggie

After all it was astonishing Tuesdays race! Thank You guys!
Well, I miscalculated the fuel for R1 (put in 155 sec as best lap instead of 115 sec...) so at lap 9 i had to retire (stupid thing to do, fun race outherwise)

R2, started last, got 2 in the start. Then all of a sudden there was a crash ahead of me on the straight! And the Dennis pushed me of like a maniac (just kidding, he just didn't see me, didn't loose any position^^) at the end of the straight we are 3 wide, and we made it! But i was not prepared for the crash in the next corner, smashed Nelson and was almost last. Then something broke in my car, the damage thing on the rev-meter was red but nothing in the pit menu and my times dropped. Had to defend against Radovan and fortunately for me he was a bit nervous and made some mistakes so he didn't pass me, if he wouldn't done those he would pass me easily. Then crash again, and I was at 9th. Then Björn was at the wrong side of the fence at the corner after the straight and I was 8 and I later finished there. fun and eventful race.
A couple of new drivers to the club and a few old ones coming back, I take it that the League action is over?

I just didn't want to be in a tight race today so I flubbed Q, putting myself 2 seconds down.

R2: Starting at the rear was supposed to get me out of trouble but it found me! Janko made a rookie mistake and plowed into the crowd at T1, I lost a bit of time there. The rest of the race was playiing catch up, first by getting by Janko and then closing to Filip and I thought Gundars but ended up being Reggie Snr.

R2: All I did was try and stay out of trouble. Faster guys got by early on then a bit of a good drive to find Gundars closing :confused: and I had no way to slow his approach. Lucky for me the end came :inlove: and I was spared.

It's good to have such a grid, a mix of old and new, hoping to se more and more in the future!
....I read the Licensed Member Agreement, now that I'm staff I try to abide by it even more. There is no accounting for mistakes or doing the best you can. Sometimes it's difficult to tell if you have not been driving by the rules. Our races are for fun, yet I see instances where a driver disadvantages another and does not abide by the Golden rule and wait. Clearly, some of our drivers need to give more respect to other drivers on the track.

Here is a good read for everyone:
this is not the RD law but good racing advice.

Please try to not focus so much on going fast and placing, have more situation awareness, with it you can avoid getting a 30 day suspension the next time you knock someone and don't wait for them.
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Adding this as I doubt everyone saw it last Tuesday.

Too all drivers
It is true, there is very little driving here that is over aggressive or intentional. We have drivers fresh in from their first appearances online all the way to league champions running races here in the RD clubs. Any one of them can make a mistake or have a bad day and make several :whistling:. Even though unintentional, when a mistake causes another driver to go off track or lose a place because of it, dome will feel hurt, taken advantage of and it can ruin their experience.

Mistakes cannot be undone. The public servers are the only place where drivers freely get away with them. All the reputable sites that I have looked at and participated in events at have some form of run for drivers to follow when they have disadvantaged another driver, either a drive through the pit or as most, to simply wait and let the other driver regain his place. If you have had someone wait for you get the message that they made a mistake, that they are sorry and you go on feeling a bit better. If you had to stop, we have all had to stop, right. If you have had to stop and wait for another driver after an incident you know that this act has taken the sharp edge off of the competition and made you realize that we are in this for fun.

League races are serious, teams and individuals are working hard to place as high as they can and the rules for the operation allow the fighting to go to a different level. Club racing is for fun. Everyone should walk away after an event having had fun, having had the best chance t o show what they can do as a driver, race engineer.. The RaceDepartment rules, the ones we all read and promised to obey are to provide for an event that brings about a good chance for a fair race.

There are drivers running in our club events that are making mistakes at the expense of someone else. I follow the action during a race, I watch replays and see the innocent taps but with cars left behind. It is not my job as an organizer to call drivers out for the poor judgment they make. That call is to be made by the driver that has had his race taken away. When a driver has been infringed upon and does nothing, he is allowing the person that made the mistake to think that it is "OK" and acceptable behavior. When he gets no apology afterwards, when he does not get a satisfactory explanation for the event in a Personal Message[PM] after a cool down period then it is a problem and an incident report is in line. Happily :) I can say that we have very few incident reports and only a few real inquiries to me about how to deal with an on track problem. All incident reports are confidential, only the submitter and staff know of them, until maybe a penalty is given the offender.

There is only one "harsh" penalty and that is for disobeying the Golden Rule. Always give back a spot taken by putting a driver off his line or off the track! That's it. The Golden rule is really the only rule. Being stupid, just making an error in braking, track position or making an aggressive pass are all OK as long as the Golden Rule is followed. The penalty of most any other offence is a warning the first time and if behavior is not changed will be increased at the next offence. Repeat offences get increased suspension times. But remember that breaking the Golden Rule will get your racing licence suspended the very first time.

When the Golden Rule is followed, it forgives the incident that created it. The exception would be repeated bad driving actions by that driver.

You may feel it is OK to be tapped and sent off track allowing that it is all just for fun anyhow. When it happens to another driver the feeling might be different. Please do not allow bad driving [breaking the Golden Rule] to continue. Have that PM and let the driver know that it hurt and report the incident if he thinks it was ok and staff[all of us] will look at it and decide.
Where to start Dennis, yes you're right in all that you have listed but.............. I feel there is a difference between making track mistakes and just people not very good such as myself. I understand the golden rule and If I felt I had caused an incident then I would follow that rule but always being at the back with no other drivers, I'm normally racing with myself lol. How does someone that is not too good at a game know what is poor judgement and what is just lack of skills? How am I to know If I'm braking too early and causing the person behind to take evasive action, I need to break where I feel the car will get round the corner without me spinning off. The person behind may be able to break at a later point because he is a more skilful driver. Just say I race with you, you're a more skilful and experienced driver and you come up behind me going into a corner. I'm aware you're there, and you're probably on the correct line but I'm not and you spun off because of that then how do you address things like that? It's spoilt your race but it was nothing more than lack of experience from me or a mistake. I'm wondering if it would help having novice races and when people got to a certain standard then they would be able to progress to a more experience lobby.
JIm, thanks for your input. For a driver that makes a mistake, whether they be a brand new driver or a seasoned veteran, is to stop and await for the disadvantaged driver to return to the track ahead of him. It's really that simple.

The driver ahead is seldom the culprit. If he is and it's because he's being malicious or aggressive* that can be dealt with. Drivers braking at different points is normal. Drivers running into the rear of another driver on braking happen and if this caused another car to go off line enough or off track, to be passed by the car then that car should slow and wait for the hit car to regain its position.

Mixing skill levels of drivers is normal in any race. Each event has aa fastest driver and a slowest, with all others in between. At times fast drivers do find themselves in a spot where many slower drivers are ahead of them. They remember, first of all, that this is for fun, that their chance for a win is slim and continue on to maybe place in the top 8 for a good grid position for a second race if available or if "fantastic" drivers to regain a podium. They have a good chance to tap the rear of another car but I've seen those situations covered by the Golden Rule in action just about everytime. It's a mistake, anyone can make it and they cover their butts because they don't want to lose out on racing. Even if it's not a tap on the rear, maybe it's a good pass gone bad, often a driver will wait, I have, for a guy that's created his own bit of trouble.

In today's race, I dropped down several places in the "turmoil" at T1 and ended up in a close battle with a driver for several laps. I could pull along side at the end of the long straight, could get alongside in several corners but many times had to back out to not cause an off. I bumped his rear, we tapped several times, all my fault. Each time I backed down rather than take advantage of the bump, losing some distance doing it and was quick enough to regain position close behind him, but I had to wait for him to have an off due to his own mistake before I could continue moving to the front. His brake points were different than mine, his lines and the way his car handled, all different. Mistakes were made by both drivers but no one was disadvantaged. I did see drivers waiting for other drivers today. I do know some did not. It's not rocket science, you use the mirrors, keep track of the drivers around you, slow or stop to let them back if you even think you have taken their race away.

Maybe we should make everyone staff? Once I became staff I cut down the use of curbs and of putting most of the car over the line. I've become very sensitive to tapping other drivers and I can't ell you how many times I've slowed to allow someone back that I didn't even have to. I did it today! I would rather qualify to the back of the grid than get caught up in first lap taps, where I might have to have a really long lap allowing a driver to catch up so we can both go on. As "the most interesting man in the world" says, "I seldom make mistakes, but when I do, I follow the Golden Rule."

*Aggressive, as in "dive bombing a corner" braking late, and heading to the apex early to squeeze just ahead of the car on the limit, on the fast line, usually ending with the dive bomber getting nailed by the good guy or nailing him, sometimes getting away with it.
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Sorry for replying so late. Really have trouble these days. Well, my race was done right from the start. Did never try one and really had no rpm. Dropped from 3rd to 6th or 7th. I qualified with race fuel as a pole time did seem impossible to me. But I thought I had the pace to fight for 2nd place. Hmm not after my start... Going to cautious made me loose another spot and much time. I then put in more effort and made my way back up. When lying in 4th @Arunas Linkevicius crashed with @Björn Golda and I could pass both. Arunas, you dod right to wait, I respect it! But please better drive to the outside next time. I nearly hammered you from behind. Sorry mate. That was my moment of the race. Alright, I then tried to gain time to @Peter Ell but he was too far away and I lost all of it to the end overdriving my car. Peter, I will send you a PM with the setup request tonight. I'm really curious what more lies in the car that I never mentioned. Overall, one of the best races I had so far. Awesome pace by the winner, nice battles and all so clean! Thanks mates! Let's keep it this way. Sorry for my writing, my mobile prevents certain inputs like new line.
Ok !No more sign at this time, I need to sign in Den!
I made a cut for the last but view the track today, i'll enjoye to run on thursday!
For the next, i don't understand, really for, but, may you mean for the next week what cars without covers wheel we need?
I don't, i'm not "fan" of these mods, know very much!
Maybe later!
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