Race 7 - Trois Rivieres

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One of my worst races ever... 10 minutes to 8, my pedals had a malfunction and did not work anymore. First the throttle and then the other pedals. After I got them out of my rig, blowed the dust away and checked all cables, driving was very difficult. The throttle must have been not on full before, as after the repair the car was very aggressive under acceleration. Also braking was difficult because I accidently turned the braking bias of my CSP pedals when I removed them from the rig. I could not find the old setting in the short time. Before the problems, I was just slow, but quite confident and constant. But with the changed pedal behaviour, I was deadly slow and far away from confident... The result where a lot of wall hits, spins and in sum I think 4 pitstops. And like that was not enough, Race07 decided to minimize itself at about 2/3 of the race without any reason! Right in front of a couple of cars trying to lap me! Thank good, it was in the last corner and I managed somehow to park the car behind the curbs without crashing with another car (or into the tire barriers)! Sorry for all I exposed to danger there! The rest of my race report is short: Just boring. No fun with such problems. I should not have started in those conditions, but loyality to the team was stronger...I tried it, but it did not end good.
gregory sent me a MP saying that i could do something else than stay full throttle...
i just want him to see again the replay from my camera car and see that when i turned out of the corner i was already accelerating, and he was MOVING from left (outside drive line) to right, at drive line, and he was 90° rotate of the track, so, i want to ask, what else i could do? brake with full power, slip and hit you, and then be hitted from behind? come on, if you see F1 or other races you see that the car that waits for others pass, is the car that spun on the track... if you want to insist and do a report, just do hit, i'm sure that others not involved can confirm my theory. I'm sorry for you, but if you want to say something to someone, talk with the one that hit you BEFORE...

bye bye
I had a great fight with Harold Stadler for several laps which was great fun. I could really put the pressure on him and I forced him into a mistake so I managed to overtake him in the end...

I already wondered why you did not pass earlier :wink:. As wrote above, I had enough to do with myself and I did not want to fight. As soon as you attacked, I wanted to let you pass. That was also the plan in that situation, you attacked and I slowed down and gave you room. But somehow, I lost all the grip, maybe there is none on the outside of the track. I just slided right into the wall and spun in front of you. Sorry, if you got damage from that!
Anyway, the laps before were the only fun part for me in that race. :cool: After a few laps where you did not overtake me, I thought "at least one I can keep up with today" :redface: Yeah, but unluckily, fun was over then.
15 minutes to the qualification and I was giving my first laps in this track.

@Quali: Half a spin and a hit put me in 22º (or something like that)

@Race: Lost the braking point in the big str8 and went for the escape road. Reverse and then started from last, I was able to overtake some guys finishing in 14º with my collegue in the front.

p.s. I'm sorry for a touch in a Koenigsegg (not sure) at the beggining in the long str8, I was fighting for position, braked late inside and caught you (it seemed you had a early brake, I couldn't do anything there).

Good result for Sonic, we wish to improve in the next and get to the top10 :rolleyes:

Pedro Louro
It looked promising at times, but nah. It just didn't work.

I started seventh and managed to get up in to fourth within a few laps. I made a little mistake and dropped to fifth. Gregory Degreef ahead hit the outside wall of T5(?, the left-hander after the straight) and I couldn't avoid helping him in his already started spin. I followed Göran Johansson for many laps and we pitted at the same time. He came out miles ahead. I think that he had realized something about the pit strategy that I hadn't. I was sixth after the pit stops following Nicola. A few laps in in our really entertaining fight I found Manzini parked nose first in the wall on the outside of T5. I couldn't avoid hitting him and got stuck there for a few seconds as well as damaging the car.

After that incident I lost a lot of pace due to damage. I had a fun fight with Gregory again, but that unfortunately ended with him hitting me in the last corner, beaching me on the curbs for 20 seconds. After that I just couldn't get back in to rhythm and started to make many mistakes. Sorry for getting in the way of some cars after my spins. Also sorry to Theo, I should have let you re-pass me, but I was just too mad at that point to really notice that you were quicker, my only thought was that you were a lapped car, the spin didn't do too much damage to my race anyway.

Well, this just plain sucked. Will do better in the next race. Congratulations to the podium and thanks for a good event. :)
Nice racing tonight guys, great fun !

Congrats to Mike on a superb win, blistering pace m8, great job !

My Quali was poor, should have hit a 58 but committing to every corner in the hotlap is tough here, well done to those who managed to do so.

Race went well for me, working my way from 14th to 8th in the end.
I had a bump from behind near the begging due to a slow down in front but got away with no damage, other than that all went well, had a good fight with Mikael Larsson until the pits and later closed in on Reggie , as said m8, great racing, we were somehow finding a path through back markers and my heart was pounding all the way lol, good stuff !
In the end I realized I had too little fuel to finish at full pace so had to short shift for around 6 laps and let a gap behind drop from 15 seconds to less than 1 by the finish crossing the line with 0.9 Ltr in the tank.

Thanks to all for another well run event.
Cya next time.
My qualy was a nightmare started 26th and managed to get some pace and was lucky that a few people made mistakes. because overtaking here is a almost impossible. fineshed 17th.
One small word for the people who are lapping a backmarker. be carefull its the responsibilty of the lapping driver that it happens save.
I got hit today by sombody who thinks he had to right to just drive straight through me.(it killed my car) thats very unsportmanship on this level i would say.
keep it save and overtake where there is a change to do it.

Thanks all
My first STC race for this season couldn't have gone better for me and for the team.:)

Qualify: Got a 16th place in the qualify. I could have done better since I had way less fuel than usual, but on a super pole format and a track like this, I didn't want to take any chance and ruin my qualification by driving on the edge. A time of 1:00:2xx was good tough, slightly faster than my best time on this track.

Race: The race itself was very nice, I really like this track, even though it is very dangerous and overtaking is a nightmare. I had some fights with some drivers, always for the 15th/16th position. Slowly I managed to get ahead and ended the race in 13th, but only because some people crashed in front of me or had to do more pit stops :)rolleyes:). My pit stop was very late, I tried to hold on to the tires as best as I could, but with about 30 minutes to go, I finally had to stop and change them. Good pit stop, back on the track and then nothing interesting. I lapped a bunch of cars, got lapped by a bunch of cars, everything OK. Five minutes before the end a spin and a lost splitter. I decided not to stop to fix the damage, since the car was driveable. A few more laps and it was over. :)

Thanks for the great race, and see you next time.

Mário Peixoto, Sonic Racing Team
Well I'm glad thats over. I hate this track.

Managed to grab pole although the lap was very conservative, I just couldn't bring myself to push the limits with the risk of starting somewhere in the pack.

First half was uneventful, some fun moments lapping cars, who in all fairness were very good on such a difficult circuit. I couldn't quite get on the pace I wanted again due to the pressure of making a mistake that could end my race. Managed to pull about 5-6 seconds gap to Martijn before the pit.

Made a good stop all went well, but I knew I didn't have the gap I needed to keep Martijn behind...The EGG just drinks so much fuel it seems.

Then the fun starts...Martijn flys by on the pit straight as I exit...plus 2-3 lapped cars. I got rather caught up behind the cars giving Martijn the chance to escape.

Once I got in the flow again I was determined to catch Martijn as fast as possible and pile on the pressure. After a few laps looking at Martijns line I knew it would be difficult...his driving was smooth and fast and on this track that left nowhere to pass. I had to give it a shot, I didn't want to risk too much but I put on as much pressure as I could, it wasn't working, Martijn was icey cool. I tried to make a couple of "surprise" moves...which ended with some contact, sorry about that Martijn, I had to try..I wouldn't have taken advantage of any contact but still contact there was, hope it wasn't too bad. After that I had to back off. I got information from my race engineer that we had the points advantage so I backed off slightly and decided to just keep the gap around 1s so the pressure was still on but at a safe distance. I knew by staying close, if there was a problem with traffic I could have a chance so just kept cool and waited.
Lucky for me the traffic played its part, Martijn got in trouble at t3 with a back marker, giving me the run on him down to t4. I couldn't quite make it stick down the straight and we were side by side. I hit my brake marker...unfortunately for Martijn he missed his and with too much speed went into the tyre wall. That was that, I pushed slightly to get away but I knew I had the job done so just tried to keep the car off the walls.

Overall a good feeling to win on a track I hate, great drive Martijn just unlucky this time.

Gratz to my team mates for some solid points, and to everyone else...great driving.

Thanks to the STC crew as usual.

Cya next time
Well that was a fun, but a bit short race for me.

Q: Decided not to drive to hard on my lap as it´s so easy to mess up and put the car in the wall, and end up way back on the grid.
To my suprise I managed a 59.1 that put me in 8th place on the grid. Unfortunatly(not for me though:tongue:) someone further up on the grid had a disconection. So I gained a position right before the start.

Race: I took it easy the first laps as I had trouble getting the brakes up to good temp. I had opened the brakeduct to much. But I wanted to be on the safe side and not have a brakefailure in the race.
Anyway! I followed Emil Sällberg the first laps until he got past Nathan Aljoe. By that time I had dropped back a bit(braketemp), but soon I caught up with Nathan and had a good fight with him. Then I missjudged my brakingpoint at the end of the long straight. I could see the "EGG" getting closer and closer, and I was standing on the brakes just hoping that i would miss or get the car stopped in time. Unfortunatly neither of that happened and I hit him. I´m very sorry for that Nathan and I hope that you could continue without any damage. I had to take the escaperoad and wait until the coast was clear to get out on track again.

I rejoined the track in 16th place and started to chace down the two guys directly infront of me. I soon got close two a Sonic driver and Erling from our sisterteam Gubbklubben Underdogs. The Sonic driver made a small error after a couple of laps and I could slip by. Then Erling was very kind to let me pass when I cought up to him. Thank you Erling :D!
On lap 20 I think disaster strike. When I was going out on the long straight I saw a spun car standing on the left side of the track. Bummer I thought and kept to the right. When I was about to pass him he put in the reverse gear and backed right into me. My car was wrecked and race over.
So! Fun but short....
Qualy: Got the last sector really bad and ended up in 20th with a very poor lap if you compare that I was doing 59's in pratice.

Race: From the start of the race I had really bad lag, don't know why, but with this lag it contributed for me losing my front splitter early on.
Went to fix it and then on was pretty much me letting the cars in front lap me, which didn't help my progress trying to catch up to the field.
After the lagging had stopped I could really push, and push I did, I was close to getting 19th but my tyres went off when I got close to the driver in front (Mazini) and couldn't maintain that pace and I dropped back from him. I still was trying hard and from 10 minutes from the end I took too much liberties and lost it into a wall.

Grats to all who finnished.
Well that was very challenging race last night with these beast on this tight track.

Q: As usual my quali lap was slower than what i could do in practise so started P12

Race: I just wanted to start steady and build my pace up but i was under pressure from COR Driver Alessio Lucchesi from the start, i managed to hold him of until lap 16 then run wide on 1 of the corners and he got by so i just keep my head down and keep knocking of the laps. I try and stay as steady and as consistent as i can on the first stint as i no there is no room for error on this track. I decided to pit on lap 43 to try and under cut a few drivers and i get a good in lap with a perfect pit stop. I come out of the pits ahead of TBR driver Gregory Degreef and just behind FOC Driver Nathan Aljoe. I was ahead of Degreef for a few laps and was managing the gap and then i had screen freeze goin into the last turn and my race was nearly over, my car jumped to the left and i went over the sleeping police men and just missed the tyre wall so that was a close call, I check and see that FOR Driver Adam Shaw is behind me now and he was closing in and i really dont want to lose any more positions so i start to really push the Gumpert and taking a bit more risk on this tight track and Adam kept me honest for alot of laps on the second stint, There was alot of back markers and a few people making mistakes on track and alot of close calls for Adam and i. Great driving mate every time i got by a crash car our a back marker i looked in my mirror and u were still on my tail. Finally Adam had to watch his fuel and i got a nice gap and backed of my self and settled for 7th as my tyres were shot.

Thanks to the STC team for the event and congrats to the podium finishers and to all the guys what finished the race:)

When will the broadcast be up i heard from my friend that it was great to watch and action packed
You guys really caught me crashing at the end of the race. Now that's a good timing.:wink:

I honestly have to congratulate you for the quality of the broadcast, it is simply amazing! The quality is really good and the commentaries match those of real life races.:eek: I've already participated in some broadcasts in a national league we have in Portugal (GT Series), and I also drove the safety car a few times, but even though we do a fairly good job, yours is outstanding, really. It is a pleasure to review the race witch such a nice broadcast. :)
@ Dan - No probs mate. I could see you coming up on me. I knew you was gonna hit so took my foot off the brake when you did so not to loose the back end.

Awesome job with the broadcast as per normal. Big big thankyou for yet another amazing address.

My race.

Wanted to make sure i didnt stuff it in the barrier so was relativly conservative. Made a small mistake on turn three and lost about 3 tenths. Wasnt gonna beat myself up about it though and happy with 5th.

The first stint was all about conserving my tires and as much fuel as possible. I had a technical glitch and lost two places so was kinda in damage limitation for a bit.

I had one of the FDRs behind me for a long time but had him covered and just consentrated on getting the first stint done. I noticed the FDR driver started to struggle on tires towards the end of the stint and was able to pull out a gap as mine were quite fresh. I pitted and had to take on fuel (FECKING KOINISEGG!! So greedy on fuel). The FDR driver jumped me in the pits :(.

I exited the pits in 9th i think. I figured i just had to go for it in order to get a decent result, so i floored it! Managed to claw back 5th in the end. Was well happy with that :).

Good race guys. :) :)
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