RaceDepartment Forum Racing Season 11

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FIA made an official statement about the latest disputes

First of all, we neglect every rumor about our coperation with Honk Racing. We are trying to take Thomas down as he is ruining the fun by coming first always. Also Jordan team must face it. This is their fault. Actually not team's, it's Eddie's fault. He brung too many pit 'dolls' to paddock and this caused these incidents. From now on we ban all the grid girls from formula 1. They can't come close to Paddock. Even girlfriend's of f1 drivers are banned! No women around!

We also apologize for Sakhir misunderstanding. I hope Bahrain Government is not angry at us :p

We are putting a Star Wars ban also, no more Galactic uprisings and such, ALL OBEY TO FIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
always battlestar galatica I spose............Oi Starbuck hehehehehehehehehehe:tongue:

EDIT: Sorry Omer, I promise to be a good boy from now on, P.S. Did you like the 'super size' Burgerking Whooper, fries AND milk shake, curtesy of JORDAN??? :cool: wink, wink, nudge..........

Whooooop Whooooop!
51488_18_1.jpgYour hostess Samantha

Omer, I have arranged for you the V.I.P. suite at the HILTON, all curtesy of JORDAN for you........Enjoy, Samantha will be your hostess, again curtesy of JORDAN......kind regards Brian :cool:
Lol Ondrej, it's the first time :D

Tuk tuk! Brian tell that shameless Eddie that i never accept bribes! You can't deluse me with such things! But i can't resend a sent gift, so........................

Psst, tell Eddie Jordan that i'm very grateful and for the next race's start hour is sent to him in a box. Don't tell others please! Espicially that rumor starter and media inspector Matthew Gutteridge!

*Cough Cough* Yes where were we? Ahh yes! I repeat again that we banned the pitbabes!
BBC World News said:
Honk Racing's Executive yacht sinks in mysterious circumstances, onlookers saw a man in a very colorful shirt diving a submarine shortly after the sinking

Omer, you are safer on dry land my friend! The V.I.P. Room at the Hilton is ALWAYS available for you! (as is Samantha, she said you were cute and something about men in uniform with a cape too:wink:)

The Executive Ferrari Limo will pick you up at the time you specified!

Kind Regards

Brian and the Jordan Team:tongue:
It was a gift from Enzo himself! to Eddie as a thankyou when he washed the teams cars as a kid! (honest)

EDIT: You best do a race soon Omer or we will have used all the forums bandwidth talking b*llocks hehehehehehe
After so much rumors and dirty lies, Omer Said decided to remain silent. According to Omer Said's right hand, his loyal servant, secretary, cleaner, image consultant, life coach, blood brother Mr. Trololo.
I get no luck at all, this race started at 2 in the morning over here :D

Aha! Jordan's Brian Clancy was up at 2 in the morning to post finish (he lives in the UK, even if it's Yorkshire :p), I suspect he knew there was a race on. SCANDAL!
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