Racer Multiplayer Lobby/Server/Bot at DF_Racing

Alexander Knoll

maybe it's time to make a little how to...
You need a version from racer newer 090rc6 to join.
klick in main menue "multiplayer lobby"
then up left klick on the old racer nl lobby, change it to "df-racing.ddns.net"
now you can enter the lobby at df-racing.ddns.net.
If this works, you have three options...
1. host a race (if you have the portforward UDP 25000 set right)
then oters can join your race, make sure all uses the same version of the car and track!
2. join a existing race some one host, remember the car and track!
3. you join the race the df_racing BOT host, for this you need the default lambo, the alfa montreal or the BMW E30 M3, from FSR, the default carswood track and for the second race the curitiba track, you can find with the links below or on my fileserver...

Aktual config:
Race 1: Carlswood

Race 2: Curitiba

Race1+2 cars: BMW E30 racecar by FSR, Lambo by Dave, Alfa.

EDIT:ok, now all 3 car's shoud be usable on every race... i added the BMW e30...

if you have any question feel free to ask here!

If the server crash, please try it in one minute again, i have now a tool that starts racer new after crash...

happy racing
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I don't want to open new topic for this and i will ask here. It's possible to create multiplayer server without open any port in modem/router and use VPN program like Hamachi ? I try this today but with no lack yet. I try to create multiplayer server using Hamachi for Racer RC4 and join with my laptop.




I'm interesting why i get this error... Maybe i do something wrong ? :(
no, no, no...this can't work...the hamachi does not "host" a multiplayerlobby you can connect...:roflmao:
If you use hamachi, you have to klick in main menue "host multiplayer game"... and others can join with "join multiplayer game" to your hamachi IP...but so far as i know you have to open the ports...can't remember witch one...
Alexander Knoll

There is any program outside game like dedicated host wich can run multiplayer server without starting a game ?

If you use hamachi, you have to klick in main menue "host multiplayer game"... and others can join with "join multiplayer game" to your hamachi IP...but so far as i know you have to open the ports...can't remember witch one...

No this don't work. I try with version RC4. Looks like i need to open UDP port 25000 and try with Hamachi again.
No, the only way is to host a lobby server and enter it with a racer version in server mode...
Then you have the same as i hosted since Jan.
I can acess the lobbyserver at df-racing.ddns.net with the rc5d (tested...and hosted a race..)...but not with the rc4...
I can acess the lobbyserver at df-racing.ddns.net with the rc5d (tested...and hosted a race..)...but not with the rc4...

So if i download RC5d and use VPN program like Hamachi i can join multiplayer ? And also i'm interested... If i host multiplayer server with Racer.exe file and my friend use No_CG.exe file, can he join my multiplayer server ?
hmm, if you use the rc5d, there is no need anymore for the Hamachi...because you can join the lobby at df-racing.ddns.net...and host there a race others can join...
If it works with CG and NoCG i never testet...sry, maybe you try it and report here if it works?

well, it works as it should :rolleyes:
The racer lobby is down...you have to follow the steps in my first post...you have to replace "lobby.racer.nl" with df-racing.ddns.net ;)
then it works ;)
remember, it's needed all drivers have the same content and the same version...
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well, it works as it should :rolleyes:
The racer lobby is down...you have to follow the steps in my first post...you have to replace "lobby.racer.nl" with df-racing.ddns.net ;)
then it works ;)
remember, it's needed all drivers have the same content and the same version...

I don't understand. I mean i want create my multiplayer and connect with my Laptop. Looks like without port i can't host multiplayer.


Server show RC10 version. There is no RC5.

the server runns rc10, right, but you can access it with at least the rc5, like we can see in your pic..
But you have to portforward the UDP 25000...that was the port some posts above i can't remember...
What i will say with the same Versions, is you and all your friends who wants to race with you, must have the same racer version ie rc5, and all the same cars and tracks...

Sadly with my internet connection i can't open port :( Well, if i and my friend download RC10 and join RC10 server but we will use other track or car, server will kick us ? Or can we change road in server or talk (chat) to each other ? I can join server with no problem but it always use default Lamborghini and road.
So just to clarify on a few thing as I've never run the server.

A server can run, and that hosts the lobby.

Does the server also host the game when someone who joins the lobby 'hosts'... or does the server system literally act as a way to track games that would otherwise be started/played via the 'host multiplayer/join multiplayer' system via the Racer menu?

