RDHGP S4 - Race 5 - Mugello, Italy - 14/01/10

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Stuart Thomson

The Stoat Without Fear ™
Welcome to Round 5 of the RDHGP S4

Welcome back to the 2009 RDHGP S4, and the first event after the mid season break – Happy New Year to you all. Zolder was another contrast to the previous tracks, and again, an overall successful event. There was obviously extensive discussion of track cutting rules and regulations, and because of an Incident Report, 2 drivers had times penalties levied against them. I hope that these were the last penalties I have to levy due to cutting this season.

The 2 drivers involved have been informed well ahead of this announcement and to be fair, the cutting was more like trying to sneak the odd fraction here and there to close gaps, and while this still breaks the rules, it’s less of an offence (IMO) than the alternative of deliberately cutting in close proximity to take or retain position, which I personally take more seriously due to the potential for accidents.

I also hope that, despite some of the rumblings and intimations I heard after Zolder, we don’t get too many people thinking seriously about dropping out of the League if they think that they haven’t picked the fastest car, or their car has been too unruly up until this point. I deliberately took a slight gamble in the scheduling by stacking the first half of the season with some of the more technical circuits, hoping that people in the less nimble cars would be able to focus on where their cars might shine, ie in the second half.

Three out of the next 4 circuits will suit some of the “other” cars better, where they can make the best of their attributes. To this end, I hope that people continue to soldier on, especially with our Le Mans grand finale on the horizon.

Anyway, looking upwards, ever upwards, we are still in Europe for Round 5, moving from Belgium to Italy, and the Autodromo Internazionale del Mugello.

Circuit Notes

Autodromo Internazionale del Mugello is situated (perhaps unsurprisingly) in the Mugello region of Tuscany, in northern Italy. Situated just 30km from Florence, it is surrounded by the Apennine watershed, which provides a varied and imposing landscape as a backdrop.

Mugello is one of those circuits where, no matter what other challenges it can provide, its character is dominated by a single feature. Laguna Seca has the Corkscrew, Spa has Eau Rouge, Brand Hatch has Paddock, and Mugello has that enormously long, uphill, engine bursting, brake cooking, slipstream generating S/F straight. Ferrari use it as one of their F1 test tracks, and it regularly holds World SBK, Moto GP & DTM Championship events, only missing out on hosting the first A1GP race of the 2008/09 season due to delays with the car development.

It has also run the Mugello Grand Prix since 1920 utilising multiple formulas, with some famous names being victorious – Depailler, Jabouille, Daly, Palmer, Zanardi and even Alfieri Maserati in 1922.

While that straight dominates Mugello, there are enough twiddly bits to keep the power boys honest and the handling boys interested. The RDHGP’s spread of vehicles always means that we will see some unexpected cars behaving above the form book.

After that long straight, with no doubt some cars seeing some rev limiter action, we enter the uphill braking zone for T1R, San Donato. This is the tightest and slowest corner on the track, but as you will find, ‘tight’ and ‘slow’ are all relative. Let’s just say that San Donato is no La Source. I expect this to be a favourite and classic “late brake up the inside” overtaking spot.

We enter a series of Ess bends separated by medium length straights, T2L Lucco & T3R Peggio Secco are standard 90 degree corners which lead onto a straight down to the much faster T4L Materassi & T5R Borge San Lorenzo. The danger here is carrying too much speed through and into the gravel awaiting the overexuberant right footed. T6R Casanova dives down to T7L Savelli, the downhill entry making it very easy to go off and into quite a hard wall.

Coming out of Savelli we come to the climbing T8R & T9R double apex of Arrabbiata1 & Arrabbiata2. Approaching the next corner, T10R Scarperia, I hope you have been counting the corners or at least you know where you are on the track, as visually it resembles T12R very closely. The only problem with that is that both corners need completely different approaches. T10R is the first part of an Ess, with T11L Palagio forming the other part, whereas T12R (Correntaio) is actually a Hairpin.

On exit from Correntiao, you are accelerating hard through the high speed Biondetti Ess (T13aL & T13bR) and approach the wide, almost 180 degree T14L Bucine. This relatively simple corner takes on huge importance for the lap as it leads back onto that >1km long straight.


The Race Director has (unsurprisingly) some notes for drivers. Please see the track map above for location of Race Direction note:-

· All Corners Without Exception – The kerbs are no longer deemed as track, therefore 2 wheels must be within the white lines, on the tarmac, At All Times. Again, there are NO exceptions to this rule at any point on the circuit. Any exception to this rule is deemed illegal, any advantage gained by this method must be ceded immediately.

· Start / Finish Straight. This straight is incredibly long, and allows for some very fast speeds to be achieved, especially by use of slipstreaming. Because of this, all drivers should be reminded that weaving is not allowed, and that only one move is allowed from the car in front to defend your line. Weaving to deny a slipstream opportunity is also not allowed. If there are more than 2 cars in a group, the same moving rules apply to a car that is ahead of any other.

· T1R – San Donato. This is a prime overtaking spot, and so drivers should be aware of what’s around them at all times. As always, it is incumbent upon the overtaking driver to do so safely.

· T5R – Borge San Lorenzo. The exit of this corner is very tempting as it opens up onto the descending approach to Casnova under hard acceleration. It is easy to drift wide here, and so you should exercise caution as there is not a lot of grip off the track, and easy to spin.

· T13aL & T13bR – Biondetti. As this is a fast chicane, and able to be straightened easily, all cars must have 2 wheels between the white lines throughout this section. The kerbs are NOT deemed as track, therefore “2 wheels on the tarmac at all times”.

Incidents, Investigations and Penalties

After round 4 there was an Incident Report filed by a driver, and after investigations were carried out, 2 10-second Penalties levied, both for persistent cutting.

10 second penalties were levied upon :-

Peter Gog
Amir Margalit

As a result of those penalties, the Results for Round 4 were altered slightly, you can see the net effect in GPCOS. There are NO penalties carried forward for these drivers to Round 5, their penalty has been served.

There are no new no-show penalties pending from the Zolder event.

5 no-show penalty infractions are currently being served (races left in brackets):-

Simon Bacon (1)
Stuart Neal (1)
Arkadiusz Kotarski (2)
Lee Madden (2)
Matt Crouch (2)

This type of infraction will be carried for 4 events, after which time they will be rescinded. A further infraction will result in expulsion from the League.

Please remember, the League staff will only review incidents if they are reported to them.

No report = no review.

Please try and remember the incident reporting guidelines: review, cool off, review again. Only after following the above process, and if you are convinced you still need to report it, should you let the League staff know. Please give as much information as possible during the report (time of incident, drivers involved etc.)

Any accusations or complaints aired in the Chat during or after a race will mean a penalty levied on the person complaining or making the accusations, even if a subsequent official complaint gets found in their favour. I simply will NOT tolerate any post race finger pointing.


You have chosen your car and livery already, and you must only drive your chosen car at any time during an RDHGP event. Every driver has a unique livery in this season of RDHGP.

Scoring System

I have extended the points distribution method down to P20 (75% distance completion required) so people can fight for some points no matter where they are on the track, and hopefully have a season long battle with people around them in the League.

The Distribution is as follows (double for the 200km event):

P1 - 25 pts
P2 - 22
P3 - 20
P4 - 18
P5 - 16
P6 - 15
P7 - 14
P8 - 13
P9 - 12
P10 - 11
P11 - 10
P12 - 9
P13 - 8
P14 - 7
P15 - 6
P16 - 5
P17 - 4
P18 - 3
P19 - 2
P20 - 1

1 point for fastest race lap (not double on 200km event)

1 point for qualifying on Pole (not double on 200km event)
Moving on to other issues, could someone tell me exactly when Peter D. got his DQ, please?

If it's way after he's crossed the line while other people are finishing laps etc. then he shouldn't get a DQ for that.

If it was during the race, or immediately as he crossed the line, I would understand if he had ignored or missed a stop and go penalty indicator, or if he jumped the start, he would have got a DQ at that time after maybe 2 or 3 laps, again for ignoring a SnG.

So, could someone categorically tell me when he changed to DQ status, please?

If it's way outside of race penalty opportunities, I'll recreate his times and reinstate him, but I'll need a firm estimate, please.

my view: as soon as the race started it showed on my xd that peter got dq at race start. that is why i was so surprised when in the last few laps peter suddenly showed up behind me. i didn't fight him hard because i was sure he was a lap down after doing a stop and go. to be honest he would have passed me anyway:). after the race peter said that he got disqualified for no reason. checking the replay i think that peter didn't jump the start which menas it is probably a weird bug unless peter got dq for cutting which he says he didn't.
anyway i think that it is best that peter will get his points and place. this will make the champioship more intresting.
as for the race it was a gr8 one.hard fights with gary and peter cog at the early laps. then i had to catch pioter but he did not make even one mistake. i did:) finished 2nd which is actually 3rd. happy with that.
I think that the XD program is wrong about a player's status at times. I've had races where the guy that is actually right in front of me is reported by XD as being several laps behind/ahead. I have also noticed XD reporting some drivers as DNF when they are still in race. I think it has something to do with the lag online.

I personally think that Peter wouldn't just lie to us just to keep his place and points. I don't know him personally, but I don't think any of us would go as far as to lie just to stay competitive in a "virtual" league.

I vote that his place and points be reinstated. Since I joined in Sept of 09 I have seen nothing but fair, honest, and clean racing from everyone I've had the privilege to share the track with, so based on that, I suspect that Peter is being honest when he says he believes he was not disqualified during the race.
It's also linked into when GTL occasionally assigned people as having Electronics or Clutch or whatever failures at race start. That's for AI offline races, but sometimes it still shows people as red in GTL before you join the grid. XD picks that flag up and stick people down as DNF.

I'll add Peter's times to the log and finish up the results.
the beamer was a total pig as usual. I'm starting to wonder if it's me or if there is every going to be a track that suits this car.

It's not you Tom.
This BMW is not a bad car, really, and there are tracks that suit it better than others. Actually, I thought Mugello suited it pretty well. The major problem is that it will never be competitive against the 911 and 906, no matter what track it is. Maybe the Schnitzer would have been a little faster, but still not fast enough for the Porsches.

If you have been keeping track, the only time you or I have finished in front of a Porsche is when the Porsche is either badly damaged or the driver has spun out so many times that they just couldn't stay in front. You and I aren't the best drivers, but we are surely not so bad that everyone of the Porsche drivers should just pass us like we are on a leisurely cruise lol.

For example, Ivo is a great driver, but he is heavily held back by the Vette.

Try one of the Porsches in any of the tracks we have raced in the league, try it in Mugello since the track is still fresh in your mind, and you will see that you will easily beat our BMW's time by 2 to 3 seconds. Probably more if you take the time to truly master the car and get a good setup.

But we have no one to blame but ourselves for choosing the beemer.
I really don't mind my choice. I knew going in that it was not going to be one of the faster cars, so I don't mind if everyone just blows by me like I'm sitting still. I just wanted something I could drive safely so I wouldn't ruin other peoples' races.

Look at it this way: This car has shown us to have character and stick with something even if it's not going so great. I believe you and I have been present at every league race so far. We have been consistent even though we know going in that we would be lucky to get 10th place.

In reality, I have been racing against the BMWs, and particularly you, the whole time. I don't consider any of the Porsche drivers my opponents. When they get behind me I usually just let them get by.
Nothing else in the league is truly competitive with the Porsches, and everyone knew that going in.

It's always a problem with multi vehicle Leagues, some driver types must be competitive so they must have the fastest, best handling car.

So it turns into a virtual single make League, or when people choose other cars for variety or other reasons, and then can get disheartened.

Next season, I predict it'll end up being wall-to-wall Alfas, with the occasional and lesser spotted Cortina, NSU, Mini & TCR to round out the pack. Possibly the odd Falcon.
I was already wondering how in the world it was possible that I kept you in sight Peter.

On the Porsche - Beemer thing: I didn't know that the 911's were so fast to be honest (due to a lack of pre-season testing). My mind was set for the 911 since I knew that they were available for Season IV, I had no idea they were faster then the Beemers, Escorts,... I thought the 906 was the winner's car to be honest (even more build to race then the 911) I was scared as hell at first for not constantly spinning out in every corner as you know where they put the engine in these 911's. Luckily I found an acceptable setup but still the fear is alive, and grounded as some of you might have seen me hidden in the clouds/dust along the track :).

Keep having fun gentlemen!
My race was awful, a lot of mistakes and spins. I want to forget it asap.

Me too Kris. I love Porsche 911 and I would have chosen again even knowing that it is slower than others.

I did not know Porsche will be the fastest one, because I joined league rather late and chose my beloved car.
personally i think that all the cars besided the vette can produce the same times. i had many races online with guys who used bmw's ( the slower one's) and escorts and i found them to be very competetive. i did a test now and downloaded one of sam's set up for the bmw. after some tweaks i manged to do high 2'07 at mugelo in the slower bmw. when i tested the 911 for the league i didn't think it would be the fastest. i honstly thought the 906 will be the fastest. with some help from my mate avi who realy understands how to tweak the set up i manged to find a setup that is suited to my driving style. i think that the view that some cars are much slower then other is not exactly correct. i belive that learning the track and finiding a good set up is the key for being faster,that is the lesson i learned from the previus leagues. that and being very stable all through the race.
i did a test now and downloaded one of sam's set up for the bmw. after some tweaks i manged to do high 2'07 at mugelo in the slower bmw.

Wow Amir, that's fast as hell!!

The top 2 fastest times at the Bude in the CSLs are 2:06.734 for the Alpina and 2:07.644 for the Schnitzer, so your time is amazing. I have to start trying some of Sammy's setup in the future.

Guys, my post to Tom wasn't to say that it's not fair that we are racing against 911s or 906s or that the car line-up is screwed up in some way.

It was to let him know that it is expected that the Porsches will generally be quicker than the BMWs so that he wouldn't be so disappointed in the future. I was just trying to ease some of his frustration, that's all.

I was not accusing anyone of picking a car deliberately because it's faster, I am sorry if it was picked up in that manner.

As an added note, I am not one of the better drivers in this league, I truly believe that even if I had chosen a 911 or a 906 I would still be struggling to finish in the top 15. I race more for fun and to challenge myself than to compete with others (unless it's Tom :D). Next season, I will not be getting in a GTA, I will be getting in something I truly love driving, and if that means I have to be at the back of the pack again then so be it. I can live without the "virtual pat on my back". As long as I have a couple of guys to get into some good battles with, I'm a happy camper :D.
Guys, my post to Tom wasn't to say that it's not fair that we are racing against 911s or 906s or that the car line-up is screwed up in some way.

It was to let him know that it is expected that the Porsches will generally be quicker than the BMWs so that he wouldn't be so disappointed in the future. I was just trying to ease some of his frustration, that's all.

I was not accusing anyone of picking a car deliberately because it's faster, I am sorry if it was picked up in that manner.

As an added note, I am not one of the better drivers in this league, I truly believe that even if I had chosen a 911 or a 906 I would still be struggling to finish in the top 15. I race more for fun and to challenge myself than to compete with others (unless it's Tom :D). Next season, I will not be getting in a GTA, I will be getting in something I truly love driving, and if that means I have to be at the back of the pack again then so be it. I can live without the \\"virtual pat on my back\\". As long as I have a couple of guys to get into some good battles with, I'm a happy camper :D.

It's true what you said in teh earlier post Carlos - i've said it myself after other races too. I chose the BMW because it looks and sounds great, it's fun to drive despite it's lack of pace, and i knew it could safely (recent event excepted) get around without causing anyone too much hassle.

I've really enjoyed every lap of this league, especially my battles with Carlos as we scrap of the last few points. In no way do i regret my choice of car and I think next season, when i'm in a GTA it'll possibly be less fun for me if I in a fast car - thus ahead of slow cars - but a slow driver - thus behind the leaders. I might spend the whole season on my own. The reason i chose a GTA for S5 is that i love it as much as the BMW, I just hope i don't regret it.

One final note to Warren - I watched the replay of the first lap a few times. The moment we impact I am tight up against Stuart's escort and you are turning toward me, i had nowhere to go. I'm very sorry the incident screwed your race, it was no way my intention. I was desperately trying to defend against Stuart and I honestly thought we all had enough room, the track was a lot wider than the bit we were using. Maybe i should have accepted that my car wasn't realistically going to stay ahead in the long term if i took the places, but equally I am not about to give up 2 places just like that. Once again, very sorry for what happened.
First of all, I want to apologise to Jari for tap from behind after last turn in lap 5 I think. You was so slow at the moment when I expected you to hit the throttle. I watched replay few minutes ago, it looks like you didn't accelerate at all for maybe half a second, then I spun you. Sorry again, it's my fault, I was too close to react on time. I waited for you few seconds after that, and it's obvious that I ruined the race for both of us, we lost at least 5 or 6 positions.

Anyway, I finished 13th, very good position considering that I had 2 huge mistakes (collision with Jari, and second I missed braking point before T1 - hit the tire wall, lost splitter and grip).

Driving 911 on Mugello was huge enjoyment for me, the car was tight when I was driving properly. :)

On other hand 911 is in my oppinion the hardest car to drive fast because its very easy to spin specially when you lift the throttle.

Yup, that car is a major pain to drive consistently well. I give it to you guys that drive it without spinning it on every lap.

A while ago I tried driving the 911 in The Green Hell and it was just comical. Looked like I was drunk or something lol!
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