RD Formula Pro Series S1 (RACE 07)

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qualy: 15th place I did not have problems.

Race: the worst ever. :( I accidenly pushed Neil on the brakes to hard and I am very sorry nail but when he crashed he left the car and I was so angry that I pushed Neil on the brakes so I ran slowly a ''long'' time to punish my self for what I did.
After some more laps I started to do small mistakes wich made me do a big one that cost me the race.

well I wanted a more clean last race :(
but it have been fun to race with you guys and I hope I will see you on RDFOC if I now can join with the stuped push I did :(
Quali - P5
Race - P4. I had a decent start on the inside line and braked hard into T1 to avoid contact. I got nailed from behind, but luckily it did not damage or throw me off line. Nico Major spun in front of me in T3 I believe which blocked Peter D. and I luckily got behind him only to have my teammate breathing down my neck! I battled with Nico for the next few corners as he was sliding on cold tires? and went on to a fairly decent race pace. Peter D. finally hunted me down and was much quicker and I started to panic! Peter did a nice pass on me down the second long straight for a great pass - I tried to leave a car width there for you Peter :) We had a small tap, but nothing big. Most of the race was incident free for me except a small spin, and missing my pit box which is annoying. Otherwise my only other worry was when Chris V. started hunting me down in the last 8 laps - I was trying to manage tires but he was coming strong! Luckily I kept him at bay by about 3.5secs at the minimum.

Thank you Eric for getting me started and especially all the help you give me - it was greatly appreciated. Thanks to the rest of you for an awesome season and I cannot wait to do it all over again! I love this! Bitter sweet for me to have my best finish on the last race too :) I'm getting hiz-hammered tonight!!!!
First of all I was really happy that I was able to make this last event of the league!:) At least I could do 4 of the 9, still very few and I wish I could do the rest too. It was a really nice league.

Now let's see my race report:
Quali: 11th
Race: At the start there was a little chaos ahead me, but fortunately I managed to avoid everyone, I was running 8th after that. Then made up a few places and fought for 5th before my pitstop, chasing Chris V. Then after my pitstop I fell back a lot, I think I couldn't do as fast times without somebody ahead me:) And by the end of the race I realized my setup was a little bad as it became ice-skating. I was running 8th but couldn't hold Nico at the end, so finished 9th. It's fine for me as my goal was top 10 as always.

Thanks for organizing this great league!:)
AF3kGPC - The Winners

Race results are in GPCOS --> results

Final standings

I am not going to lie... the most disappointing race in the entire season. Qualifiers didnt go well. Several times I was 0.5 seconds ahead my time only to run into traffic:( The race start was pretty decent I was 5th right behind Mitch with Peter D 2 seconds behind. Then at lap 8 I made the mistake to look at the gap while still turning... and bang hit the barrier areo and suspension damage. NO!!!!!!!!!!! I was ready to give up at that point... but decided to finish it up.... Pitted and fueled all the way... Now I had 125L with 27laps to go in this heat. I leave it at that:( I did manage to run a 1:47.4 in the race which made me somehow happy!!

So, now I am going to drink my sorrow in 1, 2 maybe 3 bottles of Tequila and sleep until Monday!!

Congrats to all the finishers!! and Niklas!!
I am not going to lie... the most disappointing race in the entire season. Qualifiers didnt go well. Several times I was 0.5 seconds ahead my time only to run into traffic:( The race start was pretty decent I was 5th right behind Mitch with Peter D 2 seconds behind. Then at lap 8 I made the mistake to look at the gap while still turning... and bang hit the barrier areo and suspension damage. NO!!!!!!!!!!! I was ready to give up at that point... but decided to finish it up.... Pitted and fueled all the way... Now I had 125L with 27laps to go in this heat. I leave it at that:( I did manage to run a 1:47.4 in the race which made me somehow happy!!

So, now I am going to drink my sorrow in 1, 2 maybe 3 bottle of Tequila and sleep until Monday!!

Congrats to all the finishers!! and Niklas!!

Eric, I feel for you man. For those who do not know, Eric and I had been practicing like mad for this last race. Lots of practice and time/effort went into this. We ran many races and whoever got the jump early on between the two of us would win the race if it were mistake free. To be lined up next to him in this race was nerve wrecking! I knew he was either as fast, or faster than me in race mode and I was stressing big time. Seeing him right on my tail on the first lap was horrifying! I stopped looking at the mirror because I knew he was going to pass.

Eric, I can feel for you my friend because I know how mad you were when I saw you spin and hit the wall. It's the same feeling when I crashed at Dijon - I definitely know the feeling.

Look at it this way. You organized what I think is the best league, got the most participation, organized and got us the best race videos, and are working your ass off. Thank you because if it were not for you, none of us would be having this much fun. Thumbs up my friend :)
Well it was a relief to cross the finish line with my pc and connection in one piece. I was nerves the whole race that i would get a DC or something like that.

I knew i was 2,5 sec faster but for some reason i still get so nervous in the beginning of the races. After a little while as usual it wears off but i was nervous until the end in a way like never before becuase of the worry for a DC as i said. During the race i just tried to stay out of trouble and have as much fun as possible. I kept thinking about what a season we have had and how much i have enjoyed it.

I truly think this was the best leauge ever so a huge thank you to Eric for all the work and everyone else for participating.

Congrats to all the finishers and podiums Peter and Aritan, also congrats Peter on the 2nd place in the final standings :good:

I'll see you guys in future races! Bye bye!

as you maybe noticed, I'm thanking everyone! Not just because this last race, but because I think this was a very very very nice and well coodinated league. I love the fact that we had almost full grid the entire season. This is awesome!!!

About this last race...

Quali: 2nd
Ok, nice quali, my PB, but not the best I could do. I tried 2 or 3 times after I got the PB and I was everytime .2-.3 faster, but made a small mistake everytime. I would never reach Niklas, of course, but it would have been nice to get some low 44.

Race: 3rd
Ok start. I thought Nico was inside and I went wide in T1, but then I saw him a little behind, so I went inside to take the best line. But then I saw Nico spinning through the mirror and I was very sad about it. He was in a great shape and we could have done some nice close battle.
From this point on, I started to concentrate in increasing the gap to Mitch, who had taken the 3rd place. I was increasing and watching Peter D getting close Mitch and like pushing him very hard. I thought "even if Peter D overtake Mitch, I think I can mantain the gap and stay in 2nd". WRONG!!!!!! I gotta tell you guys, this Peter D is such an excelent driver, specially when it comes to race pace. What an :alien2:. He just doesn't make mistakes. He started to decrease the gap lap by lap and I finally made a huge mistake right before we pitted, so he passed me without problems.
So both of us went to the pits in the same lap. Now the most strange thing happened!!! I entered the pits and who was in the same pit as mine???? Peter D. I stopped right by his side, but nothing happened, so I went on and pitted the next lap, but I lost like 10 secs minumum with this crazy episode.
Ok, I pitted and till the end my gap to Peter D was 20 and a few secs and to Mitch the same. So... 3rd place!!! Very happy about it!!!

Some thing to say about the race:
1) Thx a lot BR Racing for sharing the best time I've ever had with a team. You were GREAT teammates all the way. Thank you so much for this!!! Whatever you need, just ask, ok. :)
2) What a great race it should have been to Eric. I'm so sorry for you, man. Suddenly I wasn't seeing you anymore in the top 5, so I looked and found you in the back. Such a sad moment in my race... :(
3) Very nice race, Mitch!!!! You have been doing an amazing job and every race you push it a little more. Grats for that!!!
4) Niklas, I can't say anything about you, except: :alien2:²

Just to finish this report, I'd like to give a HUGE thx to RD, Eric and Niklas for putting this league together and for making this enjoyable untill the end. What an amazing time I had with you guys.

Thx a lot all of you drivers who made this league so enjoyable. I'm very happy for knowing you.

Well, I don't know how to express how greatfull I am for participating in this league with you guys. Thx a lot. I hope to see you all anywhere, Racing Club, another League, lobby, where ever!!!

Thank you so much!!!!

Cya later, here, in RD forums!!!!!!!
Well like Eric it was a big let down for me :angry:
Qualifying went fine and i was happy with my pace but on a couple of flyer's i was half a second up only to loose it again in the last sector.
Race start and i was slow off the line but not to bad as i got a chance to avoid the spins up front and before we cleared the first couple of corners i had made up 4 places but on lap 2 i had an impatient Brad Merys behind me and when he ran into me pushing me wide into the wall where i lost my nose and a couple of corners later Giorgos finished the job by driving into the back of me sending me into the wall where i promptly lost a wheel so it was all over all too quickly for my liking. :beat-up:

But thanks again Eric for putting it all together, the other races were great but this one i wish i had went with my gut and just missed it.
Well like Eric it was a big let down for me :angry:
Qualifying went fine and i was happy with my pace but on a couple of flyer's i was half a second up only to loose it again in the last sector.
Race start and i was slow off the line but not to bad as i got a chance to avoid the spins up front and before we cleared the first couple of corners i had made up 4 places but on lap 2 i had an impatient Brad Merys behind me and when he ran into me pushing me wide into the wall where i lost my nose and a couple of corners later Giorgos finished the job by driving into the back of me sending me into the wall where i promptly lost a wheel so it was all over all too quickly for my liking. :beat-up:

But thanks again Eric for putting it all together, the other races were great but this one i wish i had went with my gut and just missed it.

Sorry Neil!!
Never got the hang of this track but last night with the help of Chris was able to improve in a few sections.

Practice and Qualifying: Made a few tweaks to the set-up that I thought could get me into the low 50s. Still last on grid though.

Race: Terrible FPS issues when everything was great in P & Q. After some contact I still had suspension problems after pitting so I just parked it so that I would not ruin anybody else's race.

What a great league - wonderful drivers and people. Thanks everyone.

Merci beaucoup Eric et RD.
On a circuit that is very far from being my favorite the things started with the wrong foot right from the word go... at 16 GMT I tried to start GTRevo only to be prompted to do a full reinstall!?!:weep:

It seems that when I uninstalled the dedicated server, the “good” uninstall tool deleted files from the main Race07 folder, so I had to download all the gigas again…

As I had left much of the practice to be done before the race when the temperature would be around the one we would be using, I immediately knew it would be a damage limitation event…

Did about 30 minutes practice and went practicing to the qualifying session :D

Qualify (10th)

As typed above I used the qualifying session to practice, circulated with race fuel and tried to set camber, tire pressure and calculat the fuel consumption… very near the end, did 2 or 3 low fuel laps just so I wouldn’t be so deep in the grid.

Race (10th)

Although I did a good start (went to 8th or 7th), the things didn’t go well from early on; at the first S I bumped into Brad Merys as he braked violently for the left hander and I was cough by surprise. At the time I waited for him and dropped to 14th or 15th, but later when I saw the replay I failed to see the motive of his heavy braking so perhaps I shouldn’t have waited.

Still in the first couple of laps, at a slow right hander (2nd gear) there was a pileup, and I again went into Brad’s car rear, this time there was nothing any of us could do. Impressively I bumped Brad again later, about lap 2 or 3, and again due to some pileup in front.

3 taps in about that many laps was a record for me and I think it double the number of contacts I made the all championship... :(

When the things started to settle, I looked at the fuel and noticed I had max fuel in (about 110L at the time), so before the race start I unadvertedly loaded my old setup before the final settings regarding the air temperature… there are days like this, I know :thinking:

Lost about 2 or 3 laps doing my math (it’s hard to add, subtract, divided and simrace at same time), than another couple of laps setting the fuel quantity to load at the pit stop (much less needed now) and at same time the rpm couldn’t go high as in that way I doubt both my tires and above all the engine wouldn’t go the race distance (my old setup for 20ºC).

Finely about lap 9, when all was ready to race, I was a secure 10th, place I would keep to the finish even after to pit stop and not understanding what was going on with Eric.

I only managed to do a race pace around 49 which was about 1 full second slower than I managed in practice, this can be justified with the setup I had and the fact I couldn’t rpm the car above a certain rage or both the tires and the engine would light up. All in all I think 10th was a fair place for the overall pace I showed in the event.

So as you can read, it was a kind of fun, I can't complain of not having an eventful race but in the end it was the worst result I got in the championship. Obviously you don’t need to ask if I continue to despise this track… but I do have to admit, it wasn’t the track fault:embarrassed:

Congratulations to Niklas for another very convincing victory. Peter, good second place and race pace (the only one not to be lapped by “the Alien”). Aritan, nice podium on what was a very strong championship finish for you (3rd, 1st and 3rd) after those middle races full of unlucky events.

Thanks everyone who participated as once again you proved to be the among best to race with within this club, thanks.:good:
A very challenging race today! I had been practicing pretty well up until Wed. On Wed I injured my right hand playing racquetball, and it all went to heck! My times dropped, and I was crashing and all. So, I did not have great expectations here. I decided to race without the wrist brace as it wrecks my feel, and really slows me down. On to today!

In quali I was very frustrated. I had several good laps going when I came on traffic. As it was, I was running low 1:45's in previous days, but only managed a 1:46.0 today.:disapointed: That put me 9th on the grid. I was really hoping for better as I wanted to do well for the final race!

The race started with some bumping around in turn 1, but I came through with no damage. I settled in to 7th place, and started chasing Nico and Eric. At one point, they slowed suddenly and i braked which let Christoper Aponte close up next to me. We actually got our wheels intermixed at one point, but again no damage, and I held the car and pulled away. I settled into following Eric and Nico, and had closed up on Nico, when Eric suddenly spun, letting Nico and I by. Eric, I am really sorry that happened to you!:sad: What a rough way to end the season, especially after your great practice sessions and great quali! But, you organized the best league ever, and you ran very well all season long, showing steady improvement. Well done!:thumb:

After that I was in 6th chasing Nico, when he got squirelly and started sliding a bit. That let me by into 5th. I stayed in 5th, fending off a very determined Peter Bartfai for many laps until pit stop time. I rejoined the race in 6th (someone went long on their first stint) about 6 sec back from Mitch, and about 6 sec ahead of 7th. I started chipping away at Mitch's lead, and got it down under 2 sec at one point, but every time I started to really close up, I would make a small mistake, and fall back. I was waiting for Mitch to make a mistake and let me by, but he never did! Well done Mitch!!! You ran a great race, and earned your 4th!:thumb: About 2 laps from the end, I spun on my worn tires, and lost about 8 sec. At that point I was 10 sec back from Mitch, and 16 ahead of 6th, so I settled in for a nice safe last two laps to finish the race and season in 5th place!:thumb:

I really had to fight for this last one, but I am very happy with the result.:) After a dismal first two races:disapointed:, and missing the third:sad:, my season really turned around!:) I entered hoping to make it into the top 10 for my first ever league. I am really pleased to have managed 5th place!:victory::skywalker::highfive:

Thank you Eric for all of your hard work!:worship: You put together the most amazing league! We ran 20+ people at all the events, and the final league results all came down to the final race. You picked great tracks and did a great job of providing practice servers and information. You also recruited the most awesome team for videos, and a great race director! You rock man!!:thumb:
Thanks also to RD, to Niklas for all his efforts, to Tim and Daniel for the amazing videos, and especially to all the AF3KGPC drivers for making this a truly fantastic experience!! I had a blast, and I cannot wait for the next one!
  • Matt Alpeter

Well I was intense busy all week and the first lap of qually was my first time on the track...so not so good haha. Finally got decent going around the track and was ready for the start. Had another rocket launch and picked up a few spots and did a good job of avoiding mess after mess and didn't touch anyone. Was putting down some decent times, not really making up time but not losing any either so was pretty happy. Then when I pulled up the pit menu to adjust my fuel (predicted too little) I messed up and missed the big right hairpin and locked all 4 and slid into the run-off. I backed up and turned around and waited for the oncoming traffic to pass then got hit with an IMMEDIATE stop n go for "cutting" ... so that pissed me off to all hell. Decided to post-pone the penalty and pit for tires/fuel first since my tires were gone, made a good out-lap and came in for the stop n go and nothing happened..the car just sat there so I took off and came in the next lap again and it finally told me to "go go go" so lost a TON of time doing that. After that I was just trying to finish the race and stay out of everyone's way to pick up the last points for the pink team, overall not too shabby all things considered (no setup, no time on track, etc).

Thanks one last time to all at RD staff for making this season possible and working so hard, especially main man Eric!! You have all been awesome opponents and I look forward to a class that I can perform better in ... did somebody say endurance series?
A great last race of the season!
At the beginning I had a nice battle with Nico and Mitchell, but after a few laps I passed them and I was 8 seconds behind Aritan.
The gap remained the same for quite some laps, but then I slowly started to come closer and I was right behind Aritan at the beginning of the final lap before my pitstop. Aritan made a mistake in T1, so now I was 5 seconds in front of him. We pitted at the same time, but somehow I was in the same pitbox as Aritan, so he could not pit. Sorry mate, but there was not much I could do about it. :sad:
The gap was now 15 seconds and I increased the gap till the finish to about 25 seconds.
Niklas came very close in the final lap to lap me, but he was too far behind and I finished 2nd. I was very pleased that I could drive a very consistent pace throughout the race.
So I achieved my goals for this race: Finish second and don't make any big mistakes.
I was so happy when Niklas passed the finish line, he really deserved to win this championship!
Thanks also to Eric and all other persons involved for making such an amazing championship, one of the best I ever participated in!
... Decided to post-pone the penalty and pit for tires/fuel first since my tires were gone, made a good out-lap and came in for the stop n go and nothing happened..the car just sat there so I took off and came in the next lap again and it finally told me to "go go go" so lost a TON of time doing that...

I don't know why, every time I tried to postpone a stop & go, it never worked well...

Always come out something weird from it. So now, if that’s the case, I always just do the stop & go at first opportunity using the auto-set that automatically goes in place when one is penalized and only after that I go to pits if need be.
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