RDHGP S4 - Race 4 - Zolder, Belgium - 10/12/09

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Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™
Welcome to Round 4 of the RDHGP S4

Welcome back to the 2009 RDHGP S4, and our last event this year before the mid season break. Most was a vastly different track to the Glen, and I think that, from the feedback, an overall successful event. There has obviously been some extensive discussion of track cutting rules and regulations, so I will refer back to a line from the previous briefing: It is still just a game. We should never lose sight of that, no matter how seriously we take it.

To paraphrase another driver, at season end, you get an imaginary pat on your virtual back, and that’s it, and to think it is anything more than that carries the faint whiff of the ridiculous.

RDHGP is the Gentleman Racer League, and I don’t expect, and won’t allow, people to stoop below that level of sportsmanship and conduct. Unfortunately, I now have to enforce that in rulings rather than leaving it to the individual drivers’ consciences.

I, perhaps naively, made my ruling on the kerbs so people would be able to avoid contact without losing to much time and/or having to make ill-advised or hazardous manouevers at high speed to stay within the track confines, rather than for premeditated overtakes. I was desperately disappointed by the non-adherence to the spirit of RDHGP, no matter how forgiving and gracious the victim was, and as a result will now be closing that loophole.

Also, I have to remind people that – as I have already indicated in many posts and a fair few of these briefings – the only status that counts for your attendance is in GPCOS. As a result, we have 3 more no-show infractions levied after this race.

We are staying in Europe for Round 4, moving West to our only default track of the season, Zolder.


Circuit Notes

Zolder, also called Circuit Terlaemen, is situated in the North East Belgium, in the Limburg province. Built in 1963, Zolder has hosted the Belgian Grand Prix on 10 separate occasions in the 1970s & 80s, along with the Belgian Motorcycle Grand Prix, rounds of the FIA GT Championship, the FIA WTCC and the GT Belcar Championship, notably the 24 Hours of Zolder.

Like so many other tracks, it is also has a dark side to its history. It is probably best remembered as the place where Gilles Villeneuve lost his life during qualification for the 1982 Belgian Grand Prix. This event, even though not track related, spelled out the beginning of the end for it as a Formula 1 venue, only hosting the Belgian Grand Prix once more before the event reverted to Spa-Francorchamps permanently.

The RDHGP’s historic vehicles hail from a time when Zolder was the premier circuit in Belgium, and I am anticipating some excellent racing here. Zolder has everything that I look for in a TC or GTC track: both fast and slow corners, a mix of corners that go both ways, fast straights, heavy braking zones, gradient changes.

After T1L, the next two corners at Zolder T2R & T3R can be very tricky, as they are not particularly well defined with regard to recognisable markers for optimal line, braking points, turn-in points and power-on points. They are important for good lap times, but too much aggression through here can cost more time than a slightly more cautious approach.

Once through there, T4R is a very fast corner, opening onto the back straight. T4R is guarded on the outside by a gravel trap that will cost you a lot of time to safely negotiate if you drop a wheel in there. A good line through here throws you onto the fast back straight, up to the Kleine Chicane.

As you go under the bridge, you enter the braking zone for T5aL & T5bR. It is actually more of a “double kink” than a true chicane, and this leads on to the downhill curve which approaches the Terlamenbocht complex.

The complex starts with a very tight, dipping chicane T6aR & T6bL made all the more difficult by the fast, and yet curved braking zone preceding it. Once through there, T7R is a simple left hander made more difficult by the heavy acceleration you will be under. T8R is another seemingly simple corner, but this has neutral or possibly even opposite camber, making it easy to be thrown left off the outside.

Over the crest into the short squirt down to the downhill braking zone for T9R, the tightest corner on the circuit. We then start our climb back up to the hill through T10aL & T10bR, the Jochen Rindtbocht. Like the Kleine Chicane, this is more of a double kink than a true chicane, but at the end of the straight following Rindt, we have the final corners on the lap, the Jacky Ickxbocht, a true double 90 chicane. T11aL is uphill into T11bR, which opens onto the S/F straight.


The Race Director has (unsurprisingly) some notes for drivers. Please see the track map above for location of Race Direction note:-

· All Corners Without Exception – The kerbs are no longer deemed as track, therefore 2 wheels must be within the white lines, on the tarmac, At All Times. Again, there are NO exceptions to this rule at any point on the circuit. Any exception to this rule is deemed illegal, any advantage gained by this method must be ceded immediately.

· T4R – the gravel trap on the outside of this corner is such a hazard that people often try and go in much tighter. This has the effect of people falling off the inside kerb, losing traction on one side of the car, and spinning across the racing line (ending up in the gravel anyway). If you are following someone who is getting close to the inside of T4R, be ready for evasion if they go too tight.

· T5aL & T5bR – Kleine Chicane. As this is a fast chicane, and able to be straightened easily, all cars must have 2 wheels between the white lines throughout this section. The kerbs are NOT deemed as track, therefore “2 wheels on the tarmac at all times”.

· T6aR & T6bLTerlamenbocht complex chicane. This chicane has large concrete areas on it’s extremities. These are deemed kerbs, therefore NOT track (see point 1). All cars must have 2 wheels between the white lines (ie on tarmac) throughout this section.

· T10aL & T10bR – Jochen Rindtbocht. As this is a fast chicane, and able to be straightened easily, all cars must have 2 wheels between the white lines throughout this section. The kerbs are NOT deemed as track, therefore “2 wheels on the tarmac at all times”.

· T11aL & T11bR – Jacky Ickxbocht. All cars must have 2 wheels between the white lines (ie on tarmac) throughout this section.

Incidents, Investigations and Penalties

After round 3 there are currently no outstanding Incidents or Investigations, but there are a few Penalties being levied.

2 no-show penalty infractions are being served (2 races remaining on these infractions):-

Simon Bacon
Stuart Neal

3 new no-show penalty infractions are being issues:-

Arkadiusz Kotarski
Lee Madden
Matt Crouch

These infractions will be carried for 4 events, after which time they will be rescinded. A further infraction will result in expulsion from the League.

Please remember, the League staff will only review incidents if they are reported to them.

No report = no review.

Please try and remember the incident reporting guidelines: review, cool off, review again. Only after following the above process, and if you are convinced you still need to report it, should you let the League staff know. Please give as much information as possible during the report (time of incident, drivers involved etc.)

Any accusations or complaints aired in the Chat during or after a race will mean a penalty levied on the person complaining or making the accusations, even if a subsequent official complaint gets found in their favour. I simply will NOT tolerate any post race finger pointing.


You have chosen your car and livery already, and you must only drive your chosen car at any time during an RDHGP event. Every driver has a unique livery in this season of RDHGP.

Scoring System

I have extended the points distribution method down to P20 (75% distance completion required) so people can fight for some points no matter where they are on the track, and hopefully have a season long battle with people around them in the League.

The Distribution is as follows (double for the 200km event):

P1 - 25 pts
P2 - 22
P3 - 20
P4 - 18
P5 - 16
P6 - 15
P7 - 14
P8 - 13
P9 - 12
P10 - 11
P11 - 10
P12 - 9
P13 - 8
P14 - 7
P15 - 6
P16 - 5
P17 - 4
P18 - 3
P19 - 2
P20 - 1

1 point for fastest race lap (not double on 200km event)

1 point for qualifying on Pole (not double on 200km event)

Final Word
Even though I will no doubt be chatting to most of you in here before and after the race, and some of you in other events, for those of you I miss, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, thanks for your attendance so far, I hope you are enjoying it, and I look forward to seeing you all back at Mugello on 14th January 2010 for Round 5.
Did something for the first time. I quited.
Really had it with the car.
First i got a Stop and Go message when the message said go. The stop and go took almost 15 seconds after that almost a lap behind and 20 seconds after the guys in front of me. Could close the gap to Hans but on the half way mark i was still 20 seconds behind the first guys in front of me and don't have something like a pace with this car.
Glad there is a Christmas stop because now i had it with the car. :)
I have to admit defeat as well,i just cant stop the 911 spinning around,mainly in the very slow stuff,it gives me a horrible zero confidence and minimal fun experience,i tried the BMW earlier and loved its nice natural feel,so in the name of road safety,no more GTL 911 for me,its not fair for others trying to share a track with me in that thing....
Sorry to anyone tonight that got hindered in any way by my total rubbishness :(.
Cheers Thommo & RD :good: {literally counting the days to next season and a much more investigated and educated car choice :) }
Garry: I was just having such fun! We didn't spin that much now did we? Ok suddenly I was humming a tune, but there were also some great laps in there where I chased you at 1 m. for more then a lap.
Next I have to say a big sorry to Ulli for that noobish bump at the chicane.
Full report tomorrow. Cheers!
That was an easy race, most of the laps I was 2 seconds faster than the rest, and I am happy that I managed a 1:44, almost a second faster than my quali time :)
The only thing I am not happy about, is that I lost concentration in the final lap and spinned.
See you all at next round!
A fine race for me only marred a little by my "moment" at the back chicane. Was holding 6th comfortably when I completely missed my braking point and slid off into the sand. Took an age getting out, as the 16 sec lead I had over 7th and 8th was quickly erroded. Came out just in front of Warren and had a very nice 4 laps to the finish. I thought he might of nicked it on the last few turns as I was having big trouble slowing the old girl down into the last series of corners. All in all a fair performance. Grats to the podium, that was some mighty impressive times boys.

Cheers to all the racers who turned out tonight, and enjoy the Christmas break.

See you all next round. :good:
Don't give up guys - i've had a miserable time at some races with the BMW - it's a right pain to turn in. But there are still those moment when it all works - for me this was Watkins, and it's awesome. maybe you just have to find your track in teh second half of the season.

As for tonight - I was worse than rubbish as usual, but I was able to have some great battles with Carlos in between our syncronised spinning and perfectly timed stop goes.

Just as a side note - if you are lapping people, share a thought ofr how hard we're trying, do sit behind flashing your light when your not close enough to attempt a pass, I'm not going to brake on a straight to let you by when i'm in a race too. Thanks.

Anyway - great opening 4 rounds in my opinion, the car has been bad but tracks and the racing has been immense. I'm really looking forward to out next encounter.

Everyone have a great Festive Season if I don't speak to you in a club event.
stunning pace Peter D :hail:

well for my it was just very bad race mainly bacause I wasn't even sure that I will alble to addent this event and I hadn't time do any practice before, in addition I had 10s freeze during race and even lags were worse than usually. I hope for some better races next year
I have to admit defeat as well,i just cant stop the 911 spinning around,mainly in the very slow stuff,it gives me a horrible zero confidence and minimal fun experience,i tried the BMW earlier and loved its nice natural feel,so in the name of road safety,no more GTL 911 for me,its not fair for others trying to share a track with me in that thing....
Sorry to anyone tonight that got hindered in any way by my total rubbishness :(.
Cheers Thommo & RD :good: {literally counting the days to next season and a much more investigated and educated car choice :) }
This is strange because for myself I find the 911 an absolute doddle to drive. Now, you are, in general, a much better racer than me and I know I'm at a disadvantage, in rear-wheel drive cars especially, with my controller, so I find it very strange that you are struggling :(
Good fun as usual in GTL and a top group of racers.
For various reasons, I had little chance to practice for this one, but huge thanks to Steven for giving me a setup for the 906, it felt good mate. :good:

Qualified P7, happy with that since it was a PB.

I was expecting a big mess at turn 1 (it usually happens at Zolder), so I took it very easy, too easy as it turned out, and dropped immediately to P12, as everyone sailed through this tricky turn nicely. That locked me behind Stuart and Kris who were having a side by side battle, so I eased off a tad to let them sort it out. Unfortunately that resulted in Jay tagging me into the second chicane and spinning me around. I then had to wait and let the whole field pass, but just when I thought they had all passed, I pulled out into the path of Marius, :doh: who hit me, very sorry Marius :sorry: , I misjudged it badly :shame:. So I waited again for Marius to pass, then resumed racing again in P18. I then found Jay, still waiting patiently for me, thanks Jay :handshake: , but we both had lots of work to do now.

I then settled down into a great race as I threaded my way through the field, some of whom were making sand castles, finally catching up to Steven recovering from his "excursion". Steven and I had a top battle for the last half a dozen laps or so, but I couldn't quite pip him at the finish, finally finishing P8, a great result considering where I was after 2 laps.

It's a bit disappointing to see complaints about people's cars and possible quitting, surely we all know that Stuart has gone to great research to select tracks that will suit different cars. Zolder is a tough track for some cars, but I'm sure there are tracks to come that will suit the cars that were hard work here. I am hoping our gentleman GTL Group will have a little more patience and perseverence when things aren't always going as they hoped.

I hope everyone has a great Christmas break, and hope to see you all in our classic cars in the new year. Best wishes from Australia. :aus:
This is strange because for myself I find the 911 an absolute doddle to drive. Now, you are, in general, a much better racer than me and I know I'm at a disadvantage, in rear-wheel drive cars especially, with my controller, so I find it very strange that you are struggling :(

Struggling doesnt even cover it,its been happening every round of RDHGP for me,the car just quickly swaps ends on me,usually at the slower turns,no warning and no normal correcting measures have any effect,now with ffb it seems to be even worse,now the wheel just goes dead after i turn in,then im more or less a passenger until it slowly slews to a pathetic halt.
Because tonights race annoyed me so much i went back in GTL and tried the 906 and the BMW,both were a treat and behaved normal,likewise my first night in GTL with the new wheel in the Falcon,it was a joy to drive.
Im just glad i didnt collect some innocent passers by with my wayward random out of controlness....
I filed a incident report because of I think there were still people that in my opinion didnt follow the 2 wheels inside the white line rule very well. I also admit that I did brake that rule myself at least couple of times due to driver error.
Im sorry if people will be angry or offended by this but I just feel that either we enforce the rule or forget the rule so that we can have even more fair and equall races.

I wasn't feeling well yesterday so I went straight to race without much practice. The whole evening is a bit blurry to me but I think the race was quite nice.

This is one tricky circuit though. For me the first three turns are impossible get right:D

Thanks for a great league so far Stuart:thanks:
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