One of my worst races ever... 10 minutes to 8, my pedals had a malfunction and did not work anymore. First the throttle and then the other pedals. After I got them out of my rig, blowed the dust away and checked all cables, driving was very difficult. The throttle must have been not on full before, as after the repair the car was very aggressive under acceleration. Also braking was difficult because I accidently turned the braking bias of my CSP pedals when I removed them from the rig. I could not find the old setting in the short time. Before the problems, I was just slow, but quite confident and constant. But with the changed pedal behaviour, I was deadly slow and far away from confident... The result where a lot of wall hits, spins and in sum I think 4 pitstops. And like that was not enough, Race07 decided to minimize itself at about 2/3 of the race without any reason! Right in front of a couple of cars trying to lap me! Thank good, it was in the last corner and I managed somehow to park the car behind the curbs without crashing with another car (or into the tire barriers)! Sorry for all I exposed to danger there! The rest of my race report is short: Just boring. No fun with such problems. I should not have started in those conditions, but loyality to the team was stronger...I tried it, but it did not end good.