How do we know you aren't going to abandon this game like you did with you last?
You made people pay for you last through greenlight. Then gave it away for free. Then charged the people that had already given you money for the DLC.[

Hello fossala,
we already explained several times we made several mistakes with Victory. And one of those mistakes was putting the game in Early Access when it was almost complete, while we should have released it as a full game.

I think we made up giving away Racecraft for free to everyone who spent money for Victory and I don't think you see many developers around behaving this way.

We still don't know if Racecraft will have DLCs, but if it will, everyone who bought the Deluxe Version of Victory, will receive that for free, as it happened with the standard game.

About abandoning the game, well, if anyone has doubts, he could wait until the full release to purchase it.

I hope I clarified our situation. :)
.S. If this was actully an interview an not a blatent advert you would grill them over topics like this because you are supposed to reprosent the community

Mate, read the article first before coming across as a bit of a..... (self moderated that word).

This is a Q&A with questions from the community. So blame yourself if you dont like it. Or better still, dont read it and go away.
Mate, read the article first before coming across as a bit of a..... (self moderated that word).

This is a Q&A with questions from the community. So blame yourself if you dont like it. Or better still, dont read it and go away.
First of all, I didn't use RD when the questions where being asked. Secondly I appologise for saying that you didn't ask good enough questions as it was the users who asked them. Finally I don't think that speaking to people in that tone is very nice just because they question motives. You could of got your point across without being crass. I'll stick around for a while and hope my experiance here is better that this thread. :)
Racecraft Update 0.4.6 - 3.jpg

Vae Victis Games have released version 0.4.6 of their new procedural technology racing game, Racecraft. The latest update adds lots of new enhancements and visual updates to the game.

Racecraft is currently available in the Steam Early Access programme and has been receiving regular updates since its launch in March. The most recent update, bringing the game to version 0.4.6 is, by the studios own admission, one of the games biggest updates so far. 0.4.6 introduces visual particles and many performance improvements to the title, as well as adding crowds in the trackside grandstands, giving the procedurally generated tracks a more lively and vibrant feel in game.

The latest update also adds new visual presents to the title, allowing players more choice in how they wish the game to be displayed on track, whilst at the same time the studio have managed to reduce the performance impact of dynamic enabling dynamic reflections.

Full changelog below:
  • Graphics: Added crowd on stands
  • Graphics: Added particles
  • Graphics: Added new antialiasing technique
  • Graphics: New presets (ultra) for some graphics options
  • Graphics: Added colour grading post processing effect
  • Performances: Reduced performance impact of dynamic reflections
  • Graphics: Chance to disable dynamic reflections
  • Graphics: Eye adaptation and tone mapping post processing effects revamped
  • Graphics: Improved render quality for transparent objects (fences, trees, etc)
  • Graphics: Atmospheric scattering
  • Performances: UI rendered on a separate thread
  • Performances: CPU load heavily reduced
  • Performances: Minor GPU optmizations
  • Gameplay: Car setup preserved between races
  • General: Bugfix and general polishing

Want to know more about Racecraft? Don't forget to check out our recent community Q&A with the studio! Exclusive to RaceDepartment.

Racecraft Update 0.4.6 - 2.jpg Racecraft Update 0.4.6 - 4.jpg Racecraft Update 0.4.6 - 3.jpg Racecraft Update 0.4.6 .jpg Racecraft Update 0.4.6 - Tone mapping.jpgRacecraft Update 0.4.6 - 5.jpg

Check out the Racecraft sub forum here at RaceDepartment for news and discussion regarding the latest Procedural technology racing game.

Do you play Racecraft? What are your impressions of the game? Do you like the new update? Let us know in the comments section below!
From the lack of comments in this thread, I deduct that Racecraft is not among the titles that most people here have. I was one of the lucky ones who was randomly selected to receive a key for it, in the QandA thread earlier this year, and thanks for that, so I have Racecraft. Had I not won the key, I would not have gotten RC though.

I have had strange color problems with it - purple spectator fences for instance, but right now it looks OK. I have also experienced several times that after changing options, the game would not start up afterwards, leaving me to delete it, and reinstall it, before getting it to start.

The menu system is annoying to say the least. going to an option with the arrow keys, and then tapping Enter, to change values, in many cases more than one, because of not knowing what value comes next, before seeing the value going from highest to lowest - then tap, tap, tap up again...

On track the cars seem too easy to drive. easing off on the throttle will leave me to corner pretty easily, compared to other racing titles.

But the feel of the game, when you are in the car - is kind of good. I liked the feel of Slightly Mad Studios title "Need for Speed Shift!" - first edition. It had a great feeling when driving it - and RC reminds me a bit of that...

I also kind of like the random generated tracks - not being able to memorize the turns, from race to race. unless you save the tracks - which is great that they put in the game, regardless of me liking the surprise of the new tracks...

and I know that we are far far from version 1.0, but with the things that annoys me, Ill let RC rest for a while, and go back to it, when it´s closer to release.
They should have given out keys to most people that was interested and posted questions here on RD since we are all race nuts and we talk racing all over the net.
Racecraft Detail Preview.jpg

Vae Victis Games have revealed an exciting new preview image for their procedural technology racing game, Racecraft.

Showing off development within the Camilla game engine, the new preview shot taken from in-game footage gives sight of an impressive new level of detail. The studio are clearly looking at adding more "life" to the surrounding trackside environments, coupled with the recent update to add spectator grandstands and ever advanced work on game shaders, Racecraft is turning into a visually impressive title recently. Based on the NetKar Pro code for the foundation of the game physics system, Racecraft has benefited from a number of updates and many enhancements throughout its development and Early Access release. Already beginning to turn heads in the sim racing community, perhaps the games main USP is the procedural technology under the hood. Able to randomly generate circuits is a first for a serious racing title, and the team over at Vae Victis have done an exceptional job with this new technology.

If you want to find out more about the game, take a look at our two part exclusive interview here and here.

Check out the Racecraft sub forum here at! We have news and discussion regarding this interesting Procedural racing game. Interact with the developers, chat with your fellow fans and find out all the latest news regarding the game.

Have you tried Racecraft yet? How do you find the game? Share your opinions below!
Racecraft Development.jpg

Racecraft developer Vae Victis Games have released yet more preview images of the continual development work being undertaken within their Camilla game engine, once again showing off the impressive trackside additions due to be added to the sim.

Utilising Procedural technology to generate literally endless combinations of track layout, one could accuse early Racecraft gameplay of being somewhat light on atmosphere. Because of the nature of the game, with random track generation, the circuits created did lack the vibrancy of crowds and trackside items found in real world locations. Vae Victis have acknowledged this criticism and have been working hard recently on updating the game engine, both to increase the graphical appeal of the title and also to flesh out the off circuit structures generated by Camilla.

A recent update has brought new shaders and slicker shadow generation to Racecraft, as well as populated trackside grandstands adding additional ambiance to the racing events. Work continues at the studio to further enhance the trackside structures, and as the recently released previews within this article show, it looks like progress is speeding along nicely indeed.

Racecraft Development 2.jpg

The next patch for Racecraft has yet to be announced, and as such no launch date is currently available. Keep an eye out at RaceDepartment for more news when it becomes known.

Check out the Racecraft sub forum here at RaceDepartment. Engage with your fellow community members and the development team behind this title. Catch all the latest news and join in the discussion yourself today!

Do you like the new look of Racecraft? Have you tried the game out for yourself? Let us know in the comments section below!
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I must admit that I'm quite tempted by the concept.
Looking price wise at £15 its peanuts compared to the cash we have all shelled out on wheels/pedals/gear shifters/headsets/screens/graphics cards etc.....
What does it actually drive like?
I think i asked before but asking again since i forgot, is there physical road mesh (noise/bumps/dips) on each track that is felt in FFB wheels? Decent physics where FFB weight transfer and FFB road noise/bumps is felt will be enough for me to buy and test it out. :)
Impressive screenshots. :)
Still not my cup of tea, but that's mainly because I enjoy the immersion of a race-sim and there's little immersion in fictitious tracks no matter how good they may be.
Racecraft WIP.jpg

After a somewhat prolonged silence, Vae Victis Games have revealed some interesting new information about their innovative procedural technology racing game Racecraft, as well as confirming virtual reality implementation is in development and AI are coming to the game.

With such a long period of time between updates, many fans have been left wondering what is next for this interesting new title and finally the developers have spoken out with regards to what is happening behind the scenes at the studio. Currently gearing up to introduce a new build of Racecraft, Vae Victis have confirmed recent development has been focused on the core game engine Camilla, adding new structures and elements to the track building side of the title as well as adding artificial intelligence for the first time, as can be seen in the WIP screenshot at the top of this article.

In news that will undoubtable please Virtual Reality enthusiasts, Vae Victis have also confirmed VR support is well in the works and should be making an appearance in the title in the near future. Current development of the game is well under way and the studio hope the work being undertaken at present will "be really huge from a technical standpoint and it will be the final foundation allowing to quickly add contents and gameplay to Racecraft in the following months"

Racecraft is available to purchase for Windows PC right now via the Steam Store.

The Racecraft sub forum here at RaceDepartment is the place to go for all the latest news and discussions regarding Vae Victis Games latest racing title. Head over to the forum and join in the discussion today!

Have you tried Racecraft yet? What do you think of the game so far? Looking forward to AI? Let us know in the comments section below!
Racecraft Update 2.png

After a long period of silence whilst the studio have been at work behind the scenes on development of Racecraft, Vae Victis Games have deployed a major new update to the title which "are the foundations of the game and should be almost completely built to allow us to add all the game modes which are going to build the core gameplay of Racecraft".

The latest build of Racecraft has been released early to beta before a public launch in the next few days. Described by the studio as "huge", build 0.5.0 places considerable emphasis on the technology behind the scenes of the game as Vae Victis look to build upon the title with a view to adding additional developments further on in the life of the game.

Build 0.5.0 consists of a number of enhancements and additions to Racecraft, including sizable updates to the AI behaviour, laying the foundations for future VR support and several new assets such as kerbs, buildings, marshals and snatch vehicles at the side of the circuit.

Build 0.5.0 update Changelog

  • Gameplay: Added collisions between cars (Race mode)
  • Gameplay: Added slipstream (Race mode)
  • Gameplay: Added virtual mirror in HUD
  • Gameplay: Huge improvement to AI behavior
  • Gameplay: Procedural generation of AI profiles
  • Gameplay: Semaphore on starting line
  • Gameplay: Standings on position billboard
  • Gameplay: Improved rules for race regularity and disqualification
  • Graphics: Car mirrors are now working
  • Graphics: Lighting management in night conditions
  • Graphics: Rendering pipeline ready and compliant for VR (WIP)
  • Graphics: Fixed bad illumination in some special cases
  • Procedural engine: Improved walls/fences distribution
  • Procedural engine: Improved track assets distribution
  • Procedural engine: Added new asset: Kerbs models/type
  • Procedural engine: Added new asset: Mega structures
  • Procedural engine: Added new asset: Track/buildings on starting straight
  • Procedural engine: Added new asset: Generic vehicles
  • Procedural engine: Added new asset: Track/recovery vehicles
  • Procedural engine: Added new asset: Marshall characters/stands
  • Procedural engine: Added new asset: Cameramen characters/platforms
  • Performances: Pre-generated track shaders during scene loading (which caused a lot of hiccups)
  • Performances: Scenes transition is now seamless
  • Performances: Smoother frame rendering
  • Performances: Slightly optimized texture generation and memory occupation
  • Performances: Reduced performance impact of dynamic reflections
  • Performances: Fixed subtle crash in updating dynamic reflections on some configurations
  • Performances: Slightly reduced CPU workload during rendering
  • Performances: Fixed SMAA executed before tone mapping in post processing chain
  • General: Bugfix and general polishing
Racecraft is available to purchase via Steam Early Access right now.

Racecraft Update 1.png

To download the update, you can access the BETA branch from Steam following these steps:
  • Right click on Racecraft on your Steam library to open the context menu
  • Click on the "Properties" entry
  • Open the "Betas" tab (if you don't see it, restart Steam and repeat steps 1 to 3)
  • Enter the code "proceduralbeta" (lowercase, it's case sensitive) in the "Enter beta access code to unlock private betas" and click on "Check Code"
  • If the message "Access code correct, private beta 'beta' is now available" appears, the Beta should be available
  • Select BETA from the dropdown menu above (if you don't see BETA, restart Steam)
  • The update will be downloaded automatically if you have automatic updates on
  • When you want to go back to the official version, select NONE from the dropdown menu

Important Note
We know there are some game crashes and unfortunately some people can't play, but several times these issues stem from outdated graphics drivers or operating system, so we highly recommend to check if your OS is updated and if you have the latest graphics drivers installed.

Known issues
  • During Early Access, saved tracks and all related elements (ghosts, other options) will be wiped frequently because of technical upgrades to the procedural engine and other parts of the game. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
  • The game stutters during the first couple of generated tracks: this happens because it's generating and caching shaders
  • If you have more than one control device connected to your system, disconnect the one you're not using to avoid crashes or calibration issues

Don’t forget to visit our Racecraft forum right here on RaceDepartment for all latest news and discussion on the title.

Have you tried the latest Racecraft update yet? What do you think of the progress of the title so far? Let us know in the comments section below!
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