RD Formula Pro Series S3 (GTR Evolution)

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I know we have discussed that in the past, but since the cat is out of the bag I would like to hear more feedback. The format will be a little more official than discussed originally (we will be using all the GPCOS rules and scoring) and it won't start for another couple of months (until we finalize everything). The league will be opened to everyone, but priority will be given first to North American members then PanAmerican drivers finally everyone else. I am not sure which cars to use yet. I would prefer not to drive WTCC nor GT cars. There are a lot of WTCC events and a GT league will just end in Feb. Let's be a little more original. I would love to use cars that are not raced very often (F3000, Caterham, Radicals, WTCC 87, WTCC eXtreme, etc).

I want to hear from anyone who is interested in participating:
Driver name:
Race type: sprint/endurance
Car preferences (can list several):
Best day/time #1:
Alternative day/time #2:
Alternative day/time #3:
Should we somehow use weight penalties?:
Favorite track:



  1. Eric Kaczmarek
  2. Yves Larose
  3. Timothy Miller
  4. Corey Theman
  5. Mitch Philipi
  6. Niklas Vesterinen
  7. Luis Carlos
  8. Sean Vohs
  9. Ian Landry
  10. Jan Wikström
  11. Keith Barrick
  12. Gaynall Hudgins
  13. Dave Stephenson
  14. Jean-Michel Rucheton
  15. Rhys Gardiner
  16. Marty Pierce
  17. Marcel vd Aa
  18. Leandro Lage
  19. Edenilson Penco
  20. Bob Luneski
  21. Bill Kaiser
  22. Péter Bártfai
  23. Chris Vick
  24. Rafael Barbosa
  25. Matt Alpeter
  26. Aritan Maia
  27. Nico Major
  28. Pascal Malenfant Tremblay
  • F3000: 14x
  • WTCC 87: 9x
  • SR3/4: 11x
  • Caterhams: 12x
  • WTCC Extreme: 4x
  • WTCC/STCC: 7x
  • Camero: 3x
  • Mini: 2x
  • Production class: 2x (Audi R8)
  • FBMW: 3x
  • GTs: 7x
  • Barcelona GP
  • SPA 2003
  • Mid Ohio Chicane
  • Miller
  • Ledenon
  • Suzuka
  • Brno
  • Interlagos
  • Brandshatch
  • Nurburgring GP
  • Rouen
  • Mosport
  • Kaylami
  • Road One
  • Estoril
  • Valencia Street
  • Donnington
  • Cadwell Park
  • Sepang
  • Imola
  • Monte-Carlo
  • Ledenon
  • Zander
  • Valencia
  • Curitiba
  • Limerock Mountain
  • Hungaroring
Weight penalties:
  • 14x yes
  • 4x no (moved a no to a yes after some testing and chatting with Niklas)
  • maybe? 3x
  • 2x dont care
Driver name: Eric Kaczmarek
Race type: 60mins endurance
Car preferences (can list several): F3000 / WTCC Extreme
Best day/time #1: Anything except Friday or Saturday evening
Alternative day/time #2:
Alternative day/time #3:
Should we somehow use weight penalties?: Yes! Not sure how.
Favorite track: Barcelona GP
Driver name: Timothy Miller
Race type: 2x 30 minute endurance

Car preferences (can list several): F3000, sr3/4, caterham's
Best day/time #1: anything other than friday eve or sat eve
Alternative day/time #2:
Alternative day/time #3:
Should we somehow use weight penalties?: ABSOLUTELY!
Favorite track: Spa 2003
Remarks/comments: None!
Driver name: Yves Larose
Race type: Endurance 90 minutes
Car preferences (can list several): WTCC 87, Mini, Camaro, Audi R8(production class)
Best day/time #1: Anytime is good for me
Alternative day/time #2:
Alternative day/time #3:
Should we somehow use weight penalties?: No, too much work involve
Favorite track: too many
Remarks/comments: side note the F3000 is now use for a league, for those who wants the weight penality you have to remember that there is no way to practice with more wieght to the car and i have tried it in a offline season and its completely change how to set the car.
If you are referring to the current NGP league, they are actually using FBMW, not F3000, and the cars are very different. F3000 is much faster and harder to drive.

oh my bad though it was the F3000 and honestly i don't have any problem driving an open wheel car since i played the grand prix serie for 10 years so those car are in fact easy for me to drive :laugh2:
Assume we find a way for anyone to practice with the added weight would you be interested trying it out? And if that doesn't involve any extra work for you. I think it will make it more fun for everyone (fast and slow guys)!! I know if I were winning every race with little or no competition I would get bored pretty quickly and move on to a different hobby.

Thank you Warren. I drove the F3000 for the first time last weekend and had a BLAST!! The FMBMW class is much slower. The F3000 feel like F1 cars in rFactor!!
Driver name: Corey Theman
Race type: 60 min
Car preferences (can list several): f3000 / wtcc 87
Best day/time #1: any day except fri/sat (preferably end before midnight EST)
Alternative day/time #2:
Alternative day/time #3:
Should we somehow use weight penalties?: no feeling either way
Favorite track: mid ohio chicane
Remarks/comments: I like the idea - I would also suggest races every other week, instead of every week
Driver name: Mitchell Phillipi
Race type: sprint/endurance: Sprints during the week, endurance on the weekend
Car preferences (can list several): F3000, WTCC Extreme, E92 BMW M3 (production/stock), F1 (I've downloaded the McLaren so I know it's out there, but am unsure of others?)
Best day/time #1: 20:00 Pacific
Alternative day/time #2: 19:00 Pacific
Alternative day/time #3: 18:30 Pacific
Should we somehow use weight penalties?: Absolutely. Let's get the racing closer together vs. what I've seen as F1 style type races where there are huge gaps. It's more challenging to race close together and IMO a blast as well.
Favorite track: Barcelona, Miller (long), Ledenon, pretty much anything that I've driven to date and that's not many LOL.
Remarks/comments: Eric I think this is a great idea and I hope it works out for us. Since I've been introduced to the game I've actually had to step away from it because it's getting addicting LOL. You're bringing a great level of excitement and originality as well so keep up the good work :)
Driver name: Niklas Vesterinen
Race type: sprint/endurance 60 min endurance
Car preferences (can list several): F3000
Best day/time #1: anytime just not after 21.00 GMT (preferably saturday or sunday)
Alternative day/time #2: same as above
Alternative day/time #3: same as above
Should we somehow use weight penalties?: No, hate them. If there should be anything then there should be grid position penalties if that's possible. That makes for much better racing then weight penalties imo. Or forced drivethroughs
Favorite track: There's so many :) But just to name one that has not allready been mentioned i say Suzuka.
Remarks/comments: I love the idea of an F3000 series. There's far to little openwheel leauges/events and it's a shame because they are so much fun to drive and usually offers great racing. Should this series ever get GPCOS status like NGP and GT series i think any type of penlties for the faster driver is wrong. I feel that if this would reach that level of "seriousness" then everyone should be allowed to race properly and may the best man win. As long as we kid around in the clubracing events i wont mind whatever you do to try and even things out.

Come'on people, vote F3000! :wink:

Thanks for you input!!!!

Out of all the people that posted so far I thought you would be the most interested in weight penalties to give you a little more competition:laugh2:

Driver name: Niklas Vesterinen
Race type: sprint/endurance 60 min endurance
Car preferences (can list several): F3000
Best day/time #1: anytime just not after 21.00 GMT (preferably saturday or sunday)
Alternative day/time #2: same as above
Alternative day/time #3: same as above
Should we somehow use weight penalties?: No, hate them. If there should be anything then there should be grid position penalties if that's possible. That makes for much better racing then weight penalties imo.
Favorite track: There's so many :) But just to name one that has not allready been mentioned i say Suzuka.
Remarks/comments: I love the idea of an F3000 series. There's far to little openwheel leauges/events and it's a shame because they are so much fun to drive and usually offers great racing. Should this series ever get GPCOS status like NGP and GT series i think any type of penlties for the faster driver is wrong. I feel that if this would reach that level of "seriousness" then everyone should be allowed to race properly and may the best man win. As long as we kid around in the clubracing events i wont mind whatever you do to try and even things out.

Come'on people, vote F3000! :wink:
Driver name: Luis Carlos
Race type: 60mins endurance GT, 50 mins WTCC
Car preferences (can list several): GT Club / WTCC/STCC
Best day/time #1: anytime after 19.00 EST (preferably wednesday or sunday)
Alternative day/time #2:
Alternative day/time #3:
Should we somehow use weight penalties?: Yes! Absolutely.
Favorite track: Spa, Brno, Brands Hatch, Interlagos, Mid-Ohio
Remarks/comments: 50 minutes WTCC Races instead of 2 short races.
Driver name: Sean Vohs
Race type: sprint/endurance: Doesn't matter to me. Either works
Car preferences (can list several): WTCC 87, F3000 could be interesting, Caterham could be interesting.
Best day/time #1: Sundays around noon-3pm MST work best.
Should we somehow use weight penalties?: I'd prefer to have them just to even the playing field, but I don't want to take away from other people's fun by punishing them for being good.
Favorite track: I can't think of any. Spa is fun, Brno, Nurburgring GP
  • Ian Landry

Driver name: Ian Landry
Race type: endurance
Car preferences (can list several): FBMW, WTCC, Radicals
Best day/time #1: tuesday after 8pm eastern
Alternative day/time #2: sunday after 8 pm eastern
Alternative day/time #3:
Should we somehow use weight penalties?: Yes
Favorite track: The tracks that ship with the game
Just to clarify my choices above:
Cars: I'll race any chosen, but I personally think that really fast cars (like the F3000) would most likely spread the field even more so than now.
Tracks: Being new to simracing, I hardly know any tracks, and the ones that are standard with the game I know just slightly more than the others.

Looking forward to this league!

Driver name: Jan Wikström
Race type: 60min races
Car preferences (can list several): F3000, Radicals, Caterham (in that order)
Best day/time #1: Sunday not later start than 2100 GMT
Alternative day/time #2: Weekdays, not later start than 2000 GMT
Alternative day/time #3: --
Should we somehow use weight penalties?: Maybe ? Provided it’s only provides a minor drawback (fast drivers should not be ripped of all there advantage)
Favorite track: Challenging circuits like Spa, Brno, Kaylami, Rouen, Mosport etc
Remarks/comments: Super pole is challenge and is fun and is preferred.
Rolling starts reduces a lot of first lap incidents and provides better racing overall.
Driver name: Keith Barrick
Race type: Sprint for some and Endurance for others.
Car preferences (can list several): Radicals, WTCC 87, WTCC Extreme
Best day/time #1: Im a very flexible. When the idea becomes closer to reality I am sure a few options will be layed out and I will voice then.
Should we somehow use weight penalties?: I am torn with this. I do feel it will keep the field even when there is a consistently faster driver. However, it would be difficult to manage. IE: Said faster driver is slower at race #5 on the schedule just because he cant managed to find his groove. Now not only is he penalized for his driving, but also for his previous results. This is a tough one.
Favorite track: Road One, Estoril, Brands Hatch, Valencia Street
Remarks/comments: I love this idea and have been hoping for it for a while. I am willing to assist in anyway.

Keep up the good work guys, you are all hard dedicated racing fans.

Keith Barrick
Driver name: Gaynall Hudgins
Race type: sprint & endurance
Car preferences (can list several): WTCC 87, Camaro, Caterham (anything really)
Best day/time #1: Mon - Thurs, the later the better
Alternative day/time #2:
Alternative day/time #3:
Should we somehow use weight penalties?: Yes
Favorite track: Like most all of them
Remarks/comments: Don't know how many others have GTL or rFactor, but great cars in those too
Driver name: Dave Stephenson
Race type: sprint/endurance Enduro
Car preferences (can list several): F3000, Cats, 87s (no particular order)
Best day/time #1: any day, earlier the better but sort out the us guys over me on that front
Should we somehow use weight penalties?: if we can work out a system then yes.
Favorite track: Donnington, Cadwell Park, Laguna, Interlagos.
Remarks/comments: would be interested but you should sort out the us guys and make sure they get what they want first. ;)
Driver name: Jean-Michel Rucheton
Race type: endurance
Car preferences (can list several): F3000
Best day/time #1: Not after 21:00 GMT, saturday or sunday
Alternative day/time #2:
Alternative day/time #3:
Should we somehow use weight penalties?: There's been quite a bit of discussion about that already, it's up to the fast guys to see what would be a good idea to make it more challenging for them depending on the race format and the car chosen.
Favorite track: Monte-Carlo, Barcelona, Spa, Imola, Sepang
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