Racing platform for Season 10

+1 for F3000 if this is the vote...

I'm afraid that the league will shrink even further, we need full grids. MMG will not accomplish that. You all know what kind of campaign we went thru to get few drivers to join, even dreaming of second league and still we went under 20 drivers fast.I don't want that to be a trend.

MMG simply is too hard and F3000 would bring much needed closeness to the field. Most of this season has been driving alone. No motivation for improvement when reality just was that i was ½s behind even at my very best effort. I urge each driver to look back at the last season in this aspect, how many times we were short on numbers and the race became, well, less exciting for long periods of time?

Frankly, a LOT of guys here could benefit of going a step back for last season before the game changes.That is said in the most loving way possible, we ALL need to step back on safety. We stepped out of game limits and it showed itself thru out the season.

Presuming 50ms latency: Car missing one packet will travel ~10m at 350km/h. On 300km/h it is ~8m and 250km/h it's ~6.5m. F1 are mostly on 250-300km/h range and F300 are going 180-280km/h range.

MMG mod, i'll do admit being brilliant, is flawed. The game doesn't really react well to it, it barely works in fact. Using F3000 would bring stability, safety, more tight racing and would serve a lot of us good to get back to firm basics BEFORE starting to learn the next gen simulators. Starting the next gen on brand new F1? Sounds a lot better to me than trying to drive over mod inaccuracies.

That's my final "speech", i'll leave it up to decision.
+2 MMG

for Reik:) I dont want leave the league although sometimes is difficult find a right mental direction, not so nice alone race ( cause my low skill sure) the skill here is high if I look what happen in other server and some little satisfation I can find:).
Every race I look in ours PrestoGP lap time and think 3-4 sec. is shameful, I put all myself, I like drive, every season try to learn from my mistake (feet glued on brake) I gain something but always far away from top scores so in my mind runs a thought is not possible that Im so slow and like a mule I persist ;) sooner or later I arrive, the PrestoGP club is a beauty place full of friends with a common and professional passion is hard for me let this and now during the season's pause start the cockpit upgrade like every years I love this time Im feel like A. Newey :D ,
in true I have a a secret agreement with Nico I must do an unstable barriers along the track for give more fun at top :roflmao:

Merry Christmas mates :)
I dont think the f3000 would close up the field in terms of q times etc way i remember it was just as hard to reach Ventis/Arno's times as they are today with Reiks and usually still 3 or 4 secs covering q. Way i remember it, q was usually near maxed cambers etc to get most out of them and then race a balancing act to get them to last in stints which was quite fun but i do find even the f3000 on limit is quite tricky when you start chasing laptimes as is mmg.
Im not sure but maybe better newer guys commenting on if they find the mmg difficult to drive i find them quite easy but difficult at limit sometimes, but ive drove them for a while so maybe not best to comment.
Also dont think f3000 would be a easy fix to attrach members who will actually complete season and stay i think this percentage is low anyway.
We have great number of guys in atm if everyone managed to make races it would be even better, but sometimes rl comes in the way i know Chirlie missed last couple races and there were also a few more missing. So i think its more important to go with what everyone currently in thinks more than what possible people who may join and may stay, might want.

I had a look and Istanbul old times still saved i wonder if i could manage to beat old Ventis time now:geek: , will be good if most people can maybe practise a few laps through off season to see if indeed it really can make it easier for some and give a pace comparison through field.
Should we at least test them or is this now solved? It sounds like it's a sound victory for F1 without any considerable opposition (me and marko are the only ones? if that's the case then there is no need discus any further). Thinking now and this is now extortion, just a fact: another season with MMG does not sound promising enough for me to consider joining. I see no such improvements that would keep me in the pack. In fact i'm considering of dropping driving all together. Maybe i'm not good enough no matter how much i train and driving with F1 speeds at this stage is not helping at all. I'm driving at 110% all the time and barely keeping up. No one can keep that intensity up the whole race. I can do 10 laps and then i need a mental break. MMG is 10s faster than real life F1 so it's extra hard.

One choice is that i bolt off the wheel and wait for new gear and the next gen simulators to arrive.. That could mean a year long break..
sounds like your taking this a bit too personal kennet, you dont put in the amount of practise the rest of us have and continue to put in, how can you expect to jump into something and be good straight away, it doesnt work like that, by jumping ship like this it looks to me like your leaving because your not getting what you want even though the vote isnt done yet, id take some time to reconsider your thoughts, the way i look at it is if i can drive mmg mod then i can drive anything, but i know to be anywhere near the front of the grid i need to put in the time no matter what car im driving and i have done for 4 years now.

heres a small example of the time i and others have put into this mod...

Race07 total hours played - 1150 hours

i got the game 1 month before i started competeing in presto season 2 division 2 which was f3000 at the time, we used it for 2 season from there, when we went to mmg mod id played 200 hours, so ive spent 950 hours with mmg mod alone, i know that because nothing else in the game gives me the same feeling of mmg so i just dont play nothing else.
Dont give up Kennet :) Just stick with it, i could hardly drive a f3000 when 1st started in presto and its all just down to practise, i know very little about setups etc i just download them and practise. Practise is only way to improve and if your continually beating your own pb is only way to look at it, dont look at the fastest. Aslong as theres people with same pace to race and be competative with then the racing is the fun part.
Ive played some f3000s again tonight and they are indeed as much fun to race but not as much fun to drive as mmg if you guys get me, but if we used them they are still cars that are going to require practise to be consistant and fast/competative in our races. Have you been on f3000s to compare laptimes with old presto times ? maybe this will help you to get idea of what to expect if we went to f3000.
I personnaly would have to practise more if we moved to f3000 so i think it would be same for everyone.

David i like this game top trumps :)
Race07 total hours played 1182, sneaks in there :whistling: probably 90% mmg
We can dicuss this topic forever now but fact is that most of the "new guys" would like to change to F3000 and most of the "old guys" are for the mmg which in my opininion shows the problems regarding the mmg mod attracting new drivers.

I still like to believe that some of last seasons new drivers where mostly attracted by things like the new forum arrangement, the promotion on youtube and facebook or by the racing club races.
Since there wont be much additions this seasons in that aspect I personally dont see any chances to get more drivers for the upcoming season.

Naturally the F3000 are more popular not only with noob drivers but also with advanced drivers because the cars come with the game, thats it. I dont think we should get too deep into this topic because everything else is just guessing work IMO which brings me back to the point that I think we should slowly but surely think about starting the voting process.
Voting should be anonymous I think.

Are we in a hurry to vote? I think the best would be if we could arrange a couple of test races on Wednesdays with both F3000 and MMG F1 car, so that people can compare. January 2nd with F3000 at Istanbul, January 9th with MMG F1, and January 16th with F3000 at Brands Hatch for example. Then we could vote anonymously before January 23rd, and the votes would be based on fresh experience with both cars, and clear picture of what the racing will be like with each car. What do you think?
just a couple of points here id like to make before a vote or whatever is called, jonas if we do have a vote i think you should be excluded from it, you turned up for 1 race last season, 9 no shows, that to me says your not qualified to vote on what we use going forward, theres a core group of 15 drivers whove been here for a long time, 15 drivers is enough for a good grid, we had that amount a few times during the last races of the season and it was great racing, what we move to should not be about recruiting, it should be about keeping the core group together and moving on, theres 3 new guys who are making the most noise about changing what we use and to be honest the only opinion of them that id take into account is marko's as he is a new member who puts in the time and turned up for all races, thats what we need in presto, we dont need an influx of folk like we did at the start of this season where only 3 actually turn up during the season, if someone is serious about joining us they will stick around like dino and marko and bob have.

sorry if i upset anyone with this its my own opinion.
Race07, total time played: 3489h. So, it really is what i feared, i really don't have what it takes.

I started playing guitear very early, got quite good at it and fast and i was leading the rhythm section in 12 man band when i was12.... Picked up keyboards after that and now i'm considered as one of the best in this area. Playing FPS games i'm always at the top3 even with really really good adversaries. Simracing: 5 years and nothing. Absolutely nothing has happened in the last two seasons. one and a half week of training got me to the exact same pace i'm doing now...
as i said jonas it is my own opinion, and i did consider my actions and words before i posted them, but to be totally honest i came to the conclusion that presto shouldnt be dictated to by folk who dont turn up or race with us.
Maybe I should explain further to you what I mean by that..

In your first post you're talking about not putting time into the league...
The main reason for me not to continue the season was so that I could introduce a live stream FOR this league to help it move forward, so in this case you should reconsider mentioning me as an example for someone who doesnt put any time into this league.
Preparing for races is one thing but I chose to help by organizing something for this league instead so you should respect that as well.

And in your second post you're talking about "folk" (Im guessing you mean the new drivers you mentioned before) who "dictate" this league?! :O_o:
There is a difference between dictating and suggesting ideas, you know.
And in any case, as long as everyone's vote here counts the same noone is dictating!

Maybe you understand better now what I mean by "destructive" and "reconsider your posts"
maybe i should explain my comments further then too.....

id like to point out firstly that presto has survived along time without change, and without the need for a constant recruitment process, the "folk" we take in are usually for the betterment of the league.

then id also like to point out that you organised 2 streams, hungary and spa, then never turned up again, you didnt turn up for spa either anyhoo.

another thing is the "folk" comment, what i mean by that is people like you and kennet, who can come in and in a short space of time our home page was changed, we had calenders, streams, facebook pages, adding flags as braking markers, telling us the tracks and mod we use are flawed to the point that their impossible to play, then saying they'll leave if they dont get f3000, the way i see it is outwith marko, dino and bob, we are being dictated to by the new guys.

im sorry for speaking my opinion but its annoying me that people who dont race or put in the time have a say in our future.

i'll leave it at that, no point me posting about this again i'll just get myself into trouble :)

EDIT - maybe not then lol
then id also like to point out that you organised 2 streams, hungary and spa, then never turned up again, you didnt turn up for spa either anyhoo.

Im tired of this, get your facts straight..

There is a new situation now about the commentator position
Xosé decided because of understandable reasons that he will not continue the job as a commentator which means that we need a new commentator who is willing to find out a bit about the league.
Pretty much everything is prepared for a possible broadcast, as soon as we have a commentator, we can start broadcasting the races again.
get my facts right about what? that you used the streams as an excuse as to why you havent raced in 9 races of season 10?

The main reason for me not to continue the season was so that I could introduce a live stream FOR this league to help it move forward

you organised 2 streams, hungary and spa, you raced at hungary, you didnt race at spa or any of the other races in season 10, why? because you were introducing a live stream that lasted for 2 races?, you didnt return to driving after this, you didnt return at all.
I think its more important to put time in practise and in doin the races etc although the extra's, streams and everything are nice but they arent necessary or needed really in my opinion, i know i would prefer you used your time Jonus for your practise and participation in league rather than any stream etc.
So then you can have enjoyment of racing and competition its what its all about and should be reason anyone joins a league in 1st place :thumbsup:

I know what David said about voting may sound harsh but i suppose he has a valid point on where taking the league may be concerned its important to know everyone who is voting will be racing there the next season.

I think Presto doesnt need to change much atm because we have been awaiting a new sim for couple seasons and that will be biggest change in history anyway and as a group i think are happy to wait.
I think best to do like Marko says we can have couple fun races let people vote and if its a tight vote Nico has final say as i think his opinion is slightly more important than us mere mortals :)
Im still very interested in more opinions regarding sense of my projects or regarding this arguement but for me thats it.

Just one thing @Kennett:
I have 1400 hours and I dont think that Im better than you at these cars so keep on driving youre not alone at this :)
And I'd like to give you a tip maybe it helps: My experience has shown that whenever I was really enjoying simracing, the progress came a lot faster, so for example before and during the racedepartment touring car championship I was very often and long on servers like 100Mbit not because I wanted to improve or win but because I enjoy driving against many others. That way I kept my motivation a lot longer and I even ended up finishing the last championship race on 2nd which Id never thought would have been possible before. I think motivation to improve should be there of course but if there isnt any fun at it at all then its probably not the right thing to do.
jonas i'll try to make it a bit clearer im not in any way critisising you for your projects like adding the calender and streams or whatever, but its came at the cost of you not participating in the league, before the season started we all had to post if we'd make the races, heres yours.....

"If nothing unexpected occur I can join all 10 races.

In contrast to last season, this season my virtual racing attention is focused on this league and after the last season I can tell that I´m able to stay motivated for the whole season"

now im sorry ive sounded harsh in my posts as usual i can read them back and see where ive gone wrong, but what ive said makes sense to me if not anyone else, sean put it better by saying that its important that people who vote on the future of presto are people who are going to be participants in the future of presto, at this moment i feel you arent part of presto as you went missing for nearly a whole season, if your definatly going to participate next season then id be happy with your vote.

kennet, im sorry i brought your name up, i used some stupid things as examples, id be sorry to see you leave the league if we stayed with mmg (remember vote hasnt started yet), you will improve if you put your efforts to the right things, i can offer to help if it makes any diffrence, your not a bad driver, your just preoccupied with too much surrounding driving, remember this is a game, first and foremost practise is key, setups are nothing, learning how to push the car to your limits and its, i think your maybe hindered with your setup too with the many comments youve made about your pedals, if their causing you problems then try sort them out permanantly, if you can afford a new set or new wheel with pedals at any point go for it because i think you personally would really benefit from it, remember it doesnt have to be some fanatec or g27, im sure reik uses a logitech momo which can be picked up rather cheaply second hand, anyhoo just practise driving the car, put the foot down but dont worry about times or grids, it will all come eventually.

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