RD Formula Pro Series S1 (RACE 07)

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Guys, great test!!!!

I didn't experience any lags at all. Unfotunately my ping was a bit high (something around 200) and almost everyone else was like 100/150. But even with this ping, I had no lags.

The season promisses great races. I had a great fight with pascal in the begining until my FFB just cut off... Hope it doesn't happen in the champ, because it kills my race sensibility and I just can't race like that. That's why I went off the race...

Anyways, besides the aliens group in front, I think we're going to have good battles...

BTW, thak you all for the fair play! Let's keep that way and everybody is gonna be happy!!!

See ya.
Aritan, a ping in the mid 200s is a non issue. Most of the times when I race on European servers I see pings in the mid 200 without any lags.

Happy that almost everyone had fun (sorry Chris)....

Guys, great test!!!!

I didn't experience any lags at all. Unfotunately my ping was a bit high (something around 200) and almost everyone else was like 100/150. But even with this ping, I had no lags.

The season promisses great races. I had a great fight with pascal in the begining until my FFB just cut off... Hope it doesn't happen in the champ, because it kills my race sensibility and I just can't race like that. That's why I went off the race...

Anyways, besides the aliens group in front, I think we're going to have good battles...

BTW, thak you all for the fair play! Let's keep that way and everybody is gonna be happy!!!

See ya.
  • Matt Alpeter

Skins all looked great!! Had a ping of about 200 to a few players, but they were smooth, so all was well. And now for my João inspired race report..I'm going to try and make a more complete report for our league races.

Qualy: Ran .1 slower than my PB and landed team pink a 7th place start.



Nearly missed the launch, but got off clean and well and drove smoothly and safely into T1 side by side with Dave S. We kept 2 wide through the next sweeping turn and I broke early and was going to give him the entrance into the second chicane...I looked right over to Dave to be sure to not hit him when I fell behind him and saw Jeremy's car slightly airborne and completely sideways. Such a shame too as it wasn't even half way through the first lap before 3 cars were blasted off the track. That incident put me in 6th behind Aritan and in front of Chris. Aritan was faster overall so he and the leaders took off and left me to battle with Chris. I was able to keep the gap for the first half of the lap, but Chris always gained about .3-.4 through the second half, especially the last chicane. In just a couple laps he was on me and in the first chicane he had a pretty good run on the exit. It was on the exit that we both slammed the gas and got real loose. I barely caught mine, but he was sent into the grass and back a couple seconds. As Chris was catching back up I tried to put in as many good laps as I could, which was hard since I had so much fuel (started with 125L).

A few laps down the road, Aritan got loose in "Seconda Curva di Lesmo" and I passed him while he was getting back on track, putting me in 5th. Only a lap later he was able to pass me going into the last corner. On lap 10, Chris was right back on me and had a great run going into the second chicane and he took the inside. Luckily I watched my mirror and noticed that he was coming in real hot and would probably not make the turn, so I delayed my turn-in and sure enough he came in a bit hot. That messed up his exit and I was able to overtake him before "Prima Curva di Lesmo."

I noticed he fell back so I took the time to relax and really put down some great laps. Each lap got just a tiny bit faster as I was losing fuel and I got into a great rhythm.


I was so happy I was running great laps that things seemed to go in fast motion. I had some awesome music on and suddenly I just felt like I wasn't driving anymore, it seemed like I was watching a replay and just turning the wheel, it was weird, but great! Lap after lap got faster and faster and Chris was floating between 2 and 1 seconds behind, but never getting close enough to make a move. The music seemed to get louder and soon I couldn't hear the engine, couldn't hear the tires, couldn't feel the vibrations in my wheel. Chris dove into the pits at the end of lap 17, which was my scheduled stop, but I stayed out because I was enjoying my "racing high" so much. Ripped out a strong in-lap and headed into the pits to take on what turned out to be way too much fuel and 4 new rubbers. Came out spot on track still 1.8seconds ahead of Chris..then my race went to hell.

On the exit of "Seconda Curva di Lesmo" my left rear tire just nipped the dirt and I lost the car completely...right into the inside tire barrier, breaking the suspension. Bob, running a lap down, and Neil got by as I was getting back up to speed. Bob let me by again and I ended up doing the exact same thing the next lap except I hit the barrier harder this time. Wouldn't you know it the next lap I got loose there AGAIN, but missed the barrier this time. Bob got by again and was nice enough to let me by for a third time overall.

I finally learned how to drive my broken car, which included the wheel being centered at about 15 degrees left and pulled some decently clean laps.


By now I was more than frustrated with myself, especially having gone from 3rd to 5th and blowing all chances I had of catching Chris and the other leaders. After a few good laps, I blew it in "Seconda Curva di Lesmo" again and went into the dirt this time, losing even more time. About 4 laps later just as I thought I was getting back into a sweet groove, I got loose in the third chicane and rocketed into the barrier, blowing the suspension on that side of the car and making the wheel center again. Going down the stretch there I tested out the turning capability of my newly broken car by making wide swerves...and swerved myself right into the grass, throwing my car sideways, across the track, and into the barrier. I found myself in 4th when Chris went for his pit from David Guéhénnec slamming into him on the back stretch then not waiting. My wishes came true and the race came to an end with my car still in tact. A good, but not as good as it could have been, 4th place finish for the pink boys.

David G. - we all know you are fast as hell, but to smash someone on a straight and continue as if nothing happened and not even say sorry..dude..not good.

Grats to the podium, it's looking like it will be a great league.
Thank you guys for the race. :)
it was very fun and fair play.
Niklas, thank you for coming with your injured foot :) . I enjoyed the battle with you during the first laps, I took great pleasure "left right left right" :) .
Nice battle with you Nico, remotely. you were very fast, I had difficulty keeping the difference between you and me, after a little contact, with a late-corner, I damaged my suspension "right front" and my car has become very difficult in portion very quickly.

Thank you Eric and RD for all and I wish you a good championship

Bilan: I enjoyed myself so much.

ps: does anyone have the Replay. thank you in advance
  • Sam Beason

I am very sorry I missed this my wife wanted company on her drive to Bloomfield. Had I know it would have taken so long I would not have gone.
AF3kGPC - Round 3: Hockenheim GP


Pre-qualifying server.

Contact me if you feel your times are not reported properly.
Round 1: Donington Park GP

We will only be running 1 server as some drivers dropped off this event!!!

Bill, if less than 25 people show up you are welcome to join.

  1. 1:18.049 - Niklas Vesterinen
  2. 1:18.954 - Nico Major
  3. 1:19.520 - Keith Barrick
  4. 1:19.553 - Bob Miley
  5. 1:19.598 - Chris Vick
  6. 1:19.816 - mitchell Phillipi
  7. 1:19.910 - Jan Wikström
  8. 1:20.294 - Aritan Maia
  9. 1:20.392 - Bob Luneski
  10. 1:20.478 - Dave Stephenson
  11. 1:20.509 - Pascal Malenfant Tremblay
  12. 1:20.808 - Patrick Duivelaar
  13. 1:21.002 - Eric Kaczmarek
  14. 1:21.033 - Mark Birney
  15. 1:21.080 - Marcel vd Aa
  16. 1:21.207 - Lewis Fergusson
  17. 1:21.222 - Matt Alpeter
  18. 1:21.289 - jeremy Trotin
  19. 1:21.360 - Giorgos Davakos
  20. 1:21.642 - Neil Gault
  21. 1:21.741 - Jean Michel Rucheton
  22. 1:21.946 - Sean Vohs
  23. 1:22.402 - Timothy Miller
  24. 1:22.868 - Bill Kaiser ********** reserve
  25. 1:25.687 - Sylvain Mirlaud
  26. DNRQ - Matteo Montanari

* DNRQ = Did not run qualifiers
Well, that was a race full of firsts to me and went well all things considered.
I’ve to admit that as I don’t like the open wheel *suspension model* in Race07, so I avoid them all together.

I never raced a FBMW or until yesterday a F3000, yes, when I bought the game I tried them both over the Nordschleife in a practice session where I also tried as many cars as I could at the time.

I know Monza very well from WTCC and GT racing, so wasn’t all “against” me, the track in particular is a classic I like (well without those stop & go chicanes it would be better, and yes gives us the 50’s banking curve) but the SimBin version has those dread stop & go penalties problems. This last can be a real pain, sometimes you clearly deserve a stop & go, and don’t get one, others, one has 2 wheels well inside the track and gets penalized for riding a curb.

Arrived half way through practice session, loaded the default SimBin Monza setup, was impressed by the amount of setting options one could do and went for a few laps.

All the sessions before the race I was trying to adapt to the car, always circulating with 90L of fuel and only doing a few small modifications to the setup and above all, practicing as I didn’t want to be a liability to anyone on that race.

The race itself
was of less importance, but here is a description from my point of view.
Small note, from the start until the fast turn after the first chicane I had no FFB, any ideias anyone? (once I got this in a full server a few months ago after a start too, but this was only my 2nd time with this problem)

From deep in the greed, the start went well and to my astonishment ended up circulating in 7th right in front of Neil.

After a lap or two, went straight in the 1st chicane, and although I was slowing down and thinking on letting Neil go by, the game immediately gave me a stop & go. So since I had it, just hit full throttle and went to the pits to fulfill my 1st stop & go of the night.

Got back into the track at the back of the field, did a few clean laps without much mistakes and ended up climbing back to my initial racing group (with all the abandonment), they were at the time circulating about 6th to 9th.

As my car had too much fuel in (I raced with 20L more then I needed), with the pit-stops I noticed that at a certain time I was even circulating in 3rd :laugh2:

Did my pit-stop and got back on the track around 6th or near it.
Went straight 2 times at the 1st chicane, but got no stop & go (penalty or warning), did a few mistakes and one of them I clipped the track slightly outside and did full power slide into a protection barrier (thank god for bullet prove cars :laugh2:).

Coming the end of the race was happily catching 3rd and 4th (Matt) so was giving that little extra resulting in a warning followed by a stop & go at the quick chicane before the last turn.

After watching the replay, I could see when I got the stop and go, I had 2 wheels clearly inside the track, as a matter of fact I went through there quite a bit more outside of the track before, and got nothing, not even a warning, so conclusion, riding the curbs in Monza is no doubt a question of luck

Did my 2nd stop & go of the race, got back on track still in 5th, where I come to finish a few laps later and 2 laps down from 1st.
Thanks for the race and congratulations to our podium finishers (mainly the winner).

After trying to follow 1st and 2nd at this race (the ones that gave me a lap), I could clearly see what I already suspected… on quick or mid speed turns, I lost no time or very little, but on slow and stop & go chicanes I lost an enormous amount of time (I was 4 secs slower/lap then the 1st).

This clearly shows I don’t know (I’m not used to it) how to hard brake in these cars. I usually do much brake & turn, wish I could do in fast/mid speed corners, but on slow ones, I would immediately start losing the rear.

It is my view (or perception) that, unless someone has much time in his hands to use this simulator in all its content, it will be hard to be very quick in these (light
, low center of gravity) downforce full cars and at same time in GT or WTCC cars has the cornering speeds and braking points are much different. So my small advice for those of you fully going for this championship (I should be doing about 3 races only and if & when I get a place) is to avoid the very different “education” that is to drive WTCC cars for instance.

Regarding the skins

They were nice, no problems whatsoever (just a very small problem with the flags at the end).

Regarding the lag

No major problems, I had more in the other event we did with GT in Paul Ricard then here.

To new world racers I had about 200ms ping (+- 50ms) and the image “vibration” wasn’t that bad (to some I even didn’t have any).

To the old world racers, I’m not sure, but something strange was happening to a few with whom I had very low pings (10 to 20 ms), the cars of some of these were “jerky” and clearly with those pings they shouldn’t be (anyone tempering with communication rates between server and client?) .

Also there was someone with real controller problems as he couldn’t even in straight line keep the car steady on the tarmac. He kind of drove in 30° turns if I can make myself understood that way.

* Suspension model*

Do you guys notice that these kinds of cars are the best ones to go into the kitty litter?
Unlike the “high” WTCC and GT cars, they lose very little speed on the gravel traps. In real live they would most likely immediately break suspension harm (or at least bend it), not here in race07.

Also any one can go into YouTube and see in-car videos of laps at the Nord Loop with formulas; there is even a very good one with a Radical SR3 (wrongly named SR8). The flat downside of the car hits so many times and so violently the tarmac that the guy is constantly checking the safety belt mechanism for unwanted opening or miss adjustment.

So I basically I can get along with them doing 6.02 at the Nord in a single lap, but now doing 10 laps there and no suspension problems!? Too much for me… notice that the model is the same with GT and WTCC cars, but clearly on those, suspension damage isn’t that important (at least as it should be in open wheelers).
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