Random disconnects from MP servers

Cheers forums!

I am currently experiencing random disconnects from MP servers during online races.
  • Typically during a race at a random moment all opponents obviously drive into the barriers / out of boundaries and their names disappear from my opponents list. I am alone on track.
  • I get a small black ingame box telling me I got disconnected from the server.
  • I can quit the server and immediately rejoin.
  • I'm on Unitymedia/Vodafone cable connection with very low ping
  • Happened on CP and private lobbies
  • Haven't found anything suspicious on the router log, but will have a look again.
After consulting with some chaps on discord and an internet search on this topic I still haven't found "the" solution (if there is one). Have looked here on the forums but haven't found a match for my problem (maybe I missed the thread?).

Some ideas for remedial:
  1. restart modem / router before I go racing
  2. install newest mainboard drivers (done)
  3. quit and rejoin server after each session (practice / qualy / race)
  4. ....

Anybody else experienced this and has some ideas or even solutions?
Much appreciated!

Hi Mr Rob,

did a short research regarding the disconnect problem after our short discord chat.
Your are not the first user with this problem. Found some threads in reddit. The solution in some cases was, buy a new router :( problem solved. So maybe you can find some information in the router log files. I have no idea why the router should cancel any connection.

Thanks Florian,

appreciate your tips.

I read those discussions, too. I think they talked about Fritzboxes in particular. My Netgear router is relatively new, so don't want to purchase a new one to be honest. And who knows if it would fix the problem then...
I would also suspect my ISP, since Unitymedia was bought by Vodafone (downgrade in my opinion).
But changing ISP would be the last of my options. Don't want to go DSL again.

Hence I'm starting with the "low hanging fruit" options at my disposal. ;)

Cheers, Rob
Does the ACC log offer any clues? Maybe worth asking on the official forum (and providing the log), just in case.
I had a brief look at the logs. For the date of the ACCSS on Hungaroring race I have two logs. One of which is 22MB!
Lots of error messages there. Not sure what exactly to look out for or what these mean to be honest.

Is there some ressource online with which such logs could be de-mystified?
No idea about the cause, but it almost seems random. I can finish about 50% of the CP races and the other 50% I get disconnects. There are some reports in the Kunos' forums as well but it seems this issue is not yet being addressed/recognized. A lot of people with the same complaints.

My guess with would be that it is a server side issue.
What I could single out from the CP race log was:

[2020.07.08-20.40.59:987][428]LogKsUI: Warning: UCommunicationPanel::AddMessage: message 398530954DA8B02BE36513B36A535C17 rejected due to priority (1/2)
[2020.07.08-20.40.59:987][428]LogKsUI: CommunicationManager accepted message with id 398530954DA8B02BE36513B36A535C17 Slow car ahead
[2020.07.08-20.41.00:969][487]LogKsPhysics: Error: AcMultiplayerClient disconnected due to UDP timeout

[2020.07.08-20.41.00:970][487]LogKsUI: CommunicationManager accepted message with id 4341D50A4B8E1C4DA138DCB12085F34E Lost the connection to server 'Official Competition Server 4/5'
[2020.07.08-20.41.00:986][488]LogKsPhysics: X127: Destroying carAvatar 1019
[2020.07.08-20.41.00:986][488]LogKsPhysics: Calling physicsAvatar->ExecuteWithPhysicsLocked() to delete netCar

This was the end of my race.
The log may well not have any evidence at all of the problem, but if you zip it up and submit the issue on the AC forum they might glean clues from it.
Will do that eventually if I cannot get it fixed.
Had a CP race earlier today without any issues. Net monitor gave me a couple of packet losses during that time. Will observe further how it develops.
Race time was from 6pm to 7:30 pm.
Quick update:

Last online race went without a disconnect. The only thing I did was restart the router some time before the race.
So far I cannot see any connection to broadband quality. The graph was similarly looking than the above.
Will see this evening with another online race and ACC v.1.5...